        // Solve the Jacobian
        public void Solve(ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, sfloat timestep, sfloat invTimestep)
            // Predict the relative orientation at the end of the step
            quaternion futureBFromA = JacobianUtilities.IntegrateOrientationBFromA(BFromA, velocityA.AngularVelocity, velocityB.AngularVelocity, timestep);

            // Calculate the jacobian axis and angle
            float3 axisAinB     = math.mul(futureBFromA, AxisAinA);
            float3 jacB0        = math.cross(axisAinB, AxisBinB);
            float3 jacA0        = math.mul(math.inverse(futureBFromA), -jacB0);
            sfloat jacLengthSq  = math.lengthsq(jacB0);
            sfloat invJacLength = Math.RSqrtSafe(jacLengthSq);
            sfloat futureAngle;
                sfloat sinAngle = jacLengthSq * invJacLength;
                sfloat cosAngle = math.dot(axisAinB, AxisBinB);
                futureAngle = math.atan2(sinAngle, cosAngle);

            // Choose a second jacobian axis perpendicular to A
            float3 jacB1 = math.cross(jacB0, axisAinB);
            float3 jacA1 = math.mul(math.inverse(futureBFromA), -jacB1);

            // Calculate effective mass
            float2 effectiveMass; // First column of the 2x2 matrix, we don't need the second column because the second component of error is zero

                // Calculate the inverse effective mass matrix, then invert it
                sfloat invEffMassDiag0   = math.csum(jacA0 * jacA0 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB0 * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                sfloat invEffMassDiag1   = math.csum(jacA1 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB1 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                sfloat invEffMassOffDiag = math.csum(jacA0 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                sfloat det    = invEffMassDiag0 * invEffMassDiag1 - invEffMassOffDiag * invEffMassOffDiag;
                sfloat invDet = math.select(jacLengthSq / det, sfloat.Zero, det.IsZero()); // scale by jacLengthSq because the jacs were not normalized
                effectiveMass = invDet * new float2(invEffMassDiag1, -invEffMassOffDiag);

            // Normalize the jacobians
            jacA0 *= invJacLength;
            jacB0 *= invJacLength;
            jacA1 *= invJacLength;
            jacB1 *= invJacLength;

            // Calculate the error, adjust by tau and damping, and apply an impulse to correct it
            sfloat futureError = JacobianUtilities.CalculateError(futureAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle);
            sfloat solveError  = JacobianUtilities.CalculateCorrection(futureError, InitialError, Tau, Damping);
            float2 impulse     = -effectiveMass * solveError * invTimestep;

            velocityA.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse.x * jacA0 + impulse.y * jacA1);
            velocityB.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse.x * jacB0 + impulse.y * jacB1);
        // Solve the Jacobian
        public void SolveContact(
            ref JacobianHeader jacHeader, ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB,
            Solver.StepInput stepInput, ref NativeStream.Writer collisionEventsWriter, bool enableFrictionVelocitiesHeuristic,
            Solver.MotionStabilizationInput motionStabilizationSolverInputA, Solver.MotionStabilizationInput motionStabilizationSolverInputB)
            // Copy velocity data
            MotionVelocity tempVelocityA = velocityA;
            MotionVelocity tempVelocityB = velocityB;

            if (jacHeader.HasMassFactors)
                MassFactors jacMod = jacHeader.AccessMassFactors();
                tempVelocityA.InverseInertia *= jacMod.InverseInertiaFactorA;
                tempVelocityA.InverseMass    *= jacMod.InverseMassFactorA;
                tempVelocityB.InverseInertia *= jacMod.InverseInertiaFactorB;
                tempVelocityB.InverseMass    *= jacMod.InverseMassFactorB;

            // Solve normal impulses
            sfloat sumImpulses             = sfloat.Zero;
            sfloat totalAccumulatedImpulse = sfloat.Zero;
            bool   forceCollisionEvent     = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < BaseJacobian.NumContacts; j++)
                ref ContactJacAngAndVelToReachCp jacAngular = ref jacHeader.AccessAngularJacobian(j);

                // Solve velocity so that predicted contact distance is greater than or equal to zero
                sfloat relativeVelocity = BaseContactJacobian.GetJacVelocity(BaseJacobian.Normal, jacAngular.Jac,
                                                                             tempVelocityA.LinearVelocity, tempVelocityA.AngularVelocity, tempVelocityB.LinearVelocity, tempVelocityB.AngularVelocity);
                sfloat dv = jacAngular.VelToReachCp - relativeVelocity;

                sfloat impulse            = dv * jacAngular.Jac.EffectiveMass;
                sfloat accumulatedImpulse = math.max(jacAngular.Jac.Impulse + impulse, sfloat.Zero);
                if (accumulatedImpulse != jacAngular.Jac.Impulse)
                    sfloat deltaImpulse = accumulatedImpulse - jacAngular.Jac.Impulse;
                    ApplyImpulse(deltaImpulse, BaseJacobian.Normal, jacAngular.Jac, ref tempVelocityA, ref tempVelocityB,
                                 motionStabilizationSolverInputA.InverseInertiaScale, motionStabilizationSolverInputB.InverseInertiaScale);

                jacAngular.Jac.Impulse   = accumulatedImpulse;
                sumImpulses             += accumulatedImpulse;
                totalAccumulatedImpulse += jacAngular.Jac.Impulse;

