        private void HandleClick()
            if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)
                //*********************************************************************************    STARTS HERE (copyrigthed as mentioned above)     *****************************************************************************

                if (counter < 6)
                    if (m_CurrentInteractible.CompareTag("PhaseA"))                // If the selected object belongs in trial A
                        if (m_CurrentInteractible.selected == false)               // If the item was not selected before
                            if (phase == "A")                                      //If the selected object belongs to trial A
                                correctChoiceA++;                                  //Correct choices incremented by 1
                                totalCorrect++;                                    //Increament total correct choices by 1
                                m_CurrentInteractible.gameObject.SetActive(false); //This is for Debugging purposes. We set the visibility of the object to false

                                wrongChoiceA++;     //Wrong choices increamented by 1
                                totalWrong++;       //Increament total wrong choices by 1;

                            m_CurrentInteractible.selected = true;     //we select the item turning the flag true
                            //counter++; //We increse the counter of total selected items
                        else                                              //The item was selected before and is now deselected
                            if (CurrentInteractible.CompareTag("PhaseA")) //if the item belonged to trial A
                                correctChoiceA--;                         //The correct choices are decreased by 1
                                totalCorrect--;                           //Decrease total correct choices by 1
                            {                                       //If the item belonged in trial B then the wrong choices are decreased
                                wrongChoiceA--;                     // Wrong choises decreased by 1
                                totalWrong--;                       //Decrease total wrong choices by 1
                            m_CurrentInteractible.selected = false; //we deselect the item turning the select flag to false
                            counter--;                              //We decrease the counter of total selected items

                    else if (m_CurrentInteractible.CompareTag("PhaseB")) // If the selected object belongs to trial B
                        if (m_CurrentInteractible.selected == false)     // If the item was not selected before
                            if (phase == "B")                            //If the selected object belongs to trial B
                                correctChoiceB++;                        //Correct choices incremented by 1
                                totalCorrect++;                          //Increament total correct by 1

                                wrongChoiceB++;     //Wrong choices increamented by 1
                                totalWrong++;       //Increament total wrong choices by 1

                            CurrentInteractible.selected = true;

                        else                                              //The item was selected before and is now deselected
                            m_CurrentInteractible.selected = false;       //we deselect the item turning the select flag to false
                            if (CurrentInteractible.CompareTag("PhaseB")) //if the item belonged to trial B
                                correctChoiceB--;                         //The correct choices are decreased by 1
                                totalCorrect--;                           //Decrease total correct choices by 1
                            {                   //If the item belonged in phase A then the wrong choices are decreased
                                wrongChoiceB--; // Wrong choises decreased by 1
                                totalWrong--;   //Decrease total wrong choices by 1

                            CurrentInteractible.selected = false; // Object was deselected
                            counter--;                            //Decrease the counter by 1

                //If Button ends here
                    if (counter >= 5) // If the user has selected all 6 objects and they are ready to go to the next trial or end the game
                        if (phase == "A")
                            //Load Trial B
                            phase   = "B"; // Load trial B
                            counter = 0;   //Reset counter
                            //End game

                //*********************************************************************************** ENDS HERE **************************************************************************************
