protected override bool BeforeDelete() { // Delete from Deployment Server MMediaDeploy[] theseDeployers = MMediaDeploy.GetByMediaAndProject(GetCtx(), Get_IDOld(), _project, false, Get_TrxName()); if (theseDeployers != null && theseDeployers.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < theseDeployers.Length; i++) { if (!theseDeployers[i].GetServer().DeleteMediaItem(this)) { log.Warning("Could not delete file + " + this.ToString() + " from Server: " + theseDeployers[i].GetServer()); } } } // Delete From MMediaDeploy StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM CM_MediaDeploy ") .Append(" WHERE CM_Media_ID=").Append(Get_IDOld()); int no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sb.ToString(), null, Get_TrxName()); if (no > 0) { log.Fine("#" + no + " - CM_MediaDeploy"); } else { log.Warning("#" + no + " - CM_MediaDeploy"); } return(true); }
private static VLogger _log = VLogger.GetVLogger(typeof(MMedia).FullName);//.class); /// <summary> /// getByMediaAndProject Get All deployers by Media ID and WebProject /// </summary> /// <param name="ctx">Context</param> /// <param name="CM_Media_ID">id</param> /// <param name="thisProject">web project</param> /// <param name="createIfMissing">createIfMissing Whether we create or not</param> /// <param name="trxName">trx</param> /// <returns> Array of MediaDeploy</returns> public static MMediaDeploy[] GetByMediaAndProject(Ctx ctx, int CM_Media_ID, MWebProject thisProject, bool createIfMissing, Trx trxName) { List <MMediaDeploy> list = new List <MMediaDeploy>(); MMediaServer[] theseServers = MMediaServer.GetMediaServer(thisProject); if (theseServers != null && theseServers.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < theseServers.Length; i++) { list.Add(GetByMedia(ctx, CM_Media_ID, theseServers[i].Get_ID(), createIfMissing, trxName)); } } MMediaDeploy[] retValue = new MMediaDeploy[list.Count];// .size ()]; retValue = list.ToArray(); return(retValue); }
/// <summary> /// reDeployAll set all media items to redeploy /// </summary> public void ReDeployAll() { MMedia[] media = MMedia.GetMedia(GetWebProject()); if (media != null && media.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < media.Length; i++) { MMediaDeploy thisDeploy = MMediaDeploy.GetByMedia(GetCtx(), media[i].Get_ID(), Get_ID(), true, null); if (thisDeploy.IsDeployed()) { log.Log(Level.FINE, "Reset Deployed Flag on MediaItem" + media[i].Get_ID()); thisDeploy.SetIsDeployed(false); thisDeploy.Save(); } } } }
} // beforeSave /// <summary> /// after save /// </summary> /// <param name="newRecord">new</param> /// <param name="success">success</param> /// <returns>true if saved</returns> protected override bool AfterSave(bool newRecord, bool success) { if (!success) { return(success); } if (newRecord) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO AD_TreeNodeCMM " + "(AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, " + "AD_Tree_ID, Node_ID, Parent_ID, SeqNo) " + "VALUES (") .Append(GetAD_Client_ID()).Append(",0, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0,") .Append(GetAD_Tree_ID()).Append(",").Append(Get_ID()) .Append(", 0, 999)"); int no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sb.ToString(), null, Get_TrxName()); if (no > 0) { log.Fine("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMM"); } else { log.Warning("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMM"); } return(no > 0); } // Construct / Update Deployment Procedure MMediaServer[] theseServers = MMediaServer.GetMediaServer(_project); if (theseServers != null && theseServers.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < theseServers.Length; i++) { MMediaDeploy thisDeploy = MMediaDeploy.GetByMedia(GetCtx(), Get_ID(), theseServers[i].Get_ID(), true, Get_TrxName()); if (thisDeploy.IsDeployed()) { thisDeploy.SetIsDeployed(false); thisDeploy.Save(); } } } return(success); } // afterSave
