internal static void Run(MyBindableResource destination, MyBindableResource source) { var context = MyRender11.DeviceContext; context.OutputMerger.BlendState = null; RC.SetIL(null); context.PixelShader.Set(m_ps); RC.BindDepthRT(null, DepthStencilAccess.ReadWrite, destination); RC.BindSRV(0, source); MyScreenPass.DrawFullscreenQuad(new MyViewport(destination.GetSize().X, destination.GetSize().Y)); }
internal static void ClearAlpha(MyBindableResource destination) { var context = MyRender11.DeviceContext; context.OutputMerger.BlendState = MyRender11.BlendAdditive; context.InputAssembler.InputLayout = null; context.PixelShader.Set(m_clearAlphaPs); RC.BindDepthRT(null, DepthStencilAccess.ReadWrite, destination); MyScreenPass.DrawFullscreenQuad(new MyViewport(destination.GetSize().X, destination.GetSize().Y)); context.OutputMerger.BlendState = null; }
internal static void Run(MyBindableResource dst, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource avgLum, MyBindableResource bloom, bool enableTonemapping = true) { //Debug.Assert(src.GetSize() == dst.GetSize()); var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16));;;;; mapping.Unmap(); RC.CSSetCB(0, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.CSSetCB(1, MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16)); RC.BindUAV(0, dst); RC.BindSRV(0, src, avgLum, bloom); RC.Context.ComputeShader.SetSampler(0, MyRender11.m_defaultSamplerState); if (enableTonemapping) { RC.SetCS(m_cs); } else { RC.SetCS(m_csSkip); } var size = dst.GetSize(); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); RC.SetCS(null); }
internal static void Run(MyBindableResource destination, MyBindableResource source, MyViewport? customViewport = null) { var context = MyRender11.DeviceContext; context.OutputMerger.BlendState = null; //context.Rasterizer.SetViewport(0, 0, MyRender.ViewportResolution.X, MyRender.ViewportResolution.Y); RC.SetIL(null); context.PixelShader.Set(m_copyPs); //context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(null as DepthStencilView, target); //context.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, resource); RC.BindDepthRT(null, DepthStencilAccess.ReadWrite, destination); RC.BindSRV(0, source); MyScreenPass.DrawFullscreenQuad(customViewport ?? new MyViewport(destination.GetSize().X, destination.GetSize().Y)); }
internal static void Run(MyBindableResource destination, MyBindableResource source) { var context = MyRender11.Context; context.OutputMerger.BlendState = null; //context.Rasterizer.SetViewport(0, 0, MyRender.ViewportResolution.X, MyRender.ViewportResolution.Y); context.InputAssembler.InputLayout = null; context.PixelShader.Set(m_copyPs); //context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(null as DepthStencilView, target); //context.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, resource); RC.BindDepthRT(null, DepthStencilAccess.ReadWrite, destination); RC.BindSRV(0, source); MyScreenPass.DrawFullscreenQuad(new MyViewport(destination.GetSize().X, destination.GetSize().Y)); }
private static void TakeCustomSizedScreenshot(Vector2 rescale) { var resCpy = m_resolution; m_resolution = new Vector2I(resCpy * rescale); CreateScreenResources(); m_finalImage = DrawGameScene(null); m_resetEyeAdaptation = true; var surface = new MyRenderTarget(m_finalImage.GetSize().X, m_finalImage.GetSize().Y, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm_SRgb, 1, 0); MyCopyToRT.Run(surface, m_finalImage); MyCopyToRT.ClearAlpha(surface); SaveScreenshotFromResource(surface.m_resource); surface.Release(); m_resolution = resCpy; CreateScreenResources(); }
internal static void Run(MyBindableResource dst, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource stencil) { RC.BindUAV(0, dst); RC.BindSRV(0, src, stencil); RC.SetCS(m_cs); var size = dst.GetSize(); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); RC.SetCS(null); }
internal static void Run(MyBindableResource dst, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource avgLum, MyBindableResource bloom, bool enableTonemapping = true) { //Debug.Assert(src.GetSize() == dst.GetSize()); var buffer = MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16); var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(buffer); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref MyRender11.Settings.MiddleGrey); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref MyRender11.Settings.LuminanceExposure); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref MyRender11.Settings.BloomExposure); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref MyRender11.Settings.BloomMult); mapping.Unmap(); RC.CSSetCB(0, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.CSSetCB(1, MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16)); RC.BindUAV(0, dst); RC.BindSRVs(0, src, avgLum, bloom); RC.DeviceContext.ComputeShader.SetSampler(0, SamplerStates.m_default); if (enableTonemapping) { RC.SetCS(m_cs); } else { RC.SetCS(m_csSkip); } var size = dst.GetSize(); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); ComputeShaderId.TmpUav[0] = null; RC.DeviceContext.ComputeShader.SetUnorderedAccessViews(0, ComputeShaderId.TmpUav, ComputeShaderId.TmpCount); RC.SetCS(null); }
