public RenderObjectUnity(AnimatorEditor editor, HashSet<string> meshNames) { HighlightSubmesh = new HashSet<int>(); highlightMaterial = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Material(); highlightMaterial.Ambient = new Color4(1, 1, 1, 1); highlightMaterial.Diffuse = new Color4(1, 0, 1, 0); this.device = Gui.Renderer.Device; this.tweeningVertDec = new VertexDeclaration(this.device, TweeningWithoutNormalsVertexBufferFormat.ThreeStreams); Textures = new Texture[editor.Textures.Count]; Materials = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Material[editor.Materials.Count]; rootFrame = CreateHierarchy(editor, meshNames, device, out meshFrames); AnimationController = new AnimationController(numFrames, 30, 30, 1); Frame.RegisterNamedMatrices(rootFrame, AnimationController); if (meshFrames.Count > 0) { Bounds = meshFrames[0].Bounds; for (int i = 1; i < meshFrames.Count; i++) { Bounds = BoundingBox.Merge(Bounds, meshFrames[i].Bounds); } } else { Bounds = new BoundingBox(); } }
public FormAnimatorDragDrop(AnimatorEditor destEditor) { InitializeComponent(); startSize = new SizeF(Width, Height); this.SaveDesignSizes(); editor = destEditor; numericFrameId.Maximum = editor.Frames.Count - 1; numericMeshId.Maximum = editor.Frames.Count - 1; }
private AnimationFrame CreateHierarchy(AnimatorEditor editor, HashSet<string> meshNames, Device device, out List<AnimationFrame> meshFrames) { meshFrames = new List<AnimationFrame>(meshNames.Count); HashSet<string> extractFrames = Operations.SearchHierarchy(editor.Parser.RootTransform, meshNames); Dictionary<string, Tuple<Matrix, Matrix>> extractMatrices = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<Matrix, Matrix>>(); CreateCombinedMatrices(editor.Parser.RootTransform, extractFrames, Matrix.Scaling(-1, 1, 1), extractMatrices); AnimationFrame rootFrame = CreateFrame(editor.Parser.RootTransform, editor, extractFrames, meshNames, device, meshFrames, extractMatrices); SetupBoneMatrices(rootFrame, rootFrame); return rootFrame; }
private AnimationFrame CreateFrame(Transform frame, AnimatorEditor editor, HashSet<string> extractFrames, HashSet<string> meshNames, Device device, List<AnimationFrame> meshFrames, Dictionary<string, Tuple<Matrix, Matrix>> extractMatrices) { AnimationFrame animationFrame = new AnimationFrame(); animationFrame.Name = frame.GetTransformPath(); animationFrame.TransformationMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(frame.m_LocalScale) * Matrix.RotationQuaternion(frame.m_LocalRotation) * Matrix.Translation(frame.m_LocalPosition); animationFrame.OriginalTransform = animationFrame.TransformationMatrix; animationFrame.CombinedTransform = extractMatrices[animationFrame.Name].Item1; if (meshNames.Contains(animationFrame.Name)) { MeshRenderer meshR = frame.m_GameObject.instance.FindLinkedComponent(UnityClassID.SkinnedMeshRenderer); if (meshR == null) { meshR = frame.m_GameObject.instance.FindLinkedComponent(UnityClassID.MeshRenderer); } if (meshR != null) { Mesh mesh = Operations.GetMesh(meshR); if (mesh != null) { SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = meshR as SkinnedMeshRenderer; List<PPtr<Transform>> boneList = null; string[] boneNames = null; Matrix[] boneOffsets = null; if (smr != null && smr.m_Bones.Count > 0) { boneList = smr.m_Bones; int numBones = boneList.Count > 0 ? extractFrames.Count : 0; boneNames = new string[numBones]; boneOffsets = new Matrix[numBones]; if (numBones > 0) { string[] extractArray = new string[numBones]; extractFrames.CopyTo(extractArray); HashSet<string> extractCopy = new HashSet<string>(extractArray); int invalidBones = 0; for (int i = 0; i < boneList.Count; i++) { Transform bone = boneList[i].instance; if (bone == null || bone.m_GameObject.instance == null || !extractCopy.Remove(bone.GetTransformPath())) { invalidBones++; } else if (i < numBones) { boneNames[i] = bone.GetTransformPath(); boneOffsets[i] = Operations.Mirror(Matrix.Transpose(mesh.m_BindPose[i])); } } extractCopy.CopyTo(boneNames, boneList.Count - invalidBones); for (int i = boneList.Count; i < extractFrames.Count; i++) { boneOffsets[i] = extractMatrices[boneNames[i]].Item2; } } } AnimationMeshContainer[] meshContainers = new AnimationMeshContainer[mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count]; Vector3 min = new Vector3(Single.MaxValue); Vector3 max = new Vector3(Single.MinValue); Operations.vMesh vMesh = new Operations.vMesh(meshR, true, true); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count; i++) { Operations.vSubmesh submesh = vMesh.submeshes[i]; List<Operations.vFace> faceList = submesh.faceList; List<Operations.vVertex> vertexList = submesh.vertexList; SlimDX.Direct3D9.Mesh animationMesh = null; PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored[] normalLines = null; try { animationMesh = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Mesh(device, faceList.Count, vertexList.Count, MeshFlags.Managed, PositionBlendWeightsIndexedNormalTexturedColoured.Format); using (DataStream indexStream = animationMesh.LockIndexBuffer(LockFlags.None)) { for (int j = 0; j < faceList.Count; j++) { ushort[] indices = faceList[j].index; indexStream.Write(indices[0]); indexStream.Write(indices[2]); indexStream.Write(indices[1]); } animationMesh.UnlockIndexBuffer(); } FillVertexBuffer(animationMesh, vertexList, -1); normalLines = new PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored[vertexList.Count * 2]; for (int j = 0; j < vertexList.Count; j++) { Operations.vVertex vertex = vertexList[j]; byte[] bIdx; float[] bWeights; if (vertex.boneIndices != null) { bIdx = new byte[4] { (byte)vertex.boneIndices[0], (byte)vertex.boneIndices[1], (byte)vertex.boneIndices[2], (byte)vertex.boneIndices[3] }; bWeights = vertex.weights; } else { bIdx = new byte[4]; bWeights = new float[4]; } normalLines[j * 2] = new PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored(vertex.position, bWeights, bIdx, Color.Yellow.ToArgb()); normalLines[(j * 2) + 1] = new PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored(vertex.position + (vertex.normal / 64), bWeights, bIdx, Color.Yellow.ToArgb()); min = Vector3.Minimize(min, vertex.position); max = Vector3.Maximize(max, vertex.position); } } catch { Report.ReportLog("No display of submeshes with more than 64k vertices!"); } AnimationMeshContainer meshContainer = new AnimationMeshContainer(); if (animationMesh != null) { meshContainer.Name = animationFrame.Name; meshContainer.MeshData = new MeshData(animationMesh); meshContainer.NormalLines = normalLines; } meshContainers[i] = meshContainer; if (submesh.matList.Count > 0 && submesh.matList[0].instance != null) { Material mat = submesh.matList[0].instance; int matIdx = editor.Materials.IndexOf(mat); int texIdx; if (!MatTexIndices.TryGetValue(matIdx, out texIdx)) { texIdx = -1; SlimDX.Direct3D9.Material materialD3D = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Material(); materialD3D.Ambient = GetColour(mat, "_SColor"); materialD3D.Diffuse = GetColour(mat, "_Color"); materialD3D.Emissive = GetColour(mat, "_ReflectColor"); materialD3D.Specular = GetColour(mat, "_SpecColor"); materialD3D.Power = GetFloat(mat, "_Shininess"); Materials[matIdx] = materialD3D; Texture2D matTex = GetTexture(mat, "_MainTex"); if (matTex != null) { texIdx = editor.Textures.IndexOf(matTex); if (Textures[texIdx] == null) { using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { matTex.Export(mem); mem.Position = 0; ImportedTexture image = new ImportedTexture(mem, matTex.m_Name); Textures[texIdx] = Texture.FromMemory(device, image.Data); } } } MatTexIndices.Add(matIdx, texIdx); } meshContainer.MaterialIndex = matIdx; meshContainer.TextureIndex = texIdx; } } for (int i = 0; i < (meshContainers.Length - 1); i++) { meshContainers[i].NextMeshContainer = meshContainers[i + 1]; } if (boneList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < meshContainers.Length; i++) { meshContainers[i].BoneNames = boneNames; meshContainers[i].BoneOffsets = boneOffsets; meshContainers[i].RealBones = boneList.Count; } } Matrix mirrorCombined = Operations.Mirror(animationFrame.CombinedTransform); min = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(min, mirrorCombined); max = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(max, mirrorCombined); animationFrame.Bounds = new BoundingBox(min, max); animationFrame.MeshContainer = meshContainers[0]; meshFrames.Add(animationFrame); } } } for (int i = 0; i < frame.Count; i++) { Transform child = frame[i]; if (extractFrames.Contains(child.GetTransformPath())) { AnimationFrame childAnimationFrame = CreateFrame(child, editor, extractFrames, meshNames, device, meshFrames, extractMatrices); childAnimationFrame.Parent = animationFrame; animationFrame.AppendChild(childAnimationFrame); } } numFrames++; return animationFrame; }
static void Collect(AnimatorEditor editor, HashSet<Component> collection) { foreach (Transform frame in editor.Frames) { GameObject gameObj = frame.m_GameObject.instance; collection.Add(gameObj); foreach (var comp in gameObj.m_Component) { collection.Add(comp.Value.asset); if (comp.Value.asset.classID1 == UnityClassID.Animator) { Animator anim = (Animator)comp.Value.asset; if (anim.m_Avatar.instance != null) { collection.Add(anim.m_Avatar.instance); } } } if (frame.UnknownChilds != null) { foreach (PPtr<Transform> childPtr in frame.UnknownChilds) { if (!(childPtr.asset is Transform)) { collection.Add(childPtr.asset); MultiLink mLink = childPtr.asset as MultiLink; if (mLink != null) { foreach (PPtr<Object> objPtr in mLink.Links) { collection.Add(objPtr.asset); } } } } } } foreach (MeshRenderer meshR in editor.Meshes) { collection.Add(Operations.GetMesh(meshR)); foreach (PPtr<Material> matPtr in meshR.m_Materials) { if (matPtr.instance != null) { Material mat = matPtr.instance; collection.Add(mat); Collect(mat.m_Shader.instance, collection); foreach (var texPair in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs) { collection.Add(texPair.Value.m_Texture.asset); } } } } }
private void viewDataToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ListView subfilesList = null; if (tabControlAssets.SelectedTab == tabPageAnimators) { subfilesList = animatorsList; } else if (tabControlAssets.SelectedTab == tabPageMaterials) { subfilesList = materialsList; } else if (tabControlAssets.SelectedTab == tabPageOthers) { subfilesList = othersList; } if (subfilesList != null) { string[] srt = new string[4] { null, "Translation", "Rotation", "Scaling" }; char[] axis = new char[4] { 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'W' }; foreach (ListViewItem item in subfilesList.SelectedItems) { Component asset = (Component)item.Tag; if (asset.classID2 != UnityClassID.MonoBehaviour && asset is NotLoaded) { asset = Editor.Parser.Cabinet.LoadComponent(asset.pathID); item.Tag = asset; } switch (asset.classID2) { #if DEBUG case UnityClassID.AnimationClip: AnimationClip clip = (AnimationClip)asset; string msg = clip.m_Name + " type=" + clip.m_AnimationType + " compressed=" + clip.m_Compressed + " useHighQ=" + clip.m_UseHighQualityCurve; msg += (clip.m_RotationCurves.Count > 0 ? " rotC=" + clip.m_RotationCurves.Count : "") + (clip.m_CompressedRotationCurves.Count > 0 ? " compRotC=" + clip.m_CompressedRotationCurves.Count : "") + (clip.m_PositionCurves.Count > 0 ? " posC=" + clip.m_PositionCurves.Count : "") + (clip.m_ScaleCurves.Count > 0 ? " scaleC=" + clip.m_ScaleCurves.Count : "") + (clip.m_FloatCurves.Count > 0 ? " floatC=" + clip.m_FloatCurves.Count : "") + (clip.m_PPtrCurves.Count > 0 ? " ptrC=" + clip.m_PPtrCurves.Count : ""); msg += "\r\n sampleR=" + clip.m_SampleRate + " wrapM=" + clip.m_WrapMode; msg += " muscleCSz=" + clip.m_MuscleClipSize + " AvgSpd=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_AverageSpeed + " StartT=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_StartTime + " StopT=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_StopTime + " AvgAngSpd=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_AverageAngularSpeed + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_Binding.m_ValueArray.Count > 0 ? " bindVal=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_Binding.m_ValueArray.Count : "") + ( > 0 ? "\r\n constC=" + : "") + "\r\n Sampl=(" + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_SampleArray.Length > 0 ? "len=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_SampleArray.Length : "") + ", frames=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_FrameCount + ", curves=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_CurveCount + ", sampleR=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_SampleRate + ", beginT=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_BeginTime + ")" + ( > 0 ? "\r\n streamedC=" + + ", curves=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_StreamedClip.curveCount : ""); msg += (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_DoFArray.Length > 0 ? "\r\n deltaPosDOF=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_DoFArray.Length : "") + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_GoalArray.Count > 0 ? " deltaPosGoals=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_GoalArray.Count : "") + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_LeftHandPose.m_DoFArray.Length > 0 ? " leftHandDOF=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_LeftHandPose.m_DoFArray.Length : "") + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_RightHandPose.m_DoFArray.Length > 0 ? " rightHandDOF=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_DeltaPose.m_RightHandPose.m_DoFArray.Length : "") + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_IndexArray.Length > 0 ? " Indices=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_IndexArray.Length : "") + (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_ValueArrayDelta.Count > 0 ? " valADelta=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_ValueArrayDelta.Count : ""); int[] a = new int[6]; int b = -1; int c = -1; uint[] d = new uint[6]; HashSet<uint> distinctConst = new HashSet<uint>(); HashSet<uint> distinctVariable = new HashSet<uint>(); foreach (var binding in clip.m_ClipBindingConstant.genericBindings) { //msg += "\r\n" + lastAvatar.FindBoneName(binding.path) + " " + binding.attribute; if (binding.attribute != b) { c++; b = (int)binding.attribute; d[c] = binding.attribute; } a[c]++; if (c >= 3) { distinctConst.Add(binding.path); } else { distinctVariable.Add(binding.path); } } msg += "\r\n Variable att(" + d[0] + ":" + a[0] + ", " + d[1] + ":" + a[1] + ", " + d[2] + ":" + a[2] + ") distinct=" + distinctVariable.Count + ", Const att(" + d[3] + ":" + a[3] + ", " + d[4] + ":" + a[4] + ", " + d[5] + ":" + a[5] + ") distinct=" + distinctConst.Count; msg += (clip.m_Events.Count > 0 ? " events=" + clip.m_Events.Count : ""); if (clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_SampleArray.Length > 0) { msg += "\r\n\r\nDense Clip Sampled Data:"; for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_FrameCount; frameIdx++) { if (frameIdx >= 4 && frameIdx < clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_FrameCount - 1) { if (frameIdx == 4) { msg += "\r\n ..."; } continue; } msg += "\r\n" + frameIdx; int translations = 0, scalings = 0, sampleIdx = 0; int skipRotations = d[0] == 2 ? a[0] * 4 : 0; for (int curveIdx = 0; curveIdx < clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_CurveCount; ) { GenericBinding binding = StreamedClip.StreamedKeyPart.FindBinding(skipRotations + curveIdx, clip.m_ClipBindingConstant.genericBindings); int numCoords = binding.attribute == 1 || binding.attribute == 3 ? 