public static string CreateLootDroppedData(List <Tuple <string, int> > _ItemDrops, VF_RaidDamageDatabase.RealmDB _RealmDB, VF_RPDatabase.ItemSummaryDatabase _ItemSummaryDatabase, Func <int, VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowVersionEnum, RealmPlayersServer.ItemInfo> _GetItemInfoFunc) { var wowVersion = VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.StaticValues.GetWowVersion(_RealmDB.Realm); string currentItemDatabase = RealmPlayersServer.DatabaseAccess.GetCurrentItemDatabaseAddress(); string lootDropped = ""; if (_ItemDrops.Count > 0) { int recvItemIndex = 0; int xMax = 58; int yMax = 58; string itemLinks = ""; foreach (var itemDrop in _ItemDrops) { VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerData.Player itemReceiver = _RealmDB.m_RealmDB.FindPlayer(itemDrop.Item1); int itemID = itemDrop.Item2; var itemInfo = _GetItemInfoFunc(itemID, wowVersion); if (itemInfo != null && itemInfo.ItemQuality >= 4) { var usageCount = _ItemSummaryDatabase.GetItemUsageCount(_RealmDB.Realm, itemID, 0); int xPos = (recvItemIndex % 4) * 58; int yPos = (int)(recvItemIndex / 4) * 58; string itemLink = currentItemDatabase + "?item=" + itemID + (wowVersion == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowVersionEnum.TBC ? "-1" : "-0"); itemLinks += "<div style='background: none; width: 58px; height: 58px;margin: " + yPos + "px " + xPos + "px;'>" + "<img class='itempic' src='" + "" + itemInfo.GetIconImageAddress() + "'/>" + "<div class='quality' id='" + RealmPlayersServer.CharacterViewer.ItemQualityConversion[itemInfo.ItemQuality] + "'></div>" + "<img class='itemframe' src='assets/img/icons/ItemNormalFrame.png'/>" + "<a class='itemlink' href='" + itemLink + "'></a>" + (usageCount > 0 ? "<a class='itemplayersframe' href='" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(_RealmDB.Realm) + "&item=" + itemID + "'>" + usageCount + "</a>" : "") + (/*Reliable Received*/ true ? "<a class='itemreceiveframe' style='" + (itemReceiver == null ? "color: #CCC !important' href='" + itemLink + "'>???" : "color: " + PageUtility.GetClassColor(itemReceiver) + " !important' href='" //+ "" + StaticValues.ConvertRealmParam(_RealmDB.Realm) + "&player=" + itemReceiver.Name + itemLink + "'>" + itemReceiver.Name) + "</a>" : "") + "</div>"; if (xPos + 58 > xMax) { xMax = xPos + 58; } if (yPos + 58 > yMax) { yMax = yPos + 58; } ++recvItemIndex; } else// if(itemInfo == null) { //Logger.ConsoleWriteLine("ItemInfo could not be found for ItemID: " + itemID, ConsoleColor.Red); } } itemLinks = "<div class='inventory' style='background: none; width: " + xMax + "px; height: " + yMax + "px;'>" + itemLinks; itemLinks += "</div>"; lootDropped += itemLinks; } return(lootDropped); }
public static string Generate(RealmDB _RealmDB, RaidSummary _RaidSummary, RaidBossFight _Fight, GenerateDetails _Details) { var attemptType = _Fight.GetFightData().GetAttemptType(); string attemptStr = ""; if (attemptType == AttemptType.KillAttempt) { attemptStr = "(kill)"; } else if (attemptType == AttemptType.WipeAttempt) { attemptStr = "(wipe)"; } else if (attemptType == AttemptType.TrashAttempt) { attemptStr = "(trash)"; } string fightOverViewInfo = "<h1>" + _Fight.GetRaid().RaidOwnerName + " vs "; if (attemptType != AttemptType.TrashAttempt) { int tryNumber = 1; int totalTries = 0; _Fight.GetTryCount(out tryNumber, out totalTries); fightOverViewInfo += PageUtility.CreateLink("FightOverallOverview.aspx?FightName=" + _Fight.GetFightData().FightName, _Fight.GetFightData().FightName) + "(" + _Fight.GetRaid().RaidID.ToString() + ")<span class='badge badge-inverse'>attempt " + tryNumber + "/" + totalTries + " " + attemptStr + "</span>"; fightOverViewInfo += "</h1><p>Fight started " + _Fight.GetStartDateTime().ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " and fight duration was " + _Fight.GetFightDuration() + " seconds.</p><p>" + (_Fight.GetFightData().HasResetsMidFight() ? "SW_Stats Reset occured mid fight thus the data on this page may not be accurate" : "") + "</p>"; } else//if(attemptType == AttemptType.TrashAttempt) { fightOverViewInfo += "Trash" + (_Fight.GetRaidBossFightIndex() + 1) + "(" + _Fight.GetRaid().RaidID.ToString() + ")"; fightOverViewInfo += "</h1><p>Trash between " + _Fight.GetStartDateTime().ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " and " + _Fight.GetFightData().GetEndDateTime().ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</p>"; } if (_Fight.GetExtraFightVersionCount() > 0) { int indexSkew = 0; if (_Fight.IsExtraFightDataVersion() == true) { fightOverViewInfo += "<p>This alternative version was recorded by " + CreateColorCodedPlayer(_RealmDB, _Fight.GetFightData().RecordedByPlayer) + " using addon version " + "<font color='#00FF00'>" + _Fight.GetFightData().AddonVersion + "</font></p>"; fightOverViewInfo += "<p>Fight was also recorded by "; indexSkew = 0; } else { fightOverViewInfo += "<p>Most accurate version was recorded by " + CreateColorCodedPlayer(_RealmDB, _Fight.GetFightData().RecordedByPlayer) + " using addon version " + "<font color='#00FF00'>" + _Fight.GetFightData().AddonVersion + "</font></p>"; fightOverViewInfo += "<p>Fight was also recorded(possibly less accurately) by "; indexSkew = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < _Fight.GetExtraFightVersionCount(); ++i) { var extraFight = _Fight.GetExtraFightVersion(i); if (extraFight != null && extraFight.GetFightCacheData() != _Fight.GetFightCacheData()) { fightOverViewInfo += "<a href='" + _Details.VersionChangeURL.Replace("versionchangeid", (i + indexSkew).ToString()) + "'>" + CreateColorCodedPlayer(_RealmDB, extraFight.GetFightData().RecordedByPlayer) + ((_Fight.IsExtraFightDataVersion() == true && i == 0) ? "(most accurate)" : "") + "</a>, "; } } fightOverViewInfo += "</p>"; } else { fightOverViewInfo += "<p>Fight was recorded by " + CreateColorCodedPlayer(_RealmDB, _Fight.GetFightData().RecordedByPlayer) + " using addon version " + "<font color='#00FF00'>" + _Fight.GetFightData().AddonVersion + "</font></p>"; } string enemyUnits = "<h3>Enemy units:</h3>"; { List <Tuple <string, int> > dmgTakenList = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); int bossPlusAddsDmgTaken = _Fight.GetBossPlusAddsDmgTaken(dmgTakenList); double totalValue = _Fight.GetTotal((_Value) => { return(_Value.I.Dmg); }, (_Value) => { return(_RealmDB.RD_IsPlayer(_Value.Item1, _Fight) && _Value.Item2.I.Dmg > 0); }); if (totalValue < bossPlusAddsDmgTaken) { totalValue = bossPlusAddsDmgTaken; } var dumgTakenSorted = dmgTakenList.OrderByDescending((_Value) => { if (_Value.Item1 == _Fight.GetFightData().FightName) { return(int.MaxValue); } return(_Value.Item2); }); foreach (var dmgTakenObj in dumgTakenSorted) { if (dmgTakenObj.Item1 == _Fight.GetFightData().FightName) { enemyUnits += "<font color='#00FF00'>" + ((double)dmgTakenObj.Item2 / totalValue).ToString("0%", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "(" + ((double)dmgTakenObj.Item2 / 1000.0).ToStringDot("0.0") + "k)" + "</font>" + " " + dmgTakenObj.Item1 + "(Boss)<br />"; } else { enemyUnits += "<font color='#FFFF00'>" + ((double)dmgTakenObj.Item2 / totalValue).ToString("0%", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "(" + ((double)dmgTakenObj.Item2 / 1000.0).ToStringDot("0.0") + "k)" + "</font>" + " " + dmgTakenObj.Item1 + "(Add)<br />"; } } enemyUnits += "<font color='#FF0000'>" + (1.0 - ((double)bossPlusAddsDmgTaken / totalValue)).ToString("0%", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "(" + ((double)(totalValue - bossPlusAddsDmgTaken) / 1000.0).ToStringDot("0.0") + "k)" + "</font>" + " (Trash)"; } string playerDeaths = ""; var fightEvents = VF_RaidDamageDatabase.FightEvent.GenerateFightEvents(_Fight); int lastDeathTime = 0; foreach (var fightEvent in fightEvents) { if (fightEvent.m_FightEvent == VF_RaidDamageDatabase.FightEventEnum.UnitDeath) { var unitName = fightEvent.m_StringData; var playerData = _RealmDB.RD_FindPlayer(unitName, _Fight); if (playerData != null) { if (lastDeathTime != fightEvent.m_TimeIntoTheFight) { if (playerDeaths == "") { playerDeaths = "<h3>Player deaths:</h3>"; } else { playerDeaths += "<br />"; } playerDeaths += "After " + fightEvent.m_TimeIntoTheFight + "~ seconds: "; lastDeathTime = fightEvent.m_TimeIntoTheFight; } else { playerDeaths += ", "; } playerDeaths += PageUtility.CreateColorCodedName(unitName, playerData.Character.Class); } } } ///////////////////// string unrealisticPlayerSpikes = ""; var unrealisticPlayerSpikesList = _Fight.GetUnrealisticPlayerSpikes(_RealmDB.RD_GetPlayerIdentifierFunc(_Fight)); foreach (var uPS in unrealisticPlayerSpikesList) { if (unrealisticPlayerSpikes != "") { unrealisticPlayerSpikes += "<br />"; } unrealisticPlayerSpikes += uPS.Player + " Dmg(" + uPS.DmgValue + ")," + " Heal(" + uPS.HealValue + ") @" + " Time(" + uPS.Time + ")," + " Factor(" + uPS.SpikeDmgFactor.ToStringDot("0.00") + "," + uPS.SpikeHealFactor.ToStringDot("0.00") + ")"; } if (unrealisticPlayerSpikes != "") { if (_Details.FilterSpikes == true) { unrealisticPlayerSpikes = "<h3>Filtered unrealistic player Dmg/Heal spikes:</h3>" + unrealisticPlayerSpikes; unrealisticPlayerSpikes += "<br /><a href='" + _Details.NoFilterSpikesURL + "'>View Unfiltered</a>"; } else { unrealisticPlayerSpikes = "<h3>Unrealistic player Dmg/Heal spikes:</h3>" + unrealisticPlayerSpikes; unrealisticPlayerSpikes += "<br /><a href='" + _Details.FilterSpikesURL + "'>View Filtered</a>"; } } ///////////////////// List <Tuple <string, VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerClass> > playersAttending = new List <Tuple <string, VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerClass> >(); var attendingUnits = _Fight.GetAttendingUnits(); foreach (var unitName in attendingUnits) { var playerData = _RealmDB.RD_FindPlayer(unitName, _Fight); if (playerData != null) { playersAttending.Add(new Tuple <string, VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerClass>(unitName, playerData.Character.Class)); } } string playersAttendingStr = "<h3>Players attending(" + playersAttending.Count + "):</h3>"; var orderedPlayersAttending = playersAttending.OrderBy((_Value) => { return("" + (int)_Value.Item2 + _Value.Item1); }); if (orderedPlayersAttending.Count() > 0) { var lastClass = orderedPlayersAttending.First().Item2; foreach (var player in orderedPlayersAttending) { if (lastClass != player.Item2) { playersAttendingStr += "<br />"; } playersAttendingStr += PageUtility.CreateColorCodedName(player.Item1, player.Item2) + " "; lastClass = player.Item2; } } ///////////////////// /////////////////////// string buffInfo = ""; if (_Details.DebugBuff != null) { string debugBuffName = _Details.DebugBuff; if (playersAttending.Exists((_Value) => { return(_Value.Item1 == debugBuffName); }) == true) { int playerNameID = _Fight.GetFightCacheData().m_FightDataCollection.GetUnitIDFromName(debugBuffName); Dictionary <int, int> accumulatedTime = new Dictionary <int, int>(); Dictionary <int, int> accumulatedTime2 = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int prevTimeSliceTime = _Fight.GetFightData().TimeSlices.First().Time; foreach (var timeSlice in _Fight.GetFightData().TimeSlices) { int deltaTime = timeSlice.Time - prevTimeSliceTime; prevTimeSliceTime = timeSlice.Time; if (timeSlice.UnitBuffs != null) { foreach (var unitBuff in timeSlice.UnitBuffs) { if (unitBuff.Key == playerNameID) { if (unitBuff.Value == null) { continue; } foreach (var buff in unitBuff.Value) { if (accumulatedTime.ContainsKey(buff.BuffID) == false) { accumulatedTime.Add(buff.BuffID, 0); } accumulatedTime[buff.BuffID] += deltaTime; } } } } if (timeSlice.UnitDebuffs != null) { foreach (var unitBuff in timeSlice.UnitDebuffs) { if (unitBuff.Key == playerNameID) { if (unitBuff.Value == null) { continue; } foreach (var buff in unitBuff.Value) { if (accumulatedTime2.ContainsKey(buff.BuffID) == false) { accumulatedTime2.Add(buff.BuffID, 0); } accumulatedTime2[buff.BuffID] += deltaTime; } } } } } buffInfo = "<h3>Buffs used by " + debugBuffName + ":</h3>"; var orderedAccTime = accumulatedTime.OrderByDescending((_Value) => _Value.Value); foreach (var accum in orderedAccTime) { buffInfo += BuffParser.GetBuffIconImage(_Fight.GetFightCacheData().m_FightDataCollection.m_BuffIDToNames[accum.Key]) + " buff during " + accum.Value + " seconds of the fight!<br />"; } buffInfo += "<h3>Debuffs:</h3>"; var orderedAccTime2 = accumulatedTime2.OrderByDescending((_Value) => _Value.Value); foreach (var accum in orderedAccTime2) { buffInfo += BuffParser.GetBuffIconImage(_Fight.GetFightCacheData().m_FightDataCollection.m_BuffIDToNames[accum.Key]) + " debuff during " + accum.Value + " seconds of the fight!<br />"; } } else { var buffIDToNames = _Fight.GetFightCacheData().m_FightDataCollection.m_BuffIDToNames; if (buffIDToNames != null && buffIDToNames.Count > 0) { buffInfo = "<h3>Buffs used:</h3>"; foreach (var buff in buffIDToNames) { buffInfo += BuffParser.GetBuffIconImage(buff); } } } } /////////////////////// var realm = _Fight.GetRaid().Realm; /////////////////////// string lootDropped = ""; if (attemptType == VF_RaidDamageDatabase.FightData.AttemptType.KillAttempt) { lootDropped = "<h3>Boss Loot:</h3>"; lootDropped += LootGenerator.CreateLootDroppedData(_Fight.GetItemDrops(), _RealmDB, _Details.ItemSummaryDatabase, _Details.GetItemInfoFunc); } /////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string graphSection = ""; { List <int> dataX = new List <int>(); List <int> dataY1 = new