public static void AssignKeys(ThinkNode rootNode, int startHash) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = startHash; foreach (ThinkNode current in rootNode.ThisAndChildrenRecursive) { current.SetUniqueSaveKey(ThinkTreeKeyAssigner.NextUnusedKey()); } Rand.PopState(); }
private void PrintScratches(Building b) { int num = 0; List <DamageOverlay> overlays = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetOverlays(b); for (int i = 0; i < overlays.Count; i++) { if (overlays[i] == DamageOverlay.Scratch) { num++; } } if (num == 0) { return; } Rect damageRect = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetDamageRect(b); float num2 = Mathf.Min(0.5f * Mathf.Min(damageRect.width, damageRect.height), 1f); damageRect = damageRect.ContractedBy(num2 / 2f); if (damageRect.width <= 0f || damageRect.height <= 0f) { return; } float minDist = Mathf.Max(damageRect.width, damageRect.height) * 0.7f; scratches.Clear(); Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = b.thingIDNumber * 3697; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { AddScratch(b, damageRect.width, damageRect.height, ref minDist); } Rand.PopState(); float damageTexturesAltitude = GetDamageTexturesAltitude(b); IList <Material> scratchMats = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetScratchMats(b); Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = b.thingIDNumber * 7; for (int k = 0; k < scratches.Count; k++) { float x = scratches[k].x; float y = scratches[k].y; float rot = Rand.Range(0f, 360f); float num3 = num2; if (damageRect.width > 0.95f && damageRect.height > 0.95f) { num3 *= Rand.Range(0.85f, 1f); } Vector3 center = new Vector3(damageRect.xMin + x, damageTexturesAltitude, damageRect.yMin + y); Printer_Plane.PrintPlane(this, center, new Vector2(num3, num3), scratchMats.RandomElement(), rot, flipUv: false, null, null, 0f); } Rand.PopState(); }
public void ResolveAllGraphics() { ClearCache(); if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { nakedGraphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(pawn.story.bodyType.bodyNakedGraphicPath, ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkin,, pawn.story.SkinColor); rottingGraphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(pawn.story.bodyType.bodyNakedGraphicPath, ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkin,, RottingColor); dessicatedGraphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(pawn.story.bodyType.bodyDessicatedGraphicPath, ShaderDatabase.Cutout); headGraphic = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetHeadNamed(pawn.story.HeadGraphicPath, pawn.story.SkinColor); desiccatedHeadGraphic = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetHeadNamed(pawn.story.HeadGraphicPath, RottingColor); skullGraphic = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetSkull(); headStumpGraphic = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetStump(pawn.story.SkinColor); desiccatedHeadStumpGraphic = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetStump(RottingColor); hairGraphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(pawn.story.hairDef.texPath, ShaderDatabase.Cutout,, pawn.story.hairColor); ResolveApparelGraphics(); return; } PawnKindLifeStage curKindLifeStage = pawn.ageTracker.CurKindLifeStage; if (pawn.gender != Gender.Female || curKindLifeStage.femaleGraphicData == null) { nakedGraphic = curKindLifeStage.bodyGraphicData.Graphic; } else { nakedGraphic = curKindLifeStage.femaleGraphicData.Graphic; } if (pawn.RaceProps.packAnimal) { packGraphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(nakedGraphic.path + "Pack", ShaderDatabase.Cutout, nakedGraphic.drawSize, Color.white); } rottingGraphic = nakedGraphic.GetColoredVersion(ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkin, RottingColor, RottingColor); if (curKindLifeStage.dessicatedBodyGraphicData != null) { if (pawn.gender != Gender.Female || curKindLifeStage.femaleDessicatedBodyGraphicData == null) { dessicatedGraphic = curKindLifeStage.dessicatedBodyGraphicData.GraphicColoredFor(pawn); } else { dessicatedGraphic = curKindLifeStage.femaleDessicatedBodyGraphicData.GraphicColoredFor(pawn); } } if (!pawn.kindDef.alternateGraphics.NullOrEmpty()) { Rand.PushState(pawn.thingIDNumber ^ 0xB415); if (Rand.Value <= pawn.kindDef.alternateGraphicChance) { nakedGraphic = pawn.kindDef.alternateGraphics.RandomElementByWeight((AlternateGraphic x) => x.Weight).GetGraphic(nakedGraphic); } Rand.PopState(); } }
