        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj.GetType() == typeof(EyeRaycastHit))
                EyeRaycastHit other = (EyeRaycastHit)obj;

                return(this.item == other.item &&
                       this.point == other.point &&
                       this.distance == other.distance &&
                       this.normal == other.normal &&
                       this.hasHit == other.hasHit);
        private bool GetInteractiveItem(out EyeRaycastHit raycastHit)
            raycastHit          = new EyeRaycastHit();
            raycastHit.distance = -1;

            EyeRaycastHit physicsRaycastClosestItem = GetPhysicsInteractiveItem();
            EyeRaycastHit canvasRaycastClosestItem  = GetGraphicInteractiveItem();

            List <EyeRaycastHit> interactibleItems = new List <EyeRaycastHit>()
                physicsRaycastClosestItem, canvasRaycastClosestItem

            bool hasItems = interactibleItems.Count > 0;

            if (hasItems)
                float         closestDistance   = m_RayLength;
                EyeRaycastHit closestRaycastHit = interactibleItems.FindLast(potentialClosestHit => {
                    bool closer = (potentialClosestHit.distance < closestDistance) && (potentialClosestHit.distance >= 0.0f);
                    if (closer)
                        closestDistance = potentialClosestHit.distance;

                raycastHit = closestRaycastHit;

                // Weird check in the event of CurvedUI Canvas's obscuring its child.
                if (raycastHit == physicsRaycastClosestItem && physicsRaycastClosestItem.gameObject != null)
                    Canvas curvedUICanvas = raycastHit.gameObject.GetComponent <Canvas>();
                    if (curvedUICanvas != null &&
                        canvasRaycastClosestItem.item != null &&
                        EyeRaycastHit edgeCaseHit = canvasRaycastClosestItem;
                        edgeCaseHit.distance = raycastHit.distance;
                        Debug.Log("Edge case detected! " + raycastHit.gameObject, canvasRaycastClosestItem.gameObject);

                        raycastHit = edgeCaseHit;

        private EyeRaycastHit GetPhysicsInteractiveItem()
            EyeRaycastHit result = new EyeRaycastHit();

            result.distance = -1.0f;

            Ray        ray = new Ray(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward);
            RaycastHit hit;

            // Do the raycast forwards to see if we hit an interactive item
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, m_RayLength, ~m_ExclusionLayers))
                result.item       = hit.collider.GetComponent <VRInteractiveItem>(); //attempt to get the VRInteractiveItem on the hit object
                result.point      = hit.point;
                result.normal     = hit.normal;
                result.distance   = hit.distance;
                result.hit        = hit;
                result.hasHit     = true;
                result.gameObject = hit.collider.gameObject;

        private EyeRaycastHit GetGraphicInteractiveItem()
            EyeRaycastHit result = new EyeRaycastHit();

            result.distance = -1.0f;

            //EventSystem eventSystem = EventSystem.current;

            PointerEventData eventData = new PointerEventData(m_EventSystem);
            //Vector2 position = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2.0f, Screen.height / 2.0f);
            Vector2 position = m_CameraObject.WorldToScreenPoint(m_Camera.position + m_Camera.forward);

            //Debug.Log("Raycast Startpoint: " + position + " vs. " + cposition + " vs. " + wposition);

            eventData.position = position;

            List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();

            m_EventSystem.RaycastAll(eventData, results);

            // Check to see if we have an interactive item.
            if (results.Count > 0)
                // Make sure we don't have any duplicates.
                List <GameObject> resultsObjects = new List <GameObject>();
                results.RemoveAll(potentialDuplicate => {
                    bool alreadyContains = resultsObjects.Contains(potentialDuplicate.gameObject);
                    if (!alreadyContains)

                /* If so, grab the first one (since it will be the closest item) and remove everything else (since we don't care
                 * about regular UI items if we have an interactive item). This may look super strange, but there's no sense in doubling
                 * back through all of the objects and call GetComponent again (which is expensive) if there is a VRInteractiveItem on
                 * one of them, so I just cache the first one that comes by. */
                GameObject firstInteractiveObject = null;
                bool       interactiveItemExists  = results.Exists(raycastResult => {
                    VRInteractiveItem item = raycastResult.gameObject.GetComponent <VRInteractiveItem>();
                    if (item != null && firstInteractiveObject == null)
                        firstInteractiveObject = raycastResult.gameObject;
                    return(item != null);

                if (interactiveItemExists)
                    results.RemoveAll(currentResult => {
                        return(currentResult.gameObject != firstInteractiveObject);

            // If we have any results at this point, just grab the first one, and let's go!
            if (results.Count > 0)
                GameObject resultObject = results[0].gameObject;
                result.item = resultObject.GetComponent <VRInteractiveItem>();
                Vector3 worldPosition = m_CameraObject.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(results[0].screenPosition.x, results[0].screenPosition.y, results[0].distance));

                result.point      = worldPosition;
                result.normal     = -resultObject.transform.forward;
                result.distance   = results[0].distance;
                result.gameObject = results[0].gameObject;
