public void Initialize(Behavior b)
            SimpleStayInLaneBehavior sb = (SimpleStayInLaneBehavior)b;

            // store the base path
            basePath = ConvertPath(sb.BasePath);

            // get the lower, upper bound
            leftBound = FindBoundary(sb.LaneWidth/2);
            rightBound = FindBoundary(-sb.LaneWidth/2);

            // convert everything to be vehicle relative
            AbsoluteTransformer absTransform = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsoluteTransformer();
            pathTime = absTransform.Timestamp;

            basePath = basePath.Transform(absTransform);
            leftBound = leftBound.Transform(absTransform);
            rightBound = rightBound.Transform(absTransform);

            // send the left and right bounds
            Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(leftBound, pathTime, "left bound");
            Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(rightBound, pathTime, "right bound");

            maxSpeed = sb.MaxSpeed;

            obstacleManager = new ObstacleManager();	// hik
        public override void Initialize(Behavior b)
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = 0;
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.UseOccupancyGrid = true;

        public override void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
            if (b is ChangeLaneBehavior) {
                ChangeLaneBehavior cb = (ChangeLaneBehavior)b;

                if (cb.StartLane.Equals(startingLaneID) && cb.TargetLane.Equals(endingLaneID)) {

                    LinePath startingLanePath = cb.BackupStartLanePath;
                    LinePath endingLanePath = cb.BackupTargetLanePath;

                    Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(startingLanePath, cb.TimeStamp, "original path1");
                    Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(endingLanePath, cb.TimeStamp, "original path2");


                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "in change lanes -- got change lanes behavior with same start/end lane");
                else {
                    // this is a new behavior
                    Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "in change lanes -- got change lanes with different start/end lane ({0}/{1})", cb.StartLane, cb.TargetLane);
            else {
                Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
        public override void ExecuteBehavior(UrbanChallenge.Behaviors.Behavior b)
            if (displaySignals)
                if (b.Decorators != null)
                    Console.Write("Decorators: ");

                    foreach (BehaviorDecorator bd in b.Decorators)
                        if (bd is TurnSignalDecorator)
                            TurnSignalDecorator tsd = (TurnSignalDecorator)bd;
                            Console.Write(tsd.Signal.ToString() + ", ");
                            Console.Write("Unrecognized, ");

                    Console.WriteLine("Decorators: null");
        public override void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
            // check if the transition is valid
            if (b is StayInLaneBehavior) {
                StayInLaneBehavior sb = (StayInLaneBehavior)b;

                // check if the lane id's match
                if (object.Equals(sb.TargetLane, laneID)) {
                    // check if the speed command changed
                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "received new stay in lane speed command: {0}", sb.SpeedCommand);

                    // queue the new speed command to the behavior
                else {
                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "recevied new stay in lane behavior, different target lane: {0}", sb);
                    // the lane id's changed
                    // re-initialize the behavior
                    Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
            else {
                BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "in stay in lane behavior, received {0}", b);
                // this is cool to execute
                Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
        public void Initialize(Behavior b)
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = 0;
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.UseOccupancyGrid = true;

            // set the tracking manager to run a constant braking behavior
 public override void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
     if (b is ZoneTravelingBehavior) {
     else {
         Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localRoute"></param>
 /// <param name="bestFullRoute"></param>
 /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
 /// <param name="maneuver"></param>
 public AiRemoteListener(Routes localRoute, FullRoute bestFullRoute, VehicleState vehicleState, Behavior behavior,
     IPath path, DynamicObstacles dynamicObstacles, StaticObstacles staticObstacles)
     this.LocalRoute = localRoute;
     this.BestFullRoute = bestFullRoute;
     this.VehicleState = vehicleState;
     this.behavior = behavior;
     this.path = path;
     this.DynamicObstacles = dynamicObstacles;
     this.StaticObstacles = staticObstacles;
        public override void Initialize(Behavior b)

            ZoneParkingBehavior cb = (ZoneParkingBehavior)b;


            this.totalTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            phase = PlanningPhase.Initial;
        public override void Initialize(Behavior b)

            // extract the stay in lane behavior
            StayInLaneBehavior sb = (StayInLaneBehavior)b;

            Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(sb.BackupPath, sb.TimeStamp, "original path1");
            Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(new LineList(), sb.TimeStamp, "original path2");