protected override string ToGameStringFromPOV_Worker(Thing pov, bool forceLog) { if (this.initiator == null || this.recipient == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("PlayLogEntry_Interaction has a null pawn reference.", 34422, false); return("[" + this.intDef.label + " error: null pawn reference]"); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = this.logID; GrammarRequest request = base.GenerateGrammarRequest(); string text; if (pov == this.initiator) { request.IncludesBare.Add(this.intDef.logRulesInitiator); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("INITIATOR", this.initiator, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("RECIPIENT", this.recipient, request.Constants)); text = GrammarResolver.Resolve("r_logentry", request, "interaction from initiator", forceLog, null); } else if (pov == this.recipient) { if (this.intDef.logRulesRecipient != null) { request.IncludesBare.Add(this.intDef.logRulesRecipient); } else { request.IncludesBare.Add(this.intDef.logRulesInitiator); } request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("INITIATOR", this.initiator, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("RECIPIENT", this.recipient, request.Constants)); text = GrammarResolver.Resolve("r_logentry", request, "interaction from recipient", forceLog, null); } else { Log.ErrorOnce("Cannot display PlayLogEntry_Interaction from POV who isn't initiator or recipient.", 51251, false); text = this.ToString(); } if (this.extraSentencePacks != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.extraSentencePacks.Count; i++) { request.Clear(); request.Includes.Add(this.extraSentencePacks[i]); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("INITIATOR", this.initiator, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("RECIPIENT", this.recipient, request.Constants)); text = text + " " + GrammarResolver.Resolve(this.extraSentencePacks[i].FirstRuleKeyword, request, "extraSentencePack", forceLog, this.extraSentencePacks[i].FirstUntranslatedRuleKeyword); } } Rand.PopState(); return(text); }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { if (this.initiator == null || this.recipient == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("PlayLogEntry_Interaction has a null pawn reference.", 34422); return("[" + this.intDef.label + " error: null pawn reference]"); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = this.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); string text; if (pov == this.initiator) { request.Rules.AddRange(this.intDef.logRulesInitiator.Rules); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("me", this.initiator, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("other", this.recipient, request.Constants)); text = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "interaction from initiator", false); } else if (pov == this.recipient) { if (this.intDef.logRulesRecipient != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(this.intDef.logRulesRecipient.Rules); } else { request.Rules.AddRange(this.intDef.logRulesInitiator.Rules); } request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("me", this.recipient, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("other", this.initiator, request.Constants)); text = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "interaction from recipient", false); } else { Log.ErrorOnce("Cannot display PlayLogEntry_Interaction from POV who isn't initiator or recipient.", 51251); text = this.ToString(); } if (this.extraSentencePacks != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.extraSentencePacks.Count; i++) { request.Clear(); request.Includes.Add(this.extraSentencePacks[i]); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("initiator", this.initiator, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("recipient", this.recipient, request.Constants)); text = text + " " + GrammarResolver.Resolve(this.extraSentencePacks[i].RulesPlusIncludes[0].keyword, request, "extraSentencePack", false); } } Rand.PopState(); return(text); }
