public AddEvent() { InitializeComponent(); coloursforevent = new ListHelper("COLOURS", -1, ""); Task_colour.ItemsSource = coloursforevent.DisplayList; Task_colour.SelectedIndex = coloursforevent.CurrentIndex; string colorName2 = Task_colour.Items[Task_colour.SelectedIndex]; Task_colour.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) => { if (Task_colour.SelectedIndex == -1) { Task_colour.BackgroundColor = Color.Default; } else { string colorName = Task_colour.Items[Task_colour.SelectedIndex]; ListEntry test = coloursforevent.ListEntryList[Task_colour.SelectedIndex]; string lilcolour = test.Code; Task_colour.BackgroundColor = getColor(lilcolour); } }; timeconsuminglevel = new ListHelper("TASK_COMPLEXITIES", -1, ""); Task_consuming.ItemsSource = timeconsuminglevel.DisplayList; Task_consuming.SelectedIndex = timeconsuminglevel.CurrentIndex; if (Device.RuntimePlatform != "UWP") { Close.IsVisible = false; } }
public static void Initiate() { // Get a collection (or create, if doesn't exist) var col = Database.db.GetCollection <User>("Users"); // Index document using these properties //col.EnsureIndex(x => x.AccomodationType); /* Create initial data*/ col.Insert( new User { Name = "User Name", AccomodationType = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("ACCOMODATION_TYPES", "ALONE"), EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", ShoppingDay = "MON", // Lundi CleaningDay = "SAT", RestDay = "SUN" } ); }
//________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________ public static void Initiate() { // Get a collection (or create, if doesn't exist) var col = Database.db.GetCollection <Workout>("AllWorkouts"); // Index document using these properties col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice1); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice2); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice3); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice4); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice5); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice6); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice7); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice8); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice9); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice10); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.DueDate); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Type); col.Insert( new Workout { Exercice1 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "JumpSquat"), Exercice2 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "PushUps"), Exercice3 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "JumpingLunges"), Exercice4 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "Punches"), Exercice5 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "Plank"), Exercice6 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "Lunge"), Exercice7 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "SideLunge"), Exercice8 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "Squat"), Exercice9 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "JumpSquat"), Exercice10 = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("Abs1", "PushUps"), DueDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Type = "Workout 1", } ); }
// ---------------------------------------------------- public static void InsertSchoolTask(User TaskUser, ListEntry TaskCategory, ListEntry TaskCategoryColour, ListEntry TaskComplexity, ListEntry TaskSubType, string Description, string SubDesc, bool IsComplete, DateTime DueDate) { // Get a collection (or create, if doesn't exist) var col = Database.db.GetCollection <SchoolTask>("SchoolTasks"); // Index document using these properties col.EnsureIndex(x => x.TaskUser); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.TaskCategory); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.IsComplete); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.DueDate); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.TaskSubType); // Create initial data col.Insert( new SchoolTask { TaskUser =, TaskCategory = TaskCategory, TaskCategoryColour = TaskCategoryColour, TaskComplexity = TaskComplexity, TaskSubType = TaskSubType, Description = Description, SubDesc = SubDesc, IsComplete = IsComplete, DueDate = DueDate } ); }
public SaveWorkoutLater(ListEntry ex1, ListEntry ex2, ListEntry ex3, ListEntry ex4, ListEntry ex5, ListEntry ex6, ListEntry ex7, ListEntry ex8, ListEntry ex9, ListEntry ex10, string type) { InitializeComponent(); exo1 = ex1; exo2 = ex2; exo3 = ex3; exo4 = ex4; exo5 = ex5; exo6 = ex6; exo7 = ex7; exo8 = ex8; exo9 = ex9; exo10 = ex10; Type = type; }
