/// <summary> /// Binds artificial module to given binary. /// </summary> /// <param name="Module">Module to bind.</param> /// <param name="Binary">Binary to bind.</param> private void BindArtificialModuleToBinary(UEBuildModuleCPP Module, UEBuildBinary Binary) { Module.Binary = Binary; Module.bIncludedInTarget = true; // Process dependencies for this new module Module.CachePCHUsageForModuleSourceFiles(Module.CreateModuleCompileEnvironment(GlobalCompileEnvironment)); // Add module to binary Binary.AddModule(Module.Name); }
/// <summary> /// All non-program monolithic binaries implicitly depend on all static plugin libraries so they are always linked appropriately /// In order to do this, we create a new module here with a cpp file we emit that invokes an empty function in each library. /// If we do not do this, there will be no static initialization for libs if no symbols are referenced in them. /// </summary> private void CreateLinkerFixupsCPPFile() { var ExecutableBinary = AppBinaries[0]; List<string> PrivateDependencyModuleNames = new List<string>(); UEBuildBinaryCPP BinaryCPP = ExecutableBinary as UEBuildBinaryCPP; if (BinaryCPP != null) { TargetInfo CurrentTarget = new TargetInfo(Platform, Configuration, (Rules != null) ? TargetType : (TargetRules.TargetType?)null); foreach (var TargetModuleName in BinaryCPP.ModuleNames) { string UnusedFilename; ModuleRules CheckRules = RulesCompiler.CreateModuleRules(TargetModuleName, CurrentTarget, out UnusedFilename); if ((CheckRules != null) && (CheckRules.Type != ModuleRules.ModuleType.External)) { PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add(TargetModuleName); } } } foreach (PluginInfo Plugin in EnabledPlugins) { foreach (PluginInfo.PluginModuleInfo Module in Plugin.Modules) { if(ShouldIncludePluginModule(Plugin, Module)) { PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add(Module.Name); } } } // We ALWAYS have to write this file as the IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE function depends on the UELinkerFixups function existing. { List<string> LinkerFixupsFileContents = new List<string>(); string LinkerFixupsName = "UELinkerFixups"; // Include an empty header so UEBuildModule.Compile does not complain about a lack of PCH string HeaderFilename = LinkerFixupsName + "Name.h"; string LinkerFixupHeaderFilenameWithPath = Path.Combine(GlobalCompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, HeaderFilename); LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add("#include \"" + HeaderFilename + "\""); // Add a function that is not referenced by anything that invokes all the empty functions in the different static libraries LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add("void " + LinkerFixupsName + "()"); LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add("{"); // Fill out the body of the function with the empty function calls. This is what causes the static libraries to be considered relevant { var UObjectModules = new List<UEBuildModuleCPP>(); foreach (var Binary in AppBinaries) { var DependencyModules = Binary.GetAllDependencyModules(bIncludeDynamicallyLoaded: false, bForceCircular: false); foreach (var Module in DependencyModules.OfType<UEBuildModuleCPP>().Where(CPPModule => CPPModule.AutoGenerateCppInfo != null && !UObjectModules.Any(Module => Module.Name == CPPModule.Name))) { UObjectModules.Add(Module); } } foreach (var Module in UObjectModules) { LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add(" extern void EmptyLinkFunctionForGeneratedCode" + Module.Name + "();"); LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add(" EmptyLinkFunctionForGeneratedCode" + Module.Name + "();"); } } foreach (var DependencyModuleName in PrivateDependencyModuleNames) { LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add(" extern void EmptyLinkFunctionForStaticInitialization" + DependencyModuleName + "();"); LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add(" EmptyLinkFunctionForStaticInitialization" + DependencyModuleName + "();"); } // End the function body that was started above LinkerFixupsFileContents.Add("}"); // Create the cpp file string LinkerFixupCPPFilename = Path.Combine(GlobalCompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, LinkerFixupsName + ".cpp"); // Determine if the file changed. Write it if it either doesn't exist or the contents are different. bool bShouldWriteFile = true; if (File.Exists(LinkerFixupCPPFilename)) { string[] ExistingFixupText = File.ReadAllLines(LinkerFixupCPPFilename); string JoinedNewContents = string.Join("", LinkerFixupsFileContents.ToArray()); string JoinedOldContents = string.Join("", ExistingFixupText); bShouldWriteFile = (JoinedNewContents != JoinedOldContents); } // If we determined that we should write the file, write it now. if (bShouldWriteFile) { ResponseFile.Create(LinkerFixupHeaderFilenameWithPath, new List<string>()); ResponseFile.Create(LinkerFixupCPPFilename, LinkerFixupsFileContents); } // Create the source file list (just the one cpp file) List<FileItem> SourceFiles = new List<FileItem>(); SourceFiles.Add(FileItem.GetItemByPath(LinkerFixupCPPFilename)); // Create the CPP module var FakeModuleDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName( LinkerFixupCPPFilename ); UEBuildModuleCPP NewModule = new UEBuildModuleCPP( InTarget: this, InName: LinkerFixupsName, InType: UEBuildModuleType.Game, InModuleDirectory:FakeModuleDirectory, InOutputDirectory: GlobalCompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, InIsRedistributableOverride: null, InIntelliSenseGatherer: null, InSourceFiles: SourceFiles, InPublicIncludePaths: new List<string>(), InPublicSystemIncludePaths: new List<string>(), InDefinitions: new List<string>(), InPublicIncludePathModuleNames: new List<string>(), InPublicDependencyModuleNames: new List<string>(), InPublicDelayLoadDLLs: new List<string>(), InPublicAdditionalLibraries: new List<string>(), InPublicFrameworks: new List<string>(), InPublicWeakFrameworks: new List<string>(), InPublicAdditionalShadowFiles: new List<string>(), InPublicAdditionalBundleResources: new List<UEBuildBundleResource>(), InPublicAdditionalFrameworks: new List<UEBuildFramework>(), InPrivateIncludePaths: new List<string>(), InPrivateIncludePathModuleNames: new List<string>(), InPrivateDependencyModuleNames: PrivateDependencyModuleNames, InCircularlyReferencedDependentModules: new List<string>(), InDynamicallyLoadedModuleNames: new List<string>(), InPlatformSpecificDynamicallyLoadedModuleNames: new List<string>(), InOptimizeCode: ModuleRules.CodeOptimization.Default, InAllowSharedPCH: false, InSharedPCHHeaderFile: "", InUseRTTI: false, InEnableBufferSecurityChecks: true, InFasterWithoutUnity: true, InMinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeaderOverride: 0, InEnableExceptions: false, bInBuildSourceFiles: true ); // Now bind this new module to the executable binary so it will link the plugin libs correctly NewModule.Binary = ExecutableBinary; NewModule.bIncludedInTarget = true; // Process dependencies for this new module NewModule.CachePCHUsageForModuleSourceFiles(NewModule.CreateModuleCompileEnvironment(GlobalCompileEnvironment)); // Add module to binary ExecutableBinary.AddModule(NewModule.Name); } }