public static bool TryParseNode(Genero4glParser parser, out PrepareStatement defNode, IModuleResult containingModule) { defNode = null; bool result = false; if (parser.PeekToken(TokenKind.PrepareKeyword)) { result = true; defNode = new PrepareStatement(); parser.NextToken(); defNode.StartIndex = parser.Token.Span.Start; if (parser.PeekToken(TokenCategory.Identifier) || parser.PeekToken(TokenCategory.Keyword)) { parser.NextToken(); defNode.Identifier = parser.Token.Token.Value.ToString(); if (parser.PeekToken(TokenKind.FromKeyword)) { parser.NextToken(); ExpressionNode exprNode; if (FglExpressionNode.TryGetExpressionNode(parser, out exprNode) && exprNode != null) { defNode.Children.Add(exprNode.StartIndex, exprNode); defNode.EndIndex = exprNode.EndIndex; defNode.IsComplete = true; containingModule.BindCursorResult(defNode, parser); } else { parser.ReportSyntaxError("SQL prepare statement must specify an expression to prepare."); } } else { parser.ReportSyntaxError("SQL prepare statement is missing keyword \"from\"."); } } else { parser.ReportSyntaxError("SQL prepare statement must specify an identifier to prepare."); } } return(result); }
public bool TryParseNode(Genero4glParser parser, out FglStatement node, IModuleResult containingModule, List <Func <PrepareStatement, bool> > prepStatementBinders, Func <ReturnStatement, ParserResult> returnStatementBinder = null, Action <IAnalysisResult, int, int> limitedScopeVariableAdder = null, bool returnStatementsOnly = false, List <TokenKind> validExitKeywords = null, IEnumerable <ContextStatementFactory> contextStatementFactories = null, ExpressionParsingOptions expressionOptions = null, HashSet <TokenKind> endKeywords = null) { node = null; bool result = false; if (returnStatementsOnly) { if (parser.PeekToken(TokenKind.ReturnKeyword)) { ReturnStatement retStmt; if ((result = ReturnStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out retStmt))) { node = retStmt; } } return(result); } if (contextStatementFactories != null) { foreach (var context in contextStatementFactories) { node = context(parser); if (node != null) { break; } } if (node != null) { return(true); } } switch (parser.PeekToken().Kind) { case TokenKind.LetKeyword: { LetStatement letStmt; if ((result = LetStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out letStmt, expressionOptions))) { node = letStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.DeclareKeyword: { DeclareStatement declStmt; if ((result = DeclareStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out declStmt, containingModule))) { node = declStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.DeferKeyword: { DeferStatementNode deferStmt; if ((result = DeferStatementNode.TryParseNode(parser, out deferStmt))) { node = deferStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.PrepareKeyword: { PrepareStatement prepStmt; if ((result = PrepareStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out prepStmt, containingModule))) { node = prepStmt; foreach (var binder in prepStatementBinders) { if (binder(prepStmt)) { break; } } } break; } case TokenKind.SqlKeyword: { SqlBlockNode sqlStmt; if ((result = SqlBlockNode.TryParseSqlNode(parser, out sqlStmt))) { node = sqlStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ReturnKeyword: { ReturnStatement retStmt; if ((result = ReturnStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out retStmt))) { if (returnStatementBinder != null) { var parseResult = returnStatementBinder(retStmt); if (!parseResult.Success && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parseResult.ErrorMessage)) { parser.ReportSyntaxError(parseResult.ErrorMessage); } } node = retStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.CallKeyword: { CallStatement callStmt; if ((result = CallStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out callStmt))) { node = callStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.IfKeyword: { IfStatement ifStmt; if ((result = IfStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out ifStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, expressionOptions, endKeywords))) { node = ifStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.WhileKeyword: { WhileStatement whileStmt; if ((result = WhileStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out whileStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, expressionOptions, endKeywords))) { node = whileStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ExitKeyword: { ExitStatement exitStatement; if ((result = ExitStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out exitStatement))) { node = exitStatement; } break; } case TokenKind.ContinueKeyword: { ContinueStatement contStmt; if ((result = ContinueStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out contStmt))) { node = contStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.WheneverKeyword: { WheneverStatement wheneverStmt; if ((result = WheneverStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out wheneverStmt))) { node = wheneverStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ForKeyword: { ForStatement forStmt; if ((result = ForStatement.TryParserNode(parser, out forStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, expressionOptions, endKeywords))) { node = forStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.CaseKeyword: { CaseStatement caseStmt; if ((result = CaseStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out caseStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, expressionOptions, endKeywords))) { node = caseStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.InitializeKeyword: { InitializeStatement initStmt; if ((result = InitializeStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out initStmt))) { node = initStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.LocateKeyword: { LocateStatement locateStmt; if ((result = LocateStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out locateStmt))) { node = locateStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.FreeKeyword: { FreeStatement freeStmt; if ((result = FreeStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out freeStmt))) { node = freeStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.GotoKeyword: { GotoStatement gotoStmt; if ((result = GotoStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out gotoStmt))) { node = gotoStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.LabelKeyword: { LabelStatement labelStmt; if ((result = LabelStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out labelStmt))) { node = labelStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.SleepKeyword: { SleepStatement sleepStmt; if ((result = SleepStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out sleepStmt))) { node = sleepStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.TryKeyword: { TryCatchStatement tryStmt; if ((result = TryCatchStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out tryStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = tryStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ValidateKeyword: { ValidateStatement validateStmt; if ((result = ValidateStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out validateStmt))) { node = validateStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.OptionsKeyword: { OptionsStatement optionsStmt; if ((result = OptionsStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out optionsStmt))) { node = optionsStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ExecuteKeyword: { ExecuteStatement exeStmt; if ((result = ExecuteStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out exeStmt))) { node = exeStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.OpenKeyword: { OpenStatement openStmt; if ((result = OpenStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out openStmt))) { node = openStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.FetchKeyword: { FetchStatement fetchStmt; if ((result = FetchStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out fetchStmt))) { node = fetchStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.CloseKeyword: { CloseStatement closeStmt; if ((result = CloseStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out closeStmt))) { node = closeStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ClearKeyword: { ClearStatement clearStmt; if ((result = ClearStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out clearStmt))) { node = clearStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.ForeachKeyword: { ForeachStatement foreachStmt; if ((result = ForeachStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out foreachStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = foreachStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.MessageKeyword: { MessageStatement msgStmt; if ((result = MessageStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out msgStmt))) { node = msgStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.MenuKeyword: { MenuBlock menuStmt; if ((result = MenuBlock.TryParseNode(parser, out menuStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = menuStmt; if (limitedScopeVariableAdder != null) { limitedScopeVariableAdder(Genero4glAst.DialogVariable, node.StartIndex, node.EndIndex); } } break; } case TokenKind.InputKeyword: { InputBlock inputStmt; if ((result = InputBlock.TryParseNode(parser, out inputStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = inputStmt; if (limitedScopeVariableAdder != null) { limitedScopeVariableAdder(Genero4glAst.DialogVariable, node.StartIndex, node.EndIndex); } } break; } case TokenKind.ConstructKeyword: { ConstructBlock constructStmt; if ((result = ConstructBlock.TryParseNode(parser, out constructStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = constructStmt; if (limitedScopeVariableAdder != null) { limitedScopeVariableAdder(Genero4glAst.DialogVariable, node.StartIndex, node.EndIndex); } } break; } case