private void btnBegen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Baglanti baglanti = new Baglanti(); Button button = sender as Button; BtnBilgi begeni = (BtnBilgi)button.Tag; int sayi = (Convert.ToInt32(begeni.Label.Text)); try { if (button.BackColor == Color.Red) { button.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; baglanti.sorguCalistir($"begen '{begeni.FilmId}','{begeni.KullaniciID}',0"); begeni.Label.Text = (--sayi).ToString(); } else { button.BackColor = Color.Red; baglanti.sorguCalistir($"begen '{begeni.FilmId}','{begeni.KullaniciID}',1"); begeni.Label.Text = (++sayi).ToString(); } } catch (Exception el) { MessageBox.Show(el.Message); } }
private void btnDuzenle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button button = sender as Button; BtnBilgi yorumBilgi = (BtnBilgi)button.Tag; Baglanti baglanti = new Baglanti(); string sorgu = $"YorumGuncelle '{yorumBilgi.YorumID}','{yorumBilgi.RichTextBox.Text}'"; baglanti.sorguCalistir(sorgu); }
private void btnSil_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button button = sender as Button; BtnBilgi yorumBilgi = (BtnBilgi)button.Tag; Baglanti baglanti = new Baglanti(); string sorgu = $"Delete from tblYorumlar where YorumID='{yorumBilgi.YorumID}'"; baglanti.sorguCalistir(sorgu); yorumlariEkle(); int sayi = (Convert.ToInt32(label.Text)); label.Text = (--sayi).ToString(); }
private void btnYorum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (panel == null) { panel = new Panel(); } Button button = sender as Button; BtnBilgi yorum = (BtnBilgi)button.Tag; panel.AutoScroll = true; panel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(270, 196); form.panel1.Controls.Add(panel); panel.BringToFront(); if (!panel.Visible) { panel.Visible = true; } panel.Controls.Clear(); FrmYorumlar filmBilgi = new FrmYorumlar(yorum.FilmId, yorum.KullaniciID, yorum.Label, admin); filmBilgi.TopLevel = false; panel.Size = filmBilgi.Size; filmBilgi.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; int PSBH = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height; int TaskBarHeight = PSBH - System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; int x = Cursor.Position.X - form.Location.X - filmBilgi.Width / 2; int y = Cursor.Position.Y - form.Location.Y - 18; if (Cursor.Position.Y > (form.Location.Y + form.Height - filmBilgi.Height - TaskBarHeight)) { y -= filmBilgi.Height + 35; } if (Cursor.Position.X > form.Location.X + form.Width - filmBilgi.Width / 2) { x -= filmBilgi.Width / 2; } panel.Controls.Add(filmBilgi); panel.Location = new Point(x, y); filmBilgi.Show(); filmBilgi.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; filmBilgi.Panel = panel; }
void panelDoldur(SqlDataReader dr, ref Panel panelYorum) { panelYorum.Controls.Clear(); Button btnSil = new Button(); Button btnDuzenle = new Button(); Label lblNick = new Label(); Label lblTarih = new Label(); RichTextBox richTextBoxYorum = new RichTextBox(); PictureBox pictureBoxPP = new PictureBox(); panelYorum.SuspendLayout(); ((ISupportInitialize)(pictureBoxPP)).BeginInit(); // // panelYorum // panelYorum.Controls.Add(btnSil); panelYorum.Controls.Add(btnDuzenle); panelYorum.Controls.Add(lblNick); panelYorum.Controls.Add(richTextBoxYorum); panelYorum.Controls.Add(pictureBoxPP); panelYorum.Controls.Add(lblTarih); panelYorum.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(255, 60); panelYorum.BackColor = Color.Red; // // richTextBoxYorum // richTextBoxYorum.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(53, 20); richTextBoxYorum.Name = "richTextBoxYorum"; if (kullaniciId != Convert.ToInt32(dr["kullaniciID"])) { richTextBoxYorum.ReadOnly = true; } richTextBoxYorum.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 38); richTextBoxYorum.TabIndex = 1; richTextBoxYorum.Text = dr["Yorum"].ToString(); // //BtnBilgi // BtnBilgi yorumBilgi = new BtnBilgi(); yorumBilgi.KullaniciID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["kullaniciID"]); yorumBilgi.FilmId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FilmID"]); yorumBilgi.YorumID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["YorumID"]); yorumBilgi.RichTextBox = richTextBoxYorum; if (kullaniciId != Convert.ToInt32(dr["kullaniciID"]) && !admin) { btnSil.Visible = false; btnDuzenle.Visible = false; } // // btnSil // btnSil.Size = new Size(20, 20); btnSil.Location = new Point(235, 0); btnSil.Text = ""; btnSil.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; btnSil.Click += new EventHandler(btnSil_Click); btnSil.Tag = yorumBilgi; btnSil.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.trash_alt_solid; btnSil.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; // // btnDuzenle // btnDuzenle.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(20, 20); btnDuzenle.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(214, 0); btnDuzenle.TabIndex = 3; btnDuzenle.Text = ""; btnDuzenle.Click += new EventHandler(btnDuzenle_Click); btnDuzenle.Tag = yorumBilgi; btnDuzenle.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; btnDuzenle.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.edit_solid; btnDuzenle.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; // // lblNick // lblNick.AutoSize = true; lblNick.BackColor = Color.White; lblNick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(53, 7); lblNick.Name = "lblNick"; lblNick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(46, 17); try { lblNick.Text = dr["KullaniciAdi"].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { lblNick.Text = dr["kullaniciID"].ToString(); } // //lblTarih // lblTarih.AutoSize = true; lblTarih.BackColor = Color.White; lblTarih.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(lblNick.Location.X + lblNick.Width + 20, 7); lblTarih.Text = dr["Tarih"].ToString(); // // pictureBoxPP // pictureBoxPP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); pictureBoxPP.Name = "pictureBoxPP"; pictureBoxPP.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 60); pictureBoxPP.TabIndex = 0; pictureBoxPP.TabStop = false; pictureBoxPP.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; pictureBoxPP.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; if (dr["Gorsel"] != DBNull.Value) { pictureBoxPP.Image = Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream((byte[])dr["Gorsel"])); } else { pictureBoxPP.Image = Properties.Resources.defaultPP; } }