List <int>(); List <int> dataY2 = new List <int>(); List <string> labels = new List <string>(); var fightDetails = _Fight.GetFightDetails(); if (_Details.FilterSpikes == true) { fightDetails = _Fight.GetFilteredFightDetails(_RealmDB.RD_GetPlayerIdentifierFunc(_Fight)); } bool properStarted = false; for (int i = 0; i < fightDetails.Count; ++i) { bool lastEvent = false; var fightDetail = fightDetails[i]; int sliceDuration = 1; if (i != 0) { sliceDuration = fightDetail.Time - fightDetails[i - 1].Time; if (sliceDuration < 1) { sliceDuration = 1; } } string events = ""; List <Tuple <string, int, int> > bossHealths = new List <Tuple <string, int, int> >(); int currHealth = 0; int maxHealth = 0; foreach (var fightEvent in fightDetail.Events) { try { if (fightEvent.StartsWith("BossHealth=")) { var bossHealth_CurrAndMax = fightEvent.Split(new string[] { "BossHealth=", "-" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); currHealth = int.Parse(bossHealth_CurrAndMax[0]); maxHealth = int.Parse(bossHealth_CurrAndMax[1]); } else if (fightEvent.StartsWith("BossHealth-")) { var bossHealth_NameCurrAndMax = fightEvent.Split(new string[] { "BossHealth-", "-", "=" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); bossHealths.Add(Tuple.Create(bossHealth_NameCurrAndMax[0], int.Parse(bossHealth_NameCurrAndMax[1]), int.Parse(bossHealth_NameCurrAndMax[2]))); } else if (_Details.DebugInfo == true) { events = events + fightEvent + ", "; } else { if (fightEvent.StartsWith("Start")) { string startType = fightEvent.Split(new char[] { '=', ' ' })[0]; if (fightEvent.Contains("=" + _Fight.GetBossName()) && properStarted == false) { //if (startType == "Start" || startType == "Start_C" || startType == "Start_S") { events = events + "Fight Started, "; dataX.Clear(); dataY1.Clear(); dataY2.Clear(); labels.Clear(); properStarted = true; } } } else if (fightEvent.StartsWith("Phase")) { string phaseType = fightEvent.Split(new char[] { '=', ' ' })[0]; if (phaseType.EndsWith("_Y")) { phaseType = phaseType.Substring(0, phaseType.Length - 2); } events = events + phaseType + ", "; } else if (fightEvent.StartsWith("Dead")) { if (fightEvent.Contains("=" + _Fight.GetBossName())) { string deadType = fightEvent.Split(new char[] { '=', ' ' })[0]; //if (deadType == "Dead" || deadType == "Dead_C" || deadType == "Dead_S") events = events + "Fight Ended, "; lastEvent = true; } } } } catch (Exception) { } } string deathEvents = ""; int totalDmg = 0; int totalHeal = 0; int topDPSDmg = 0; int topHPSHeal = 0; string topDPSer = ""; string topHPSer = ""; foreach (var unitData in fightDetail.UnitDatas) { var unitPlayer = _RealmDB.RD_FindPlayer(unitData.Key, _Fight); if (unitPlayer != null) { totalDmg += unitData.Value.I.Dmg; totalHeal += unitData.Value.I.EffHeal; if (unitData.Value.I.Death > 0) { deathEvents += PageUtility.CreateColorCodedName(unitData.Key, unitPlayer.Character.Class) + ","; } if (unitData.Value.I.Dmg > topDPSDmg) { topDPSDmg = unitData.Value.I.Dmg; topDPSer = PageUtility.CreateColorCodedName(unitData.Key, unitPlayer.Character.Class); } if (unitData.Value.I.EffHeal > topHPSHeal) { topHPSHeal = unitData.Value.I.EffHeal; topHPSer = PageUtility.CreateColorCodedName(unitData.Key, unitPlayer.Character.Class); } } } int totalDPS = totalDmg / sliceDuration; int totalHPS = totalHeal / sliceDuration; string bossHealthStr = "BossHealth: ?%(?k/?k)"; if (bossHealths.Count > 0) { bossHealthStr = "BossHealth: "; foreach (var bossHealth in bossHealths) { int cBH = bossHealth.Item2; int cBMH = bossHealth.Item3; if (cBH != 0) { bossHealthStr = bossHealthStr + bossHealth.Item1 + " = " + ((double)cBH / (double)cBMH).ToStringDot("0.0%") + "(" + (cBH / 1000) + "k/" + (cBMH / 1000) + "k), "; } } if (bossHealthStr == "BossHealth: ") { bossHealthStr = "BossHealth: ?%(?k/?k)"; } } else if (maxHealth != 0) { bossHealthStr = "BossHealth: " + ((double)currHealth / (double)maxHealth).ToStringDot("0.0%") + "(" + (currHealth / 1000) + "k/" + (maxHealth / 1000) + "k)"; } events = "Time: " + fightDetail.Time + " " + bossHealthStr + " Events: " + events; if (deathEvents != "") { events += " Deaths: " + deathEvents + ""; } events += "<br /><br />"; events += "RaidDPS: " + PageUtility.CreateColorString(totalDPS.ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Red) + " RaidHPS: " + PageUtility.CreateColorString(totalHPS.ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Green) + " "; events += "TopDPS: " + topDPSer + "(" + PageUtility.CreateColorString((topDPSDmg / sliceDuration).ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Red) + ")" + " TopHPS: " + topHPSer + "(" + PageUtility.CreateColorString((topHPSHeal / sliceDuration).ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Green) + ")"; events += "<br /><br />"; dataX.Add(fightDetail.Time); labels.Add(events); dataY1.Add(totalDPS); dataY2.Add(totalHPS); if (lastEvent == true) { break; } } graphSection += "<div class='fame' style='min-width: 935px; max-width: 935px'>" + PageUtility.CreateGraph(dataX, dataY1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, dataY2, System.Drawing.Color.Green, labels) + "</div>"; } List <Tuple <string, VF_RaidDamageDatabase.UnitData> > unitsData = null; if (_Details.FilterSpikes == true) { unitsData = _Fight.GetFilteredPlayerUnitsDataCopy(true, _RealmDB.RD_GetPlayerIdentifierFunc(_Fight)); } else { unitsData = _Fight.GetUnitsDataCopy(true); } var petData = _Fight.GetFilteredPetUnitsData(); List <Tuple <string, VF_RaidDamageDatabase.UnitData> > abusingPets = new List <Tuple <string, VF_RaidDamageDatabase.UnitData> >(); List <string> entireRaidMembers; if (_RaidSummary != null) { entireRaidMembers = _RaidSummary.m_RaidMembers; } else { entireRaidMembers = _Fight.GetFightCacheData().m_FightDataCollection.m_RaidMembers; } foreach (var unitPet in petData) { if (entireRaidMembers.Contains(unitPet.Item1.Split('(').First()) == true) { //Player with Pet UnitPet should be banned from damagemeter or has its damage purged string abusingPlayer = unitPet.Item1.Split(new string[] { "(Pet for ", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; abusingPets.Add(Tuple.Create(abusingPlayer, unitPet.Item2)); } } foreach (var abusingPet in abusingPets) { for (int i = 0; i < unitsData.Count; ++i) { if (unitsData[i].Item1 == abusingPet.Item1) { var unitFightData = unitsData[i].Item2.CreateCopy(); unitFightData.SubtractUnitData(abusingPet.Item2); unitsData[i] = Tuple.Create(abusingPet.Item1, unitFightData); } } } unitsData.AddRange(petData); graphSection += "<style>" + PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML_CSSCode() + "</style>"; { PageUtility.StatsBarStyle statsBarStyle = new PageUtility.StatsBarStyle { m_TitleText = "", m_BarTextColor = "#000", m_LeftSideTitleText = "#", m_RightSideTitleText = "", m_BeforeBarWidth = 25, m_MaxWidth = 470, m_AfterBarWidth = 30 }; string dmgThreatSection = "<div class='span4' style='min-width: 460px;'>"; string healSection = "<div class='span4' style='min-width: 460px;'>"; foreach (var dataPresentTypeInfo in sm_DataPresentTypeInfoList) { var sortedUnits = unitsData.OrderByDescending((_Unit) => { return(dataPresentTypeInfo.m_GetValue(_Unit.Item2)); }); if (sortedUnits.Count() > 0) { List <PageUtility.StatsBarData> statsBars = new List <PageUtility.StatsBarData>(); //string newBossSection = ""; double totalValue = 0; double maxValue = 0; int bossDmgTaken = -1; VF_RaidDamageDatabase.UnitData.CalculateTotalAndMax(unitsData.AsReadOnly(), dataPresentTypeInfo.m_GetValue , (_Value) => { return(_RealmDB.RD_IsPlayer(_Value.Item1, _Fight) && dataPresentTypeInfo.m_ValidCheck(_Value.Item2)); } , out totalValue, out maxValue); //newBossSection += "VF_CreateDmgBar(1.0, '#000000', '" + dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName + "','#ffffff', '" + (totalValue / 1000).ToString("0.0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "k total');"; int players = 0; foreach (var unit in sortedUnits) { if (unit.Item1 == _Fight.GetBossName()) { bossDmgTaken = unit.Item2.I.DmgTaken; } var playerData = _RealmDB.RD_FindPlayer(unit.Item1, _Fight); double currValue = dataPresentTypeInfo.m_GetValue(unit.Item2); if (playerData != null && currValue > 0 && dataPresentTypeInfo.m_ValidCheck(unit.Item2)) { double percentage = (double)currValue / totalValue; double displayPercentage = percentage / (maxValue / totalValue); //percentage *= maxValue; //if (players < dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count) { ++players; string classColor = "#CCCCCC"; classColor = RealmPlayersServer.Code.Resources.VisualResources._ClassColors[playerData.Character.Class]; //newBossSection += "VF_CreateDmgBar(" + displayPercentage.