public static Lord MakeNewLord(Faction faction, LordJob lordJob, Map map, IEnumerable <Pawn> startingPawns = null) { Lord result; if (map == null) { Log.Warning("Tried to create a lord with null map.", false); result = null; } else { Lord lord = new Lord(); lord.loadID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextLordID(); lord.faction = faction; map.lordManager.AddLord(lord); lord.SetJob(lordJob); lord.GotoToil(lord.Graph.StartingToil); if (startingPawns != null) { foreach (Pawn p in startingPawns) { lord.AddPawn(p); } } result = lord; } return(result); }
public void SetJob(LordJob lordJob) { if (this.curJob != null) { this.curJob.Cleanup(); } this.curJob = lordJob; this.curLordToil = null; lordJob.lord = this; Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = this.loadID * 193; this.graph = lordJob.CreateGraph(); Rand.PopState(); this.graph.ErrorCheck(); if (this.faction != null && !this.faction.IsPlayer && this.faction.def.autoFlee && lordJob.AddFleeToil) { LordToil_PanicFlee lordToil_PanicFlee = new LordToil_PanicFlee(); lordToil_PanicFlee.avoidGridMode = AvoidGridMode.Smart; for (int i = 0; i < this.graph.lordToils.Count; i++) { Transition transition = new Transition(this.graph.lordToils[i], lordToil_PanicFlee, false, true); transition.AddPreAction(new TransitionAction_Message("MessageFightersFleeing".Translate(new object[] { this.faction.def.pawnsPlural.CapitalizeFirst(), this.faction.Name }), null, 1f)); transition.AddTrigger(new Trigger_FractionPawnsLost(0.5f)); this.graph.AddTransition(transition, true); } this.graph.AddToil(lordToil_PanicFlee); } for (int j = 0; j < this.graph.lordToils.Count; j++) { this.graph.lordToils[j].lord = this; } for (int k = 0; k < this.ownedPawns.Count; k++) { this.Map.attackTargetsCache.UpdateTarget(this.ownedPawns[k]); } }
public void SetJob(LordJob lordJob) { if (curJob != null) { curJob.Cleanup(); } curJob = lordJob; curLordToil = null; lordJob.lord = this; Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed = loadID * 193; graph = lordJob.CreateGraph(); Rand.PopState(); graph.ErrorCheck(); if (faction != null && !faction.IsPlayer && faction.def.autoFlee && lordJob.AddFleeToil) { LordToil_PanicFlee lordToil_PanicFlee = new LordToil_PanicFlee(); lordToil_PanicFlee.useAvoidGrid = true; for (int i = 0; i < graph.lordToils.Count; i++) { Transition transition = new Transition(graph.lordToils[i], lordToil_PanicFlee); transition.AddPreAction(new TransitionAction_Message("MessageFightersFleeing".Translate(faction.def.pawnsPlural.CapitalizeFirst(), faction.Name))); transition.AddTrigger(new Trigger_FractionPawnsLost(faction.def.attackersDownPercentageRangeForAutoFlee.RandomInRangeSeeded(loadID))); graph.AddTransition(transition, highPriority: true); } graph.AddToil(lordToil_PanicFlee); } for (int j = 0; j < graph.lordToils.Count; j++) { graph.lordToils[j].lord = this; } for (int k = 0; k < ownedPawns.Count; k++) { Map.attackTargetsCache.UpdateTarget(ownedPawns[k]); } }
private void ExposeData_StateGraph() { if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving) { this.tmpLordToilData.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.graph.lordToils.Count; i++) { if (this.graph.lordToils[i].data != null) { this.tmpLordToilData.Add(i, this.graph.lordToils[i].data); } } this.tmpTriggerData.Clear(); int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < this.graph.transitions.Count; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < this.graph.transitions[j].triggers.Count; k++) { if (this.graph.transitions[j].triggers[k].data != null) { this.tmpTriggerData.Add(num, this.graph.transitions[j].triggers[k].data); } num++; } } this.tmpCurLordToilIdx = this.graph.lordToils.IndexOf(this.curLordToil); } Scribe_Collections.Look <int, LordToilData>(ref this.tmpLordToilData, "lordToilData", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Deep); Scribe_Collections.Look <int, TriggerData>(ref this.tmpTriggerData, "triggerData", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Deep); Scribe_Values.Look <int>(ref