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentArbiterState"></param>
 /// <param name="internalCarMode"></param>
 /// <param name="fullRoute"></param>
 /// <param name="routeTime"></param>
 /// <param name="actionPoint"></param>
 /// <param name="currentGoal"></param>
 /// <param name="goals"></param>
 /// <param name="behavior"></param>
 public ArbiterInformation(string currentArbiterState, CarMode internalCarMode, FullRoute fullRoute, double routeTime,
     RndfWaypointID actionPoint, RndfWaypointID currentGoal, Queue<RndfWaypointID> goals, Behavior behavior, VehicleState planningState)
     this.CurrentArbiterState = currentArbiterState;
     this.InternalCarMode = internalCarMode;
     this.FullRoute = fullRoute;
     this.RouteTime = routeTime;
     this.ActionPoint = actionPoint;
     this.CurrentGoal = currentGoal;
     this.Goals = goals;
     this.Behavior = behavior;
     this.PlanningState = planningState;
        public override void Initialize(Behavior b)

            Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = 0.5;

            ZoneTravelingBehavior cb = (ZoneTravelingBehavior)b;


            // set up a bogus speed command
        public void Initialize(Behavior b)
            UTurnBehavior cb = (UTurnBehavior)b;

            Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = 0;
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.UseOccupancyGrid = true;

            // get the absolute state at the time of the behavior
            AbsolutePose absPose = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsolutePose(cb.TimeStamp);
            originalPoint = absPose.xy;


            this.passCompleted = true;
            this.pass = UTurnPass.Initializing;

            this.cancelled = false;
        public override void Initialize(Behavior b)

            Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = 0;
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.UseOccupancyGrid = true;

            ChangeLaneBehavior cb = (ChangeLaneBehavior)b;

            Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(cb.BackupStartLanePath, cb.TimeStamp, "original path1");
            Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(cb.BackupTargetLanePath, cb.TimeStamp, "original path2");

            startTimestamp = b.TimeStamp;


            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "in change lanes -- initializing, start timestamp {0}", b.TimeStamp);
        public void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
            if (b is UTurnBehavior) {
                UTurnBehavior cb = (UTurnBehavior)b;

            else {
                Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
        public void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)

            Services.Dataset.MarkOperation("behavior rate", LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

            try {
                // write the trace output
                if (TraceSource.Switch.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Verbose)) {
                    // write a verbose output
                    TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "recevied behavior: {0}", b);
                else {
                    TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 1, "received behavior: {0}", b.GetType());

                if (b != null) {

                if (b is NullBehavior)

                if (currentBehavior != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 2, "current behavior ({0}) threw exception in OnBehaviorReceived: {1}", currentBehavior, ex);
                else {
                    Execute(b, null, false);
            finally {
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute the Behavior
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="behavior"></param>
 public abstract void ExecuteBehavior(Behavior behavior, Common.Coordinates location, RndfWaypointID lowerBound, RndfWaypointID upperBound);
 public void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
     // just have the behavior manager execute the new behavior
     Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
 public void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
     // check if this is a valid state transition
     if (b is HoldBrakeBehavior || b is SimpleStayInLaneBehavior) {
         Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, true);
     else {
         throw new InvalidBehaviorException();
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets and immediately begins executing the supplied behavior, blocks and returns completion report
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">Behavior to execute</param>
 public abstract CompletionReport TestExecuteBehavior(Behavior b);
 public override void OnBehaviorReceived(Behavior b)
     if ((pulloutMode && b is ZoneParkingPullOutBehavior) || (!pulloutMode && !(b is ZoneParkingPullOutBehavior))) {
     else {
         Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(b, null, false);
        private void BehaviorProc()
            Trace.CorrelationManager.StartLogicalOperation("Behavior Loop");
            // set the default trace source for this thread
            OperationalTrace.ThreadTraceSource = TraceSource;

            OperationalDataSource previousTimeout = OperationalDataSource.None;

            using (MMWaitableTimer timer = new MMWaitableTimer((uint)(Settings.BehaviorPeriod*1000))) {
                while (true) {
                    if (Services.DebuggingService.StepMode) {
                    else {
                        // wait for the timer

                    if (watchdogEvent != null) {
                        try {
                        catch (Exception) {

                    Services.Dataset.MarkOperation("planning rate", LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