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", '" + classColor + "', '<player," + unit.Item1 + ">" + unit.Item1 + "(" + (currValue / interestingFight.m_Fight.FightDuration).ToString("0.0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "/s)','#000000', '" + (int)currValue + "(" + string.Format("{0:0.0%}", percentage) + ")');"; string rightSideText = "" + (int)currValue + "(" + (currValue / _Fight.GetFightDuration()).ToStringDot("0") + "/s)"; statsBars.Add(new PageUtility.StatsBarData { m_BeforeBarText = "#" + players,// + "(" + string.Format("{0:0.0%}", percentage) + ")", m_OnBarLeftText = PageUtility.CreateLink_RaidStats_Player(playerData), m_BarColor = classColor, m_PercentageWidth = displayPercentage, m_AfterBarText = percentage.ToStringDot("0.0%"), m_OnBarRightText = rightSideText, m_OnBarTextWidth = StaticValues.MeasureStringLength(playerData.Name + " " + rightSideText) }); } } else if (unit.Item1.Contains("(Pet for")) { double percentage = (double)currValue / totalValue; double displayPercentage = percentage / (maxValue / totalValue); //percentage *= maxValue; //if (players < dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count) { ++players; string classColor = "#00FF00"; //newBossSection += "VF_CreateDmgBar(" + displayPercentage.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", '" + classColor + "', '<player," + unit.Item1 + ">" + unit.Item1 + "(" + (currValue / interestingFight.m_Fight.FightDuration).ToString("0.0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "/s)','#000000', '" + (int)currValue + "(" + string.Format("{0:0.0%}", percentage) + ")');"; string rightSideText = "" + (int)currValue + "(" + (currValue / _Fight.GetFightDuration()).ToStringDot("0") + "/s)"; statsBars.Add(new PageUtility.StatsBarData { m_BeforeBarText = "#" + players,// + "(" + string.Format("{0:0.0%}", percentage) + ")", m_OnBarLeftText = unit.Item1, m_BarColor = classColor, m_PercentageWidth = displayPercentage, m_AfterBarText = percentage.ToStringDot("0.0%"), m_OnBarRightText = rightSideText, m_OnBarTextWidth = StaticValues.MeasureStringLength(unit.Item1 + " " + rightSideText) }); } } } //graphSection += newBossSection; statsBarStyle.m_TitleText = dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName + "(" + (totalValue / 1000).ToStringDot("0.0") + "k)"; if (dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Damage" || dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Threat" || dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Damage Taken") { dmgThreatSection += PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML(statsBarStyle, statsBars, dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count); } else { healSection += PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML(statsBarStyle, statsBars, dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count); } } } //graphSection = "<script>$(function () {if (g_RaphaelBarsDrawer == null) {g_RaphaelBarsDrawer = Raphael('diagramDiv', 700, " + (totalBarsCount * 20) + ");}" // + graphSection; dmgThreatSection += "</div>"; healSection += "</div"; graphSection += "<div class='row'>" + dmgThreatSection;// +"<div class='span4'></div>";// +"<div class='span1' style='min-width: 50px;'></div>"; graphSection += healSection + "</div>"; } //graphSection += "});"; //graphSection += "</script>"; //graphSection += "<div id='diagramDiv'></div>"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return("<header class='page-header'>" + fightOverViewInfo + playersAttendingStr + buffInfo + lootDropped + enemyUnits + playerDeaths + unrealisticPlayerSpikes + "</header>" + graphSection); }
public static string Generate(List <SummaryFight> _FightInstances, RPPDatabase _RPPDatabase, GenerateDetails _Details) { PageUtility.StatsBarStyle statsBarStyle = new PageUtility.StatsBarStyle { m_TitleText = "", m_BarTextColor = "#000", m_LeftSideTitleText = "#", m_RightSideTitleText = //"<div style='overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;' title='Fight Precision Comparison. \nComparison vs highest precision, higher value may mean more accurate data.'>FPC</div>" //"<div style='overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; display:inline-block; '>" PageUtility.CreateTooltipText("FPC", "Fight Precision Comparison. \nComparison vs highest precision, higher value may mean more accurate data."), //+ "</div>", m_BeforeBarWidth = 100, m_MaxWidth = 700, m_AfterBarWidth = 30 }; RealmDB realmDB = null; double highestPrecision = 0; Dictionary <string, List <PlayerFightValuePerSecond> > combinedData = new Dictionary <string, List <PlayerFightValuePerSecond> >(); foreach (var raidFight in _FightInstances) { var currGroup = raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup; if (_Details.RealmFilter != VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowRealm.All && _Details.RealmFilter != currGroup.Realm) { continue; } if (realmDB == null || currGroup.Realm != realmDB.Realm) { realmDB = _RPPDatabase.GetRealmDB(currGroup.Realm); } var unitsData = raidFight.PlayerFightData;// currBossFight.GetFilteredPlayerUnitsData(true, realmDB.RD_GetPlayerIdentifier); foreach (var dataPresentTypeInfo in sm_DataPresentTypeInfoList) { var sortedUnits = unitsData.OrderByDescending((_Unit) => { return(dataPresentTypeInfo.m_GetValue(_Unit.Item2)); }); if (sortedUnits.Count() > 0) { foreach (var unit in sortedUnits) { var playerData = realmDB.RD_FindPlayer(unit.Item1, raidFight); double currValue = dataPresentTypeInfo.m_GetValue(unit.Item2); if (playerData != null && currValue > 0 && (_Details.ClassFilter == null || _Details.ClassFilter.Contains(playerData.Character.Class)) && (_Details.PlayerFilter == null || _Details.PlayerFilter == playerData.Name) && (_Details.FactionFilter == PlayerFaction.Unknown || _Details.FactionFilter == StaticValues.GetFaction(playerData.Character.Race)) && dataPresentTypeInfo.m_ValidCheck(unit.Item2)) { float valuePerSecond = (float)(currValue / raidFight.FightDuration); combinedData.AddToList(dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName , new PlayerFightValuePerSecond { m_RaidBossFight = raidFight, m_Player = playerData, m_ValuePerSecond = valuePerSecond }); } } } } if (raidFight.DataDetails.FightPrecision > highestPrecision) { highestPrecision = raidFight.DataDetails.FightPrecision; } } string graphSection = "<style>" + PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML_CSSCode() + "</style>"; string dmgHealSection = ""; // "<div class='span4' style='min-width: 460px;'>"; string killTimesSection = ""; // "<div class='span4' style='min-width: 460px;'>"; int totalBarsCount = 0; foreach (var dataPresentTypeInfo in sm_DataPresentTypeInfoList) { if (dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Damage Taken") { continue; } if (combinedData.ContainsKey(dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName) == false) { continue; } var candidatesList = combinedData[dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName]; List <PageUtility.StatsBarData> statsBars = new List <PageUtility.StatsBarData>(); //string newBossSection = ""; //newBossSection += "VF_CreateDmgBar(1.0, '#000000', '" + dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName + "','#ffffff', 'only fights with precision higher than " + acceptablePrecisionMin.ToString("0%", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "');"; var orderedCandidates = candidatesList.OrderByDescending((_Value) => { return(_Value.m_ValuePerSecond); }); int players = 0; double highestValuePerSecond = orderedCandidates.First().m_ValuePerSecond; List <string> ignorePlayers = new List <string>(); foreach (var candidate in orderedCandidates) { if (_Details.ShowMultipleEntries == false) { if (ignorePlayers.Contains(candidate.m_Player.Name) == true) { continue; } else { ignorePlayers.Add(candidate.m_Player.Name); } } ++players; if (players > dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count && players > _Details.EntriesCount) { if (_Details.IncludePlayers == null) { break; } else if (_Details.IncludePlayers.Contains(candidate.m_Player.Name) == false) { continue; } } double displayPercentage = candidate.m_ValuePerSecond / highestValuePerSecond; var playerData = candidate.m_Player; if (playerData != null) { //newBossSection += "VF_CreateDmgBar(" + displayPercentage.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", '" + classColor + "', '<player," + candidate.m_PlayerName + ">" + candidate.m_PlayerName + "(" + candidate.m_Fight.m_Fight.StartDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ")','#000000', '" + candidate.m_ValuePerSecond.ToString("0.0", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "/s');"; string fightLengthText = " (" + PageUtility.CreateLink_FightOverview(candidate.m_RaidBossFight, candidate.m_RaidBossFight.FightDuration + " seconds") + ")"; string rightSideText = candidate.m_ValuePerSecond.ToStringDot("0.0") + "/s"; statsBars.Add(new PageUtility.StatsBarData { m_BeforeBarText = "#" + players + " (" + PageUtility.CreateLink_RaidOverview(candidate.m_RaidBossFight.CacheRaid, candidate.m_RaidBossFight.StartDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) + ")", m_OnBarLeftText = PageUtility.CreateLink_RaidStats_Player(candidate.m_Player.Name, candidate.m_RaidBossFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.Realm) + fightLengthText, m_BarColor = PageUtility.GetClassColor(playerData), m_PercentageWidth = displayPercentage, m_AfterBarText = PageUtility.CreateColorisedFactor(candidate.m_RaidBossFight.DataDetails.FightPrecision / highestPrecision), //m_BarTextColor = "#000", m_OnBarRightText = rightSideText, m_OnBarTextWidth = StaticValues.MeasureStringLength(candidate.m_Player.Name + " (" + candidate.m_RaidBossFight.FightDuration + " seconds) " + rightSideText) }); } } //graphSection += newBossSection; totalBarsCount += 1 + players; statsBarStyle.m_TitleText = dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName; if (dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Damage" || dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Threat" || dataPresentTypeInfo.m_TypeName == "Damage Taken") { dmgHealSection += PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML(statsBarStyle, statsBars, dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count); } else { dmgHealSection += PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML(statsBarStyle, statsBars, dataPresentTypeInfo.m_Count); } } { var orderedFights = _FightInstances.OrderBy((_Value) => _Value.FightDuration); List <PageUtility.StatsBarData> statsBars = new List <PageUtility.StatsBarData>(); int raidCounter = 0; double firstClearCompareValue = 1 / (double)orderedFights.First().FightDuration; List <string> ignoreGuilds = new List <string>(); foreach (var raidFight in orderedFights) { if (_Details.RealmFilter != VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.WowRealm.All && _Details.RealmFilter != raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.Realm) { continue; } if (_Details.PlayerFilter != null && raidFight.PlayerFightData.FindIndex((_Value) => { return(_Value.Item1 == _Details.PlayerFilter); }) == -1) { continue; } if (_Details.ShowMultipleEntries == false && _Details.GuildFilter == null) { if (ignoreGuilds.Contains(raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.GroupName) == true) { continue; } else { ignoreGuilds.Add(raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.GroupName); } } if (++raidCounter > _Details.EntriesCount) { break; } double compareValue = 1.0 / (double)raidFight.FightDuration; string factionColor = "#CCCCCC"; try { var recordedByPlayer = _RPPDatabase.GetRealmDB(raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.Realm).RD_FindPlayer(raidFight.PlayerFightData.First().Item1, raidFight); var guildFaction = VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.StaticValues.GetFaction(recordedByPlayer.Character.Race); if (guildFaction == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerFaction.Horde) { factionColor = "#A75757"; } else if (guildFaction == VF_RealmPlayersDatabase.PlayerFaction.Alliance) { factionColor = "#575fA7"; } else { factionColor = "#FFFFFF"; } } catch (Exception) { factionColor = "#CCCCCC"; } if (factionColor == "#CCCCCC") { var raidOwner = raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.GroupName; if (raidOwner == "Team Plague") { factionColor = "#575fA7"; } else if (raidOwner == "Dreamstate") { factionColor = "#A75757"; } else if (raidOwner == "Ridin Dirty") { factionColor = "#A75757"; } } string rightSideText = "" + (int)raidFight.FightDuration + " secs"; statsBars.Add(new PageUtility.StatsBarData { m_BeforeBarText = "#" + raidCounter + " (" + PageUtility.CreateLink_RaidOverview(raidFight.CacheRaid, raidFight.StartDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) + ")", m_OnBarLeftText = PageUtility.CreateLink_GuildRaidList(raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.GroupName), m_BarColor = factionColor, m_PercentageWidth = compareValue / firstClearCompareValue, m_AfterBarText = PageUtility.CreateColorisedFactor(raidFight.DataDetails.FightPrecision / highestPrecision), //m_BarTextColor = "#000", m_OnBarRightText = rightSideText, m_OnBarTextWidth = StaticValues.MeasureStringLength(raidFight.CacheRaid.CacheGroup.GroupName + " " + rightSideText) }); } statsBarStyle.m_TitleText = "Kill Times"; killTimesSection += PageUtility.CreateStatsBars_HTML(statsBarStyle, statsBars, 15); } graphSection += dmgHealSection + killTimesSection; //dmgHealSection += "</div>"; //killTimesSection += "</div"; //graphSection += "<div class='row'>" + dmgHealSection;// +"<div class='span4'></div>";// +"<div class='span1' style='min-width: 50px;'></div>"; //graphSection += killTimesSection + "</div>"; return(graphSection); }