        private void retrieveLightmap()
        //gathers lightmap data from the offset in the file
            lightmapLDR = new ColorRGBExp32[LightmapTextureWidth, LightmapTextureLength];
            lightmapHDR = new ColorRGBExp32[LightmapTextureWidth, LightmapTextureLength];

            if (bsp.LDR)
                bsp.file.Seek(bsp.offsets[8].Key + lightOfs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int y = 0; y < LightmapTextureLength; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < LightmapTextureWidth; x++)
                        lightmapLDR[x, y] = new ColorRGBExp32(bsp.reader);
            if (bsp.HDR)
                bsp.file.Seek(bsp.offsets[53].Key + lightOfs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int y = 0; y < LightmapTextureLength; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < LightmapTextureWidth; x++)
                        lightmapHDR[x, y] = new ColorRGBExp32(bsp.reader);
        private void updateLightmapViewer()

            if (surface != null && selectedX >= 0 && selectedX < surface.LightmapTextureWidth &&
                selectedY >= 0 && selectedY < surface.LightmapTextureLength)
                ColorRGBExp32 luxel = getLuxel(selectedX, selectedY);
                spinnerR.Value = luxel.r;
                spinnerG.Value = luxel.g;
                spinnerB.Value = luxel.b;
                spinnerE.Value = luxel.e;

                double exp  = Math.Pow(2, luxel.e);
                int    rgbR = (int)(luxel.r * exp);
                int    rgbG = (int)(luxel.g * exp);
                int    rgbB = (int)(luxel.b * exp);

                labelRGB.Text = "RGB: " + rgbR + " " + rgbG + " " + rgbB;