/// <summary>
        /// Returns the Graph which is the Merge of the Minimal Spanning Graphs for all the Values resulting from the Query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IGraph Describe(SparqlEvaluationContext context)
            //Get a new empty Graph and import the Base Uri and Namespace Map of the Query
            Graph g = new Graph();
            g.BaseUri = context.Query.BaseUri;

            //Build a list of INodes to describe
            List<INode> nodes = new List<INode>();
            foreach (IToken t in context.Query.DescribeVariables)
                switch (t.TokenType)
                    case Token.QNAME:
                    case Token.URI:
                        //Resolve Uri/QName
                        nodes.Add(new UriNode(g, new Uri(Tools.ResolveUriOrQName(t, g.NamespaceMap, g.BaseUri))));

                    case Token.VARIABLE:
                        //Get Variable Values
                        String var = t.Value.Substring(1);
                        if (context.OutputMultiset.ContainsVariable(var))
                            foreach (Set s in context.OutputMultiset.Sets)
                                INode temp = s[var];
                                if (temp != null) nodes.Add(temp);

                        throw new RdfQueryException("Unexpected Token '" + t.GetType().ToString() + "' in DESCRIBE Variables list");

            //Rewrite Blank Node IDs for DESCRIBE Results
            Dictionary<String, INode> bnodeMapping = new Dictionary<string, INode>();

            //Get Triples for this Subject
            Queue<INode> bnodes = new Queue<INode>();
            HashSet<INode> expandedBNodes = new HashSet<INode>();
            foreach (INode n in nodes)
                foreach (Triple t in context.Data.GetTriplesWithSubject(n))
                    if (t.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                        if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Object)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Object);
                    g.Assert(this.RewriteDescribeBNodes(t, bnodeMapping, g));
                if (n.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                    foreach (Triple t in context.Data.GetTriplesWithPredicate(n))
                        if (t.Subject.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                            if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Subject)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Subject);
                        if (t.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                            if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Object)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Object);
                        g.Assert(this.RewriteDescribeBNodes(t, bnodeMapping, g));
                foreach (Triple t in context.Data.GetTriplesWithObject(n))
                    if (t.Subject.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                        if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Object)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Subject);
                    g.Assert(this.RewriteDescribeBNodes(t, bnodeMapping, g));

            //Expand BNodes
            while (bnodes.Count > 0)
                INode n = bnodes.Dequeue();
                if (expandedBNodes.Contains(n)) continue;

                foreach (Triple t in context.Data.GetTriplesWithSubject(n))
                    if (t.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                        if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Object)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Object);
                    g.Assert(this.RewriteDescribeBNodes(t, bnodeMapping, g));
                if (n.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                    foreach (Triple t in context.Data.GetTriplesWithPredicate(n))
                        if (t.Subject.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                            if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Subject)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Subject);
                        if (t.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                            if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Object)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Object);
                        g.Assert(this.RewriteDescribeBNodes(t, bnodeMapping, g));
                foreach (Triple t in context.Data.GetTriplesWithObject(n))
                    if (t.Subject.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                        if (!expandedBNodes.Contains(t.Object)) bnodes.Enqueue(t.Subject);
                    g.Assert(this.RewriteDescribeBNodes(t, bnodeMapping, g));

