        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a key tip info for each visible tab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Array of KeyTipInfo instances.</returns>
        public KeyTipInfo[] GetTabKeyTips()
            KeyTipInfoList keyTipList = new KeyTipInfoList();

            foreach (ViewBase child in this)
                // Only interested in tab views
                if (child is ViewDrawRibbonTab)
                    // Cast to correct type
                    ViewDrawRibbonTab viewTab = (ViewDrawRibbonTab)child;

                    // Get the screen location of the view tab
                    Rectangle tabRect = viewTab.OwningControl.RectangleToScreen(viewTab.ClientRectangle);

                    // The keytip should be centered on the bottom center of the view
                    Point screenPt = new Point(tabRect.Left + (tabRect.Width / 2), tabRect.Bottom + 2);

                    // Create new key tip that invokes the tab controller when selected
                    keyTipList.Add(new KeyTipInfo(true, viewTab.RibbonTab.KeyTip,
                                                  screenPt, viewTab.ClientRectangle,

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the view element for drawing the previous tab from the provided one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ribbonTab">Current ribbon tab to use when searching.</param>
        /// <returns>View element for a tab; otherwise null.</returns>
        public ViewDrawRibbonTab GetViewForPreviousRibbonTab(KryptonRibbonTab ribbonTab)
            bool found = false;

            foreach (ViewBase child in this.Reverse())
                // Only interested in tab views
                if (child is ViewDrawRibbonTab)
                    // Cast to correct type
                    ViewDrawRibbonTab viewTab = (ViewDrawRibbonTab)child;

                    // Wait until we see the provided tab, then first visible tab after it
                    if (!found)
                        found = (viewTab.RibbonTab == ribbonTab);
                    else if (child.Visible)

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the ContextTabSet class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab">Reference to first tab of the set.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Reference to owning context details.</param>
        public ContextTabSet(ViewDrawRibbonTab tab,
                             KryptonRibbonContext context)
            Debug.Assert(tab != null);
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            _firstTab = tab;
            _lastTab  = tab;
            _context  = context;
        private void AddTabsWithContextName(string contextName)
            ContextTabSet cts = null;

            // Remove the ribbon tab reference from the draw tab
            // (Must do this for all tabs before setting them to the corret value)
            for (int i = 0; i < _ribbon.RibbonTabs.Count; i++)
                KryptonRibbonTab ribbonTab = _ribbon.RibbonTabs[i];
                if (IsRibbonVisible(ribbonTab, contextName))
                    _tabCache[i].RibbonTab = null;

            // Add child elements appropriate for each ribbon tab
            for (int i = 0; i < _ribbon.RibbonTabs.Count; i++)
                KryptonRibbonTab ribbonTab = _ribbon.RibbonTabs[i];
                if (IsRibbonVisible(ribbonTab, contextName))
                    // Get the matching indexed items
                    ViewDrawRibbonTab drawTab = _tabCache[i];

                    // Every tab needs a draw tab element followed by a separator

                    // Associate the draw element with matching ribbon tab
                    drawTab.RibbonTab = ribbonTab;

                    // If we are dealing with a real context and not the empty one
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextName))
                        // Create tab set when first needed, otherwise this tab must be the last one
                        if (cts == null)
                            cts = new ContextTabSet(drawTab, _ribbon.RibbonContexts[ribbonTab.ContextName]);

            // If we created a new tab set, then add to the collection
            if (cts != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the mouse wheel change of selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="next">True if movement to next tab required; otherwise previous.</param>
        public void ProcessMouseWheel(bool next)
            KryptonRibbonTab selectTab = _ribbon.SelectedTab;

            // Scan to find the prev and next tabs
            bool             prevSelected = false;
            KryptonRibbonTab prev         = null;

            foreach (ViewBase child in this)
                // Only interested in visible ribbon tabs
                if (child.Visible && (child is ViewDrawRibbonTab))
                    // Cast to correct type of view element
                    ViewDrawRibbonTab viewTab = (ViewDrawRibbonTab)child;

                    // Is this element for the currently selected tab?
                    if (viewTab.RibbonTab == _ribbon.SelectedTab)
                        // If we want the previous tab to the currently selected one!
                        if (!next)
                            // And if we have a previous tab, then use it
                            if (prev != null)
                                selectTab = prev;

                        prevSelected = true;
                        // If we want the next tab and the previous was the selected one
                        if (next && prevSelected)
                            // Then this is the next one!
                            selectTab = viewTab.RibbonTab;

                    prev = viewTab.RibbonTab;

            // Is there a change in selection?
            if (selectTab != null)
                _ribbon.SelectedTab = selectTab;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the RibbonTabController class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ribbon">Reference to owning control.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Target for state changes.</param>
        /// <param name="needPaint">Delegate for notifying paint requests.</param>
        public RibbonTabController(KryptonRibbon ribbon,
                                   ViewDrawRibbonTab target,
                                   NeedPaintHandler needPaint)
            Debug.Assert(ribbon != null);
            Debug.Assert(target != null);

