public override void ConnectToDatabase (string connectionString, string migratorName, bool validateTables) { m_connectionString = connectionString; MySqlConnection c = new MySqlConnection (connectionString); int subStrA = connectionString.IndexOf ("Database=", StringComparison.Ordinal); int subStrB = connectionString.IndexOf (";", subStrA, StringComparison.Ordinal); string noDatabaseConnector = m_connectionString.Substring (0, subStrA) + m_connectionString.Substring (subStrB + 1); retry: try { ExecuteNonQuery (noDatabaseConnector, "create schema IF NOT EXISTS " + c.Database, new Dictionary<string, object> (), false); } catch { MainConsole.Instance.Error ( "[MySQL]: We cannot connect to the MySQL instance you have provided. Please make sure it is online, and then press enter to try again."); try { Console.Read (); } catch { } goto retry; } c.Close (); var migrationManager = new MigrationManager(this, migratorName, validateTables); try { migrationManager.DetermineOperation (); migrationManager.ExecuteOperation (); } catch { MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[MySQL]: Unable to determine migration requirements."); } }
public void MigrationTestsTests() { //IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION //Till I figure out a way, please delete the .db file or drop tables clean before running this //Switch the comments to test one technology or another var technology = DataManagerTechnology.SQLite; //var technology = DataManagerTechnology.MySql; var mysqlconnectionstring = "Data Source=localhost;Database=Universetest;User ID=Universetest;Password=test;"; var sqliteconnectionstring = string.Format("URI=file:{0},version=3", dbFileName); string connectionString = (technology==DataManagerTechnology.SQLite)?sqliteconnectionstring:mysqlconnectionstring; CreateEmptyDatabase(); DataSessionProvider sessionProvider = new DataSessionProvider(technology, connectionString); IDataConnector genericData = ((technology==DataManagerTechnology.SQLite)? (IDataConnector) new SQLiteLoader():new MySQLDataLoader()); genericData.ConnectToDatabase(connectionString); var migrators = new List<Migrator>(); var testMigrator0 = new TestMigrator(); migrators.Add(testMigrator0); var migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sessionProvider, genericData, migrators); Assert.AreEqual(testMigrator0.Version, migrationManager.LatestVersion, "Latest version is correct"); Assert.IsNull(migrationManager.GetDescriptionOfCurrentOperation(),"Description should be null before deciding what to do."); migrationManager.DetermineOperation(); var operationDescription = migrationManager.GetDescriptionOfCurrentOperation(); Assert.AreEqual(MigrationOperationTypes.CreateDefaultAndUpgradeToTarget, operationDescription.OperationType, "Operation type is correct."); Assert.AreEqual(testMigrator0.Version, operationDescription.CurrentVersion, "Current version is correct"); //There will be no migration because there is only one migrator which will provide the default Assert.IsNull(operationDescription.StartVersion, "Start migration version is correct"); Assert.IsNull(operationDescription.EndVersion, "End migration version is correct"); try { migrationManager.ExecuteOperation(); Assert.AreEqual(testMigrator0.Version, genericData.GetUniverseVersion(), "Version of settings is updated"); } catch(MigrationOperationException) { Assert.Fail("Something failed during execution we weren't expecting."); } bool valid = migrationManager.ValidateVersion(migrationManager.LatestVersion); Assert.AreEqual(true,valid,"Database is a valid version"); migrationManager.DetermineOperation(); var operationDescription2 = migrationManager.GetDescriptionOfCurrentOperation(); Assert.AreEqual(MigrationOperationTypes.DoNothing, operationDescription2.OperationType, "Operation type is correct."); Assert.AreEqual(testMigrator0.Version, operationDescription2.CurrentVersion, "Current version is correct"); Assert.IsNull(operationDescription2.StartVersion, "Start migration version is correct"); Assert.IsNull(operationDescription2.EndVersion, "End migration version is correct"); migrationManager.ExecuteOperation(); genericData.CloseDatabase(); }
public override void ConnectToDatabase(string connectionString, string migratorName, bool validateTables) { // connection string in the format... // Data Source=File:<db_filename> m_connectionString = connectionString; string[] s1 = m_connectionString.Split(new[] {"Data Source=", ";", ","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // first element should be file:<db_filename> s1[0] = s1[0].Remove(0, 5); m_fileName = s1 [0]; // some sanity checks string filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName (s1[0]); string fileName = Path.GetFileName (s1[0]); if (filePath == "") //Only add this if we aren't an absolute path already eg file:data.db { m_connectionString = string.Format ("Data Source=file://{0}", Path.Combine (m_defaultDataPath, fileName)); filePath = m_defaultDataPath; m_fileName = Path.Combine (m_defaultDataPath, fileName); } if (!Directory.Exists (filePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory (filePath); // directory does not exist! if (!File.Exists(m_fileName)) File.Create(m_fileName).Dispose(); // database file does not exist, create an empty one to use SqliteConnection connection = new SqliteConnection(m_connectionString); try { connection.Open (); var migrationManager = new MigrationManager (this, migratorName, validateTables); migrationManager.DetermineOperation (); migrationManager.ExecuteOperation (); } catch { MainConsole.Instance.Warn ("[Sqlite]: Unable to connect to database ("+m_connectionString+")"); } connection.Close(); }
public override void ConnectToDatabase(string connectionString, string migratorName, bool validateTables) { // connection string in the format... // Data Source=File:<db_filename> _connectionString = connectionString; string[] s1 = _connectionString.Split(new[] {"Data Source=", ";", ","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // first element should be file:<db_filename> s1[0] = s1[0].Remove(0, 5); _fileName = s1 [0]; // some sanity checks string filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName (s1[0]); string fileName = Path.GetFileName (s1[0]); if (filePath == "") //Only add this if we arn't an absolute path already { filePath = Util.BasePathCombine (""); _connectionString = string.Format ("Data Source=file://{0}", Path.Combine (Util.BasePathCombine (""), fileName)); } if (!Directory.Exists (filePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory (filePath); // directory does not exist! if (!File.Exists(_fileName)) File.Create(_fileName).Dispose(); // database file does not exist, create an empty one to use SqliteConnection connection = new SqliteConnection(_connectionString); connection.Open (); var migrationManager = new MigrationManager(this, migratorName, validateTables); migrationManager.DetermineOperation(); migrationManager.ExecuteOperation(); connection.Close(); }