public override void DrawWorker(Vector3 loc, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Thing thing, float extraRotation) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = thing.thingIDNumber.GetHashCode(); float angle = (float)Rand.Range(0, 360) + ((thing as Gas)?.graphicRotation ?? 0f); Vector3 pos = thing.TrueCenter() + new Vector3(Rand.Range(-0.45f, 0.45f), 0f, Rand.Range(-0.45f, 0.45f)); Vector3 s = new Vector3(Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f) * drawSize.x, 0f, Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f) * drawSize.y); Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); matrix.SetTRS(pos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s); Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, MatSingle, 0); Rand.PopState(); }
private void PrintScratches(Building b) { int num = 0; List <DamageOverlay> overlays = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetOverlays(b); for (int i = 0; i < overlays.Count; i++) { if (overlays[i] == DamageOverlay.Scratch) { num++; } } if (num != 0) { Rect rect = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetDamageRect(b); float num2 = Mathf.Min((float)(0.5 * Mathf.Min(rect.width, rect.height)), 1f); rect = rect.ContractedBy((float)(num2 / 2.0)); if (!(rect.width <= 0.0) && !(rect.height <= 0.0)) { float num3 = (float)(Mathf.Max(rect.width, rect.height) * 0.699999988079071); SectionLayer_BuildingsDamage.scratches.Clear(); Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = b.thingIDNumber * 3697; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { this.AddScratch(b, rect.width, rect.height, ref num3); } Rand.PopState(); float damageTexturesAltitude = this.GetDamageTexturesAltitude(b); IList <Material> scratchMats = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetScratchMats(b); Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = b.thingIDNumber * 7; for (int k = 0; k < SectionLayer_BuildingsDamage.scratches.Count; k++) { Vector2 vector = SectionLayer_BuildingsDamage.scratches[k]; float x = vector.x; Vector2 vector2 = SectionLayer_BuildingsDamage.scratches[k]; float y = vector2.y; float rot = Rand.Range(0f, 360f); float num4 = num2; if (rect.width > 0.949999988079071 && rect.height > 0.949999988079071) { num4 *= Rand.Range(0.85f, 1f); } Vector3 center = new Vector3(rect.xMin + x, damageTexturesAltitude, rect.yMin + y); Printer_Plane.PrintPlane(this, center, new Vector2(num4, num4), scratchMats.RandomElement(), rot, false, null, null, 0f); } Rand.PopState(); } } }
private void PrintCornersAndEdges(Building b) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = b.thingIDNumber * 3; if (BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.UsesLinkableCornersAndEdges(b)) { DrawLinkableCornersAndEdges(b); } else { DrawFullThingCorners(b); } Rand.PopState(); }
private void CreateListIfShould() { if (this.randomizedCells == null) { this.randomizedCells = new List <IntVec3>(; foreach (IntVec3 item in { this.randomizedCells.Add(item); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = ( ^; this.randomizedCells.Shuffle <IntVec3>(); Rand.PopState(); } }
private void CreateListIfShould() { if (randomizedCells == null) { randomizedCells = new List <IntVec3>(map.Area); foreach (IntVec3 allCell in map.AllCells) { randomizedCells.Add(allCell); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = ( ^ map.Tile); randomizedCells.Shuffle(); Rand.PopState(); } }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = base.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); request.Includes.Add(RulePackDefOf.Combat_ExplosionImpact); if (this.initiatorPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("initiator", this.initiatorPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.initiatorThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("initiator", this.initiatorThing)); } else { request.Constants["initiator_missing"] = "True"; } if (this.recipientPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("recipient", this.recipientPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.recipientThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("recipient", this.recipientThing)); } else { request.Constants["recipient_missing"] = "True"; } request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForOptionalWeapon("weapon", this.weaponDef, this.projectileDef)); if (this.projectileDef != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("projectile", this.projectileDef)); } if (this.damageDef != null && this.damageDef.combatLogRules != null) { request.Includes.Add(this.damageDef.combatLogRules); } request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForDamagedParts("recipient_part", this.damagedParts, this.damagedPartsDestroyed, request.Constants)); string result = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "ranged explosion", false); Rand.PopState(); return(result); }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { if (this.recipientPawn == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("BattleLogEntry_DamageTaken has a null recipient.", 60465709); return("[BattleLogEntry_DamageTaken error: null pawn reference]"); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = base.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); request.Includes.Add(this.ruleDef); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("recipient", this.recipientPawn, request.Constants)); request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForDamagedParts("recipient_part", this.damagedParts, this.damagedPartsDestroyed, request.Constants)); string result = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "damage taken", false); Rand.PopState(); return(result); }
public override void Print(SectionLayer layer, Thing thing) { Vector3 a = thing.TrueCenter(); Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = thing.Position.GetHashCode(); int num = (thing as Filth)?.thickness ?? 3; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Material matSingle = MatSingle; Vector3 center = a + new Vector3(Rand.Range(-0.45f, 0.45f), 0f, Rand.Range(-0.45f, 0.45f)); Vector2 size = new Vector2(Rand.Range(data.drawSize.x * 0.8f, data.drawSize.x * 1.2f), Rand.Range(data.drawSize.y * 0.8f, data.drawSize.y * 1.2f)); float rot = Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 360); bool flipUv = Rand.Value < 0.5f; Printer_Plane.PrintPlane(layer, center, size, matSingle, rot, flipUv); } Rand.PopState(); }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { if (this.initiatorPawn == null && this.initiatorThing == null) { Log.ErrorOnce("BattleLogEntry_RangedFire has a null initiator.", 60465709); return("[BattleLogEntry_RangedFire error: null pawn reference]"); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = base.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); request.Includes.Add(RulePackDefOf.Combat_RangedFire); if (this.initiatorPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("initiator", this.initiatorPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.initiatorThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("initiator", this.initiatorThing)); } else { request.Constants["initiator_missing"] = "True"; } if (this.recipientPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("recipient", this.recipientPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.recipientThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("recipient", this.recipientThing)); } else { request.Constants["recipient_missing"] = "True"; } request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForOptionalWeapon("weapon", this.weaponDef, this.projectileDef)); request.Constants["burst"] = this.burst.ToString(); string result = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "ranged fire", false); Rand.PopState(); return(result); }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = base.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("initiator", this.initiator, request.Constants)); if (this.recipientPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("recipient", this.recipientPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.recipientThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("recipient", this.recipientThing)); } request.Includes.Add(this.outcomeRuleDef); request.Includes.Add(this.maneuverRuleDef); if (!this.toolLabel.NullOrEmpty()) { request.Rules.Add(new Rule_String("tool_label", this.toolLabel)); } if (this.implementType != null && !this.implementType.implementOwnerRuleName.NullOrEmpty()) { if (this.ownerEquipmentDef != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef(this.implementType.implementOwnerRuleName, this.ownerEquipmentDef)); } else if (this.ownerHediffDef != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef(this.implementType.implementOwnerRuleName, this.ownerHediffDef)); } } if (this.implementType != null && !this.implementType.implementOwnerTypeValue.NullOrEmpty()) { request.Constants["implementOwnerType"] = this.implementType.implementOwnerTypeValue; } request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForDamagedParts("recipient_part", this.damagedParts, this.damagedPartsDestroyed, request.Constants)); string result = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "combat interaction", false); Rand.PopState(); return(result); }