/// <summary> /// getByMedia returns MMediaDeploy Object corresponding to an MMedia Item /// </summary> /// <param name="ctx">context</param> /// <param name="CM_Media_ID">id of media item</param> /// <param name="CM_Media_Server_ID">id</param> /// <param name="createIfMissing"><add missing entery/param> /// <param name="trxName">trx</param> /// <returns> Object or NULL if not existant</returns> public static MMediaDeploy GetByMedia(Ctx ctx, int CM_Media_ID, int CM_Media_Server_ID, bool createIfMissing, Trx trxName) { MMediaDeploy thisMMediaDeploy = null; String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_MediaDeploy WHERE CM_Media_ID=@param1 AND CM_Media_Server_ID=@param2"; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[2]; IDataReader idr = null; try { //pstmt = DataBase.prepareStatement(sql, trxName); //pstmt.setInt (1, CM_Media_ID); param[0] = new SqlParameter("@param1", CM_Media_ID); //pstmt.setInt (2, CM_Media_Server_ID); param[1] = new SqlParameter("@param2", CM_Media_Server_ID); idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql, param, trxName); if (idr.Read()) { thisMMediaDeploy = (new MMediaDeploy(ctx, idr, trxName)); } idr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } _log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } if (thisMMediaDeploy == null && createIfMissing) { thisMMediaDeploy = new MMediaDeploy(ctx, 0, trxName); thisMMediaDeploy.SetCM_Media_Server_ID(CM_Media_Server_ID); thisMMediaDeploy.SetCM_Media_ID(CM_Media_ID); thisMMediaDeploy.SetIsDeployed(false); thisMMediaDeploy.SetLastSynchronized(null); thisMMediaDeploy.Save(); } return(thisMMediaDeploy); }
/// <summary> /// (Re-)Deploy all media /// </summary> /// <returns>true if deployed</returns> public bool Deploy() { MMedia[] media = MMedia.GetMediaToDeploy(GetCtx(), this.Get_ID(), Get_TrxName()); // Check whether the host is our example localhost, we will not deploy locally, but this is no error if (this.GetIP_Address().Equals("") || this.GetName().Equals("localhost")) { log.Warning("You have not defined your own server, we will not really deploy to localhost!"); return(true); } //FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); System.Net.FtpWebRequest ftp; try { //ftp.connect (getIP_Address()); ftp = (System.Net.FtpWebRequest)System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create(GetIP_Address()); ftp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(GetUserName(), GetPassword()); if (ftp.Credentials != null) { //if (ftp.login (getUserName(), getPassword())) log.Info("Connected to " + GetIP_Address() + " as " + GetUserName()); } else { log.Warning("Could NOT connect to " + GetIP_Address() + " as " + GetUserName()); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Log(Level.WARNING, "Could NOT connect to " + GetIP_Address() + " as " + GetUserName(), e); return(false); } bool success = true; String cmd = null; // List the files in the directory try { cmd = "cwd"; //ftp.changeWorkingDirectory (getFolder()); ftp.Method = GetFolder(); // cmd = "list"; ftp.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory; System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(ftp.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); List <String> listnames = new List <string>(); String str = sr.ReadLine(); while (str != null) { listnames.Add(str); str = sr.ReadLine(); } String[] fileNames = listnames.ToArray(); log.Log(Level.FINE, "Number of files in " + GetFolder() + ": " + fileNames.Length); /* * FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(); * log.config("Number of files in " + getFolder() + ": " + files.length); * for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) * log.fine(files[i].getTimestamp() + " \t" + files[i].getName());*/ // cmd = "bin"; //ftp.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); ftp.UseBinary = true; for (int i = 0; i < media.Length; i++) { MMediaDeploy thisDeployment = MMediaDeploy.GetByMedia(GetCtx(), media[i].Get_ID(), this.Get_ID(), false, Get_TrxName()); if (!media[i].IsSummary() && media[i].GetMediaType() != null) { log.Log(Level.INFO, " Deploying Media Item: " + media[i].ToString()); MImage thisImage = media[i].GetImage(); // Open the file and output streams byte[] buffer = thisImage.GetData(); //ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer); //System.IO.BufferedStream iss=new System.IO.BufferedStream(buffer); String fileName = media[i].Get_ID() + media[i].GetExtension(); cmd = "put " + fileName; //ftp.storeFile(fileName, is); System.IO.FileStream streamObj = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileName); streamObj.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); streamObj.Close(); streamObj = null; ftp.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); thisDeployment.SetIsDeployed(true); thisDeployment.Save(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.Log(Level.WARNING, cmd, e); success = false; } // Logout from the FTP Server and disconnect try { cmd = "logout"; //ftp.logout(); ftp.UsePassive = false; log.Log(Level.FINE, " FTP logged out"); cmd = "disconnect"; //ftp.disconnect(); ftp.KeepAlive = false; } catch (Exception e) { log.Log(Level.WARNING, cmd, e); } ftp = null; return(success); } // deploy