public static void PopulateInCollection(string fileName, string SheetName) { ExcelLib.ClearData(); DataTable table = ExcelToDataTable(fileName, SheetName); //Iterate through the rows and columns of the Table for (int row = 1; row <= table.Rows.Count; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.Columns.Count; col++) { Datacollection dtTable = new Datacollection() { rowNumber = row, colName = table.Columns[col].ColumnName, colValue = table.Rows[row - 1][col].ToString() }; //Add all the details for each row dataCol.Add(dtTable); } } }
internal void LoginSteps() { // Populating the data from Excel ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(InventoryTest.ExcelPath, "LoginPage"); //Luanch the URL CommonMethods.driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "URL")); Thread.Sleep(1000); Email.SendKeys(ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Email")); Thread.Sleep(1000); Password.SendKeys(ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Password")); Thread.Sleep(1000); LogOnBtn.Click(); Thread.Sleep(1000); String Expectedresult = CommonMethods.driver.FindElement(By.XPath(".//*[@id='StickyBar']/div/div[1]/div")).Text; try { //Verify Login successful/not if (Expectedresult == "QA Applicant (Technical Exercise)") { SaveScreenShotClass.SaveScreenshot(CommonMethods.driver, "Login Success"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { SaveScreenShotClass.SaveScreenshot(CommonMethods.driver, "Login Fail"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Homepage not launched,Test failed" + e.Message); } }