public static ListEntry IntelligentColor(ListEntry TaskCategoryColour) { ListEntry newColor = TaskCategoryColour; switch (TaskCategoryColour.Code) { case "BLUE": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "LIGHTBLUE"); break; case "GREEN": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "LIGHTGREEN"); break; case "RED": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "MEDIUMVIOLETRED"); break; case "PURPLE": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "BLUEVIOLET"); break; case "BEIGE": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "BISQUE"); break; case "BLUEVIOLET": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "CADETBLUE"); break; case "BROWN": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "SANDYBROWN"); break; case "CORAL": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "LIGHTSALMON"); break; case "DARKBLUE": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "MIDNIGHTBLUE"); break; case "DARKMAGERNTA": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "MAGENTA"); break; case "FORESTGREEN": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "LAWNGREEN"); break; case "FUCHSIA": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "LIGHTPRINK"); break; case "GOLD": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "PALEGOLDENROD"); break; case "GRAY": newColor = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("SUBCOLOURS", "LIGHTGRAY"); break; } return(newColor); }
public static void Intelligent(User TaskUser, ListEntry TaskCategory, ListEntry TaskCategoryColour, ListEntry TaskComplexity, ListEntry TaskSubType, string Description, string SubDesc, bool IsComplete, DateTime DueDate) { //debut de la nouvelle classe (pas sur qu'on initialse tout ici car pas sur qu'il y ai qu'une sous tache en plus ListEntry tcat = new ListEntry(); //ca pas de nouvelles non plus ? a moins qu'on en fasse un sous task mais bon chaud ListEntry tcol = new ListEntry(); //couleur plus clair que l'autre ListEntry tomp = new ListEntry(); //pas sur qu'il faille modifier ( reprendre celle de base surement) ListEntry tsub = new ListEntry(); // la pareil pas de modif en fait string taskcomplex = TaskComplexity.Code; TimeSpan daysleft = (DueDate.Date - DateTime.Now.Date); int p = daysleft.Days; DateTime date = DateTime.Now.Date; //A LA FIN INSERTSCHOOLTASK D'un ou plusieurs (pas sur a la fin surement au fur et à mesure mais bon bref //SCHOOL //__________________________________Exercice_________________________ if (TaskCategory.Code == "SCHOOL" && TaskSubType.Code == "EXERCICE") { //dans tous les cas l'exos doit etre traité le soir meme if (p >= 1) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start working on this today: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(1)); } if (taskcomplex == "MEDIUM" || taskcomplex == "HIGH" || taskcomplex == "VERY_HIGH") { if (p > 3) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start working on this today: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(p / 4 + 1)); } else { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start working on this today: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(2)); } } if (taskcomplex == "HIGH" || taskcomplex == "VERY_HIGH") { if (p > 4) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Continue working on this today: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(p / 3 + 1)); } } if (taskcomplex == "VERYHIGH") { if (p > 5) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Continue working on this today (you can be proud of yourself for all your hard work): " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(p / 2)); } } } //__________________________________Par coeur_________________________ if (TaskCategory.Code == "SCHOOL" && TaskSubType.Code == "BY_HEART") { if (p >= 1 && taskcomplex == "LOW") { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start learning: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(1 + p / 2)); } if (p >= 1 && taskcomplex == "MEDIUM") { if (p == 1) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start learning: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(1)); } if (p == 3) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start learning: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(2)); } if (p >= 3) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start learning: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(p)); InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Continue learning: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(p * 2)); } } if (taskcomplex == "HIGH" || taskcomplex == "VERY_HIGH") { if (p >= 1) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Start making notes and doing exercices for: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(1)); } for (int i = 2; i < p; i += 2) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Continue learning and don't forget, consistency is the key to sucess! : " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(i)); } } } //__________________________________Projet_________________________ // POUR TOUT LES WEEKEND JUSQU'A DUE DATE ON MET UN RAPPEL DE CONTINUER LE PROJET AVEC LE TEMPS LIBRE SI TRES COMPLIQUE // RAPEL QUE LE DIMANCHE SI COMPLIQUE // RAPPEL UN DIMANCHE SUR DEUX SI PEU COMPLIQUE string restday =; daysleft = (DueDate.Date - date.Date); if (TaskCategory.Code == "SCHOOL" && TaskSubType.Code == "PROJECT") { if (taskcomplex == "VERY_HIGH") { for (int i = 1; i < p; i += 1) { DateTime thisday = date.Date.AddDays(i); if (IsDay(thisday.DayOfWeek) || thisday.