public List <Record> GetRecords(Objects.Version version, out List <Record> baseList, out List <Alteration> alterations, bool testFailure = false) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Getting records for version {0}.", version.ID); long?snapshotID = null; bool readtrans = false; try { BeginTransaction(); readtrans = true; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // not an issue } List <Objects.Version> parents = new List <Objects.Version>(); Objects.Version snapshotVersion = version; while (!snapshotID.HasValue) { parents.Add(snapshotVersion); if (snapshotVersion.Snapshot.HasValue) { snapshotID = snapshotVersion.Snapshot; } else { if (!snapshotVersion.Parent.HasValue) { break; } snapshotVersion = Get <Objects.Version>(snapshotVersion.Parent); } } if (!snapshotID.HasValue) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics(" - No snapshot."); baseList = new List <Record>(); } else { Printer.PrintDiagnostics(" - Last snapshot version: {0}", snapshotVersion.ID); var sslist = Query <RecordRef>("SELECT * FROM RecordRef WHERE RecordRef.SnapshotID = ?", snapshotID.Value).Select(x => x.RecordID).ToList(); CacheRecords(sslist); baseList = sslist.Select(x => GetCachedRecord(x)).ToList(); Printer.PrintDiagnostics(" - Snapshot {0} has {1} records.", snapshotID, baseList.Count); } alterations = GetAlterationsInternal(parents); if (readtrans) { Commit(); } Printer.PrintDiagnostics(" - Target has {0} alterations.", alterations.Count); List <Record> finalList = null; try { finalList = Consolidate(baseList, alterations, null); } catch { if (testFailure) { throw; } Printer.PrintError("Error during database operation. Deleting cached snapshots."); BeginExclusive(true); RunConsistencyCheck(); Commit(); Printer.PrintError("Please retry this operation."); throw; } Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Record list resolved in {0} ticks.", sw.ElapsedTicks); if (testFailure) { return(finalList); } if (baseList.Count < alterations.Count || (alterations.Count > 4096 && parents.Count > 128)) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics(" - Attempting to build new snapshot ({0} records in base list, {1} alterations over {2} revisions)", baseList.Count, alterations.Count, parents.Count); try { BeginTransaction(); try { Objects.Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot(); this.InsertSafe(snapshot); foreach (var z in finalList) { Objects.RecordRef rref = new RecordRef(); rref.RecordID = z.Id; rref.SnapshotID = snapshot.Id; this.InsertSafe(rref); } version.Snapshot = snapshot.Id; this.UpdateSafe(version); Commit(); } catch { Rollback(); } } catch { // Already in a transaction Objects.Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot(); this.InsertSafe(snapshot); foreach (var z in finalList) { Objects.RecordRef rref = new RecordRef(); rref.RecordID = z.Id; rref.SnapshotID = snapshot.Id; this.InsertSafe(rref); } version.Snapshot = snapshot.Id; this.UpdateSafe(version); } } return(finalList); }
private WorkspaceDB(string path, SQLite.SQLiteOpenFlags flags, LocalDB localDB) : base(path, flags) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Metadata DB Open."); EnableWAL = true; LocalDatabase = localDB; if (ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'FormatInfo';") != "FormatInfo") { CreateTable <Objects.FormatInfo>(); } if (flags.HasFlag(SQLite.SQLiteOpenFlags.Create)) { ExecuteDirect("PRAGMA main.page_size = 4096;"); ExecuteDirect("PRAGMA main.cache_size = 10240;"); ExecuteDirect("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;"); ExecuteDirect("PRAGMA threads = 2;"); EnableWAL = true; PrepareTables(); return; } if (!ValidForUpgrade) { return; } if (Format.InternalFormat < InternalDBVersion) { try { var fmt = Format; int priorFormat = fmt.InternalFormat; if (priorFormat < 42) { ExecuteDirect("DROP TABLE Annotation"); ExecuteDirect("DROP TABLE AnnotationJournal"); ExecuteDirect("DROP TABLE TagJournal"); ExecuteDirect("DROP TABLE Tag"); } BeginExclusive(true); Printer.PrintMessage("Updating workspace database