            //Return the Graph
            g.BaseUri = null;
            return g;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes an INSERT command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">Insert Command</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// <strong>Note:</strong> The underlying manager must implement the <see cref="IQueryableGenericIOManager">IQueryableGenericIOManager</see> interface in order for INSERT commands to be processed
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public void ProcessInsertCommand(InsertCommand cmd)
            if (this._manager is IUpdateableGenericIOManager)
                if (this._manager is IQueryableGenericIOManager)
                    //Check IO Behaviour
                    //For a insert we either need the ability to Update Add Triples or to Overwrite Graphs
                    //Firstly check behaviour persuant to default graph if applicable
                    if (cmd.InsertPattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>().Any())
                        //Must support notion of default graph
                        if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.HasDefaultGraph) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the notion of an explicit unnamed Default Graph required to process this command");
                        //Must allow either OverwriteDefault or CanUpdateAddTriples
                        if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.CanUpdateAddTriples) == 0 && (this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.OverwriteDefault) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the required IO Behaviour to implement this command");
                    //Then check behaviour persuant to named graphs if applicable
                    if (cmd.InsertPattern.HasChildGraphPatterns)
                        //Must support named graphs
                        if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.HasNamedGraphs) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the notion of named graphs required to process this command");
                        //Must allow either CanUpdateAddTriples or OverwriteNamed
                        if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.CanUpdateAddTriples) == 0 && (this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.OverwriteNamed) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the required IO Behaviour to implement this command");

                    //First build and make the query to get a Result Set
                    String queryText = "SELECT * WHERE " + cmd.WherePattern.ToString();
                    SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser();
                    SparqlQuery query = parser.ParseFromString(queryText);
                    if (cmd.GraphUri != null && !cmd.UsingUris.Any()) query.AddDefaultGraph(cmd.GraphUri);
                    foreach (Uri u in cmd.UsingUris)
                    foreach (Uri u in cmd.UsingNamedUris)

                    Object results = ((IQueryableGenericIOManager)this._manager).Query(query.ToString());
                    if (results is SparqlResultSet)
                        //Now need to transform the Result Set back to a Multiset
                        Multiset mset = new Multiset((SparqlResultSet)results);

                        //Generate the Triples for each Solution
                        List<Triple> insertedTriples = new List<Triple>();
                        Dictionary<String, List<Triple>> insertedGraphTriples = new Dictionary<string, List<Triple>>();
                        foreach (ISet s in mset.Sets)
                            List<Triple> tempInsertedTriples = new List<Triple>();
                                ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(null, s, true);
                                foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in cmd.InsertPattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                                    catch (RdfQueryException)
                                        //If we get an error here then it means we couldn't construct a specific
                                        //triple so we continue anyway
                            catch (RdfQueryException)
                                //If we get an error here this means we couldn't construct for this solution so the
                                //solution is ignore for this graph

                            //Triples from GRAPH clauses
                            foreach (GraphPattern gp in cmd.InsertPattern.ChildGraphPatterns)
                                    String graphUri;
                                    switch (gp.GraphSpecifier.TokenType)
                                        case Token.URI:
                                            graphUri = gp.GraphSpecifier.Value;
                                        case Token.VARIABLE:
                                            if (s.ContainsVariable(gp.GraphSpecifier.Value))
                                                INode temp = s[gp.GraphSpecifier.Value.Substring(1)];
                                                if (temp == null)
                                                    //If the Variable is not bound then skip
                                                else if (temp.NodeType == NodeType.Uri)
                                                    graphUri = temp.ToSafeString();
                                                    //If the Variable is not bound to a URI then skip
                                                //If the Variable is not bound for this solution then skip
                                            //Any other Graph Specifier we have to ignore this solution
                                    if (!insertedGraphTriples.ContainsKey(graphUri)) insertedGraphTriples.Add(graphUri, new List<Triple>());
                                    ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(null, s, true);
                                    foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in gp.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                                        catch (RdfQueryException)
                                            //If we get an error here then it means we couldn't construct a specific
                                            //triple so we continue anyway
                                catch (RdfQueryException)
                                    //If we get an error here this means we couldn't construct for this solution so the
                                    //solution is ignore for this graph

                        //Now decide how to apply the update
                        if (this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                            this._manager.UpdateGraph(cmd.GraphUri, insertedTriples, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>());
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, List<Triple>> graphInsertion in insertedGraphTriples)
                                this._manager.UpdateGraph(graphInsertion.Key, graphInsertion.Value, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>());
                            Graph g = new Graph();
                            this._manager.LoadGraph(g, cmd.GraphUri);