public static CellRect FindLargestRect(Map map, Predicate <IntVec3> predicate, int breakEarlyOn = -1) { if (visited == null) { visited = new BoolGrid(map); } visited.ClearAndResizeTo(map); Rand.PushState(map.uniqueID ^ 0x1CDAF373); CellRect largestRect = CellRect.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmpProcessed.Clear(); foreach (IntVec3 item in map.cellsInRandomOrder.GetAll().InRandomOrder(randomOrderWorkingList)) { CellRect cellRect = FindLargestRectAt(item, map, tmpProcessed, predicate); if (cellRect.Area > largestRect.Area) { largestRect = cellRect; if (ShouldBreakEarly()) { break; } } } if (ShouldBreakEarly()) { break; } } Rand.PopState(); return(largestRect); bool ShouldBreakEarly() { if (breakEarlyOn >= 0 && largestRect.Width >= breakEarlyOn) { return(largestRect.Height >= breakEarlyOn); } return(false); } }
public override void Print(SectionLayer layer, Thing thing) { Vector3 a = thing.TrueCenter(); Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = thing.Position.GetHashCode(); Filth filth = thing as Filth; int num = (filth != null) ? filth.thickness : 3; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Material matSingle = this.MatSingle; Vector3 center = a + new Vector3(Rand.Range(-0.45f, 0.45f), 0f, Rand.Range(-0.45f, 0.45f)); Vector2 size = new Vector2(Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f), Rand.Range(0.8f, 1.2f)); float rot = (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 360); bool flipUv = Rand.Value < 0.5; Printer_Plane.PrintPlane(layer, center, size, matSingle, rot, flipUv, null, null, 0.01f); } Rand.PopState(); }
public string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov, bool forceLog = false) { if (cachedString == null || pov == null != (cachedStringPov == null) || (cachedStringPov != null && pov != cachedStringPov.Target) || DebugViewSettings.logGrammarResolution || forceLog) { Rand.PushState(); try { Rand.Seed = logID; cachedStringPov = ((pov != null) ? new WeakReference <Thing>(pov) : null); cachedString = ToGameStringFromPOV_Worker(pov, forceLog); cachedHeightWidth = 0f; cachedHeight = 0f; } finally { Rand.PopState(); } } return(cachedString); }
public static void GenerateContentsIntoMap(IEnumerable <GenStepWithParams> genStepDefs, Map map, int seed) { data.Clear(); Rand.PushState(); try { Rand.Seed = seed; RockNoises.Init(map); tmpGenSteps.Clear(); tmpGenSteps.AddRange(from x in genStepDefs orderby x.def.order, x.def.index select x); for (int i = 0; i < tmpGenSteps.Count; i++) { GenStepWithParams genStepWithParams = tmpGenSteps[i]; DeepProfiler.Start("GenStep - " + genStepWithParams.def); try { Rand.Seed = Gen.HashCombineInt(seed, GetSeedPart(tmpGenSteps, i)); GenStepWithParams genStepWithParams2 = tmpGenSteps[i]; GenStep genStep = genStepWithParams2.def.genStep; GenStepWithParams genStepWithParams3 = tmpGenSteps[i]; genStep.Generate(map, genStepWithParams3.parms); } catch (Exception arg) { Log.Error("Error in GenStep: " + arg); } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } } } finally { Rand.PopState(); RockNoises.Reset(); data.Clear(); } }
public float ImmunityChangePerTick(Pawn pawn, bool sick, Hediff diseaseInstance) { if (!pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh) { return(0f); } HediffCompProperties_Immunizable hediffCompProperties_Immunizable = this.hediffDef.CompProps <HediffCompProperties_Immunizable>(); if (sick) { float num = hediffCompProperties_Immunizable.immunityPerDaySick; num *= pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ImmunityGainSpeed, true); if (diseaseInstance != null) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = Gen.HashCombineInt(diseaseInstance.loadID ^, 156482735); num *= Mathf.Lerp(0.8f, 1.2f, Rand.Value); Rand.PopState(); } return(num / 60000f); } return(hediffCompProperties_Immunizable.immunityPerDayNotSick / 60000f); }