            // Remember incoming references
            _target = target;
            _ribbon = ribbon;

            // Store the provided paint notification delegate
            NeedPaint = needPaint;
        private Rectangle CalculatePopupRect(ViewLayoutRibbonTabsArea tabsArea,
                                             ViewDrawPanel drawMinimizedPanel)
            Size popupSize;

            // Get the preferred size of the groups area, we only really want the height
            using (ViewLayoutContext context = new ViewLayoutContext(_ribbon, Renderer))
                popupSize = drawMinimizedPanel.GetPreferredSize(context);

            // The width should default to being the same width as the ribbon control
            popupSize.Width = _ribbon.Width;

            // Get the screen rectangles for the ribbon and the tabs area of the ribbon
            Rectangle parentRibbonRect = _ribbon.RectangleToScreen(_ribbon.ClientRectangle);
            Rectangle parentTabsRect   = _ribbon.RectangleToScreen(tabsArea.ClientRectangle);

            // Default popup is placed below the ribbon
            Rectangle popupRect = new Rectangle(parentRibbonRect.X, parentTabsRect.Bottom - 1, popupSize.Width, popupSize.Height);

            // Get the view element for the currently selected tab
            ViewDrawRibbonTab viewTab = tabsArea.LayoutTabs.GetViewForRibbonTab(_ribbon.SelectedTab);

            // Convert the view tab client area to screen coordinates
            Rectangle viewTabRect = _ribbon.RectangleToScreen(viewTab.ClientRectangle);

            // Get the screen that the tab is mostly within
            Screen    screen      = Screen.FromRectangle(viewTabRect);
            Rectangle workingArea = screen.WorkingArea;

            workingArea.Width  -= BOTTOMRIGHT_GAP;
            workingArea.Height -= BOTTOMRIGHT_GAP;

            // Is the right side of the popup extending over the right edge of the screen...
            if (popupRect.Right > workingArea.Right)
                // Reduce width to bring it back onto the screen
                popupRect.Width -= (popupRect.Right - workingArea.Right);

                // Enforce a minimum useful width for the popup
                if (popupRect.Width < MINIMUM_WIDTH)
                    popupRect.X    -= (MINIMUM_WIDTH - popupRect.Width);
                    popupRect.Width = MINIMUM_WIDTH;
                // Is the left side of the popup extending over left edge of screen...
                if (popupRect.Left < workingArea.Left)
                    // Reduce left side of popup to start at screen left edge
                    int reduce = (workingArea.Left - popupRect.Left);
                    popupRect.Width -= reduce;
                    popupRect.X     += reduce;

                    // Enforce a minimum useful width for the popup
                    if (popupRect.Width < MINIMUM_WIDTH)
                        popupRect.Width = MINIMUM_WIDTH;

            // If there is not enough room to place the popup below the tabs area
            if (popupRect.Bottom > workingArea.Bottom)
                // Is there enough room above the parent for the entire popup height?
                if ((parentTabsRect.Top - popupRect.Height) >= workingArea.Top)
                    // Place the popup above the parent
                    popupRect.Y = parentTabsRect.Top - popupSize.Height;
                    // Cannot show entire popup above or below, find which has most space
                    int spareAbove = parentTabsRect.Top - workingArea.Top;
                    int spareBelow = workingArea.Bottom - parentTabsRect.Bottom;

                    // Place it in the area with the most space
                    if (spareAbove > spareBelow)
                        popupRect.Y = workingArea.Top;
                        popupRect.Y = parentTabsRect.Bottom;

        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a layout of the elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override void Layout(ViewLayoutContext context)
            Debug.Assert(context != null);

            // Sync child elements to represent the current ribbon tabs collection setup

            // We take on all the available display area
            ClientRectangle = context.DisplayRectangle;

            int x = ClientLocation.X;

            // Are there any children to layout?
            if (this.Count > 0)
                // Modify the cached sizes so they are ideally sized for actual space
                Size[] layoutSizes = AdjustSizesToFit();

                int y      = ClientRectangle.Y;
                int bottom = ClientRectangle.Bottom;
                int height = ClientHeight;

                // Position each item from left to right taking up entire height
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
                    // Only interested in visible items
                    if (layoutSizes[i].Width > 0)
                        // Separators are made the full height, others are aligned on the bottom edge
                        if (this[i] is ViewDrawRibbonTabSep)
                            // Update separator with latest calculated need to draw
                            ViewDrawRibbonTabSep tabSep = this[i] as ViewDrawRibbonTabSep;
                            tabSep.Draw = _showSeparators;

                            context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, layoutSizes[i].Width, height);
                        else if (this[i] is ViewDrawRibbonTab)
                            // Update checked state of the tab
                            ViewDrawRibbonTab tab = this[i] as ViewDrawRibbonTab;
                            tab.Checked = (_ribbon.SelectedTab == tab.RibbonTab);