                            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, List<Triple>> graphInsertion in insertedGraphTriples)
                                g = new Graph();
                                this._manager.LoadGraph(g, graphInsertion.Key);
                        throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an INSERT Command as the underlying Store failed to answer the query for the WHERE portion of the command as expected");
                    throw new NotSupportedException("INSERT commands are not supported by this Update Processor as the manager for the underlying Store does not provide Query capabilities which are necessary to process this command");
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a DELETE DATA command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">DELETE Data Command</param>
        public void ProcessDeleteDataCommand(DeleteDataCommand cmd)
            if (this._manager is IUpdateableGenericIOManager)
                //Check IO Behaviour
                //For a delete we either need the ability to Update Delete Triples or to Overwrite Graphs
                //Firstly check behaviour persuant to default graph if applicable
                if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>().Any())
                    //Must support notion of default graph
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.HasDefaultGraph) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the notion of an explicit unnamed Default Graph required to process this command");
                    //Must allow either OverwriteDefault or CanUpdateDeleteTriples
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.CanUpdateDeleteTriples) == 0 && (this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.OverwriteDefault) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the required IO Behaviour to implement this command");
                //Then check behaviour persuant to named graphs if applicable
                if (cmd.DataPattern.HasChildGraphPatterns)
                    //Must support named graphs
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.HasNamedGraphs) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the notion of named graphs required to process this command");
                    //Must allow either CanUpdateDeleteTriples or OverwriteNamed
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.CanUpdateDeleteTriples) == 0 && (this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.OverwriteNamed) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the required IO Behaviour to implement this command");

                //Split the Pattern into the set of Graph Patterns
                List<GraphPattern> patterns = new List<GraphPattern>();
                if (cmd.DataPattern.IsGraph)
                else if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.Count > 0 || cmd.DataPattern.HasChildGraphPatterns)
                    if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.Count > 0)
                        patterns.Add(new GraphPattern());
                        cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.ForEach(tp => patterns[0].AddTriplePattern(tp));
                    cmd.DataPattern.ChildGraphPatterns.ForEach(gp => patterns.Add(gp));
                    //If no Triple Patterns and No Child Graph Patterns nothing to do

                foreach (GraphPattern pattern in patterns)
                    if (!this.IsValidDataPattern(pattern, false)) throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate a DELETE DATA command where any of the Triple Patterns are not concrete triples - variables are not permitted");

                    Uri graphUri = null;
                    if (pattern.IsGraph)
                        switch (pattern.GraphSpecifier.TokenType)
                            case Token.QNAME:
                                throw new NotSupportedException("Graph Specifiers as QNames for DELETE DATA Commands are not supported - please specify an absolute URI instead");
                            case Token.URI:
                                graphUri = UriFactory.Create(pattern.GraphSpecifier.Value);
                                throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an DELETE DATA Command as the Graph Specifier is not a QName/URI");

                    Graph g = new Graph();
                    if (!this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                        //If the Graph to be deleted from is empty then can skip as will have no affect on the Graph
                        this._manager.LoadGraph(g, graphUri);
                        if (g.IsEmpty) continue;
                    //Note that if the Manager supports Triple Level updates we won't load the Graph
                    //so we can't know whether it is empty or not and so can't skip the delete step

                    //Delete the actual Triples
                    INode subj, pred, obj;
                    ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(g, null, true);
                    foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in pattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                        subj = p.Subject.Construct(context);
                        pred = p.Predicate.Construct(context);
                        obj = p.Object.Construct(context);

