DoIdleNotification() private method

private DoIdleNotification ( NativeV8EngineProxy engine, int hint = 1000 ) : bool
engine NativeV8EngineProxy
hint int
return bool
 /// <summary>
 /// Calling this method notifies the native V8 engine to perform up to 1000 pending work tasks before returning (this is the default setting in V8).
 /// The work performed helps to reduce the memory footprint within V8.
 /// This helps the garbage collector know when to start collecting objects and values that are no longer in use.
 /// This method returns true if there is still more work pending.
 /// <para>(See also: <seealso cref="ForceV8GarbageCollection()"/>)</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hint">Gives the native V8 engine a hint on how much work can be performed before returning (V8's default is 1000 work tasks).</param>
 /// <returns>True if more work is pending.</returns>
 public bool DoIdleNotification(int hint = 1000)
     return(V8NetProxy.DoIdleNotification(_NativeV8EngineProxy, hint));