void panelDoldur(ref Panel panel, SqlDataReader dr) { panel.Controls.Clear(); Button btnBegen = new Button(); Button btnYorum = new Button(); Button btnSil = new Button(); PictureBox pictureBox1 = new PictureBox(); RichTextBox richTextBox1 = new RichTextBox(); Label label1 = new Label(); Label label = new Label(); Label lblFilmAdi = new Label(); Label lblYonetmen = new Label(); panel.SuspendLayout(); ((ISupportInitialize)(pictureBox1)).BeginInit(); // // panel // panel.AutoScroll = true; panel.Controls.Add(btnYorum); panel.Controls.Add(btnBegen); panel.Controls.Add(richTextBox1); panel.Controls.Add(pictureBox1); panel.Controls.Add(label1); panel.Controls.Add(label); panel.Controls.Add(btnSil); panel.Controls.Add(lblFilmAdi); panel.Controls.Add(lblYonetmen); panel.Size = new Size(268, 388); panel.BackColor = Color.Gray; // //lblFilmAdi // lblFilmAdi.AutoSize = true; lblFilmAdi.Text = "Film adı: " + dr["FilmAdi"]; lblFilmAdi.ForeColor = Color.White; lblFilmAdi.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10.2F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(162))); lblFilmAdi.Location = new Point(panel.Width / 2 - lblFilmAdi.Width / 2, 221); // //lblYonetmen // lblYonetmen.AutoSize = true; lblYonetmen.Text = "Yönetmen adı: " + dr["Ad"]; lblYonetmen.ForeColor = Color.White; lblYonetmen.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10.2F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(162))); lblYonetmen.Location = new Point(panel.Width / 2 - lblYonetmen.Width / 2, 221 + lblFilmAdi.Height); // // richTextBox1 // richTextBox1.Location = new Point(39, 221 + lblFilmAdi.Height + lblYonetmen.Height); richTextBox1.ReadOnly = true; richTextBox1.Size = new Size(189, 99 - (lblFilmAdi.Height + lblYonetmen.Height)); richTextBox1.Text = dr["FilmInfo"].ToString(); // //btnSil // btnSil.Location = new Point(240, 0); btnSil.Size = new Size(30, 26); btnSil.BackColor = Color.Gray; btnSil.Visible = false; btnSil.Click += new EventHandler(btnSil_Click); btnSil.Tag = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FilmID"]); btnSil.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.times_circle_solid; btnSil.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; if (admin) { btnSil.Visible = true; } // // btnYorum // btnYorum.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.comment_regular; btnYorum.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; btnYorum.Location = new Point(173, 326); btnYorum.Size = new Size(30, 26); btnYorum.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; btnYorum.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnYorum_Click); BtnBilgi yorum = new BtnBilgi(); yorum.FilmId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FilmID"]); yorum.KullaniciID = kullaniciId; yorum.Label = label; btnYorum.Tag = yorum; // // btnBegen // Baglanti baglanti = new Baglanti(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); baglanti.sorguCalistir($"select *from tblLikes where kullaniciID='{kullaniciId}' and FilmID={dr["FilmID"]}", ref cmd); SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); bool begen = false; while (dr2.Read()) { begen = Convert.ToBoolean(dr2["Begendi"]); } baglanti.baglantiKapat(); btnBegen.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.e6925a934d0c279e4bd98e2ddff557ee; btnBegen.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; btnBegen.Location = new Point(39, 326); btnBegen.Size = new Size(30, 26); btnBegen.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; if (begen) { btnBegen.BackColor = Color.Red; } else { btnBegen.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; } btnBegen.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; BtnBilgi begeni = new BtnBilgi(); begeni.FilmId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FilmID"]); begeni.KullaniciID = kullaniciId; begeni.Label = label1; btnBegen.Tag = begeni; btnBegen.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnBegen_Click); // // pictureBox1 // pictureBox1.Location = new Point(39, 12); pictureBox1.Size = new Size(189, 203); pictureBox1.TabIndex = 0; pictureBox1.TabStop = false; pictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; if (dr["Gorsel"] != DBNull.Value) { pictureBox1.Image = Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream((byte[])dr["Gorsel"])); } // // label1 // label1.AutoSize = true; label1.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10.2F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(162))); label1.Location = new Point(35, 355); label1.Size = new Size(63, 20); label1.TabIndex = 5; Baglanti baglanti2 = new Baglanti(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(); baglanti2.sorguCalistir($"select count(*) as begeniSayisi from tblLikes where FilmID='{dr["FilmID"]}' and Begendi=1", ref cmd2); SqlDataReader dataReader = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { label1.Text = dataReader["begeniSayisi"].ToString(); } baglanti.baglantiKapat(); // // label // label.AutoSize = true; label.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10.2F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(162))); label.Location = new Point(170, 355); label.Size = new Size(63, 20); Baglanti baglanti3 = new Baglanti(); SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(); baglanti3.sorguCalistir($"select count(*) as yorumSayisi from tblYorumlar where FilmID='{dr["FilmID"]}'", ref cmd3); SqlDataReader dataReader2 = cmd3.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader2.Read()) { label.Text = dataReader2["yorumSayisi"].ToString(); } baglanti2.baglantiKapat(); }