                        if (!this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                            //If we don't support update then we'll have loaded the existing graph
                            //so we'll use this to remove the relevant triples to get to the intended state of
                            //the graph
                            g.Retract(new Triple(subj, pred, obj));
                            //If we do support update then we'll have an empty graph which we'll use to store
                            //up the set of triples to be removed
                            g.Assert(new Triple(subj, pred, obj));

                    if (this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                        this._manager.UpdateGraph(graphUri, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>(), g.Triples);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes an INSERT DATA command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">Insert Data Command</param>
        public void ProcessInsertDataCommand(InsertDataCommand cmd)
            if (this._manager is IUpdateableGenericIOManager)
                //Check IO Behaviour
                //For a insert we either need the ability to Update Delete Triples or to Overwrite Graphs
                //Firstly check behaviour persuant to default graph if applicable
                if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>().Any())
                    //Must support notion of default graph
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.HasDefaultGraph) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the notion of an explicit unnamed Default Graph required to process this command");
                    //Must allow either OverwriteDefault or CanUpdateAddTriples
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.CanUpdateAddTriples) == 0 && (this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.OverwriteDefault) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the required IO Behaviour to implement this command");
                //Then check behaviour persuant to named graphs if applicable
                if (cmd.DataPattern.HasChildGraphPatterns)
                    //Must support named graphs
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.HasNamedGraphs) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the notion of named graphs required to process this command");
                    //Must allow either CanUpdateAddTriples or OverwriteNamed
                    if ((this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.CanUpdateAddTriples) == 0 && (this._manager.IOBehaviour & IOBehaviour.OverwriteNamed) == 0) throw new SparqlUpdateException("The underlying store does not support the required IO Behaviour to implement this command");

                //Split the Pattern into the set of Graph Patterns
                List<GraphPattern> patterns = new List<GraphPattern>();
                if (cmd.DataPattern.IsGraph)
                else if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.Count > 0 || cmd.DataPattern.HasChildGraphPatterns)
                    if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.Count > 0)
                        patterns.Add(new GraphPattern());
                        cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.ForEach(tp => patterns[0].AddTriplePattern(tp));
                    cmd.DataPattern.ChildGraphPatterns.ForEach(gp => patterns.Add(gp));
                    //If no Triple Patterns and No Child Graph Patterns nothing to do

                foreach (GraphPattern pattern in patterns)
                    if (!this.IsValidDataPattern(pattern, false)) throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an INSERT DATA command where any of the Triple Patterns are not concrete triples - variables are not permitted");

                    Uri graphUri = null;
                    if (pattern.IsGraph)
                        switch (pattern.GraphSpecifier.TokenType)
                            case Token.QNAME:
                                throw new NotSupportedException("Graph Specifiers as QNames for INSERT DATA Commands are not supported - please specify an absolute URI instead");
                            case Token.URI:
                                graphUri = UriFactory.Create(pattern.GraphSpecifier.Value);
                                throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an INSERT DATA Command as the Graph Specifier is not a QName/URI");

                    Graph g = new Graph();
                    if (!this._manager.UpdateSupported) this._manager.LoadGraph(g, graphUri);

                    //Insert the actual Triples
                    INode subj, pred, obj;
                    ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(g, null, true);
                    foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in pattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                        subj = p.Subject.Construct(context);
                        pred = p.Predicate.Construct(context);
                        obj = p.Object.Construct(context);

                        g.Assert(new Triple(subj, pred, obj));

                    if (this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                        this._manager.UpdateGraph(graphUri, g.Triples, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes an INSERT/DELETE command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">Insert/Delete Command</param>
        public void ProcessModifyCommand(ModifyCommand cmd)
            if (this._manager is IUpdateableGenericIOManager)
                if (this._manager is IQueryableGenericIOManager)
                    //First build and make the query to get a Result Set
                    String queryText = "SELECT * WHERE " + cmd.WherePattern.ToString();
                    SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser();
                    SparqlQuery query = parser.ParseFromString(queryText);
                    if (cmd.GraphUri != null && !cmd.UsingUris.Any()) query.AddDefaultGraph(cmd.GraphUri);
                    foreach (Uri u in cmd.UsingUris)
                    foreach (Uri u in cmd.UsingNamedUris)

                    Object results = ((IQueryableGenericIOManager)this._manager).Query(query.ToString());
                    if (results is SparqlResultSet)
                        //Now need to transform the Result Set back to a Multiset
                        Multiset mset = new Multiset((SparqlResultSet)results);