version from v{0} to v{1}", Format.InternalFormat, InternalDBVersion); PrepareTables(); if (priorFormat < 42) { RunConsistencyCheck(); } if (priorFormat < 33) { foreach (var x in Table <Record>().ToList()) { if (x.Parent.HasValue) { Record rp = Find <Record>(x.Parent.Value); if (rp == null) { Printer.PrintMessage("Found missing parent for record ID {0} - parent ID: {1}, attempting to fix.", x.Id, x.Parent.Value); Printer.PrintMessage(" - Record {0} - {1}", Find <ObjectName>(x.CanonicalNameId).CanonicalName, x.Fingerprint); var alterations = Query <Alteration>("SELECT * from Alteration where Alteration.NewRecord = ?", x.Id); var possibleParents = alterations.Where(z => z.PriorRecord.HasValue).Select(z => z.PriorRecord.Value).Distinct().ToList(); Printer.PrintMessage(" - Found {0} possible parents for this record.", possibleParents.Count); if (possibleParents.Count == 1) { Printer.PrintMessage(" - Updating parent record to ID {0}", possibleParents[0]); x.Parent = possibleParents[0]; } else { if (possibleParents.Count > 0) { Printer.PrintMessage(" - Data is ambiguous, removing parent record."); } else { Printer.PrintMessage(" - No parents found, removing parent record."); } x.Parent = null; } Update(x); } } } } if (priorFormat < 32) { int count = 0; foreach (var x in Table <Objects.Version>()) { if (x.Message != null && x.Message.StartsWith("Automatic merge of")) { var mergeInfos = Table <MergeInfo>().Where(y => y.DestinationVersion == x.ID).ToList(); if (mergeInfos.Count == 1) { mergeInfos[0].Type = MergeType.Automatic; Update(mergeInfos[0]); count++; } } } Printer.PrintMessage("Updated #b#{0}## merge info records.", count); } if (priorFormat < 31) { Dictionary <long, Record> recordMap = new Dictionary <long, Record>(); foreach (var x in Table <Record>().ToList()) { recordMap[x.Id] = x; } foreach (var x in Table <Record>().ToList()) { if (x.Parent.HasValue && !recordMap.ContainsKey(x.Parent.Value)) { x.Parent = null; Update(x); } } } if (priorFormat < 30) { foreach (var x in Table <Objects.Version>().ToList()) { x.Snapshot = null; Update(x); var alterations = Table <Objects.Alteration>().Where(z => z.Owner == x.AlterationList); Dictionary <long, bool> moveDeletes = new Dictionary <long, bool>(); HashSet <long> deletions = new HashSet <long>(); int counter = 0; foreach (var s in alterations) { if (s.Type == AlterationType.Move) { if (moveDeletes.ContainsKey(s.PriorRecord.Value)) { moveDeletes[s.PriorRecord.Value] = false; } else { moveDeletes[s.PriorRecord.Value] = true; } } } foreach (var s in alterations) { if (s.Type == AlterationType.Move) { if (moveDeletes[s.PriorRecord.Value] == false) { s.Type = AlterationType.Copy; Update(s); deletions.Add(s.PriorRecord.Value); counter++; } } } foreach (var s in deletions) { Alteration alt = new Alteration() { PriorRecord = s, Type = AlterationType.Delete, Owner = x.AlterationList }; Insert(alt); } if (counter > 0) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Version {0} had {1} multiple-moves that have been fixed.", x.ShortName, counter); } } } if (priorFormat < 30) { foreach (var x in Table <Objects.Version>().ToList()) { x.Snapshot = null; Update(x); var alterations = Table <Objects.Alteration>().Where(z => z.Owner == x.AlterationList); HashSet <Tuple <AlterationType, long?, long?> > duplicateAlterations = new HashSet <Tuple <AlterationType, long?, long?> >(); int counter = 0; foreach (var s in alterations) { var key = new Tuple <AlterationType, long?, long?>(s.Type, s.NewRecord, s.PriorRecord); if (duplicateAlterations.Contains(key)) { Delete(s); counter++; } else { duplicateAlterations.Add(key); } } if (counter > 0) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Version {0} had {1} duplicated alterations that have been fixed.", x.ShortName, counter); } } } DropTable <Objects.FormatInfo>(); fmt.InternalFormat = InternalDBVersion; CreateTable <Objects.FormatInfo>(); Insert(fmt); Commit(); Vacuum(); } catch (Exception e) { Rollback(); Printer.PrintError("Couldn't update DB: {0}", e.ToString()); } PrepareTables(); } }