public static List <DamageOverlay> GetOverlays(Building b) { BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlays.Clear(); BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlaysWorkingList.Clear(); BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlaysWorkingList.AddRange(BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetAvailableOverlays(b)); if (!BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlaysWorkingList.Any()) { return(BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlays); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = Gen.HashCombineInt(b.thingIDNumber, 1958376471); int damageOverlaysCount = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.GetDamageOverlaysCount(b, b.HitPoints); int num = 0; while (num < damageOverlaysCount && BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlaysWorkingList.Any()) { DamageOverlay item = BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlaysWorkingList.RandomElement(); BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlaysWorkingList.Remove(item); BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlays.Add(item); num++; } Rand.PopState(); return(BuildingsDamageSectionLayerUtility.overlays); }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = base.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); if (this.subjectPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("subject", this.subjectPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.subjectThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("subject", this.subjectThing)); } request.Includes.Add(this.transitionDef); if (this.initiator != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("initiator", this.initiator, request.Constants)); } if (this.culpritHediffDef != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("culpritHediff", this.culpritHediffDef)); } if (this.culpritHediffTargetDef != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("culpritHediff_target", this.culpritHediffTargetDef)); } if (this.culpritTargetDef != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("culpritHediff_originaltarget", this.culpritTargetDef)); } string result = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "state transition", false); Rand.PopState(); return(result); }
public static void PushState(int replacementSeed) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = replacementSeed; }
protected void MakeMote(TargetInfo A, TargetInfo B) { Vector3 vector =; switch (def.spawnLocType) { case MoteSpawnLocType.OnSource: vector = A.CenterVector3; break; case MoteSpawnLocType.BetweenPositions: { Vector3 vector2 = A.HasThing ? A.Thing.DrawPos : A.Cell.ToVector3Shifted(); Vector3 vector3 = B.HasThing ? B.Thing.DrawPos : B.Cell.ToVector3Shifted(); vector = ((A.HasThing && !A.Thing.Spawned) ? vector3 : ((!B.HasThing || B.Thing.Spawned) ? (vector2 * def.positionLerpFactor + vector3 * (1f - def.positionLerpFactor)) : vector2)); break; } case MoteSpawnLocType.RandomCellOnTarget: vector = ((!B.HasThing) ? CellRect.CenteredOn(B.Cell, 0) : B.Thing.OccupiedRect()).RandomCell.ToVector3Shifted(); break; case MoteSpawnLocType.BetweenTouchingCells: vector = A.Cell.ToVector3Shifted() + (B.Cell - A.Cell).ToVector3().normalized * 0.5f; break; } if (parent != null) { Rand.PushState(parent.GetHashCode()); if (A.CenterVector3 != B.CenterVector3) { vector += (B.CenterVector3 - A.CenterVector3).normalized * parent.def.offsetTowardsTarget.RandomInRange; } vector += Gen.RandomHorizontalVector(parent.def.positionRadius); Rand.PopState(); } Map map = A.Map ?? B.Map; float num = def.absoluteAngle ? 0f : (B.Cell - A.Cell).AngleFlat; if (map == null || !vector.ShouldSpawnMotesAt(map)) { return; } int randomInRange = def.burstCount.RandomInRange; for (int i = 0; i < randomInRange; i++) { Mote obj = (Mote)ThingMaker.MakeThing(def.moteDef); GenSpawn.Spawn(obj, vector.ToIntVec3(), map); obj.Scale = def.scale.RandomInRange; obj.exactPosition = vector + Gen.RandomHorizontalVector(def.positionRadius); obj.rotationRate = def.rotationRate.RandomInRange; obj.exactRotation = def.rotation.RandomInRange + num; obj.instanceColor = def.color; MoteThrown moteThrown = obj as MoteThrown; if (moteThrown != null) { moteThrown.airTimeLeft = def.airTime.RandomInRange; moteThrown.SetVelocity(def.angle.RandomInRange + num, def.speed.RandomInRange); } } }
