static void Main(string[] args)
            var vmfPath    = Path.GetFullPath(@".\..\..\Tests\dev_room.vmf");
            var configPath = Path.GetFullPath(@".\..\..\Tests\remotecompile.cfg");
            var vmfPath    = "path.vmf";
            var configPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), "remotecompile.cfg");
            //TODO: Take parameter of map to compile
            //TODO: Take parameter of maps root path for instances
            //      Temporarily use vmf location
            var mapsRoot = Path.GetDirectoryName(vmfPath);

            //TODO: Take optional parameter of config file path
            //TODO: Load local config file, if it doesn't exist, create a default one

            Config config;
            if (File.Exists(configPath))
                //TODO: Load config
                #region Create default config
                config = new Config(new List <IVNode>
                    new VBlock("RemoteCompileConfig", new List <IVNode>
                        new VBlock("BuildServer", new List <IVNode>
                            new VProperty("Address", "")
                            , new VProperty("Port", "9043")
                            , new VProperty("Username", "")
                            , new VProperty("Password", "")
                            , new VBlock("AuthLock", new List <IVNode>
                                new VProperty("Token", "")
                                , new VProperty("Expires", "")
                        , new VProperty("BuildTarget", "Source SDK 2013")

                        //TODO: Add all available VBSP, VVIS, VRAD parameters
                        , new VBlock("VBSP", new List <IVNode>
                            new VProperty("", "")
                        , new VBlock("VVIS", new List <IVNode>
                            new VProperty("", "")
                        , new VBlock("VRAD", new List <IVNode>
                            new VProperty("", "")

                File.WriteAllLines(configPath, config.ToVMFStrings());

            // Load VMF
            if (!File.Exists(vmfPath))
                // Early exit
                Console.WriteLine("Map does not exist \"{0}\"", vmfPath);

            var vmfFileContents = File.ReadAllLines(vmfPath);
            var vmf             = new VMF(vmfFileContents);

            // Recursively identify and load dependent instances
            // Track instance dependency tree to recognize instance recursion
            // Only dig 100 levels deep unless otherwise specified in the config
            var instanceTree = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <string, List <int> > >();
            BuildInstanceTree(instanceTree, 100, 0, vmf, vmfPath, BuildInstanceDictionaryKeyIndex++, mapsRoot);

            //TODO: Make sure there is no recursion in the instanceTree

            //TODO: Request hashes of all dependent resources from server.
            //      Compare results to local copies.
            //      Notify user of the comparison

            //TODO: Send compile request with serialized parameters, and list of incoming resources

            //TODO: Send copy of vmf and instances to server

            //TODO: Spin off waiting thread for server to execute OnCompleteBuild commands
            //      This could include: downloading the map, and running the game
文件: VMFAdapter.cs 项目: 1upD/Nails
         * Exports the given NailsMap to a VMF file. Uses the file name passed in when this adapter was constructed.
         * <author>1upD</author>
        public void Export(NailsMap map)
                log.Info(string.Format("Exporting Nails map data to VMF file: {0}", this._filename));

                // Make a deep copy of the stored VMF to add instances to
                VMF output_vmf = new VMFParser.VMF(this._vmf.ToVMFStrings());
                int i          = 0;

                foreach (NailsCube cube in map.NailsCubes)
                    int x_pos = cube.X * this._horizontal_scale;
                    int y_pos = cube.Y * this._horizontal_scale;
                    int z_pos = cube.Z * this._vertical_scale;

                    var faces = cube.GetFaces();

                    if (faces.Contains(NailsCubeFace.Floor))
                        instanceData instance = this.MakeInstance("floor", cube.StyleName, 0, i++, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
                        insertInstanceIntoVMF(instance, output_vmf);

                    if (faces.Contains(NailsCubeFace.Front))
                        instanceData instance = this.MakeInstance("wall", cube.StyleName, 0, i++, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
                        insertInstanceIntoVMF(instance, output_vmf);

                    if (faces.Contains(NailsCubeFace.Left))
                        instanceData instance = this.MakeInstance("wall", cube.StyleName, 90, i++, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
                        insertInstanceIntoVMF(instance, output_vmf);

                    if (faces.Contains(NailsCubeFace.Back))
                        instanceData instance = this.MakeInstance("wall", cube.StyleName, 180, i++, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
                        insertInstanceIntoVMF(instance, output_vmf);

                    if (faces.Contains(NailsCubeFace.Right))
                        instanceData instance = this.MakeInstance("wall", cube.StyleName, 270, i++, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
                        insertInstanceIntoVMF(instance, output_vmf);

                    if (faces.Contains(NailsCubeFace.Ceiling))
                        instanceData instance = this.MakeInstance("ceiling", cube.StyleName, 0, i++, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
                        insertInstanceIntoVMF(instance, output_vmf);

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(this._filename, FileMode.Create)))
                    var vmfStrings = output_vmf.ToVMFStrings();
                    foreach (string line in vmfStrings)

                log.Info(string.Format("Wrote to VMF file: {0}", this._filename));
            } catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("VMFAdapter.Export(): Caught exception: ", e);
                log.Info(string.Format("Failed to write to VMF file: {0}", this._filename));
        static int Main(string[] args)
            #if DEBUG
            //args = new string[] { "-file", "dev_room.vmf" };
            args = new string[] { "-file", "1_instance.vmf" };