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Don't forget to work on this projet: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(i)); i += 1; } } } if (taskcomplex == "HIGH") { for (int i = 1; i < p; i += 1) { DateTime thisday = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(i); if (IsDay(thisday.DayOfWeek)) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Weekend means more time to work on this projet: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(i)); i += 6; } } } if (taskcomplex == "LOW" || taskcomplex == "MEDIUM") { int lastweek = 0; for (int i = 1; i < p; i += 1) { DateTime thisday = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(i); if (IsDay(thisday.DayOfWeek)) { if (lastweek == 0) { InsertSchoolTask(TaskUser, TaskCategory, IntelligentColor(TaskCategoryColour), TaskComplexity, TaskSubType, Description, "Weekend means more time to work on this projet, work today and have more free time next weekend: " + '\n' + SubDesc, IsComplete, date.AddDays(i)); lastweek = 1; } else { lastweek = 0; } i += 13; } } } } }
// Use: example for Picker: // //ListHelper lh = new ListHelper("ACCOMODATION_TYPES",, ""); //Accomodation_type.ItemsSource = lh.DisplayList; //Accomodation_type.SelectedIndex = lh.CurrentIndex; // // When item selected in Picker list then can get details using: // int selectedId = lh.IdList(picker.SelectedIndex); // string selectedCode = lh.CodeList(picker.SelectedIndex); // string selectedDisplay = lh.DisplayList(picker.SelectedIndex); public ListHelper(string pListType, int pCurrentId, string pCurrentCode) { if (pListType == "DAYS") { DisplayList = DayDescList; CodeList = DayCodeList; IdList = new List <int>(); CurrentCode = pCurrentCode; switch (pCurrentCode) { case "MON": CurrentIndex = 0; break; case "TUE": CurrentIndex = 1; break; case "WED": CurrentIndex = 2; break; case "THU": CurrentIndex = 3; break; case "FRI": CurrentIndex = 4; break; case "SAT": CurrentIndex = 5; break; case "SUN": CurrentIndex = 6; break; default: CurrentIndex = -1; break; } CurrentDesc = DayDescList [CurrentIndex]; } else { DisplayList = new List <string>(); CodeList = new List <string>(); IdList = new List <int>(); ListEntryList = new List <ListEntry>(); var col = Database.db.GetCollection <ListEntry>("ListEntries"); var results = col.Find(Query.EQ("Type", pListType)).OrderBy(x => x.Description); int i = 0; foreach (var entry in results) { if (!(CodeList.Contains(entry.Code))) { CodeList.Add(entry.Code); } if (!(DisplayList.Contains(entry.Description))) { DisplayList.Add(entry.Description); } if (!(ListEntryList.Contains(entry))) { ListEntryList.Add(entry); } if (entry.Id == pCurrentId) { CurrentIndex = i; CurrentCode = entry.Code; CurrentDesc = entry.Description; CurrentListEntry = entry; } i++; } } }
public void GetDescAndColour(Entry Name, String CodeForEntry) { Name.Text = ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("COLOURS", CodeForEntry).Description; ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("COLOURS", CodeForEntry).Description = Name.Text; }
public static void InsertWorkout( ListEntry ex1, ListEntry ex2, ListEntry ex3, ListEntry ex4, ListEntry ex5, ListEntry ex6, ListEntry ex7, ListEntry ex8, ListEntry ex9, ListEntry ex10, DateTime DueDate, String Type) { // Get a collection (or create, if doesn't exist) var col = Database.db.GetCollection <Workout>("AllWorkouts"); // Index document using these properties col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice1); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice2); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice3); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice4); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice5); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice6); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice7); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice8); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice9); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Exercice10); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.DueDate); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Type); // Create initial data col.Insert( new Workout { Exercice1 = ex1, Exercice2 = ex2, Exercice3 = ex3, Exercice4 = ex4, Exercice5 = ex5, Exercice6 = ex6, Exercice7 = ex7, Exercice8 = ex8, Exercice9 = ex9, Exercice10 = ex10, DueDate = DueDate, Type = Type } ); SchoolTask.InsertSchoolTask(, ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("TASK_CATEGORIES", "PERSONAL"), ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("COLOURS", "WHITE"), ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("TASK_COMPLEXITIES", "MEDIUM"), ListEntry.getEntryfromTypeAndCode("TASK_SUBTYPE_PERS", "SPORT"), "My workout", "Your very own workout session is waiting for you, go to My workouts", false, DueDate); }