        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Web service
            localhost.VIACinemaService via = new localhost.VIACinemaService();

            //get all the movies shown or coming soon
            localhost.Movie[] movies = via.GetAllMovies();

            //setup the div to show them
            movieList.InnerHtml = "";
            foreach (var m in movies)
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<div class=\"media\" style=\"margin: 10px;\">";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"Movie.aspx?movieId=" + m.Id + "\">";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<img class=\"media-left mr-3 mt-3\" src=\"" + m.Cover + "\" style=\"width:150px;\" /></a>";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<div class=\"media-body\">";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<div class=\"card\" style=\"min-height: 250px\">";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<div class=\"card-body\">";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"Movie.aspx?movieId=" + m.Id + "\">";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<h4 class=\"card-title\">" + m.Title + "</h4></a>";
                string cat = "";
                foreach (var c in m.Categories)
                    cat += ", " + c;
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<p style=\"font-size: 12px\">" + cat.Substring(2) + "</p>";
                if (m.Description.Length > 250)
                    movieList.InnerHtml += "<p class=\"card-text\">" + m.Description.Substring(0, 250) + "...</p>";
                    movieList.InnerHtml += "<p class=\"card-text\">" + m.Description + "</p>";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<p style=\"font-size: 12px\">Duration: " + m.Duration + "'</p>";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "<p style=\"font-size: 12px\">Release Date: " + m.ReleaseDate + "</p>";
                movieList.InnerHtml += "</div></div></div></div>";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Web service
            localhost.VIACinemaService via = new localhost.VIACinemaService();

            //setting the days names
            d2.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            d3.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(3).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            d4.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(4).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            d5.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(5).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            d6.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(6).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);

            //save the cells to an indexed array
            HtmlGenericControl[] days = { day0, day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                //get all the movies for the current day (today+i)
                localhost.Movie[] movies = via.GetMoviesOfDay(i);

                //if there are no movies for today, show this message
                if (movies.Length == 0)
                    days[i].InnerHtml = "<i>No films today.</i>";

                //else, setup the div to show them
                days[i].InnerHtml = "";
                foreach (var m in movies)
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<div class=\"media\" style=\"margin: 10px;\">";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<a href=\"Movie.aspx?movieId=" + m.Id + "\">";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<img class=\"media-left mr-3 mt-3\" src=\"" + m.Cover + "\" style=\"width:150px;\" /></a>";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<div class=\"media-body\">";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<div class=\"card\" style=\"min-height: 250px\">";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<div class=\"card-body\">";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<a href=\"Movie.aspx?movieId=" + m.Id + "\">";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<h4 class=\"card-title\">" + m.Title + "</h4></a>";
                    string cat = "";
                    foreach (var c in m.Categories)
                        cat += ", " + c;
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<p style=\"font-size: 12px\">" + cat.Substring(2) + "</p>";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<p class=\"card-text\">" + m.Description.Substring(0, 250) + "...</p>";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<p style=\"font-size: 12px\">Duration: " + m.Duration + "'</p>";
                    foreach (var s in m.Shows)
                        string cssClass = "btn ";
                        if (s.AvailableSeats > 0)
                            cssClass += "btn-primary";
                            cssClass += "btn-secondary active";
                        days[i].InnerHtml += "<a data-toggle=\"tooltip\" class=\"" + cssClass + "\" href=\"ChooseSeats.aspx?showId=" + s.Id
                                             + "\" style=\"font-size: 12px; margin: 2px;\" title=\"Room " + s.Room + ": " + s.AvailableSeats + " seats left\">" +
                                             s.Date.Hour + ":" + s.Date.Minute.ToString("00") + "</a>";
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "</div></div></div></div>";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if there is no movieId passed, redirect to the main page
            if (Request.QueryString["movieId"] == null)

            //get the movieId
            int movieId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["movieId"]);

            //reference to the web service
            localhost.VIACinemaService via = new localhost.VIACinemaService();

            //get the movie info
            localhost.Movie m = via.GetMovieInfo(movieId);

            //if no movie was found with this id
            if (m == null) //redirect to index