3 : 4; string trackName = lastAvatar.FindBoneName(binding.path); if (trackName == null) { msg += " binding doesn't match avatar"; frameIdx = clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_FrameCount; break; } if (trackName.Equals("cf_J_Shoulder_L") || binding.attribute == 1 && ++translations <= 2 || binding.attribute == 3 && ++scalings <= 2) { for (int j = 0; j < numCoords; j++) { msg += "\r\n " + curveIdx + ": value=" + clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_SampleArray[frameIdx * clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_DenseClip.m_CurveCount + sampleIdx] + " (" + trackName + ":" + srt[binding.attribute] + "-" + axis[j] + ")"; sampleIdx++; curveIdx++; } } else { sampleIdx += numCoords; curveIdx += numCoords; } } } } if ( > 0) { msg += "\r\n\r\nStreamed Clip Data:"; List<StreamedClip.StreamedFrame> frameList = clip.m_MuscleClip.m_Clip.m_StreamedClip.ReadData(); float minX = Single.MaxValue, maxX = Single.MinValue, minY = Single.MaxValue, maxY = Single.MinValue, minZ = Single.MaxValue, maxZ = Single.MinValue; for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < frameList.Count; frameIdx++) { /*if (frameIdx >= 10 && frameIdx < frameList.Count - 10) { if (frameIdx == 10) { msg += "\r\n... ... ..."; } continue; }*/ StreamedClip.StreamedFrame frame = frameList[frameIdx]; if (frameIdx < 7 || frameIdx >= frameList.Count - 7) { msg += "\r\n" + frameIdx + ": time=" + frame.time + (frameIdx + 1 < frameList.Count ? ", dt=" + (frameList[frameIdx + 1].time - frame.time) : "") + " curves=" + frame.keyList.Count; } else if (frameIdx == 7) { msg += "\r\n ... ... ..."; } /*if (frameIdx >= 7 && frameIdx < frameList.Count - 7) { msg += " ..."; continue; }*/ int translations = 0, scalings = 0; for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < frame.keyList.Count; ) { StreamedClip.StreamedKeyPart key = frame.keyList[keyIndex]; GenericBinding binding = StreamedClip.StreamedKeyPart.FindBinding(key.index, clip.m_ClipBindingConstant.genericBindings); int numParts = binding.attribute == 1 || binding.attribute == 3 ? 3 : 4; string trackName = lastAvatar.FindBoneName(binding.path); if (trackName == null) { msg += " binding doesn't match avatar"; frameIdx = frameList.Count; break; } //if (trackName.Equals("cf_J_Shoulder_L") || binding.attribute == 1 && ++translations <= 3 || binding.attribute == 3 && ++scalings <= 3) { for (int j = 0; j < numParts; j++, keyIndex++) { key = frame.keyList[keyIndex]; if ((frameIdx < 7 || frameIdx >= frameList.Count - 7) && (trackName.Equals("cf_J_Shoulder_L") || binding.attribute == 1 && ++translations <= 3 || binding.attribute == 3 && ++scalings <= 3)) { msg += "\r\n " + key.index + " (" + trackName + ":" + srt[binding.attribute] + "-" + axis[j] + ")" + ": tangent info=" + key.tcb + " value=" + key.value; } if (key.tcb.X < minX) minX = key.tcb.X; if (key.tcb.X > maxX) maxX = key.tcb.X; if (key.tcb.Y < minY) minY = key.tcb.Y; if (key.tcb.Y > maxY) maxY = key.tcb.Y; if (key.tcb.Z < minZ) minZ = key.tcb.Z; if (key.tcb.Z > maxZ) maxZ = key.tcb.Z; } } /*else { keyIndex += numParts; }*/ } } msg += "\r\nminX=" + minX + " maxX=" + maxX + " minY=" + minY + " maxY=" + maxY + " minZ=" + minZ + " maxZ=" + maxZ; } Report.ReportLog(msg); break; case UnityClassID.AnimatorController: AnimatorController animController = (AnimatorController)asset; msg = animController.m_Name + (animController.m_Controller.m_LayerArray.Length > 0 ? " layers= Body0=" + animController.m_Controller.m_LayerArray[0].m_BodyMask.word0.ToString("X8") + ",1=" + animController.m_Controller.m_LayerArray[0].m_BodyMask.word1.ToString("X8") + ", skMasks=" + animController.m_Controller.m_LayerArray.Length + ", skMask[0]Len=" + animController.m_Controller.m_LayerArray[0].m_SkeletonMask.m_Data.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_StateMachineArray.Length > 0 ? " states=" + animController.m_Controller.m_StateMachineArray.Length + " const=" + animController.m_Controller.m_StateMachineArray[0].m_StateConstantArray.Length + ", any=" + animController.m_Controller.m_StateMachineArray[0].m_AnyStateTransitionConstantArray.