/// <summary> /// 获取供应商信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetProviderInfoDialog() { IProviderServer m_providerServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IProviderServer>(); IQueryable <View_Provider> queryResult; DepotManagementDataContext ctx = CommentParameter.DepotDataContext; if (!m_providerServer.GetAllProvider(out queryResult, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } queryResult = from r in queryResult where r.是否在用 == true select r; if (!BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.采购账务管理员.ToString()) && BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.采购员.ToString())) { var varData = (from r in ctx.View_Provider join f in ctx.ProviderPrincipal on r.供应商编码 equals f.Provider where f.PrincipalWorkId == BasicInfo.LoginID && r.是否在用 == true select r).Distinct(); List <View_Provider> lstProvider = new List <View_Provider>(); foreach (var item in varData) { View_Provider lnqProvider = new View_Provider(); lnqProvider.供应商编码 = item.供应商编码; lnqProvider.供应商名称 = item.供应商名称; lnqProvider.简称 = item.简称; lnqProvider.拼音码 = item.拼音码; lnqProvider.零星采购供应商 = item.零星采购供应商; lnqProvider.是否在用 = item.是否在用; lnqProvider.五笔码 = item.五笔码; lstProvider.Add(lnqProvider); } queryResult = lstProvider.AsQueryable(); } System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_Provider>(queryResult); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 为领料而获取报废单信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetProductCodeStockSearchMode(string strsql) { string strSql = "select a.ProductCode as 箱体编号,ProductStatus as 总成状态, b.GoodsCode as 图号型号,b.GoodsName as 物品名称," + " b.Spec as 规格,c.StorageName as 库房名称,a.GoodsID as 产品ID,c.StorageID as 库房ID" + " from ProductStock as a inner join (select b.* from F_GoodsAttributeRecord as a inner join F_GoodsPlanCost as b on a.GoodsID = b.ID " + " where AttributeID in (" + (int)CE_GoodsAttributeName.CVT + ", " + (int)CE_GoodsAttributeName.TCU + ") and AttributeValue = '" + bool.TrueString + "') as b " + " on a.GoodsID = b.ID inner join BASE_Storage as c on a.StorageID = c.StorageID "; strSql += strsql; FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql)); return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取工装台帐 /// </summary> /// <param name="goodsID">物品ID</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetFrockProvingReport(int goodsID) { string strSql = "select * from View_S_FrockProvingReport where 1 = 1"; if (goodsID != 0) { strSql += " and 物品ID = " + goodsID; } DataTable dtTemp = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dtTemp); return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定合同的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="bargainNumber">合同号</param> /// <param name="simpleMode">是否是简单模式的标志, 是则只显示最基本的物品信息列(图号、名称、规格)</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetBargainGoodsMessageDialog(string bargainNumber, bool simpleMode) { string strSql = "select a.*,b.序号 as 物品ID,b.单位,b.物品类别, a.单价/(1+c.税率/100) as 实际单价 from View_B_BargainGoods as a " + " inner join View_F_GoodsPlanCost as b on a.图号型号 = b.图号型号 and a.物品名称 = b.物品名称 and a.规格 = b.规格 " + " inner join View_B_BargainInfo as c on a.合同号 = c.合同号 where a.合同号 = '" + bargainNumber + "' "; DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); if (simpleMode) { form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "物品ID", "图号型号", "物品名称", "规格", "单位", "物品类别", "实际单价" }; } return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定合同的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="personnel">人员工号或姓名</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetBargainFormDialog(string personnel) { string strSql = "select * from View_B_BargainInfo where 1=1 "; if (personnel != "全部") { strSql += " and (采购员 = '" + personnel + "' or 合同录入员 = '" + personnel + "'"; } System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "合同号", "供货单位", "采购员", "税率", "日期", "供应商联系人", "联系方式", "合同录入员", "备注", "权限控制用登录名", "是否海外合同", "是否委外合同" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 