public override string ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing pov) { Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = this.randSeed; GrammarRequest request = default(GrammarRequest); if (this.recipientPawn != null || this.recipientThing != null) { request.Includes.Add(RulePackDefOf.Combat_RangedDamage); } else { request.Includes.Add(RulePackDefOf.Combat_RangedMiss); } if (this.initiatorPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("initiator", this.initiatorPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.initiatorThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("initiator", this.initiatorThing)); } else { request.Constants["initiator_missing"] = "True"; } if (this.recipientPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("recipient", this.recipientPawn, request.Constants)); } else if (this.recipientThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("recipient", this.recipientThing)); } else { request.Constants["recipient_missing"] = "True"; } if (this.originalTargetPawn != this.recipientPawn || this.originalTargetThing != this.recipientThing) { if (this.originalTargetPawn != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForPawn("originalTarget", this.originalTargetPawn, request.Constants)); request.Constants["originalTarget_mobile"] = this.originalTargetMobile.ToString(); } else if (this.originalTargetThing != null) { request.Rules.AddRange(GrammarUtility.RulesForDef("originalTarget", this.originalTargetThing)); } else { request.Constants["originalTarget_missing"] = "True"; } } request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForOptionalWeapon("weapon", this.weaponDef, this.projectileDef)); request.Rules.AddRange(PlayLogEntryUtility.RulesForDamagedParts("recipient_part", this.damagedParts, this.damagedPartsDestroyed, request.Constants)); string result = GrammarResolver.Resolve("logentry", request, "ranged damage", false); Rand.PopState(); return(result); }
internal static void RandTests() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int @int = Rand.Int; stringBuilder.AppendLine("Repeating single ValueSeeded with seed " + @int + ". This should give the same result:"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + Rand.ValueSeeded(@int)); } stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Long-term tests"); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int num = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 5000000; k++) { if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(250f, 60000f, 60f)) { num++; } } string value = string.Concat(new object[] { "MTB=", 250, " days, MTBUnit=", 60000, ", check duration=", 60, " Simulated ", 5000, " days (", 5000000, " tests). Got ", num, " events." }); stringBuilder.AppendLine(value); } stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Short-term tests"); for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++) { int num2 = 0; for (int m = 0; m < 10000; m++) { if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(1f, 24000f, 12000f)) { num2++; } } string value2 = string.Concat(new object[] { "MTB=", 1f, " days, MTBUnit=", 24000f, ", check duration=", 12000f, ", ", 10000, " tests got ", num2, " events." }); stringBuilder.AppendLine(value2); } for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) { int num3 = 0; for (int num4 = 0; num4 < 10000; num4++) { if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(2f, 24000f, 6000f)) { num3++; } } string value3 = string.Concat(new object[] { "MTB=", 2f, " days, MTBUnit=", 24000f, ", check duration=", 6000f, ", ", 10000, " tests got ", num3, " events." }); stringBuilder.AppendLine(value3); } stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Near seed tests"); DebugHistogram debugHistogram = new DebugHistogram(new float[] { 0f, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1f }); Rand.PushState(); for (int num5 = 0; num5 < 1000; num5++) { Rand.Seed = num5; debugHistogram.Add(Rand.Value); } Rand.PopState(); debugHistogram.Display(stringBuilder); Log.Message(stringBuilder.ToString(), false); }
public static void AssignSingleKey(ThinkNode node, int startHash) { Rand.PushState(startHash); node.SetUniqueSaveKey(ThinkTreeKeyAssigner.NextUnusedKeyFor(node)); Rand.PopState(); }
