private void Listener() { sqlHelper.CurrConn = Utils.DbType.Local; int port = Convert.ToInt32(sqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select keyport from Interface", null)); if (port == 0) { CurrConnSta = ConnSta.NoPort; return; } IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port); BollenSocket serverSocket = new BollenSocket(endPoint); if (serverSocket.Listen()) { while (Valid) { CurrConnSta = ConnSta.Listen; try { TcpClient clientTcp = serverSocket.TCPListener.AcceptTcpClient(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ReceiveData), clientTcp); } catch { //listening error. break; } } } }
public FrmMain() { InitializeComponent(); clientSocket = null; reconn = true; }
public void ConnectToInterface() { sqlHelper.CurrConn = Utils.DbType.Local; string sql = "select IP, IfPort from Interface"; DataRow row = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql, null,null).Tables[0].Rows[0]; if (row == null) return; string ip = row["IP"].ToString(); int port = Convert.ToInt32(row["IfPort"]); IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port); InterfaceClient = new BollenSocket(endPoint); try { if (InterfaceClient.Connect()) { while (Valid && IsReceive) { CurrInterfaceConnSta = ConnSta.Connected; int size; byte[] buffer = BollenSocket.Read(InterfaceClient.NetStream, out size); if (size == 0) { break; } string rec = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, size); this.CommLog(rec + " <- From Pms"); //去掉消息前,后缀 rec = rec.Replace(InstructMap["PR"],""); rec = rec.Replace(InstructMap["SU"],""); Dictionary<string, string> newInstruct = InstructTransform(rec); if (newInstruct == null) { this.CommLog("Instruct map is empty,Pls configure interface specification."); continue; } string kc, err; Command cmd; if (!VerifyInstruct(newInstruct, out kc, out cmd, out err)) { this.CommLog(err); continue; } TcpClient host = null; foreach (TcpClient tcpClient in ClientList.Keys) { if (ClientList[tcpClient] == kc) { host = tcpClient; } } if (host == null) { this.CommLog("[ " + kc + " ]corresponding host not found"); continue; } NetworkStream stream = host.GetStream(); switch (cmd) { case Command.KR: //issue card PackageInstruct(newInstruct); BollenSocket.Send(stream, new SocketEntity(cmd, Data, "", "")); break; case Command.KD: //delete card BollenSocket.Send(stream, new SocketEntity(cmd, new string[] { }, "", "")); break; case Command.KG: //read card BollenSocket.Send(stream, new SocketEntity(cmd, new string[] { Auth_Code }, "", "")); break; default: break; } } } } catch { } InterfaceClient = null; CurrInterfaceConnSta = ConnSta.Disconnect; SetConnectButtonText("Connect"); }
private void ConnectToServer() { string workstation = string.Empty; reconn = false; Dictionary<string,string> content; if ((content = CheckKeyContent()) == null) { reconn = true; return; } byte[] data = new byte[1024]; IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(content["IP"]), Convert.ToInt32(content["Port"])); clientSocket = new BollenSocket(endPoint); if (clientSocket.Connect()) { while (true) { SocketEntity entity; try { entity = BollenSocket.Receive(clientSocket.NetStream); if (entity == null) { continue; } string cardNo, err, hex; ShowCardStatus(""); switch(entity.Cmd) { case Command.IF: workstation = entity.ClientIP; this.Invoke(new DelegateSetConnectStatus(SetConnectStatus), "Connected to ORBITA server.[" + entity.ServerIP + "]",; BollenSocket.Send(clientSocket.NetStream, new SocketEntity( Command.RQ, new String[] { this.txtKeyCoderName.Text }, "", "")); break; case Command.KD: //delete card if (!myEncoder.DeleteCard(out cardNo, out err, out hex)) { ShowCardStatus(err); } /* key answer data struct * data[0] key type * data[1] result * data[2] card no * data[3] workstation * data[4] date time */ BollenSocket.Send( clientSocket.NetStream, new SocketEntity( Command.KA, new string[] {"KD", hex, cardNo, workstation, DateTime.Now.ToString() }, "", "" )); break; case Command.KR: //issue card if (!myEncoder.IssueCard(entity.Data,out cardNo, out err, out hex)) { ShowCardStatus(err); } /* key answer data struct * data[0] key type * data[1] result * data[2] guid * data[3] card no * data[4] workstation * data[5] data time */ BollenSocket.Send( clientSocket.NetStream, new SocketEntity( Command.KA, new string[] {"KR", hex, entity.Data[0]/*guid*/, cardNo, workstation, DateTime.Now.ToString() }, "", "" )); break; case Command.KG: //read card string[] keys = myEncoder.ReadCard(entity.Data[0]/*auth*/, out err, out hex); if (keys == null) { ShowCardStatus(err); } /* read card data struct * data[0] Card No * data[1] Building * data[2] Room * data[3] Common Doors * data[4] Arrival * data[5] Departure */ string key = "CTGuest Card" + "|" + "CN" + keys[0] + "|" + "BD" + keys[1] + "|" + "RN" + keys[2] + "|" + "CD" + keys[3] + "|" + "AD" + keys[4] + "|" + "DD" + keys[5]; /* key answer data struct * data[0] key type * data[1] result */ BollenSocket.Send( clientSocket.NetStream, new SocketEntity( Command.KA, new string[] {"KG", hex}, "", "" )); break; default: break; } } catch { this.Invoke(new DelegateSetConnectStatus(SetConnectStatus), "Receive Error.", Status.error); break; } } } if (clientSocket == null || !clientSocket.TCPClient.Connected) { this.Invoke(new DelegateSetConnectStatus(SetConnectStatus), "Not connected to the server.", Status.error); reconn = true; return; } }