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_Values.m_ValueArray.Count > 0 ? " values=" + animController.m_Controller.m_Values.m_ValueArray.Count : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_BoolValues.Length > 0 ? " defBool=" + animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_BoolValues.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_IntValues.Length > 0 ? " defInt=" + animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_IntValues.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_FloatValues.Length > 0 ? " defFloat=" + animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_FloatValues.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_PositionValues.Length > 0 ? " defPos=" + animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_PositionValues.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_QuaternionValues.Length > 0 ? " defRot=" + animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_QuaternionValues.Length : "") + (animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_ScaleValues.Length > 0 ? " defScale=" + animController.m_Controller.m_DefaultValues.m_ScaleValues.Length : "") + " clips=" + animController.m_AnimationClips.Count; /*foreach (var pair in animController.m_TOS) { msg += "\r\n " + pair.Key + " " + pair.Value; }*/ // clip names for (int i = 0; i < animController.m_Controller.m_StateMachineArray[0].m_StateConstantArray.Length; i++) { StateConstant sConst = animController.m_Controller.m_StateMachineArray[0].m_StateConstantArray[i]; uint clipHash = sConst.m_LeafInfoArray[0].m_IDArray[0]; string clipName = null; foreach (var pair in animController.m_TOS) { if (pair.Key == clipHash) { clipName = pair.Value; break; } } msg += "\r\n" + i + ": transC=" + sConst.m_TransitionConstantArray.Length + " blends=" + sConst.m_BlendTreeConstantIndexArray.Length + " blendIdx[0]=" + sConst.m_BlendTreeConstantIndexArray[0] + ", leaves=" + sConst.m_LeafInfoArray.Length + " leaveID[0]=" + clipName + "/clip=" + (animController.m_AnimationClips[i].instance.m_Name) + ", blends=" + sConst.m_BlendTreeConstantArray.Length + " nodes=" + sConst.m_BlendTreeConstantArray[0].m_NodeArray.Length + " blendTreeNode0chlds=" + sConst.m_BlendTreeConstantArray[0].m_NodeArray[0].m_ChildIndices.Length; } Report.ReportLog(msg); break; case UnityClassID.Animator: lastAvatar = ((Animator)asset).m_Avatar.instance; AnimatorEditor aEditor = new AnimatorEditor((Animator)asset); msg = "Frames=" + aEditor.Frames.Count + " AvTOS=" + lastAvatar.m_TOS.Count + " AskX=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_AvatarSkeletonPose.m_X.Count + " DpX=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_DefaultPose.m_X.Count + " RmspX=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_RootMotionSkeletonPose.m_X.Count + " HspX=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_Human.m_SkeletonPose.m_X.Count + " Sk1=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_AvatarSkeleton.m_Node.Count + "," + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_AvatarSkeleton.m_ID.Count + "," + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_AvatarSkeleton.m_AxesArray.Count + " Sk2=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_RootMotionSkeleton.m_Node.Count + "," + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_RootMotionSkeleton.m_ID.Count + "," + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_RootMotionSkeleton.m_AxesArray.Count + " Sk3=" + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_Human.m_Skeleton.m_Node.Count + "," + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_Human.m_Skeleton.m_ID.Count + "," + lastAvatar.m_Avatar.m_Human.m_Skeleton.m_AxesArray.Count; foreach (var pair in lastAvatar.m_TOS) { msg += "\r\n " + pair.Key + " " + pair.Value; } Report.ReportLog(msg); break; #endif case UnityClassID.MonoBehaviour: case UnityClassID.MonoScript: case UnityClassID.Material: case UnityClassID.Shader: Gui.Scripting.RunScript(EditorVar + ".ViewAssetData(pathID=" + asset.pathID + ")"); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ReportException(ex); } }