this.tmpCurLordToilIdx, "curLordToilIdx", -1, false); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) { if (this.curJob.LostImportantReferenceDuringLoading) { this.lordManager.RemoveLord(this); } else { LordJob job = this.curJob; this.curJob = null; this.SetJob(job); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, LordToilData> current in this.tmpLordToilData) { if (current.Key < 0 || current.Key >= this.graph.lordToils.Count) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Could not find lord toil for lord toil data of type \"", current.Value.GetType(), "\" (lord job: \"", this.curJob.GetType(), "\"), because lord toil index is out of bounds: ", current.Key }), false); } else { this.graph.lordToils[current.Key].data = current.Value; } } this.tmpLordToilData.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TriggerData> current2 in this.tmpTriggerData) { Trigger triggerByIndex = this.GetTriggerByIndex(current2.Key); if (triggerByIndex == null) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Could not find trigger for trigger data of type \"", current2.Value.GetType(), "\" (lord job: \"", this.curJob.GetType(), "\"), because trigger index is out of bounds: ", current2.Key }), false); } else { = current2.Value; } } this.tmpTriggerData.Clear(); if (this.tmpCurLordToilIdx < 0 || this.tmpCurLordToilIdx >= this.graph.lordToils.Count) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Current lord toil index out of bounds (lord job: \"", this.curJob.GetType(), "\"): ", this.tmpCurLordToilIdx }), false); } else { this.curLordToil = this.graph.lordToils[this.tmpCurLordToilIdx]; } } } }
private void ExposeData_StateGraph() { if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving) { tmpLordToilData.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < graph.lordToils.Count; i++) { if (graph.lordToils[i].data != null) { tmpLordToilData.Add(i, graph.lordToils[i].data); } } tmpTriggerData.Clear(); int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < graph.transitions.Count; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < graph.transitions[j].triggers.Count; k++) { if (graph.transitions[j].triggers[k].data != null) { tmpTriggerData.Add(num, graph.transitions[j].triggers[k].data); } num++; } } tmpCurLordToilIdx = graph.lordToils.IndexOf(curLordToil); } Scribe_Collections.Look(ref tmpLordToilData, "lordToilData", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Deep); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref tmpTriggerData, "triggerData", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Deep); Scribe_Values.Look(ref tmpCurLordToilIdx, "curLordToilIdx", -1); if (Scribe.mode != LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) { return; } if (curJob.LostImportantReferenceDuringLoading) { lordManager.RemoveLord(this); return; } LordJob job = curJob; curJob = null; SetJob(job); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, LordToilData> tmpLordToilDatum in tmpLordToilData) { if (tmpLordToilDatum.Key < 0 || tmpLordToilDatum.Key >= graph.lordToils.Count) { Log.Error(string.Concat("Could not find lord toil for lord toil data of type \"", tmpLordToilDatum.Value.GetType(), "\" (lord job: \"", curJob.GetType(), "\"), because lord toil index is out of bounds: ", tmpLordToilDatum.Key)); } else { graph.lordToils[tmpLordToilDatum.Key].data = tmpLordToilDatum.Value; } } tmpLordToilData.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TriggerData> tmpTriggerDatum in tmpTriggerData) { Trigger triggerByIndex = GetTriggerByIndex(tmpTriggerDatum.Key); if (triggerByIndex == null) { Log.Error(string.Concat("Could not find trigger for trigger data of type \"", tmpTriggerDatum.Value.GetType(), "\" (lord job: \"", curJob.GetType(), "\"), because trigger index is out of bounds: ", tmpTriggerDatum.Key)); } else { = tmpTriggerDatum.Value; } } tmpTriggerData.Clear(); if (tmpCurLordToilIdx < 0 || tmpCurLordToilIdx >= graph.lordToils.Count) { Log.Error(string.Concat("Current lord toil index out of bounds (lord job: \"", curJob.GetType(), "\"): ", tmpCurLordToilIdx)); } else { curLordToil = graph.lordToils[tmpCurLordToilIdx]; } }