private unsafe static byte[] GetScreenData(Vector2I resolution, byte[] screenData = null) { const uint headerPadding = 256; // Need to allocate some space for the bitmap headers const uint bytesPerPixel = 4; uint imageSizeInBytes = (uint)(resolution.Size() * bytesPerPixel); uint dataSizeInBytes = imageSizeInBytes + headerPadding; byte[] returnData = null; if (screenData == null) { screenData = new byte[imageSizeInBytes]; } else if (screenData.Length != imageSizeInBytes) { Debug.Fail("Preallocated buffer for GetScreenData incorrect size: " + imageSizeInBytes.ToString() + " expected, " + screenData.Length + " received"); return(returnData); } MyBindableResource imageSource = Backbuffer; MyBindableResource imageSourceResourceView = null; if (imageSource != null && (resolution.X != imageSource.GetSize().X || resolution.Y != imageSource.GetSize().Y)) { MyViewKey viewKey = new MyViewKey { View = MyViewEnum.SrvView, Fmt = MyRender11Constants.DX11_BACKBUFFER_FORMAT }; if (m_backbufferCopyResource == null) { m_backbufferCopyResource = new MyCustomTexture(m_resolution.X, m_resolution.Y, BindFlags.ShaderResource, MyRender11Constants.DX11_BACKBUFFER_FORMAT); m_backbufferCopyResource.AddView(viewKey); } MyRenderContext.Immediate.DeviceContext.CopyResource(imageSource.m_resource, m_backbufferCopyResource.m_resource); imageSource = m_backbufferCopyResource; imageSourceResourceView = m_backbufferCopyResource.GetView(viewKey); } if (imageSource == null) { return(returnData); } if (imageSizeInBytes > int.MaxValue) { Debug.Fail("Image size too large to read!"); return(returnData); } MyBindableResource imageResource = imageSource; bool shouldResize = imageSourceResourceView != null; if (shouldResize) { imageResource = m_lastScreenDataResource; if (imageResource == null || (imageResource.GetSize().X != resolution.X || imageResource.GetSize().Y != resolution.Y)) { if (m_lastScreenDataResource != null && (m_lastScreenDataResource != m_backbufferCopyResource && m_lastScreenDataResource != Backbuffer)) { m_lastScreenDataResource.Release(); } m_lastScreenDataResource = null; imageResource = new MyRenderTarget(resolution.X, resolution.Y, MyRender11Constants.DX11_BACKBUFFER_FORMAT, 1, 0); } var RC = MyRenderContext.Immediate; var deviceContext = RC.DeviceContext; deviceContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList; deviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewport(0, 0, resolution.X, resolution.Y); deviceContext.PixelShader.Set(MyDebugRenderer.BlitTextureShader); deviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(MyCommon.FRAME_SLOT, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.BindDepthRT(null, DepthStencilAccess.ReadWrite, imageResource); RC.BindSRV(0, imageSourceResourceView); MyDebugRenderer.DrawQuad(0, 0, resolution.X, resolution.Y, MyScreenPass.QuadVS); //MyCopyToRT.Run(imageResource, imageSourceResourceView, new MyViewport(resolution)); } m_lastScreenDataResource = imageResource; Stream dataStream = m_lastDataStream; if (m_lastDataStream == null || m_lastDataStream.Length != dataSizeInBytes) { if (m_lastDataStream != null) { m_lastDataStream.Dispose(); m_lastDataStream = null; } dataStream = new DataStream((int)dataSizeInBytes, true, true); dataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } m_lastDataStream = dataStream; Resource.ToStream(MyRenderContext.Immediate.DeviceContext, imageResource.m_resource, ImageFileFormat.Bmp, dataStream); if (!(dataStream.CanRead && dataStream.CanSeek)) { Debug.Fail("Screen data stream does not support the necessary operations to get the data"); return(returnData); } fixed(byte *dataPointer = screenData) { GetBmpDataFromStream(dataStream, dataPointer, imageSizeInBytes); } returnData = screenData; if (m_lastDataStream != null) { m_lastDataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } return(returnData); }
internal static MyBindableResource Run(MyBindableResource uav0, MyBindableResource uav1, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource prevLum, MyBindableResource localAvgLum) { var size = src.GetSize(); var texelsNum = size.X * size.Y; var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16));;;; mapping.Unmap(); RC.CSSetCB(0, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.CSSetCB(1, MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16)); RC.BindUAV(0, uav0); RC.BindSRV(0, src); RC.SetCS(m_initialShader); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); RC.SetCS(m_sumShader); int i = 0; while (true) { size.X = (size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads; size.Y = (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads; if (size.X <= 8 && size.Y <= 8) break; //mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectBuffer(16).Buffer); // Vector2I(size.X, size.Y)); //mapping.Unmap(); RC.BindUAV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0); RC.BindSRV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); //might