// Fills the list view component with the leaderboard data for the passed game mode
        private async void FillListView(Gamemode currentGameMode)
            // Creates the leaderboard manager for the passed gamemode
            this.leaderboardManager = new LeaderboardController(currentGameMode);

            // Clear the leaderboard view of any items

            // Get the leaderboard data from the database
            List <LeaderboardData> leaderboardData = await this.leaderboardManager.GetLeaderboard();

            // Goes through each record of the database ordered by score in descending order
            int counter = 1;

            foreach (var record in leaderboardData.OrderByDescending(l => l.Score))
                // Form the rank of each score - if it's below 10 add a zero ifront of the digit
                string rank = counter < 10 ? "0" + counter : counter.ToString();

                // Form the rank row
                string result = $@"      {rank}.         {record.Username} - {record.Score} pt.";

                // Create list view item with the formated result
                ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(result);
                listViewItem.IndentCount = 4;

                // Add the list view item inside the listview

                // Increase the counter
        public LeaderboardPrompt(int playerScore, LeaderboardController leaderboardManager)
            // Set the current player's score
            this.playerScore        = playerScore;
            this.leaderboardManager = leaderboardManager;


            // Hide the error message
            errorMessage.Visible = false;