private void CreateComponents()
            m_label                  = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            m_label.text             = "Select an effect";
            m_label.relativePosition = new Vector3(WIDTH / 2 - m_label.width / 2, 10);

            // Drag handle
            UIDragHandle handle = AddUIComponent <UIDragHandle>();

              = this;
            handle.constrainToScreen = true;
            handle.width             = WIDTH;
            handle.height            = 40;
            handle.relativePosition  =;

            // Name field
            UILabel label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            label.text = "Name:";

            m_searchField       = UIUtils.CreateTextField(this);
            m_searchField.width = 250;

            label.relativePosition         = new Vector3((WIDTH - (label.width + m_searchField.width + 10)) / 2, 55);
            m_searchField.relativePosition = new Vector3((WIDTH - m_searchField.width + label.width + 10) / 2, 50);
            m_searchField.text             = "";

            m_searchField.eventTextChanged += (c, s) => {
            m_searchField.tooltip = "Search for an effect by name";

            // Buttons
            UIButton confirmButton = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);

            confirmButton.text             = "Select";
            confirmButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(WIDTH / 2 - confirmButton.width - 10, HEIGHT - confirmButton.height - 10);
            confirmButton.eventClicked    += (c, p) =>

            UIButton cancelButton = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);

            cancelButton.text             = "Cancel";
            cancelButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(WIDTH / 2 + 10, HEIGHT - cancelButton.height - 10);
            cancelButton.eventClicked    += (c, p) =>
                isVisible = false;

            // Effect list
            m_effectList = UIFastList.Create <UIEffectRow>(this);
            m_effectList.backgroundSprite = "UnlockingPanel";
            m_effectList.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, 90);
            m_effectList.height           = HEIGHT - 90 - 10 - cancelButton.height;
            m_effectList.width            = WIDTH - 20;
            m_effectList.canSelect        = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this to create the UIFastList.
        /// Do NOT use AddUIComponent.
        /// I had to do that way because MonoBehaviors classes cannot be generic
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the row UI component</typeparam>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static UIFastList Create <T>(UIComponent parent)
            where T : UIPanel, IUIFastListRow
            UIFastList list = parent.AddUIComponent <UIFastList>();

            list.m_rowType = typeof(T);
        private void CreateComponents()
            int headerHeight = 40;

            // Label
            UILabel label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            label.text             = "Effects";
            label.relativePosition = new Vector3(WIDTH / 2 - label.width / 2, 10);

            // Drag handle
            UIDragHandle handle = AddUIComponent <UIDragHandle>();

              = this;
            handle.constrainToScreen = true;
            handle.width             = WIDTH;
            handle.height            = headerHeight;
            handle.relativePosition  =;

            // close button
            UIButton closeButton = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);

            closeButton.size             = new Vector2(30, 30);
            closeButton.normalBgSprite   = "buttonclose";
            closeButton.hoveredBgSprite  = "buttonclosehover";
            closeButton.pressedBgSprite  = "buttonclosepressed";
            closeButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(WIDTH - 35, 5);
            closeButton.eventClicked    += (c, p) => {
                isVisible = false;

            // Dropdown
            m_vehicleDropdown                            = UIUtils.CreateDropDown(this);
            m_vehicleDropdown.width                      = 400;
            m_vehicleDropdown.relativePosition           = new Vector3(10, headerHeight + 10);
            m_vehicleDropdown.eventSelectedIndexChanged += OnDropdownIndexChanged;
            m_vehicleDropdown.selectedIndex              = -1;

            float listHeight   = HEIGHT - headerHeight - m_vehicleDropdown.height - 30 - 50;
            float listWidth    = 300;
            float padding      = 10;
            float optionsWidth = WIDTH - (listWidth - 3 * padding);
            float listTop      = headerHeight + 20 + m_vehicleDropdown.height;

            // Fastlist for Vehicle Effects definitions
            m_veEffectList = UIFastList.Create <UIEffectDefinitionRow>(this);
            m_veEffectList.backgroundSprite           = "UnlockingPanel";
            m_veEffectList.width                      = listWidth;
            m_veEffectList.height                     = listHeight;
            m_veEffectList.relativePosition           = new Vector3(padding, listTop);
            m_veEffectList.canSelect                  = true;
            m_veEffectList.eventSelectedIndexChanged += OnVEEffectSelectionChanged;

            // Create options panel
            m_optionsPanel                  = AddUIComponent <UIEffectOptionsPanel>();
            m_optionsPanel.width            = optionsWidth;
            m_optionsPanel.height           = listHeight;
            m_optionsPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(listWidth + padding * 2, listTop);
            m_optionsPanel.m_mainPanel      = this;

            float footerX = 10;

            // Button to add effects (footer)
            m_addEffectButton                  = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);
            m_addEffectButton.text             = "Add effect";
            m_addEffectButton.width            = 120;
            m_addEffectButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(footerX, HEIGHT - 40);
            m_addEffectButton.eventClicked    += (c, b) =>
                if (!m_effectListPanel.isVisible)
                    m_effectListPanel.Show((info) => {
                        VehicleEffectsDefinition.Effect effect = new VehicleEffectsDefinition.Effect();
                        effect.Name =;
            footerX += m_addEffectButton.width + 10;

            // Button to save definition (footer)
            m_saveDefinitionButton                  = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);
            m_saveDefinitionButton.text             = "Save XML";
            m_saveDefinitionButton.width            = 120;
            m_saveDefinitionButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(footerX, HEIGHT - 40);
            m_saveDefinitionButton.eventClicked    += (c, b) =>
                if (!m_savePanel.isVisible)
                    m_savePanel.Show(Util.GetPackageName(m_vehicles[0]), GetCleanedDefinition());
            footerX += m_saveDefinitionButton.width + 10;

            // Button to load definition (footer)
            m_loadDefinitionButton                  = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);
            m_loadDefinitionButton.text             = "Load XML";
            m_loadDefinitionButton.width            = 120;
            m_loadDefinitionButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(footerX, HEIGHT - 40);
            m_loadDefinitionButton.eventClicked    += (c, b) =>
                if (!m_loadPanel.isVisible)
                    m_loadPanel.Show((definition) => {
                        if (definition != null)
                            m_definition = definition;
            footerX += m_loadDefinitionButton.width + 10;

            // Button to preview definition (footer)
            m_previewButton                  = UIUtils.CreateButton(this);
            m_previewButton.text             = "Enable Preview";
            m_previewButton.width            = 180;
            m_previewButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(WIDTH - 10 - m_previewButton.width, HEIGHT - 40);
            m_previewButton.eventClicked    += (c, b) =>
                if (m_previewer.IsPreviewing)
                    m_previewButton.text = "Enable Preview";
                    if (m_previewer.ApplyPreview(GetCleanedDefinition(), "Vehicle Effects Previewer"))
                        m_previewButton.text = "Disable Preview";