为领料而获取报废单信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetScrapBillDialogForFetchGoods() { IScrapBillServer scrapBillServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IScrapBillServer>(); PlatformManagement.IQueryResult queryInfo; if (!scrapBillServer.GetAllBillForFetchGoods(out queryInfo, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(queryInfo); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "报废单号", "报废时间", "报废类别", "报废原因", "是否冲抵领料单", "申请人签名", "仓管签名" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 为领料而获取领料退库单信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetReturnedInDepotBillDialogForFetchGoods() { IMaterialReturnedInTheDepot billServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IMaterialReturnedInTheDepot>(); PlatformManagement.IQueryResult queryInfo; if (!billServer.GetAllBillForFetchGoods(out queryInfo, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(queryInfo); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "退库单号", "退库时间", "申请部门", "申请人", "初始用途", "退库原因", "备注" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取领料单信息对话框(多批次管理用) /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetMaterialRequisitionBillDialog() { DepotManagementDataContext ctx = CommentParameter.DepotDataContext; // 剔除了已经导入多批次信息表中的领料单 IQueryable <View_ZPX_MultiBatchPart_LLD> result = from r in ctx.View_ZPX_MultiBatchPart_LLD where (r.编制人 == BasicInfo.LoginName || r.部门主管签名 == BasicInfo.LoginName) && r.单据状态 == MaterialRequisitionBillStatus.已出库.ToString() select r; DataTable dt = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_ZPX_MultiBatchPart_LLD>(result); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dt); return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定合同的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="bargainNumber">合同号</param> /// <param name="simpleMode">是否是简单模式的标志, 是则只显示最基本的物品信息列(图号、名称、规格)</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetBargainGoodsForOrderFormDialog(string bargainNumber, bool simpleMode) { string strSql = "select a.物品ID,a.图号型号,a.物品名称,a.规格,a.单价,a.数量,,c.采购份额 " + " from View_B_BargainGoods as a inner join View_B_GoodsLeastPackAndStock as c " + " on a.物品ID = c.物品ID inner join View_B_BargainInfo as d " + " on a.合同号 = d.合同号 and d.供货单位 = c.供应商 where a.合同号 = '" + bargainNumber + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); if (simpleMode) { form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "物品ID", "图号型号", "物品名称", "规格", "单价", "数量" }; } return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取已完成的零星采购单 /// </summary> /// <param name="purchaseType">采购类型</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetMinorPurchaseInfo(string purchaseType) { string strSql = "select Distinct 单据号, 单据状态,采购类别,是否紧急,申请部门,申请人,申请日期,采购工程师,备注" + " from dbo.View_B_MinorPurchaseBill as a inner join B_MinorPurchaseList as b on a.单据号 = b.BillNo where GoodsStatus = '已到货' "; if (purchaseType != "") { strSql += " and 采购类别 = '" + purchaseType + "'"; } strSql += " order by 单据号 desc"; DataTable dtTemp = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dtTemp); return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取库存中指定物品的供应商信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="goodsID">物品ID</param> /// <param name="providerType">供应商类型</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetDistinctProviderInfoDialog(int goodsID, CE_ScrapProviderType providerType) { IProviderServer m_providerServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IProviderServer>(); IQueryable <View_Provider> queryResult; System.Data.DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); switch (providerType) { case CE_ScrapProviderType.责任供应商: if (!m_providerServer.GetDistinctProvider(out queryResult, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_Provider>(queryResult); break; case CE_ScrapProviderType.供应商: View_F_GoodsPlanCost viewGoods = UniversalFunction.GetGoodsInfo(goodsID); string strSql = " select distinct a.