                    TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "starting behavior loop");

                    object param = null;
                    IOperationalBehavior newBehavior = null;
                    Behavior behaviorParam = null;
                    OperationalDataSource timeoutSource = OperationalDataSource.Pose;

                    bool forceHoldBrake = false;
                    try {
                        if (OperationalBuilder.BuildMode != BuildMode.Listen && TimeoutMonitor.HandleRecoveryState()) {
                            forceHoldBrake = true;
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        OperationalTrace.WriteError("error in recovery logic: {0}", ex);

                    if (OperationalBuilder.BuildMode == BuildMode.Realtime && TimeoutMonitor.AnyTimedOut(ref timeoutSource)) {
                        if (timeoutSource != previousTimeout) {
                            OperationalTrace.WriteError("data source {0} has timed out", timeoutSource);
                            previousTimeout = timeoutSource;
                        // simply queue up a hold brake
                    else {
                        if (previousTimeout != OperationalDataSource.None) {
                            OperationalTrace.WriteWarning("data source {0} is back online", previousTimeout);
                            previousTimeout = OperationalDataSource.None;

                        if (forceHoldBrake || (Services.Operational != null && Services.Operational.GetCarMode() == CarMode.Human)) {
                            queuedBehavior = null;
                            queuedParam = null;
                            queuedOrigBehavior = null;
                            if (!(currentBehavior is HoldBrake)) {
                                newBehavior = new HoldBrake();
                                param = null;
                                queuedOrigBehavior = new HoldBrakeBehavior();
                        else {
                            lock (queueLock) {
                                // get the current queue param
                                param = queuedParam;

                                //TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "queued param: {0}", queuedParam == null ? "<null>" : queuedParam.ToString());

                                // chekc if there is a queued behavior
                                newBehavior = queuedBehavior;
                                queuedBehavior = null;

                                behaviorParam = queuedOrigBehavior;
                                queuedOrigBehavior = null;

                        if (newBehavior != null) {
                            // dispose of the old behavior
                            if (currentBehavior != null && currentBehavior is IDisposable) {

                            TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 8, "executing initialize on {0}", newBehavior.GetType().Name);
                            // swap in the new behavior and initialize
                            currentBehavior = newBehavior;
                            try {

                                TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 8, "initialize completed on {0}", currentBehavior.GetType().Name);
                            catch (Exception ex) {
                                TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 4, "exception thrown when initializing behavior: {0}", ex);
                            finally {

                            if (behaviorParam != null) {
                                this.currentBehaviorType = behaviorParam.GetType();
                            else {
                                this.currentBehaviorType = null;
                        else {
                            //TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 11, "queued behavior was null");

                        // process the current behavior
                        try {
                            if (currentBehavior != null) {
                                Services.Dataset.ItemAs<string>("behavior string").Add(currentBehavior.GetName(), LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

                                DateTime start = HighResDateTime.Now;
                                TimeSpan diff = HighResDateTime.Now-start;
                                lock (cycleTimeQueue) {
                                    cycleTimeQueue.Add(diff.TotalSeconds, LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow.ts);
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            // just ignore any exceptions for now
                            // should log this somehow
                            TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 5, "exception thrown when processing behavior: {0}", ex);
                        finally {

                    TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "ending behavior loop");

                    if (Services.DebuggingService.StepMode) {
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets and immediately begins executing the supplied behavior.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">Behavior to execute</param>
 public abstract void ExecuteBehavior(Behavior b);
        public override void ExecuteBehavior(Behavior behavior, Common.Coordinates location, RndfWaypointID lowerBound, RndfWaypointID upperBound)
            if(behavior is UTurnBehavior)

            // check to see if we are at the upper bound
            RndfWayPoint upperWaypoint = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[upperBound];
            if (!(behavior is TurnBehavior) && upperWaypoint.NextLanePartition != null && location.DistanceTo(upperWaypoint.Position) < 3)
                lowerBound = upperWaypoint.WaypointID;
                upperBound = upperWaypoint.NextLanePartition.FinalWaypoint.WaypointID;

            Console.WriteLine("   > Received Instruction to Execute Behavior: " + behavior.ToString());
            if (behavior is StayInLaneBehavior)
                StayInLaneBehavior stayInLane = (StayInLaneBehavior)behavior;

                if (stayInLane.SpeedCommand is StopLineLaneSpeedCommand)
                    StopLineLaneSpeedCommand speedCommand = (StopLineLaneSpeedCommand)stayInLane.SpeedCommand;

                    if (speedCommand.Distance < 2)
                        // Create a fake vehicle state
                        VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                        vehicleState.xyPosition = location;
                        LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                        List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
                        vehicleState.speed = 0;
                        vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                        ///Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                        // Create a fake vehicle state
                        VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                        vehicleState.xyPosition = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[upperBound].Position;
                        LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                        List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
                        vehicleState.speed = 3;
                        vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                        ///Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                else if (stayInLane.SpeedCommand is StopLaneSpeedCommand)
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                    vehicleState.xyPosition = location;
                    LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                    List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed = -5;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    ///Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                else if(stayInLane.SpeedCommand is DefaultLaneSpeedCommand)
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                    vehicleState.xyPosition = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[upperBound].Position;
                    LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(lowerBound.LaneID, lowerBound.LaneID, 1);
                    List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed = 3;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    //Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Lane Speed Type", "stayInLane.SpeedCommand");
            // TODO: include midway point
            else if (behavior is TurnBehavior)
                TurnBehavior currentBehavior = (TurnBehavior)behavior;

