public static void listFiles(string path) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { foreach (string item in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path)) { ShowBiggestFiles.listFiles(item); } } else if (File.Exists(path)) { ShowBiggestFiles.fileinfo = new FileInfo(path); ShowBiggestFiles.paths.Add(path); ShowBiggestFiles.sizes.Add(ShowBiggestFiles.index, ShowBiggestFiles.fileinfo.Length); ShowBiggestFiles.index++; } }
/** * Initializes all processes running * @param args arguments given by CLI */ private void init(string[] args) { // if no argument has been given if (args.Length > 0) { // if one argument is -l for listing content on a directory if (args[0] == "-l") { // checks if there is a second argument if (args.Length > 1) { try { ShowContent.init(args[1]); ShowContent.listFiles(args[1]); Console.WriteLine("Total size of folder \'" + args[1] + "\': " + ByteConverter.convert(ShowContent.getTotalSize()) + " with " + ShowContent.getFileAmount() + " Files and " + ShowContent.getFolderAmount() + " Folders."); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorized) { Console.WriteLine("A path is not accessable:\t" + unauthorized.Message); } } // writes error message if second argument is missing. In this case the path else { Console.WriteLine("second argument is missing"); } } // if one argument is -b for listing the biggest files in a directory else if (args[0] == "-b") { if (args.Length > 2) { try { ShowBiggestFiles.init(int.Parse(args[1])); ShowBiggestFiles.listFiles(args[2]); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorized) { Console.WriteLine("A path is not accessable:\t" + unauthorized.Message); } ShowBiggestFiles.sortBiggest();; } // writes error message if second argument is missing. In this case the path else { Console.WriteLine("second and/or third argument(s) is/are missing"); } } // shows help else if (args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "--help") { Console.WriteLine("\nThis programm is aimed to give users some special tools for managing files\nHow to use:\tUsefulExplorer + [Option] + [Arguments...]\n\nOptions:\n*) -l [path of directory]\t\tList all files and directories\n*) -b [number] [path of directory]\tList \'number\' of biggest files in a directory\n*) -h\t\t\t\t\tShow this help\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry either this feature is not yet implemented or not availability\n"); } } // writes error message if no arguments are given else { Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do"); } }