* from View_Provider as a inner join ( " + " select distinct GoodsID, Provider from S_InDepotDetailBill as a " + " union all select distinct GoodsID, Provider from S_Stock) as b " + " on a.供应商编码 = b.Provider inner join F_GoodsPlanCost as c on b.GoodsID = c.ID " + " where GoodsName = '" + viewGoods.物品名称 + "'"; dataTable = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql); break; default: break; } FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "供应商编码" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取订单信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="billType">单据类型</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetOrderFormInfoDialog(CE_BillTypeEnum billType) { DepotManagementDataContext dataContext = CommentParameter.DepotDataContext; IOrderFormInfoServer orderFormInfoServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IOrderFormInfoServer>(); IQueryable <View_B_OrderFormInfo> queryResult; if (!orderFormInfoServer.GetAllOrderFormInfo(BasicInfo.ListRoles, BasicInfo.LoginID, billType, out queryResult, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_B_OrderFormInfo>(queryResult); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); form.HideColumns = new string[] { "供应商联系人", "供应商联系电话", "供应商传真号", "供应商电子邮件", "权限控制用登录名", "录入人员" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 售后质量反馈信息 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功返回满足条件的数据集,失败返回null的dataTable</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetFeedBackBill(string starTime, string endTime) { string sql = @"select 反馈单号,服务站名,CVT型号," + " CVT编号,车型,故障说明,责任部门, 责任人, " + " 变速箱状态, 诊断及测试情况, 处理措施, 完成要求, 库存产品处理意见, 临时措施," + " 原因分析,永久性措施,落实情况,部门编码 from " + " dbo.View_S_ServiceFeedBack where 单据状态 = '单据完成'"; sql += " order by 反馈单号 desc"; DataTable dt = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.WebQueryInfo(sql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dt); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "反馈单号", "服务站名", "CVT型号", " CVT编号", "车型", "故障说明", "责任部门", "责任人", "变速箱状态", "诊断及测试情况", "处理措施", "完成要求", "库存产品处理意见", "临时措施", "回访原因分析时间", "永久性措施", "部门编码" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取自制件信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetHomemadeAccessoryInfoDialog() { IHomemadePartInfoServer server = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IHomemadePartInfoServer>(); IQueryable <View_S_HomemadePartInfo> queryResult = server.GetHomemadeAccessory(); //if (BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(RoleEnum.零件工程师.ToString())) //{ // queryResult = queryResult.Where(p => p.供应商 == "SYS_CPKF"); //} //else //{ // queryResult = queryResult.Where(p => p.供应商 == WorkShopCode.JJCJ.ToString()); //} System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_S_HomemadePartInfo>(queryResult); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); //form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "图号型号", "零件名称", "规格" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 函电信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="endTime">结束时间</param> /// <param name="starTime">起始时间</param> /// <returns>成功返回满足条件的数据集,失败返回null的dataTable</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetAfterServiceBill(string starTime, string endTime) { string sql = @"select 单据号,单据状态,信息来源,接函电人,接函电时间," + " 用户姓名,变速箱型号,变速箱编号,车架号,接单处理人, 接单时间, " + " 诊断及测试情况, 处理方案, 处理结果, 审核人, 审核回访时间, 回访人," + " 回访时间 from dbo.View_S_AfterService where 1=1"; if (starTime != "" && endTime != "") { sql += @" and 接函电时间>='" + starTime + "' and 接函电时间<'" + endTime + "'"; } if ((BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销主管.ToString()) || BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销分管领导.ToString())) && !BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.业务系统管理员.ToString())) { sql += " and (单据状态 = '等待审核' or 单据状态 = '处理完成')"; } else if (BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销普通人员.ToString()) && !(BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销主管.ToString()) || BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销分管领导.ToString())) && !BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.