                RndfWayPoint exitWaypoint = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[currentBehavior.ExitPoint];
                if (location.DistanceTo(exitWaypoint.Position) < 0.1)
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();

                    RndfWayPoint entryWaypoint = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[currentBehavior.EntryPoint];
                    Common.Coordinates change = entryWaypoint.Position - exitWaypoint.Position;
                    Common.Coordinates midpoint = exitWaypoint.Position + change/2;

                    LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(currentBehavior.ExitPoint.LaneID, currentBehavior.EntryPoint.LaneID, 1);

                    vehicleState.xyPosition = midpoint;
                    List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed = 3;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    // Create a fake vehicle state
                    VehicleState vehicleState = new VehicleState();
                    vehicleState.xyPosition = channelListener.RndfNetwork.Waypoints[currentBehavior.EntryPoint].Position;
                    LaneEstimate laneEstimate = new LaneEstimate(currentBehavior.EntryPoint.LaneID, currentBehavior.EntryPoint.LaneID, 1);
                    List<LaneEstimate> laneEstimates = new List<LaneEstimate>();
                    vehicleState.speed = 3;
                    vehicleState.vehicleRndfState = new VehicleRndfState(laneEstimates);
                    //Console.WriteLine("  > Published Position");
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown Behavior Type", "behavior");

            //Console.WriteLine("Sent Back Position \n");
        public CompletionReport TestBehavior(Behavior b)
            IOperationalBehavior operBehavior = null;
            try {
                testMode = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Testing behavior " + b.ToString() + " -- type " + b.GetType().Name);

                cachedCompletionReport = new SuccessCompletionReport(b.GetType());
                operBehavior = MapBehavior(b);

                Console.WriteLine("Result: " + cachedCompletionReport.ToString());

                cachedCompletionReport.BehaviorId = b.UniqueId();

                return cachedCompletionReport;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "error testing behavior {0}: {1}", b.GetType(), ex);
            finally {
                if (operBehavior != null && operBehavior is IDisposable) {
        public void Execute(IOperationalBehavior b, object param, bool immediate)
            lock (queueLock) {
                // if we want to immediately execute the next behavior, then we need to cancel the current one
                if (immediate && currentBehavior != null) {
                    TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 9, "in Execute, perfoming cancel on current behavior");
                    try {
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 3, "cancelling the current behavior threw an exception: {0}", ex);

                // queue up the new behavior
                queuedBehavior = b;
                queuedParam = param;
                queuedOrigBehavior = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Maneuver to execute
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">Path to Follow</param>
 /// <param name="behavior">Type of Behavior</param>
 public Maneuver(Behavior behavior, IState next)
 { = next;
     this.behavior = behavior;
 public void Execute(Behavior b, object param, bool immediate)
     lock (queueLock) {
         Execute(MapBehavior(b), param, immediate);
         queuedOrigBehavior = b;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="behavior">Behavior to accomplish</param>
 /// <param name="path">General path to take to accomplish Behavior</param>
 public ArbiterExitData(Behavior behavior, IPath path)
     this.behavior = behavior;
     this.path = path;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="recoveryBehaviorType"></param>
 /// <param name="completionState"></param>
 /// <param name="abortState"></param>
 /// <param name="defcon"></param>
 public BlockageRecoveryState(Behavior recoveryBehavior, IState completionState,
     IState abortState, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON defcon, EncounteredBlockageState ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS status)
     this.RecoveryBehavior = recoveryBehavior;
     this.CompletionState = completionState;
     this.AbortState = abortState;
     this.Defcon = defcon;
     this.RecoveryStatus = status;
     this.EncounteredState = ebs;
 private IOperationalBehavior MapBehavior(Behavior b)
     BehaviorBuidler builder;
     if (behaviorMap.TryGetValue(b.GetType(), out builder)) {
         return builder();
     else {
         TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 2, "behavior type {0} does not have a mapping", b.GetType());
         throw new ArgumentException("Behavior type " + b.GetType().Name + " does not have a mapping");