private static bool ReloadAppDomain() { if (!GameThreadHelper.IsInGameThread()) { bool result = false; GameThreadHelper.Run(delegate { result = ReloadAppDomain(); }); return(result); } if (!File.Exists(assemblyPath)) { hotreloadData = null; return(false); } if (appDomain != null) { UnloadAppDomain(); } if (LoadAssemblyWithoutAppDomain) { try { AssemblyLoader loader = new AssemblyLoader(assemblyPath, entryPointType, entryPointMethod, entryPointArg, hotreloadData, false); loader.Load(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to load assembly \"" + assemblyPath + "\" " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e, errorMsgBoxTitle); hotreloadData = null; return(false); } } else { string entryPointArgEx = entryPointArg; bool firstLoad = preloadAppDomainWaitHandle == null; if (firstLoad) { PreloadNextAppDomain(true); } else { entryPointArgEx += "|Reloading=true"; } preloadAppDomainWaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite); preloadAppDomainWaitHandle.Reset(); if (!preloadFailed) { appDomain = preloadAppDomain; preloadAppDomain = null; try { AssemblyLoader loader = new AssemblyLoader(assemblyPath, entryPointType, entryPointMethod, entryPointArgEx, hotreloadData, false); appDomain.DoCallBack(loader.Load); UpdateAssemblyWatchers(appDomain.GetData(hotReloadAssemblyPathsName) as string[]); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create AppDomain for \"" + assemblyPath + "\" " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e, errorMsgBoxTitle); } } } if (!LoadAssemblyWithoutAppDomain) { PreloadNextAppDomain(false); } hotreloadData = null; return(true); }
private static bool ReloadMainContext(bool threaded = true) { if (!GameThreadHelper.IsInGameThread()) { bool result = false; GameThreadHelper.Run(delegate { result = ReloadMainContext(); }); return(result); } if (!SharedRuntimeState.IsActiveRuntime) { return(false); } if (!File.Exists(mainAssemblyPath)) { SharedRuntimeState.SetHotReloadData(null); return(false); } if (!mainContextRef.IsInvalid) { UnloadMainContext(threaded); } string entryPointArgEx = entryPointArg; bool firstLoad = preloadContextWaitHandle == null; if (firstLoad) { PreloadNextContext(threaded); } else { entryPointArgEx += "|Reloading=true"; } preloadContextWaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite); preloadContextWaitHandle.Reset(); if (!preloadFailed) { Debug.Assert(!preloadedContextRef.IsInvalid, "Preloaded context shouldn't be invalid"); mainContextRef = preloadedContextRef; preloadedContextRef = Runtime.AssemblyContextRef.Invalid; entryPointArgEx += "|AssemblyContext=" + mainContextRef.Format(); try { AssemblyLoader loader = new AssemblyLoader(mainAssemblyPath, entryPointType, entryPointMethod, entryPointArgEx, false, mainContextRef); mainContextRef.DoCallBack(loader.Load); UpdateAssemblyWatchers(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox("Failed to create assembly context for \"" + mainAssemblyPath + "\" " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e, errorMsgBoxTitle); } } PreloadNextContext(threaded); SharedRuntimeState.SetHotReloadData(null); return(true); }