业务系统管理员.ToString()) && !BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销售后客户回访人员.ToString())) { sql += " and (接函电人='" + BasicInfo.LoginName + "' or 接单处理人='" + BasicInfo.LoginName + "')"; } else if (BasicInfo.ListRoles.Contains(CE_RoleEnum.营销售后客户回访人员.ToString())) { sql += " and (单据状态='等待回访')"; } sql += " order by 单据号 desc"; DataTable dt = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.WebQueryInfo(sql); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dt); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "单据号", "单据状态", "信息来源", "接函电人", "接函电时间", "用户姓名", "变速箱型号", "变速箱编号", "车架号", "接单处理人", "接单时间", "诊断及测试情况", "处理方案", "处理结果", "审核人", "审核回访时间", "回访人", "回访时间" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取采购退货关联单据后的物品信息(0:订单退货,1:报废退货) /// </summary> /// <param name="orderFormNumber">订单号</param> /// <param name="provider">供应商</param> /// <param name="storageID">库房ID</param> /// <returns>返回获得采购退货关联单据后的物品信息</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetStoreGoodsInfoDialog(string orderFormNumber, string provider, string storageID) { FormQueryInfo form = null; string error = null; try { Hashtable hsTable = new Hashtable(); hsTable.Add("@OrderFormNumber", orderFormNumber); hsTable.Add("@StorageID", storageID); hsTable.Add("@Provider", provider); DataTable dt = GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfoPro("Get_MaterialRejectBill_GoodsInfo", hsTable, out error); form = new FormQueryInfo(dt); return(form); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定合同的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="bargainNumber">合同号</param> /// <param name="simpleMode">是否是简单模式的标志, 是则只显示最基本的物品信息列(图号、名称、规格)</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetBargainGoodsDialog(string bargainNumber, bool simpleMode) { IBargainGoodsServer infoServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IBargainGoodsServer>(); IQueryable <View_B_BargainGoods> queryResult; if (!infoServer.GetBargainGoods(bargainNumber, out queryResult, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } //FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(queryInfo); System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_B_BargainGoods>(queryResult); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); if (simpleMode) { form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "图号型号", "物品名称", "规格" }; } return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取计划价格表中的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetOrderFormGoodsDialog(string provider) { IBasicGoodsServer goodsServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IBasicGoodsServer>(); using (DepotManagementDataContext ctx = CommentParameter.DepotDataContext) { IQueryable <View_F_GoodsPlanCost> queryResult = (from a in ctx.View_F_GoodsPlanCost join b in ctx.Bus_PurchasingMG_UnitPriceList on a.序号 equals b.GoodsID where b.Provider == provider && b.ValidityStart <= ServerTime.Time && b.ValidityEnd >= ServerTime.Time && a.禁用 == false orderby a.图号型号, a.物品名称, a.规格 select a).Distinct(); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(queryResult); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "图号型号", "物品名称", "规格", "单位", "物品类别", "物品类别名称", "序号" }; return(form); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定订单的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="orderFormNumber">订单号</param> /// <param name="simpleMode">是否是简单模式的标志, 是则只显示最基本的物品信息列(图号、名称、规格)</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetOrderFormGoodsDialog(string orderFormNumber, bool simpleMode) { IOrderFormGoodsServer orderFormGoodsServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IOrderFormGoodsServer>(); IQueryable <View_B_OrderFormGoods> queryResult; if (!orderFormGoodsServer.GetOrderFormGoods(BasicInfo.ListRoles, BasicInfo.LoginID, orderFormNumber, out queryResult, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } //FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(queryInfo); System.Data.DataTable dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_B_OrderFormGoods>(queryResult); FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); if (simpleMode) { form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "物品ID", "图号型号", "物品名称", "规格" }; } return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取合同信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetBargainInfoDialog() { DepotManagementDataContext ctx = CommentParameter.DepotDataContext; IBargainInfoServer infoServer = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IBargainInfoServer>(); //PlatformManagement.IQueryResult queryInfo; //if (!infoServer.GetAllBargainInfo(out queryInfo, out m_err)) //{ // MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); // return null; //} string strSql = " select distinct a.* from DepotManagement.dbo.View_B_BargainInfo as a " + " inner join DepotManagement.dbo.ProviderPrincipal as b on a.供货单位 = b.Provider " + " inner join DepotManagement.dbo.B_BargainInfo as c on a.合同号 = c.BargainNumber " + " where c.IsDisable = 0 order by 日期 desc"; FormQueryInfo form = new FormQueryInfo(GlobalObject.DatabaseServer.QueryInfo(strSql)); form.ShowColumns = new string[] { "合同号", "供货单位", "采购员", "日期" }; return(form); }
/// <summary> /// 获取库存中的物品信息对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="billType">单据类型</param> /// <param name="showZeroStoreGoods">是否显示零库存物品</param> /// <returns>成功则返回获取到的对话框,失败返回null</returns> static public FormQueryInfo GetStoreGoodsInfoDialog(CE_BillTypeEnum billType, bool showZeroStoreGoods, string strStorageID) { IStoreServer server = ServerModuleFactory.GetServerModule <IStoreServer>(); IQueryable <View_S_Stock> queryResult; System.Data.DataTable dataTable = null; if (!server.GetAllStore(null, true, out queryResult, out m_err)) { MessageDialog.ShowErrorMessage(m_err); return(null); } // 仅显示状态为正常且不在隔离库中的物品 if (billType == CE_BillTypeEnum.领料单) { List <string> listTempStockStatus = new List <string>(); listTempStockStatus.Add("正常"); foreach (int statusID in _lstStockStatus) { switch (statusID) { case 1: listTempStockStatus.Add("仅限于返修箱用"); break; case 2: listTempStockStatus.Add("样品"); break; case 3: listTempStockStatus.Add("仅限于返修箱用"); listTempStockStatus.Add("仅限于售后备件"); break; case 4: listTempStockStatus.Add("隔离"); break; default: break; } } queryResult = from r in queryResult where listTempStockStatus.Contains(r.物品状态) && r.库房代码 == strStorageID select r; } else if (billType == CE_BillTypeEnum.领料退库单) { queryResult = from r in queryResult where r.物品状态 != "隔离" select r; } ////TCU 采购部领用委外装配 Modify by cjb on 2014.5.28 //if (!GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.IsNullOrEmpty(prefixDepotType) && strStorageID != "03") //{ // int len = prefixDepotType.Length; // queryResult = from r in queryResult where r.材料类别编码.Substring(0, len) == prefixDepotType select r; //} if (!showZeroStoreGoods) { queryResult = from r in queryResult where r.库存数量 > 0 select r; } FormQueryInfo form = null; if (!BasicInfo.ListRoles.Exists(r => r.Contains("库管理员"))) { if (billType == CE_BillTypeEnum.领料单 && !_lstStockStatus.Contains(2) && !_lstStockStatus.Contains(4)) { var result = (from r in queryResult select r).ToList().Distinct(new StockGoodsComparer()); dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_S_Stock>(result); } else { dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_S_Stock>(queryResult); } } else { dataTable = GlobalObject.GeneralFunction.ConvertToDataTable <View_S_Stock>(queryResult); } form = new FormQueryInfo(dataTable); if (!showZeroStoreGoods) { form.Text = form.Text + ",库存数量为0的物品不会显示在列表中。"; } if (!BasicInfo.ListRoles.Exists(r => r.Contains("库管理员"))) { if (billType == CE_BillTypeEnum.报废单 || billType == CE_BillTypeEnum.领料退库单) { form.HideColumns = new string[] { "序号", "物品ID", "单位", "单位ID", "库存数量", "仓库", "货架", "层", "列", "实际单价", "实际金额" } } ; else if (billType == CE_BillTypeEnum.领料单) { form.HideColumns = new string[] { "序号", "物品ID", "单位", "实际单价", "实际金额" } } ; } else { form.HideColumns = new string[] { "序号", "物品ID", "单位ID", "单位", "实际单价", "实际金额" }; } return(form); }