            Utils.DirectoryCopy(@"../../instances", "instances", true, true);

            #if !DEBUG
            #region Get execution parameters
            string filePath = null;
            string gamePath = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i] == "-file" && i + 1 < args.Length && !args[i + 1].StartsWith("-"))
                    filePath = args[++i];
                else if (args[i] == "-game" && i + 1 < args.Length && !args[i + 1].StartsWith("-"))
                    gamePath = args[++i]; //does this matter, or should I use the vmfs path to find the instances
                // else if // Add additional parameters here
            if (filePath == null)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                return 1;

            #region Load VMF
            Console.Write("Loading file contents from \"" + filePath + "\"...");
            string[] fileContents = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);

            Console.Write("Parsing vmf ");
            VMF vmf = new VMF(fileContents);


            #region Save Altered VMF
            string newFilePath = "";
            newFilePath = filePath.EndsWith(".vmf")
                ? filePath.Insert(filePath.LastIndexOf("."), "_new")
                : filePath + "_new";

            File.WriteAllLines(newFilePath, vmf.ToVMFStrings());

            #if !DEBUG
            #region catch - display exception
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("Exception:", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                WriteLine(ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
                return 1;

            return 0;
        static int CollapseInstances(VMF vmf)
            #region Identify useable IDs
            int usableID = vmf.Body.GetHighestID() + 1;

            var world = vmf.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "world").Where(node => node is VBlock).Cast<VBlock>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (world == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't find \"world\"");
                return -1;

            int lastEntityLocation = 0;
            lastEntityLocation = vmf.Body.IndexOf(world) + vmf.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "entity").Count();

            int autoInstance = 0;

            var entities = vmf.Body.Where(item => item.Name == "entity").Select(item => item as VBlock).ToList();
            var instances = entities.Where(entity => entity.Body.Where(item => item.Name == "classname" && (item as VProperty).Value == "func_instance").Count() > 0).ToList();
            foreach (var instance in instances)
                // Get instance targetname
                string instanceTargetName = "";
                var instanceTargetNameProperty = instance.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "targetname" && node.GetType() == typeof(VProperty)).Select(node => node as VProperty).FirstOrDefault();
                if ((instanceTargetNameProperty?.Value ?? "") == "")
                    instanceTargetName = String.Format("AutoInstance{0}", autoInstance++);

                // TODO: Give it a default name if unnamed (or not?).

                // Load the instance vmf
                var fileProp = instance.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "file" && node.GetType() == typeof(VProperty)).Select(node => node as VProperty).FirstOrDefault();
                if (fileProp == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileProp.Value.Trim()))
                    // Looks like there is no file property, or its empty
                if (!File.Exists(fileProp.Value))
                    // TODO: What do you do when the file doesn't exist? Probably should throw up some sort of error.
                    // Just skip it for now.
                var instanceVMF = new VMF(File.ReadAllLines(fileProp.Value));

                // Clone the important parts
                // TODO: think about collapsing groups
                // TODO: only grab visible entities
                var instanceVisibleEntities = instanceVMF.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "entity").Where(node => node is VBlock).Cast<VBlock>();
                var instanceVisibleSolids = instanceVMF.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "world").Where(node => node is VBlock).Cast<VBlock>()
                    .SelectMany(node => node.Body.Where(worldNode => worldNode.Name == "solid").Where(worldNode => worldNode is VBlock).Cast<VBlock>()

                // Update each entity into the map with relative offsets and angles from the instance point, and the instance origin (defaults at 0 0 0)
                // angles and origin
                var instanceOriginProperty = instance.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "origin" && node.GetType() == typeof(VProperty)).Select(node => node as VProperty).FirstOrDefault();
                var instanceAnglesProperty = instance.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "angles" && node.GetType() == typeof(VProperty)).Select(node => node as VProperty).FirstOrDefault();

                var instanceOrigin = new Vector3(instanceOriginProperty?.Value ?? "0 0 0");
                var instanceAngles = new Vector3(instanceAnglesProperty?.Value ?? "0 0 0");

                var fixupStyle = int.Parse(instance.Body.Where(node => node.Name == "fixup_style" && node.GetType() == typeof(VProperty)).Select(node => node as VProperty).FirstOrDefault()?.Value ?? "0");

                foreach (var entity in instanceVisibleEntities)
                    VBlock collapsedEntity = CollapseEntity(entity, fixupStyle, instanceTargetName, instanceOrigin, instanceAngles, ref usableID);
                    vmf.Body.Insert(lastEntityLocation++, collapsedEntity);

                foreach (var solid in instanceVisibleSolids)
                    VBlock collapsedSolid = CollapseSolid(solid, ref usableID);

                // Rename all internal communication
                // Link external IO
                // Replace replaceable parameters
                // Replace replaceable materials
                // Insert into actual map

                // Remove instance from map

            return 0;
 static void Main(string[] args)
     #if DEBUG
     args = new string[] { "preview.vmf" }; //REMOVE TEST DATA WHEN DEPLOYING :P
         string fileName = args.FirstOrDefault();
         vmf = new VMF(File.ReadAllLines(fileName));
         if (TagModifications())
             File.WriteAllLines(fileName, vmf.ToVMFStrings());
     catch (Exception ex)
         File.WriteAllText("errors.txt", ex.ToString());