public void AddComment(List <IOutboundAttachment> attachments, Action <bool> resultCallback, StickerItemData stickerItemData = null, string stickerReferrer = "") { string str1 = this.ucNewComment.TextBoxNewComment.Text; if (this.ReplyAutoForm != null && str1.StartsWith(this.ReplyAutoForm)) { string str2 = this.ReplyAutoForm.Remove(this.ReplyAutoForm.IndexOf(", ")); string str3 = this._replyToUid > 0L ? "id" : "club"; long num = this._replyToUid > 0L ? this._replyToUid : -this.VM.OwnerId; str1 = str1.Remove(0, this.ReplyAutoForm.Length).Insert(0, string.Format("[{0}{1}|{2}], ", str3, num, str2)); } string str4 = str1.Replace("\r\n", "\r").Replace("\r", "\r\n"); if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str4) || str4.Length < 2) && stickerItemData == null) { if (attachments.Count != 0) { List <IOutboundAttachment> outboundAttachmentList = attachments; Func <IOutboundAttachment, bool> func1 = (Func <IOutboundAttachment, bool>)(a => a.UploadState != OutboundAttachmentUploadState.Completed); if (!Enumerable.Any <IOutboundAttachment>(outboundAttachmentList, (Func <IOutboundAttachment, bool>)func1)) { goto label_6; } } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field resultCallback(false); return; } label_6: if (str4.Length < 2 && attachments.Count <= 0 && stickerItemData == null) { return; } if (this._addingComment) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field resultCallback(false); } else { this._addingComment = true; if (stickerItemData == null) { this.ucNewComment.TextBoxNewComment.Text = string.Empty; } Comment comment1 = new Comment(); comment1.cid = 0L; = Extensions.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow, true); comment1.text = stickerItemData == null ? str4 : ""; comment1.reply_to_cid = this._replyToCid; comment1.reply_to_uid = this._replyToUid; comment1.likes = new Likes() { can_like = 0 }; List <Attachment> m0List; if (stickerItemData != null) { m0List = new List <Attachment>() { stickerItemData.CreateAttachment() } } ; else { m0List = Enumerable.ToList <Attachment>(Enumerable.Select <IOutboundAttachment, Attachment>(attachments, (Func <IOutboundAttachment, Attachment>)(a => a.GetAttachment()))); } comment1.Attachments = ((List <Attachment>)m0List); int num = stickerItemData == null ? 0 : stickerItemData.StickerId; comment1.sticker_id = num; Comment comment2 = comment1; bool fromGroupChecked = this.ucNewComment.FromGroupChecked; comment2.from_id = !fromGroupChecked ? AppGlobalStateManager.Current.LoggedInUserId : this.VM.OwnerId; this.VM.AddComment(comment2, attachments.Select <IOutboundAttachment, string>((Func <IOutboundAttachment, string>)(a => a.AttachmentId)).ToList <string>(), fromGroupChecked, (Action <bool, Comment>)((res, createdComment) => { if (res) { Execute.ExecuteOnUIThread((Action)(() => { CommentItem commentItem = this.CreateCommentItem(createdComment); this._addingComment = false; MyVirtualizingPanel2 virtualizingPanel2 = this.virtPanel; int count = this.virtPanel.VirtualizableItems.Count; List <IVirtualizable> itemsToInsert = new List <IVirtualizable>(); itemsToInsert.Add((IVirtualizable)commentItem); //int num = 0; virtualizingPanel2.InsertRemoveItems(count, itemsToInsert, false, null); this._runningCommentsCount = this._runningCommentsCount + 1; this.KeepCommentsCountItemUpToDate(); this.ResetReplyFields(); resultCallback(true); this.Panel.ScrollToBottom(true); })); } else { Execute.ExecuteOnUIThread((Action)(() => { GenericInfoUC.ShowBasedOnResult(1, "", null); this._addingComment = false; resultCallback(false); })); } }), stickerReferrer); } }
public static void ShowBasedOnResult(int resultCode, string successString = "", VKRequestsDispatcher.Error error = null) { GenericInfoUC.ShowBasedOnResult((ResultCode)resultCode, successString, error); }