not be exactly correct if we skip this var dirty = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1; RC.Context.ClearUnorderedAccessView((dirty as IUnorderedAccessBindable).UAV, new SharpDX.Int4(0, 0, 0, 0)); i++; } RC.SetCS(m_finalShader); //mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectBuffer(16).Buffer); // Vector2I(size.X, size.Y)); //; //mapping.Unmap(); RC.BindUAV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0); RC.BindSRV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1, prevLum); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); RC.SetCS(null); var output = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0; RC.Context.CopySubresourceRegion(output.m_resource, 0, new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), prevLum.m_resource, 0); return output; }
internal override Vector3I GetSize() { return(m_owner.GetSize()); }
internal static MyBindableResource Run(MyBindableResource uav0, MyBindableResource uav1, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource prevLum, MyBindableResource localAvgLum) { var size = src.GetSize(); var texelsNum = size.X * size.Y; var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16));;;; ? -1.0f : MyRender11.Postprocess.ConstantLuminance); mapping.Unmap(); RC.CSSetCB(0, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.CSSetCB(1, MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16)); RC.BindUAV(0, uav0); RC.BindSRV(0, src); RC.SetCS(m_initialShader); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); RC.SetCS(m_sumShader); int i = 0; while (true) { size.X = (size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads; size.Y = (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads; if (size.X <= 8 && size.Y <= 8) { break; } //mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectBuffer(16).Buffer); // Vector2I(size.X, size.Y)); //mapping.Unmap(); RC.BindUAV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0); RC.BindSRV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); //might not be exactly correct if we skip this var dirty = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1; RC.Context.ClearUnorderedAccessView((dirty as IUnorderedAccessBindable).UAV, new SharpDX.Int4(0, 0, 0, 0)); i++; } RC.SetCS(m_finalShader); //mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.GetObjectBuffer(16).Buffer); // Vector2I(size.X, size.Y)); //; //mapping.Unmap(); RC.BindUAV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0); RC.BindSRV(0, (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1, prevLum); RC.Context.Dispatch((size.X + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, (size.Y + m_numthreads - 1) / m_numthreads, 1); RC.SetCS(null); var output = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0; RC.Context.CopySubresourceRegion(output.m_resource, 0, new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), prevLum.m_resource, 0); return(output); }
internal static MyBindableResource Run(MyBindableResource uav0, MyBindableResource uav1, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource prevLum) { Vector3I size = src.GetSize(); int texelsNum = size.X * size.Y; uint sizeX = (uint)size.X; uint sizeY = (uint)size.Y; float adaptationFactor = MyRender11.Postprocess.EnableEyeAdaptation ? -1.0f : MyRender11.Postprocess.ConstantLuminance; var buffer = MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16); var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(buffer); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref sizeX); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref sizeY); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref texelsNum); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref adaptationFactor); mapping.Unmap(); RC.CSSetCB(0, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.CSSetCB(1, MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16)); RC.SetCS(m_initialShader); MyBindableResource output = uav0; MyBindableResource input = src; RC.BindUAV(0, output); RC.BindSRV(0, input); int threadGroupCountX = ComputeGroupCount(size.X); int threadGroupCountY = ComputeGroupCount(size.Y); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch(threadGroupCountX, threadGroupCountY, 1); RC.SetCS(m_sumShader); int i = 0; while (true) { size.X = threadGroupCountX; size.Y = threadGroupCountY; if (size.X <= NUM_THREADS && size.Y <= NUM_THREADS) { break; } output = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0; input = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1; RC.BindUAV(0, output); RC.BindSRV(0, input); threadGroupCountX = ComputeGroupCount(size.X); threadGroupCountY = ComputeGroupCount(size.Y); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch(threadGroupCountX, threadGroupCountY, 1); i++; } RC.SetCS(m_finalShader); output = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0; input = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1; RC.BindUAV(0, output); RC.BindSRVs(0, input, prevLum); threadGroupCountX = ComputeGroupCount(size.X); threadGroupCountY = ComputeGroupCount(size.Y); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch(threadGroupCountX, threadGroupCountY, 1); RC.SetCS(null); // Backup the result for later process RC.DeviceContext.CopySubresourceRegion(output.m_resource, 0, new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), prevLum.m_resource, 0); return(output); }
