internal void ScanDirectory(string path, out List <IItemData> newFiles, out List <IItemData> directories) { directories = new List <IItemData>(); newFiles = new List <IItemData>(); string file = Path.Combine(path, "*"); IntPtr fileHandle = NativeMethods.FindFirstFile(file, out findData); if (fileHandle != NativeMethods.FILE_INVALIDHANDLE) // Check for invalid file handle { do { var fileInfo = new ColumnarItemData(Path.Combine(path, findData.cFileName).Split('\\', '/'), ColumnInfo.ColumnLookup); long length64 = findData.nFileSizeHigh; fileInfo.SetValue(FILESIZE, findData.nFileSizeLow + (length64 << 32)); long fileTime = ((long)(uint)findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32; fileTime |= (long)(uint)findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; fileInfo.SetValue(FILETIME, DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime)); fileInfo.SetValue(ATTRIBUTES, GetAttributesText(findData.dwFileAttributes)); if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & NativeMethods.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { newFiles.Add(fileInfo); } else if (!findData.cFileName.Equals(".") && !findData.cFileName.Equals("..") && (findData.dwFileAttributes & NativeMethods.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) == 0) { directories.Add(fileInfo); } } while (NativeMethods.FindNextFile(fileHandle, out findData)); NativeMethods.FindClose(fileHandle); } }
public IItemData[] GetFiles() { var outputFiles = new List <IItemData>(); Outlook.Table folderTable = folder.GetTable("", Outlook.OlTableContents.olUserItems); folderTable.Columns.RemoveAll(); // For property names, see: // Open Outlook script editor in developer mode and Press F2 to browse classes and fields // folderTable.Columns.Add("MessageClass"); folderTable.Columns.Add("Subject"); folderTable.Columns.Add("Size"); folderTable.Columns.Add("LastModificationTime"); while (!folderTable.EndOfTable) { try { Outlook.Row row = folderTable.GetNextRow(); if (row["subject"] == null) { continue; } var messageClass = row["MessageClass"].ToString(); var pathParts = new List <string>(this.FullName.Split(new char[] { '/', '\\' })); pathParts.Add(row["Subject"].ToString()); var newItem = new ColumnarItemData(pathParts.ToArray(), Columns.ColumnLookup); newItem.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, (int)row["Size"]); var lastModificationTime = row["LastModificationTime"]; newItem.SetValue(ITEMDATE, lastModificationTime.ToString()); outputFiles.Add(newItem); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Mesage Error: " + e.Message); } } return(outputFiles.ToArray()); }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Process rows in parallel /// </summary> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private List <ColumnarItemData> ProcessRows(IEnumerable <string[]> rowProvider, CancellationToken cancelToken) { var results = new ConcurrentBag <ColumnarItemData[]>(); var options = new ParallelOptions(); options.CancellationToken = cancelToken; var minSize = _spreadSheetModel.ColumnNames.Length; Parallel.ForEach(rowProvider, options, batch => { var work = new ColumnarItemData[batch.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < work.Length; i++) { var rawRow = batch[i]; if (rawRow == null) { break; } var splitRow = rawRow.Split('\t'); if (splitRow.Length < minSize) { continue; } var pathParts = _spreadSheetModel.GetPathParts(splitRow); work[i] = new ColumnarItemData(pathParts, _columnInfo.ColumnLookup, splitRow); } results.Add(work); UnitsScannedSoFar += work.Length; }); var output = new List <ColumnarItemData>(); foreach (var batch in results) { output.AddRange(batch); } return(output); }
public IItemData[] GetFiles() { var outputFiles = new List <IItemData>(); Outlook.Table folderTable = folder.GetTable("", Outlook.OlTableContents.olUserItems); folderTable.Columns.RemoveAll(); folderTable.Columns.Add("MessageClass"); folderTable.Columns.Add("Subject"); folderTable.Columns.Add("Size"); while (!folderTable.EndOfTable) { Outlook.Row row = folderTable.GetNextRow(); if (row["subject"] == null) { continue; } var newItem = new ColumnarItemData(new string[] { row["Subject"].ToString() }, Columns.ColumnLookup); newItem.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, (int)row["Size"]); outputFiles.Add(newItem); } return(outputFiles.ToArray()); }
// ****************************************************************************** /// <summary> /// Scans a registry hive for subkeys and Values. /// </summary> /// <returns>Array of SliceDirectoryInfo objects</returns> // ****************************************************************************** internal void ScanRegistry(string path, out List <IItemData> newValues, out List <IItemData> newKeys) { newKeys = new List <IItemData>(); newValues = new List <IItemData>(); try { string delimStr = "\\"; char[] delimiter = delimStr.ToCharArray(); string[] rootPathPair = path.Split(delimiter, 2); string[] registryValueList = null; RegistryKey currentKey = null; //Connect to one of the well known registry roots. switch (rootPathPair[0]) { case "ClassesRoot": currentKey = Registry.ClassesRoot; break; case "CurrentUser": currentKey = Registry.CurrentUser; break; case "LocalMachine": currentKey = Registry.LocalMachine; break; case "Users": currentKey = Registry.Users; break; case "PerformanceData": currentKey = Registry.PerformanceData; break; case "CurrentConfig": currentKey = Registry.CurrentConfig; break; } //Using a string path for the registry Hive\Key is nice in that it mimics the same format of the //FileTreehanlder, but does cause a small problem for processing the information. If we are at the //Root, all we need to do is open the key and the rooPathPair will contain exactly 1 string. //If there is a second string in the pair, then that is the Subkey we want to open. if (rootPathPair.Length > 1) { currentKey = currentKey.OpenSubKey(rootPathPair[1]); } registryValueList = currentKey.GetValueNames(); foreach (string currentRegistryValue in registryValueList) { var fullName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", path, currentRegistryValue.ToString()); var reginfo = new ColumnarItemData(fullName.Split('\\'), Columns.ColumnLookup); var itemType = currentKey.GetValueKind(currentRegistryValue).ToString(); reginfo.SetValue("ItemType", itemType); //The calculation for the size of the registry value depends on the TYPE of the //Value. reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, 0); switch (itemType) { case "Binary": byte[] bytes = (byte[])currentKey.GetValue(currentRegistryValue); reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, bytes.Length); break; case "DWord": reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, sizeof(UInt32)); break; case "QWord": reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, sizeof(UInt64)); break; //For the registry String object types we need to add 1 to the length of the string //(accounting for the \n char) to get the true size in bytes of the string. case "String": string valueSz = (string)currentKey.GetValue(currentRegistryValue); reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, (valueSz.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)); break; case "ExpandString": string value = (string)currentKey.GetValue(currentRegistryValue); reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, (value.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)); break; case "MultiString": string[] multiString = (string[])currentKey.GetValue(currentRegistryValue); foreach (string sz in multiString) { reginfo.SetValue(ITEMSIZE, (sz.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)); } break; //The type of Unknown & None represent 0 length binary values. case "Unknown": case "None": break; default: Debugger.Break(); break; } newValues.Add(reginfo); } string[] RegSubKeys = currentKey.GetSubKeyNames(); foreach (string regSubKey in RegSubKeys) { var valueinfo = new ColumnarItemData(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", path, regSubKey).Split('\\', '/'), Columns.ColumnLookup); newKeys.Add(valueinfo); } currentKey.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } }
// ****************************************************************************** /// <summary> /// Scans the current directory for files and other directories /// </summary> /// <returns>Array of SliceCosmosDirectoryInfo objects</returns> // ****************************************************************************** long ScanDirectory(string path, out List <IItemData> newFiles, out List <IItemData> directories) { scanned = true; Debug.WriteLine("Scanning " + path); directories = new List <IItemData>(); newFiles = new List <IItemData>(); long totalSize = 0; if (path == "Cosmos") { MessageBox.Show("To scan a Cosmos directory, drag and drop the URL for that folder from the address bar in Internet Explorer." + " (You must have already cached your Cosmos credentials on the local computer using scope.exe.)", "Cosmos Scan"); return(0); } bool retry = true; while (retry) { try { RunspaceConfiguration rsc = RunspaceConfiguration.Create(); using (Runspace rs = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(rsc)) { rs.Open(); using (RunspaceInvoke scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke()) { //Debug.Write(scriptInvoker.Invoke("[IntPtr]::Size")[0].ToString()); scriptInvoker.Invoke("Import-Module cosmos"); Collection <PSObject> cosmosMetadatas = scriptInvoker.Invoke(String.Format("Get-CosmosStream {0}", path)); foreach (PSObject cosmosMetadata in cosmosMetadatas) { Debug.Write("."); long cosmosFileSize; long.TryParse(cosmosMetadata.Properties["Length"].Value.ToString(), out cosmosFileSize); cosmosFileSize = Math.Max(0, cosmosFileSize); totalSize += cosmosFileSize; string fullName = cosmosMetadata.Properties["StreamName"].Value.ToString();//.TrimEnd('/'); var fileInfo = new ColumnarItemData(fullName.Split('\\', '/'), Columns.ColumnLookup); fileInfo.SetValue(STREAMSIZE, cosmosFileSize); bool isDirectory; bool.TryParse(cosmosMetadata.Properties["IsDirectory"].Value.ToString(), out isDirectory); if (isDirectory) { directories.Add(fileInfo); } else { newFiles.Add(fileInfo); } } Debug.WriteLine(""); retry = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Cosmos Error! Retry?\r\n\r\n Error: " + e.ToString(), "Cosmos Error", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.No) { retry = false; } } } return(totalSize); }