protected void MakeMote(TargetInfo A, TargetInfo B) { Vector3 vector =; switch (this.def.spawnLocType) { case MoteSpawnLocType.OnSource: vector = A.CenterVector3; break; case MoteSpawnLocType.BetweenPositions: { Vector3 vector2 = (!A.HasThing) ? A.Cell.ToVector3Shifted() : A.Thing.DrawPos; Vector3 vector3 = (!B.HasThing) ? B.Cell.ToVector3Shifted() : B.Thing.DrawPos; if (A.HasThing && !A.Thing.Spawned) { vector = vector3; } else if (B.HasThing && !B.Thing.Spawned) { vector = vector2; } else { vector = vector2 * this.def.positionLerpFactor + vector3 * (1f - this.def.positionLerpFactor); } break; } case MoteSpawnLocType.BetweenTouchingCells: vector = A.Cell.ToVector3Shifted() + (B.Cell - A.Cell).ToVector3().normalized * 0.5f; break; case MoteSpawnLocType.RandomCellOnTarget: { CellRect cellRect; if (B.HasThing) { cellRect = B.Thing.OccupiedRect(); } else { cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(B.Cell, 0); } vector = cellRect.RandomCell.ToVector3Shifted(); break; } } if (this.parent != null) { Rand.PushState(this.parent.GetHashCode()); if (A.CenterVector3 != B.CenterVector3) { vector += (B.CenterVector3 - A.CenterVector3).normalized * this.parent.def.offsetTowardsTarget.RandomInRange; } vector += Gen.RandomHorizontalVector(this.parent.def.positionRadius); Rand.PopState(); } Map map = A.Map ?? B.Map; float num = (!this.def.absoluteAngle) ? (B.Cell - A.Cell).AngleFlat : 0f; if (map != null && vector.ShouldSpawnMotesAt(map)) { int randomInRange = this.def.burstCount.RandomInRange; for (int i = 0; i < randomInRange; i++) { Mote mote = (Mote)ThingMaker.MakeThing(this.def.moteDef, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(mote, vector.ToIntVec3(), map, WipeMode.Vanish); mote.Scale = this.def.scale.RandomInRange; mote.exactPosition = vector + Gen.RandomHorizontalVector(this.def.positionRadius); mote.rotationRate = this.def.rotationRate.RandomInRange; mote.exactRotation = this.def.rotation.RandomInRange + num; MoteThrown moteThrown = mote as MoteThrown; if (moteThrown != null) { moteThrown.airTimeLeft = this.def.airTime.RandomInRange; moteThrown.SetVelocity(this.def.angle.RandomInRange + num, this.def.speed.RandomInRange); } } } }
public static Map GenerateMap(IntVec3 mapSize, MapParent parent, MapGeneratorDef mapGenerator, IEnumerable <GenStepWithParams> extraGenStepDefs = null, Action <Map> extraInitBeforeContentGen = null) { ProgramState programState = Current.ProgramState; Current.ProgramState = ProgramState.MapInitializing; MapGenerator.playerStartSpotInt = IntVec3.Invalid; MapGenerator.rootsToUnfog.Clear();; MapGenerator.mapBeingGenerated = null; DeepProfiler.Start("InitNewGeneratedMap"); Rand.PushState(); int seed = Gen.HashCombineInt(, parent.Tile); Rand.Seed = seed; Map result; try { if (parent != null && parent.HasMap) { Log.Error("Tried to generate a new map and set " + parent + " as its parent, but this world object already has a map. One world object can't have more than 1 map.", false); parent = null; } DeepProfiler.Start("Set up map"); Map map = new Map(); map.uniqueID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextMapID(); MapGenerator.mapBeingGenerated = map; = mapSize; = parent; map.ConstructComponents(); DeepProfiler.End(); Current.Game.AddMap(map); if (extraInitBeforeContentGen != null) { extraInitBeforeContentGen(map); } if (mapGenerator == null) { Log.Error("Attempted to generate map without generator; falling back on encounter map", false); mapGenerator = MapGeneratorDefOf.Encounter; } IEnumerable <GenStepWithParams> enumerable = from x in mapGenerator.genSteps select new GenStepWithParams(x, default(GenStepParams)); if (extraGenStepDefs != null) { enumerable = enumerable.Concat(extraGenStepDefs); } map.areaManager.AddStartingAreas(); map.weatherDecider.StartInitialWeather(); DeepProfiler.Start("Generate contents into map"); MapGenerator.GenerateContentsIntoMap(enumerable, map, seed); DeepProfiler.End(); Find.Scenario.PostMapGenerate(map); DeepProfiler.Start("Finalize map init"); map.FinalizeInit(); DeepProfiler.End(); DeepProfiler.Start("MapComponent.MapGenerated()"); MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated(map); DeepProfiler.End(); if (parent != null) { parent.PostMapGenerate(); } result = map; } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); MapGenerator.mapBeingGenerated = null; Current.ProgramState = programState; Rand.PopState(); } return(result); }