public void p53p54() { // Two-Number Functions and the Stack UIMap.CLx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.00 "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.00 "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.00 "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 34. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 34.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" CLX", " ENT↑", " ENT↑", " ENT↑", " 34.00 ENT↑"); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 21. "); UIMap.PrintStack(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 21.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 21.00 PRST", "", " 0.00 T ", " 0.00 Z ", " 34.00 Y ", " 21.00 X ", ""); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 55.00 "); UIMap.PrintStack(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 55.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" + ", " PRST", "", " 0.00 T ", " 0.00 Z ", " 0.00 Y ", " 55.00 X ", ""); }
public void p82p83() { // Percentages UIMap.SendKeys("1500{ENTER}"); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 1500.00 "); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 6.5 "); UIMap.Percent(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 97.50 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 97.50 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 1500.00 ENT↑", " 6.50 % ", " 97.50 ***"); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 1597.50 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 1597.50 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" + ", " 1597.50 ***"); // Percent of Change UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 70.00 "); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.PercentChange(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 242.86 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 242.86 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 70.00 ENT↑", " 240.00 %CH", " 242.86 ***"); }
public void p59p60() { // Recovering a Number for Calculation UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 7.32 "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 7.32 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.650112331 "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 10.97 "); UIMap.LASTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.65 "); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.01 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.01 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 7.32 ENT↑", " 3.650112331 + ", " LSTX", " ÷ ", " 3.01 ***"); }
public void p87p89() { // Setup UIMap.DSP(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" DSP4"); // Adding and Subtracting Time and Angles UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.SendKeys(".105076"); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 45.105076 "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 45.1051 "); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 24.491095 "); UIMap.HMSAddition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 70.0002 "); UIMap.DSP(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 70.000171 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 70.000171 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 45.105076 ENT↑", " 24.491095 HMS+", " DSP6", " 70.000171 ***"); UIMap.SendKeys("312.3217"); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 312.3217 "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 142.78 "); UIMap.ToHMS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 142.464800 "); UIMap.CHS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric("-142.464800 "); UIMap.HMSAddition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 169.452900 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 169.452900 "); UIMap.DSP(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 169.45 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 312.321700 ENT↑", " 142.780000 →HMS", " CHS", " HMS+", " 169.452900 ***", " DSP2"); UIMap.CLx(); UIMap.DEG(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.00 "); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.FromHMS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5.72 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.FromHMS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 12.30 "); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.AssertNumeric("-6.58 "); UIMap.COS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.99 "); UIMap.SendKeys("15.55"); UIMap.FromHMS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 15.92 "); UIMap.STO(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 15.92 "); UIMap.COS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.96 "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.96 "); UIMap.SendKeys("37.03"); UIMap.FromHMS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 37.05 "); UIMap.STO(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 37.05 "); UIMap.COS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.80 "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.76 "); UIMap.RCL(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.SIN(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.60 "); UIMap.RCL(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.SIN(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.27 "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.17 "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.93 "); UIMap.ArcCOS(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 21.92 "); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 1315.41 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" CLX", " DEG", " 5.43 HMS→", " 12.18 HMS→", " - ", " COS", " 15.55 HMS→", " STO1", " COS", " × ", " 37.03 HMS→", " STO0", " COS", " × ", " RCL0", " SIN", " RCL1", " SIN", " × ", " + ", " COS¹", " 60.00 × ", " 1315.41 ***"); }
public void p55p57() { // Chain Arithmetic UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 16. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 16.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 30. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 46.00 "); UIMap.OneOne(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 11. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 57.00 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 17. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 74.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 16.00 ENT↑", " 30.00 + ", " 11.00 + ", " 17.00 + ", " 74.00 ***"); UIMap.CLx(); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" CLX"); // Not in the manual. UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 16. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 16.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 30. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 30.00 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 11. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 11.00 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 17. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 28.00 "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 58.00 "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 74.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 16.00 ENT↑", " 30.00 ENT↑", " 11.00 ENT↑", " 17.00 + ", " + ", " + ", " 74.00 ***"); }