                // Force contact event even when no impulse is applied, but there is penetration.
                forceCollisionEvent |= jacAngular.VelToReachCp > sfloat.Zero;
        // Generic solve method that dispatches to specific ones
        public void Solve(
            ref JacobianHeader jacHeader, ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB,
            Solver.StepInput stepInput, ref NativeStream.Writer collisionEventsWriter, bool enableFrictionVelocitiesHeuristic,
            Solver.MotionStabilizationInput motionStabilizationSolverInputA, Solver.MotionStabilizationInput motionStabilizationSolverInputB)
            bool bothBodiesWithInfInertiaAndMass = velocityA.HasInfiniteInertiaAndMass && velocityB.HasInfiniteInertiaAndMass;

            if (bothBodiesWithInfInertiaAndMass)
                SolveInfMassPair(ref jacHeader, velocityA, velocityB, stepInput, ref collisionEventsWriter);
                SolveContact(ref jacHeader, ref velocityA, ref velocityB, stepInput, ref collisionEventsWriter,
                             enableFrictionVelocitiesHeuristic, motionStabilizationSolverInputA, motionStabilizationSolverInputB);
        // Build the Jacobian
        public void Build(
            MTransform aFromConstraint, MTransform bFromConstraint,
            MotionVelocity velocityA, MotionVelocity velocityB,
            MotionData motionA, MotionData motionB,
            Constraint constraint, sfloat tau, sfloat damping)
            BFromA    = math.mul(math.inverse(motionB.WorldFromMotion.rot), motionA.WorldFromMotion.rot);
            RefBFromA = new quaternion(math.mul(bFromConstraint.Rotation, aFromConstraint.InverseRotation));
            MinAngle  = constraint.Min;
            MaxAngle  = constraint.Max;
            Tau       = tau;
            Damping   = damping;

            quaternion jointOrientation = math.mul(math.inverse(RefBFromA), BFromA);
            sfloat     initialAngle     = math.asin(math.length(jointOrientation.value.xyz)) * (sfloat)2.0f;

            InitialError = JacobianUtilities.CalculateError(initialAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle);
        // Build the Jacobian
        public void Build(
            MTransform aFromConstraint, MTransform bFromConstraint,
            MotionVelocity velocityA, MotionVelocity velocityB,
            MotionData motionA, MotionData motionB,
            Constraint constraint, sfloat tau, sfloat damping)
            // Copy the constraint into the jacobian
            AxisIndex        = constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D;
            AxisInMotionA    = aFromConstraint.Rotation[AxisIndex];
            MinAngle         = constraint.Min;
            MaxAngle         = constraint.Max;
            Tau              = tau;
            Damping          = damping;
            MotionBFromA     = math.mul(math.inverse(motionB.WorldFromMotion.rot), motionA.WorldFromMotion.rot);
            MotionAFromJoint = new quaternion(aFromConstraint.Rotation);
            MotionBFromJoint = new quaternion(bFromConstraint.Rotation);

            // Calculate the current error
            InitialError = CalculateError(MotionBFromA);
        // Solve the Jacobian
        public void Solve(ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, sfloat timestep, sfloat invTimestep)
            // Predict the relative orientation at the end of the step
            quaternion futureMotionBFromA = JacobianUtilities.IntegrateOrientationBFromA(MotionBFromA, velocityA.AngularVelocity, velocityB.AngularVelocity, timestep);

            // Calculate the effective mass
            float3 axisInMotionB = math.mul(futureMotionBFromA, -AxisInMotionA);
            sfloat effectiveMass;
                sfloat invEffectiveMass = math.csum(AxisInMotionA * AxisInMotionA * velocityA.InverseInertia +
                                                    axisInMotionB * axisInMotionB * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                effectiveMass = math.select(sfloat.One / invEffectiveMass, sfloat.Zero, invEffectiveMass.IsZero());

            // Calculate the error, adjust by tau and damping, and apply an impulse to correct it
            sfloat futureError = CalculateError(futureMotionBFromA);
            sfloat solveError  = JacobianUtilities.CalculateCorrection(futureError, InitialError, Tau, Damping);
            sfloat impulse     = math.mul(effectiveMass, -solveError) * invTimestep;

            velocityA.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse * AxisInMotionA);
            velocityB.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse * axisInMotionB);
 private static void ApplyImpulse(float3 impulse, float3 ang0, float3 ang1, float3 ang2, ref MotionVelocity velocity)
     velocity.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse.x * ang0 + impulse.y * ang1 + impulse.z * ang2);