                            context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(x, bottom - layoutSizes[i].Height, layoutSizes[i].Width, layoutSizes[i].Height);
                        else if (this[i] is ViewDrawRibbonDesignTab)
                            context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(x, bottom - layoutSizes[i].Height, layoutSizes[i].Width, layoutSizes[i].Height);

                        // Position the element

                        // Move across to next position
                        x += layoutSizes[i].Width;

            // Fill remainder space with the tabs spare element
            Rectangle customCaptionRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (_tabsSpare != null)
                _tabsSpare.Visible = false;
                if (x < ClientRectangle.Right)
                    if (_ribbon.GetRedirector().GetMetricBool(PaletteState.Normal, PaletteMetricBool.RibbonTabsSpareCaption) == InheritBool.True)
                        customCaptionRect        = new Rectangle(x, ClientRectangle.Y, ClientRectangle.Right - x, ClientHeight);
                        context.DisplayRectangle = customCaptionRect;
                        _tabsSpare.Visible       = true;
                        x = ClientRectangle.Right;

            // We have an owning form we need to update the custom area it treats as a caption
            if (_ribbon.CaptionArea.KryptonForm != null)
                if (!customCaptionRect.IsEmpty)
                    // Convert the rectangle to the owning form coordinates
                    customCaptionRect = _parentControl.RectangleToScreen(customCaptionRect);
                    customCaptionRect = _ribbon.CaptionArea.KryptonForm.RectangleToClient(customCaptionRect);

                _ribbon.CaptionArea.KryptonForm.CustomCaptionArea = customCaptionRect;

            // Update our own size to reflect how wide we actually need to be for all the children
            ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(ClientLocation, new Size(x - ClientLocation.X, ClientHeight));

            // Update the display rectangle we allocated for use by parent
            context.DisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(ClientLocation, new Size(x - ClientLocation.X, ClientHeight));
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover the preferred size of the element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override Size GetPreferredSize(ViewLayoutContext context)
            // Sync child elements to represent the current ribbon tabs collection setup

            Size preferredSize = Size.Empty;

            // Reset cached variables
            _cachedSizes              = new Size[this.Count];
            _cachedMinimumWidth       = 0;
            _cachedAllTabCount        = 0;
            _cachedNonContextTabCount = 0;

            // Find total width and maximum height across all child elements
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
                ViewBase child = this[i];

                // Only interested in visible items
                if (child.Visible)
                    // Cache preferred size of the child
                    _cachedSizes[i] = child.GetPreferredSize(context);

                    // Only need extra processing for children that have some width
                    if (_cachedSizes[i].Width > 0)
                        // Always add on to the width
                        preferredSize.Width += _cachedSizes[i].Width;

                        int childHeight = _cachedSizes[i].Height;

                        if (child is ViewDrawRibbonTab)
                            // Tabs need an extra pixel height as a separator gap

                            // Cache number of tabs encountered

                            // Cache number of non-context tabs encountered
                            ViewDrawRibbonTab tab = child as ViewDrawRibbonTab;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tab.RibbonTab.ContextName))
                        else if (child is ViewDrawRibbonDesignTab)
                            // Tabs need an extra pixel height as a separator gap

                            // Cache number of tabs encountered

                        // Find maximum height encountered
                        preferredSize.Height = Math.Max(preferredSize.Height, childHeight);

                        // Find the minimum allowed width for all children
                        _cachedMinimumWidth += Math.Min(_cachedSizes[i].Width, TAB_MINWIDTH);

            // Remember total size requested to fit everything into view normally
            _cachedPreferredWidth = preferredSize.Width;

            // Minimum height is the height of a tab
            preferredSize.Height = Math.Max(preferredSize.Height, _ribbon.CalculatedValues.TabHeight);

            // Preferred with is the minimum allowed, so the parent scroller knows if scroll bars are needed
            preferredSize.Width = _cachedMinimumWidth;

            // If we have the tabs spare area...
            if (_tabsSpare != null)
                // Always take up the entire provided width as the spare will take up any remainder not used by actual tabs
                if (preferredSize.Width < context.DisplayRectangle.Width)
                    preferredSize.Width = context.DisplayRectangle.Width;

 /// <summary>
 /// Update the last tab in the set with new refernece.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tab">Reference to new last tab.</param>
 public void UpdateLastTab(ViewDrawRibbonTab tab)
     Debug.Assert(tab != null);
     _lastTab = tab;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a value indicating if the tab is the first or last in set.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tab">Tab to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True if first or last; otherwise false.</returns>
 public bool IsFirstOrLastTab(ViewDrawRibbonTab tab)
     return((tab == _firstTab) || (tab == _lastTab));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a value indicating if the tab is the last in set.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tab">Tab to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True if last; otherwise false.</returns>
 public bool IsLastTab(ViewDrawRibbonTab tab)
     return(tab == _lastTab);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a value indicating if the tab is the first in set.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tab">Tab to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True if first; otherwise false.</returns>
 public bool IsFirstTab(ViewDrawRibbonTab tab)
     return(tab == _firstTab);