public void p93p96 () { // Logarithmic and Exponential Functions // Logarithms UIMap.Eight (); UIMap.Period (); UIMap.Two (); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 8.25 "); UIMap.SendKeys ("105"); UIMap.LOG (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 2.02 "); UIMap.Subtraction (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 6.23 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 6.23 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" 8.25 ENT↑", " 105.00 LOG", " - ", " 6.23 ***"); UIMap.Three (); UIMap.Zero (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 30.00 "); UIMap.Nine (); UIMap.Period (); UIMap.Four (); UIMap.Division (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 3.19 "); UIMap.LN (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.16 "); UIMap.Two (); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.ZeroZeroZero (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 25000. "); UIMap.Multiplication (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 29012.19 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 29012.19 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" 30.00 ENT↑", " 9.40 ÷ ", " LN", " 25000.00 × ", " 29012.19 ***"); // Raising Numbers to Powers UIMap.Two (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.Nine (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 9. "); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 512.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 512.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" 2.00 ENT↑", " 9.00 Yˣ", " 512.00 ***"); UIMap.Eight (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 8.00 "); UIMap.SendKeys ("1.256"); UIMap.Seven (); UIMap.CHS (); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.07 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.07 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" 8.00 ENT↑", " -1.2567 Yˣ", " 0.07 ***"); UIMap.Two (); UIMap.Period (); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.CHS (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric ("-2.50 "); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric ("-97.66 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric ("-97.66 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" -2.50 ENT↑", " 5.00 Yˣ", " -97.66 ***"); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 5.00 "); UIMap.Three (); UIMap.Reciprocal (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.33 "); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.71 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.71 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" 5.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 1/X", " Yˣ", " 1.71 ***"); UIMap.SendKeys ("350"); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 350.00 "); UIMap.Six (); UIMap.SendKeys ("61."); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.Division (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.53 "); UIMap.Square (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.28 "); UIMap.SendKeys (".2"); UIMap.Multiplication (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.06 "); UIMap.One (); UIMap.Addition (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.06 "); UIMap.Three (); UIMap.Period (); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.21 "); UIMap.One (); UIMap.Subtraction (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.21 "); UIMap.One (); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.00 "); UIMap.Six (); UIMap.Period (); UIMap.Eight (); UIMap.Seven (); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.EEX (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 6.875 00"); UIMap.CHS (); UIMap.Six (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 6.875 -06"); UIMap.ENTER (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 6.875000000-06"); UIMap.SendKeys ("25500"); UIMap.Multiplication (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.18 "); UIMap.Subtraction (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.82 "); UIMap.SendKeys ("5.2656"); UIMap.CHS (); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 2.76 "); UIMap.Multiplication (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.58 "); UIMap.One (); UIMap.Addition (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.58 "); UIMap.Period (); UIMap.SendKeys ("286"); UIMap.YToTheXth (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 1.14 "); UIMap.One (); UIMap.Subtraction (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.14 "); UIMap.Five (); UIMap.Multiplication (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.70 "); UIMap.Sqrt (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.84 "); UIMap.PRINTx (); UIMap.AssertNumeric (" 0.84 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter (" 350.00 ENT↑", " 661.50 ÷ ", " X²", " .20 × ", " 1.00 + ", " 3.50 Yˣ", " 1.00 - ", " 1.00 ENT↑", " 6.875-06 ENT↑", " 25500.00 × ", " - ", " -5.2656 Yˣ", " × ", " 1.00 + ", " .286 Yˣ", " 1.00 - ", " 5.00 × ", " √X", " 0.84 ***"); }
public void p27p28() { // Two-Number Functions UIMap.ManTraceNorm1Left(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 15.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 12.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 + ", // The documentation seems to assume that PRINTx is required for printing the result, // as if we were in NORM mode, but we really are in TRACE mode. " 15.00 ***"); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 15.00 ***"); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 9.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 12.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 - ", " 9.00 ***"); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 36.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 12.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 × ", " 36.00 ***"); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 12.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 ÷ ", " 4.00 ***"); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.00 "); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 6. "); UIMap.YToTheXth(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 729.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 3.00 ENT↑", " 6.00 Yˣ", " 729.00 ***"); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.YToTheXth(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 65536.00 "); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.YToTheXth(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 6561.00 "); UIMap.SendKeys("22"); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.YToTheXth(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 15.00 "); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.YToTheXth(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 65536.00 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.YToTheXth(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2.00 "); }
public void p73p74() { // Storage Register Arithmetic UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 94.00 "); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5170.00 "); UIMap.STO(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5170.00 "); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Percent(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 103.40 "); UIMap.STO(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 103.40 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 25.00 ENT↑", " 27.00 + ", " 19.00 + ", " 23.00 + ", " 55.00 × ", " STO5", " 2.00 % ", " ST-5"); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 54.00 "); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3105.00 "); UIMap.STO(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3105.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Percent(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 93.15 "); UIMap.STO(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 93.15 "); UIMap.RCL(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 8078.45 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 8078.45 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 26.00 ENT↑", " 28.00 + ", " 57.50 × ", " ST+5", " 3.00 % ", " ST-5", " RCL5", " 8078.45 ***"); }
