private SparqlUpdateCommand TryParseInsertCommand(SparqlUpdateParserContext context, bool allowData)
            List<Uri> usings = new List<Uri>();
            List<Uri> usingNamed = new List<Uri>();
            IToken next = context.Tokens.Dequeue();
            if (allowData)
                //We are allowed to have an INSERT DATA command here so check for it
                if (next.TokenType == Token.DATA) return this.TryParseInsertDataCommand(context);
                if (next.TokenType == Token.DATA) throw ParserHelper.Error("The DATA keyword is not permitted here as this INSERT command forms part of a modification command", next);

            //Get the Modification Template
            GraphPattern insertions = this.TryParseModifyTemplate(context);

            //Then we expect a WHERE keyword
            next = context.Tokens.Dequeue();
            if (next.TokenType == Token.USING)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, bool> kvp in this.TryParseUsingStatements(context))
                    if (kvp.Value)
                next = context.Tokens.Dequeue();
            if (next.TokenType != Token.WHERE) throw ParserHelper.Error("Unexpected Token '" + next.GetType().ToString() + "' encountered, expected a WHERE keyword as part of a INSERT command", next);
            //Now parse the WHERE pattern
            SparqlQueryParserContext subContext = new SparqlQueryParserContext(context.Tokens);
            subContext.Query.BaseUri = context.BaseUri;
            subContext.Query.NamespaceMap = context.NamespaceMap;
            subContext.ExpressionParser.NamespaceMap = context.NamespaceMap;
            subContext.ExpressionParser.ExpressionFactories = context.ExpressionFactories;
            subContext.ExpressionFactories = context.ExpressionFactories;
            GraphPattern where = context.QueryParser.TryParseGraphPattern(subContext, context.Tokens.LastTokenType != Token.LEFTCURLYBRACKET);

            //And finally return the command
            InsertCommand cmd = new InsertCommand(insertions, where);
            usings.ForEach(u => cmd.AddUsingUri(u));
            usingNamed.ForEach(u => cmd.AddUsingNamedUri(u));
            return cmd;