public async void LaunchMono(Response response, dynamic args)
            _attachMode = false;


            // validate argument 'program'
            string programPath = getString(args, "program");

            if (programPath == null)
                SendErrorResponse(response, 3001, "Property 'program' is missing or empty.", null);
            programPath = ConvertClientPathToDebugger(programPath);
            if (!File.Exists(programPath) && !Directory.Exists(programPath))
                SendErrorResponse(response, 3002, "Program '{path}' does not exist.", new { path = programPath });

            // validate argument 'cwd'
            var workingDirectory = (string)args.cwd;

            if (workingDirectory != null)
                workingDirectory = workingDirectory.Trim();
                if (workingDirectory.Length == 0)
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3003, "Property 'cwd' is empty.");
                workingDirectory = ConvertClientPathToDebugger(workingDirectory);
                if (!Directory.Exists(workingDirectory))
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3004, "Working directory '{path}' does not exist.", new { path = workingDirectory });

            // validate argument 'runtimeExecutable'
            var runtimeExecutable = (string)args.runtimeExecutable;

            if (runtimeExecutable != null)
                runtimeExecutable = runtimeExecutable.Trim();
                if (runtimeExecutable.Length == 0)
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3005, "Property 'runtimeExecutable' is empty.");
                runtimeExecutable = ConvertClientPathToDebugger(runtimeExecutable);
                if (!File.Exists(runtimeExecutable))
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3006, "Runtime executable '{path}' does not exist.", new { path = runtimeExecutable });

            // validate argument 'env'
            Dictionary <string, string> env = null;
            var environmentVariables        = args.env;

            if (environmentVariables != null)
                env = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var entry in environmentVariables)
                    env.Add((string)entry.Name, (string)entry.Value);
                if (env.Count == 0)
                    env = null;

            const string host = "";
            int          port = Utilities.FindFreePort(55555);

            string mono_path = runtimeExecutable;

            if (mono_path == null)
                if (!Utilities.IsOnPath(MONO))
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3011, "Can't find runtime '{_runtime}' on PATH.", new { _runtime = MONO });
                mono_path = MONO;                     // try to find mono through PATH

            var cmdLine = new List <String>();

            bool debug = !getBool(args, "noDebug", false);

            if (debug)
                cmdLine.Add(String.Format("--debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address={0}:{1}", host, port));

            // add 'runtimeArgs'
            if (args.runtimeArgs != null)
                string[] runtimeArguments = args.runtimeArgs.ToObject <string[]>();
                if (runtimeArguments != null && runtimeArguments.Length > 0)

            // add 'program'
            if (workingDirectory == null)
                // if no working dir given, we use the direct folder of the executable
                workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(programPath);
                // if working dir is given and if the executable is within that folder, we make the program path relative to the working dir
                cmdLine.Add(Utilities.MakeRelativePath(workingDirectory, programPath));

            // add 'args'
            if (args.args != null)
                string[] arguments = args.args.ToObject <string[]>();
                if (arguments != null && arguments.Length > 0)

            // what console?
            var console = getString(args, "console", null);

            if (console == null)
                // continue to read the deprecated "externalConsole" attribute
                bool externalConsole = getBool(args, "externalConsole", false);
                if (externalConsole)
                    console = "externalTerminal";

            if (console == "externalTerminal" || console == "integratedTerminal")
                cmdLine.Insert(0, mono_path);

                var termArgs = new {
                    kind  = console == "integratedTerminal" ? "integrated" : "external",
                    title = "Node Debug Console",
                    cwd   = workingDirectory,
                    args  = cmdLine.ToArray(),
                    env   = environmentVariables

                var resp = await SendRequest("runInTerminal", termArgs);

                if (!resp.success)
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3011, "Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({_error}).", new { _error = resp.message });
            else                 // internalConsole

                _process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                _process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow   = true;
                _process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute  = false;
                _process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
                _process.StartInfo.FileName         = mono_path;
                _process.StartInfo.Arguments        = Utilities.ConcatArgs(cmdLine.ToArray());

                _stdoutEOF = false;
                _process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                _process.OutputDataReceived += (object sender, System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs e) => {
                    if (e.Data == null)
                        _stdoutEOF = true;
                    SendOutput("stdout", e.Data);

                _stderrEOF = false;
                _process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                _process.ErrorDataReceived += (object sender, System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs e) => {
                    if (e.Data == null)
                        _stderrEOF = true;
                    SendOutput("stderr", e.Data);

                _process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                _process.Exited += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                    Terminate("runtime process exited");

                if (env != null)
                    // we cannot set the env vars on the process StartInfo because we need to set StartInfo.UseShellExecute to true at the same time.
                    // instead we set the env vars on MonoDebug itself because we know that MonoDebug lives as long as a debug session.
                    foreach (var entry in env)
                        System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(entry.Key, entry.Value);

                var cmd = string.Format("{0} {1}", mono_path, _process.StartInfo.Arguments);
                SendOutput("console", cmd);

                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    SendErrorResponse(response, 3012, "Can't launch terminal ({reason}).", new { reason = e.Message });

            if (debug)
                Connect(IPAddress.Parse(host), port);


            if (_process == null && !debug)
                // we cannot track mono runtime process so terminate this session
                Terminate("cannot track mono runtime");