protected MultipartFormDataContent BuildPostPayload(KapiRequest request, SearchRequest searchRequest) // This method builds the entire request as a form { MultipartFormDataContent retVal = new MultipartFormDataContent(); // Part #1 - Add binary image file if using a local image if (searchRequest.LocalTransformedQueryImageUri != null) { string path = searchRequest.LocalTransformedQueryImageUri.LocalPath; FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamContent sc = new StreamContent(fs); retVal.Add( sc, // binay image path "image", // name = image "image" // filename = image ); } // Part #2 - Add KnowledgeRequest JSON object var requestJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request); retVal.Add(new StringContent(requestJson), "knowledgeRequest"); return(retVal); }
protected KapiResponse AddJson(KapiRequest kapiRequest, KapiResponse kapiRespose) // This method converts the response into a JSON object { var root = new JObject(); root.Add("object", // .NET object --> JSON string --> JObject graph (so that it can be rendered) Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kapiRequest) )); kapiRespose.KapiRequestJson = root; return(kapiRespose); }
protected KapiRequest BuildKapiRequest(SearchRequest searchRequest) // This method fills a KapiRequest from a passed SearchRequest { KapiRequest kapiRequestObject = new KapiRequest(); if (searchRequest.ScaledBB.HasValue) // Crops the image if a bounding box was placed on it { = searchRequest.ScaledBB.Value.ct; kapiRequestObject.imageInfo.cropArea.left =; kapiRequestObject.imageInfo.cropArea.bottom = searchRequest.ScaledBB.Value.cb; kapiRequestObject.imageInfo.cropArea.right =; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.subscriptionId) == false) // Checks if the subscription ID exists { kapiRequestObject.knowledgeRequest = new KapiRequest.KnowledgeRequest() { subscriptionId = subscriptionId } } ; if (searchRequest.QueryImageUri != null) // Checks if the queryimage url exists { kapiRequestObject.imageInfo.url = searchRequest.QueryImageUri.ToString(); } if (searchRequest.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("site")) // If we have specified a Filter Site url, add it to our request { kapiRequestObject.knowledgeRequest.filters = new KapiRequest.KnowledgeRequest.Filters() { site = searchRequest.CustomProperties["site"] }; } return(kapiRequestObject); }