TokenKind.FlushKeyword: { FlushStatement flushStmt; if ((result = FlushStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out flushStmt))) { node = flushStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.DisplayKeyword: { DisplayBlock dispStmt; if ((result = DisplayBlock.TryParseNode(parser, out dispStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = dispStmt; if (limitedScopeVariableAdder != null) { limitedScopeVariableAdder(Genero4glAst.DialogVariable, node.StartIndex, node.EndIndex); } } break; } case TokenKind.PromptKeyword: { PromptStatement promptStmt; if ((result = PromptStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out promptStmt, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = promptStmt; if (limitedScopeVariableAdder != null) { limitedScopeVariableAdder(Genero4glAst.DialogVariable, node.StartIndex, node.EndIndex); } } break; } case TokenKind.DialogKeyword: { DialogBlock dialogBlock; if ((result = DialogBlock.TryParseNode(parser, out dialogBlock, containingModule, prepStatementBinders, returnStatementBinder, limitedScopeVariableAdder, validExitKeywords, contextStatementFactories, endKeywords))) { node = dialogBlock; if (limitedScopeVariableAdder != null) { limitedScopeVariableAdder(Genero4glAst.DialogVariable, node.StartIndex, node.EndIndex); } } break; } case TokenKind.AcceptKeyword: { AcceptStatement acceptStmt; if ((result = AcceptStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out acceptStmt))) { node = acceptStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.LoadKeyword: { LoadStatement loadStmt; if ((result = LoadStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out loadStmt))) { node = loadStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.CreateKeyword: { CreateStatement createStmt; if ((result = CreateStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out createStmt, containingModule))) { node = createStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.BreakpointKeyword: { BreakpointStatement brkStmt; if ((result = BreakpointStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out brkStmt))) { node = brkStmt; } break; } case TokenKind.OutputKeyword: { OutputToReportStatement outRpt; if ((result = OutputToReportStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out outRpt))) { node = outRpt; } break; } case TokenKind.StartKeyword: { StartReportStatement startRpt; if ((result = StartReportStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out startRpt))) { node = startRpt; } break; } case TokenKind.FinishKeyword: { FinishReportStatement finRpt; if ((result = FinishReportStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out finRpt))) { node = finRpt; } break; } case TokenKind.TerminateKeyword: { TerminateReportStatement termRpt; if ((result = TerminateReportStatement.TryParseNode(parser, out termRpt))) { node = termRpt; } break; } default: { if (SqlStatementFactory.IsValidStatementStart(parser.PeekToken().Kind)) { bool dummy; result = SqlStatementFactory.TryParseSqlStatement(parser, out node, out dummy); } break; } } if (result) { // check for semicolon if (parser.PeekToken(TokenKind.Semicolon)) { parser.NextToken(); } } return(result); }
protected bool BindPrepareCursorFromIdentifier(PrepareStatement prepStmt) { // If the prepare statement uses a variable from prepare from, that variable should have been encountered // prior to the prepare statement. So we'll do a binary search in the children of this function to look for // a LetStatement above the prepare statement where the prepare statement's from identifier was assigned. // If it can't be found, then we have to assume that the identifier was assigned outside of this function, // and we have no real way to determining the cursor SQL text. bool result = false; if (prepStmt.Children.Count == 1) { StringExpressionNode strExpr = prepStmt.Children[prepStmt.Children.Keys[0]] as StringExpressionNode; if (strExpr != null) { prepStmt.SetSqlStatement(strExpr.LiteralValue); } else { FglNameExpression exprNode = prepStmt.Children[prepStmt.Children.Keys[0]] as FglNameExpression; if (exprNode != null) { string ident = exprNode.Name; List <int> keys = Children.Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); int searchIndex = keys.BinarySearch(prepStmt.StartIndex); if (searchIndex < 0) { searchIndex = ~searchIndex; if (searchIndex > 0) { searchIndex--; } } LetStatement letStmt = null; while (searchIndex >= 0 && searchIndex < keys.Count) { int key = keys[searchIndex]; letStmt = Children[key] as LetStatement; if (letStmt != null) { // check for the LetStatement's identifier if (ident.Equals(letStmt.Variable.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { break; } else { letStmt = null; } } searchIndex--; } if (letStmt != null) { // we have a match, bind the let statement's value prepStmt.SetSqlStatement(letStmt.GetLiteralValue()); result = true; } } } } return(result); }