public void p58() { // Order of Execution UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.00 "); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4. "); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.75 "); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5.00 "); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2. "); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2.50 "); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.AssertNumeric("-1.75 "); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 12.00 "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 10.25 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.00 "); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" .213 "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.64 "); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 16.04 "); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5. "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 80.20 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 80.20 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 3.00 ENT↑", " 4.00 ÷ ", " 5.00 ENT↑", " 2.00 ÷ ", " - ", " 4.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 × ", " + ", " 3.00 ENT↑", " .213 × ", " ÷ ", " 5.00 × ", " 80.20 ***"); }
public void p79p80() { // Reciprocals UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.04 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.04 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 25.00 1/X", " 0.04 ***"); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.545454545-03"); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 1.785714286-03"); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ZeroZero(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 8.333333333-04"); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.ZeroZeroZero(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2.000000000-04"); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 135.79 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 135.79 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 220.00 1/X", " 560.00 1/X", " + ", " 1200.00 1/X", " + ", " 5000.00 1/X", " + ", " 1/X", " 135.79 ***"); // Factorials UIMap.Six(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 6. "); UIMap.Factorial(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 720.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 720.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 6.00 N!", " 720.00 ***"); // Square Roots UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Sqrt(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 16.00 √X", " 4.00 ***"); // Squaring UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Square(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2025.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2025.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 45.00 X²", " 2025.00 ***"); UIMap.Square(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4100625.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4100625.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" X²", " 4100625.00 ***"); }
public void p14() { // Manual Problem Solving UIMap.ManTraceNorm2Left(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 11.00 "); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.00 "); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.00 "); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 72.00 "); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Reciprocal(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.20 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.SIN(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.50 "); UIMap.ManTraceNorm2Right(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ZeroZero(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3200. "); UIMap.Square(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 10240000.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 3200.00 X²"); UIMap.Pi(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3.14 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" Pi"); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 32169908.78 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" × "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 32169908.78 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 32169908.78 ***"); }
public void p29p33() { // Chain Calculations UIMap.ManTraceNorm1Left(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 12. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 12.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 15.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 12.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 + ", " 15.00 ***"); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 7. "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 105.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 7.00 × ", " 105.00 ***"); UIMap.ManTraceNorm1Right(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 12. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 12.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 15.00 "); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 7. "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 105.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 105.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 12.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 + ", " 7.00 × ", " 105.00 ***"); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.50 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 0.50 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 2.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 + ", " 10.00 ÷ ", " 0.50 ***"); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 36.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 36.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 16.00 ENT↑", " 4.00 - ", " 3.00 × ", " 36.00 ***"); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5.50 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5.50 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 14.00 ENT↑", " 7.00 + ", " 3.00 + ", " 2.00 - ", " 4.00 ÷ ", " 5.50 ***"); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2. "); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 2.00 "); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 3. "); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 5.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 2.00 ENT↑", " 3.00 + "); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 9.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 4.00 ENT↑", " 5.00 + "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 45.00 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 45.00 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" × ", " 45.00 ***"); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 17.00 "); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 9.00 "); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 153.00 "); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 20.00 "); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 7.65 "); UIMap.PRINTx(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 7.65 "); UIMap.AssertPrinter(" 9.00 ENT↑", " 8.00 + ", " 7.00 ENT↑", " 2.00 + ", " × ", " 4.00 ENT↑", " 5.00 × ", " ÷ ", " 7.65 ***"); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 26.00 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 78.00 "); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.Sqrt(); UIMap.Period(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 181.00 "); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.One(); UIMap.Zero(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Subtraction(); UIMap.Division(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 4.00 "); UIMap.Two(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Three(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Four(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Five(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.Sqrt(); UIMap.Six(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Seven(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Eight(); UIMap.ENTER(); UIMap.Nine(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.Multiplication(); UIMap.Sqrt(); UIMap.Addition(); UIMap.AssertNumeric(" 21.57 "); }