                        //Generate the Triples for each Solution
                        List<Triple> deletedTriples = new List<Triple>();
                        Dictionary<String, List<Triple>> deletedGraphTriples = new Dictionary<string, List<Triple>>();
                        foreach (Set s in mset.Sets)
                            List<Triple> tempDeletedTriples = new List<Triple>();
                                ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(null, s, true);
                                foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in cmd.DeletePattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                                    catch (RdfQueryException)
                                        //If we get an error here then it means we could not construct a specific
                                        //triple so we continue anyway
                            catch (RdfQueryException)
                                //If we get an error here this means we couldn't construct for this solution so the
                                //solution is ignored for this graph

                            //Triples from GRAPH clauses
                            foreach (GraphPattern gp in cmd.DeletePattern.ChildGraphPatterns)
                                    String graphUri;
                                    switch (gp.GraphSpecifier.TokenType)
                                        case Token.URI:
                                            graphUri = gp.GraphSpecifier.Value;
                                        case Token.VARIABLE:
                                            if (s.ContainsVariable(gp.GraphSpecifier.Value))
                                                INode temp = s[gp.GraphSpecifier.Value.Substring(1)];
                                                if (temp == null)
                                                    //If the Variable is not bound then skip
                                                else if (temp.NodeType == NodeType.Uri)
                                                    graphUri = temp.ToSafeString();
                                                    //If the Variable is not bound to a URI then skip
                                                //If the Variable is not bound for this solution then skip
                                            //Any other Graph Specifier we have to ignore this solution
                                    if (!deletedGraphTriples.ContainsKey(graphUri)) deletedGraphTriples.Add(graphUri, new List<Triple>());
                                    ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(null, s, true);
                                    foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in gp.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                                        catch (RdfQueryException)
                                            //If we throw an error this means we couldn't construct a specific
                                            //triple so we continue anyway
                                catch (RdfQueryException)
                                    //If we get an error here this means we couldn't construct for this solution so the
                                    //solution is ignored for this graph

                        //Generate the Triples for each Solution
                        List<Triple> insertedTriples = new List<Triple>();
                        Dictionary<String, List<Triple>> insertedGraphTriples = new Dictionary<string, List<Triple>>();
                        foreach (Set s in mset.Sets)
                            List<Triple> tempInsertedTriples = new List<Triple>();
                                ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(null, s, true);
                                foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in cmd.InsertPattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                                    catch (RdfQueryException)
                                        //If we get an error here then it means we couldn't construct a specific
                                        //triple so we continue anyway
                            catch (RdfQueryException)
                                //If we get an error here this means we couldn't construct for this solution so the
                                //solution is ignored for this graph

                            //Triples from GRAPH clauses
                            foreach (GraphPattern gp in cmd.InsertPattern.ChildGraphPatterns)
                                    String graphUri;
                                    switch (gp.GraphSpecifier.TokenType)
                                        case Token.URI:
                                            graphUri = gp.GraphSpecifier.Value;
                                        case Token.VARIABLE:
                                            if (s.ContainsVariable(gp.GraphSpecifier.Value))
                                                INode temp = s[gp.GraphSpecifier.Value.Substring(1)];
                                                if (temp == null)
                                                    //If the Variable is not bound then skip
                                                else if (temp.NodeType == NodeType.Uri)
                                                    graphUri = temp.ToSafeString();
                                                    //If the Variable is not bound to a URI then skip
                                                //If the Variable is not bound for this solution then skip
                                            //Any other Graph Specifier we have to ignore this solution
                                    if (!insertedGraphTriples.ContainsKey(graphUri)) insertedGraphTriples.Add(graphUri, new List<Triple>());
                                    ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(null, s, true);
                                    foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in gp.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                                        catch (RdfQueryException)
                                            //If we get an error here it means we couldn't construct a specific
                                            //triple so we continue anyway
                                catch (RdfQueryException)
                                    //If we get an error here this means we couldn't construct for this solution so the
                                    //solution is ignored for this graph