internal static MyBindableResource Run(MyBindableResource uav0, MyBindableResource uav1, MyBindableResource src, MyBindableResource prevLum) { Vector3I size = src.GetSize(); int texelsNum = size.X * size.Y; uint sizeX = (uint)size.X; uint sizeY = (uint)size.Y; float adaptationFactor = MyRender11.Postprocess.EnableEyeAdaptation ? -1.0f : MyRender11.Postprocess.ConstantLuminance; var buffer = MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16); var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(buffer); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref sizeX); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref sizeY); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref texelsNum); mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref adaptationFactor); mapping.Unmap(); RC.CSSetCB(0, MyCommon.FrameConstants); RC.CSSetCB(1, MyCommon.GetObjectCB(16)); RC.SetCS(m_initialShader); MyBindableResource output = uav0; MyBindableResource input = src; RC.BindUAV(0, output); RC.BindSRV(0, input); int threadGroupCountX = ComputeGroupCount(size.X); int threadGroupCountY = ComputeGroupCount(size.Y); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch(threadGroupCountX, threadGroupCountY, 1); RC.SetCS(m_sumShader); int i = 0; while (true) { size.X = threadGroupCountX; size.Y = threadGroupCountY; if (size.X <= NUM_THREADS && size.Y <= NUM_THREADS) break; output = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0; input = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1; RC.BindUAV(0, output); RC.BindSRV(0, input); threadGroupCountX = ComputeGroupCount(size.X); threadGroupCountY = ComputeGroupCount(size.Y); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch(threadGroupCountX, threadGroupCountY, 1); i++; } RC.SetCS(m_finalShader); output = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav1 : uav0; input = (i % 2 == 0) ? uav0 : uav1; RC.BindUAV(0, output); RC.BindSRVs(0, input, prevLum); threadGroupCountX = ComputeGroupCount(size.X); threadGroupCountY = ComputeGroupCount(size.Y); RC.DeviceContext.Dispatch(threadGroupCountX, threadGroupCountY, 1); RC.SetCS(null); // Backup the result for later process RC.DeviceContext.CopySubresourceRegion(output.m_resource, 0, new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), prevLum.m_resource, 0); return output; }
private unsafe static byte[] GetScreenData(Vector2I resolution, byte[] screenData = null) { const uint headerPadding = 256; // Need to allocate some space for the bitmap headers const uint bytesPerPixel = 4; uint imageSizeInBytes = (uint)(resolution.Size() * bytesPerPixel); uint dataSizeInBytes = imageSizeInBytes + headerPadding; byte[] returnData = null; if (screenData == null) { screenData = new byte[imageSizeInBytes]; } else if (screenData.Length != imageSizeInBytes) { Debug.Fail("Preallocated buffer for GetScreenData incorrect size: " + imageSizeInBytes.ToString() + " expected, " + screenData.Length * bytesPerPixel + " received"); return(returnData); } MyBindableResource imageSource = Backbuffer; if (imageSource == null) { return(returnData); } if (imageSizeInBytes > int.MaxValue) { Debug.Fail("Image size too large to read!"); return(returnData); } MyBindableResource imageResource = imageSource; if (resolution.X != imageResource.GetSize().X || resolution.Y != imageResource.GetSize().Y) { imageResource = m_lastScreenDataResource; if (imageResource == null || (imageResource.GetSize().X != resolution.X || imageResource.GetSize().Y != resolution.Y)) { if (m_lastScreenDataResource != null && m_lastScreenDataResource != Backbuffer) { m_lastScreenDataResource.Release(); } m_lastScreenDataResource = null; imageResource = new MyRenderTarget(resolution.X, resolution.Y, MyRender11Constants.DX11_BACKBUFFER_FORMAT, 0, 0); } MyCopyToRT.Run(imageResource, imageSource, new MyViewport(resolution)); } m_lastScreenDataResource = imageResource; Stream dataStream = m_lastDataStream; if (m_lastDataStream == null || m_lastDataStream.Length != dataSizeInBytes) { if (m_lastDataStream != null) { m_lastDataStream.Dispose(); m_lastDataStream = null; } dataStream = new DataStream((int)dataSizeInBytes, true, true); } m_lastDataStream = dataStream; Resource.ToStream(MyRenderContext.Immediate.DeviceContext, imageResource.m_resource, ImageFileFormat.Bmp, dataStream); if (!(dataStream.CanRead && dataStream.CanSeek)) { Debug.Fail("Screen data stream does not support the necessary operations to get the data"); return(returnData); } fixed(byte *dataPointer = screenData) { GetBmpDataFromStream(dataStream, dataPointer, imageSizeInBytes); } returnData = screenData; if (m_lastDataStream != null) { m_lastDataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } return(returnData); }