            //show the image
            image.ImageUrl = m.Cover;
            image.CssClass = "movieImage";
            imgSrc         = m.Cover;
            //set the title, description and other info
            title.Text       = m.Title;
            description.Text = m.Description;
            relDate.Text     = m.ReleaseDate;
            duration.Text    = m.Duration.ToString();

            //put the day name (week name, like "mon", "tus", "wed", etc)
            day2.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            day3.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(3).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            day4.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(4).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            day5.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(5).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
            day6.InnerText = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(6).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);

            //save to an indexed array the cells where to put the shows times
            HtmlTableCell[] days = { day0_content, day1_content, day2_content, day3_content, day4_content, day5_content, day6_content };

            //variable to check if there is at least one show this week
            bool check = false;

            //for the 7 days (a week)
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                //get all the shows for this movie and this day
                localhost.Show[] shows;
                shows = via.GetShowsOfDay(movieId, i);

                //if there are no shows
                if (shows == null)
                    //set this message
                    days[i].InnerHtml = "<i>No shows this day.</i>";

                //check if there is at least one show this week
                check             = true;
                days[i].InnerHtml = "";
                foreach (var s in shows)
                    string cssClass = "btn ";
                    if (s.AvailableSeats > 0)
                        cssClass += "btn-primary";
                        cssClass += "btn-secondary active";
                    //add a button with the time, which is linked to the booking page
                    days[i].InnerHtml += "<a data-toggle=\"tooltip\" class=\"" + cssClass + "\" href=\"ChooseSeats.aspx?showId=" + s.Id
                                         + "\" style=\"font-size: 12px; margin: 2px;\" title=\"Room " + s.Room + ": " + s.AvailableSeats + " seats left\">" +
                                         s.Date.Hour + ":" + s.Date.Minute.ToString("00") + "</a>";

            DateTime rDate = DateTime.ParseExact(m.ReleaseDate, "dd/MM/yyyy",

            if (!check)
                if (rDate > DateTime.Now)
                    showsWrapper.InnerHtml = "<h4><small>Coming soon!</small></h4>";
                    showsWrapper.InnerHtml = "<h4><small>No shows planned this week.</small></h4>";

            /*SETUP THE SLIDESHOW*/
            //set a counter
            int count = 0;

            selectors.InnerHtml = "";
            images.InnerHtml    = "";
            if (!m.Trailer.Equals(""))
                selectors.InnerHtml += "<li data-target=\"#carouselExampleIndicators\" data-slide-to=\"" + count + "\" class=\"active\"></ li>";
                images.InnerHtml += "<div class=\"carousel-item active\">" +
                                    "<iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/" + m.Trailer + "\"></iframe></div>";
                carousel_title.InnerText = "Trailer";

            //db connection
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(

            SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

            //set the query to get all pictures
            cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT src FROM Gallery WHERE MovieId=@movie";
            //set the parameters
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@movie", SqlDbType.Int);
            cmd.Parameters["@movie"].Value = movieId;
            //read the result
            using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
                while (rd.Read())
                    selectors.InnerHtml += "<li data-target=\"#carouselExampleIndicators\" data-slide-to=\"" + count + "\"";
                    if (count == 0)
                        selectors.InnerHtml += " class=\"active\" ";
                    selectors.InnerHtml += "></ li>";
                    images.InnerHtml += "<div class=\"carousel-item\"><img class=\"d-block w-100";
                    if (count == 1)
                        images.InnerHtml += " active";
                    images.InnerHtml += "\" src=\"" + rd["src"] + "\" alt=\"\"></div>";
            //if there are no pictures neither trailer
            if (count == 0)
                //hide the slideshow (carousel)
                carousel_title.Visible   = false;
                carousel_wrapper.Visible = false;
            else if (count > 1)
                carousel_title.InnerText = "Gallery";
                selectors.Visible = false;
                prev.Visible      = false;
                next.Visible      = false;

            //print categories
            categories.Text = "";
            foreach (var c in m.Categories)
                categories.Text += ", " + c;
            categories.Text = categories.Text.Substring(2);