                        //Now decide how to apply the update
                        if (this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                            this._manager.UpdateGraph(cmd.GraphUri, insertedTriples, deletedTriples);
                            //We do these two operations sequentially even if in some cases they could be combined to ensure that the underlying
                            //Manager doesn't do any optimisations which would have the result of our updates not being properly applied
                            //e.g. ignoring Triples which are both asserted and retracted in one update
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, List<Triple>> graphDeletion in deletedGraphTriples)
                                this._manager.UpdateGraph(graphDeletion.Key, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>(), graphDeletion.Value);
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, List<Triple>> graphInsertion in insertedGraphTriples)
                                this._manager.UpdateGraph(graphInsertion.Key, graphInsertion.Value, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>());
                            Graph g = new Graph();
                            this._manager.LoadGraph(g, cmd.GraphUri);

                            foreach (String graphUri in deletedGraphTriples.Keys.Concat(insertedGraphTriples.Keys).Distinct())
                                g = new Graph();
                                this._manager.LoadGraph(g, graphUri);
                                if (deletedGraphTriples.ContainsKey(graphUri)) g.Retract(deletedGraphTriples[graphUri]);
                                if (insertedGraphTriples.ContainsKey(graphUri)) g.Assert(insertedGraphTriples[graphUri]);
                        throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an INSERT/DELETE Command as the underlying Store failed to answer the query for the WHERE portion of the command as expected");
                    throw new NotSupportedException("INSERT/DELETE commands are not supported by this Update Processor as the manager for the underlying Store does not provide Query capabilities which are necessary to process this command");
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes an INSERT DATA command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">Insert Data Command</param>
        public void ProcessInsertDataCommand(InsertDataCommand cmd)
            if (this._manager is IUpdateableGenericIOManager)
                //Split the Pattern into the set of Graph Patterns
                List<GraphPattern> patterns = new List<GraphPattern>();
                if (cmd.DataPattern.IsGraph)
                else if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.Count > 0 || cmd.DataPattern.HasChildGraphPatterns)
                    if (cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.Count > 0)
                        patterns.Add(new GraphPattern());
                        cmd.DataPattern.TriplePatterns.ForEach(tp => patterns[0].AddTriplePattern(tp));
                    cmd.DataPattern.ChildGraphPatterns.ForEach(gp => patterns.Add(gp));
                    //If no Triple Patterns and No Child Graph Patterns nothing to do

                foreach (GraphPattern pattern in patterns)
                    if (!this.IsValidDataPattern(pattern, false)) throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an INSERT DATA command where any of the Triple Patterns are not concrete triples - variables are not permitted");

                    Uri graphUri = null;
                    if (pattern.IsGraph)
                        switch (pattern.GraphSpecifier.TokenType)
                            case Token.QNAME:
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Graph Specifiers as QNames for INSERT DATA Commands are not supported - please specify an absolute URI instead");
                            case Token.URI:
                                graphUri = new Uri(pattern.GraphSpecifier.Value);
                                throw new SparqlUpdateException("Cannot evaluate an INSERT DATA Command as the Graph Specifier is not a QName/URI");

                    Graph g = new Graph();
                    if (!this._manager.UpdateSupported) this._manager.LoadGraph(g, graphUri);

                    //Insert the actual Triples
                    INode subj, pred, obj;
                    ConstructContext context = new ConstructContext(g, null, true);
                    foreach (IConstructTriplePattern p in pattern.TriplePatterns.OfType<IConstructTriplePattern>())
                        subj = p.Subject.Construct(context);
                        pred = p.Predicate.Construct(context);
                        obj = p.Object.Construct(context);

                        g.Assert(new Triple(subj, pred, obj));

                    if (this._manager.UpdateSupported)
                        this._manager.UpdateGraph(graphUri, g.Triples, Enumerable.Empty<Triple>());