public async Task Load() { asyncCoroutineHelper = gameObject.AddComponent <AsyncCoroutineHelper>(); GLTFSceneImporter sceneImporter = null; ILoader loader = null; try { if (UseStream) { // Path.Combine treats paths that start with the separator character // as absolute paths, ignoring the first path passed in. This removes // that character to properly handle a filename written with it. GLTFUri = GLTFUri.TrimStart(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }); string fullPath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, GLTFUri); string directoryPath = URIHelper.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); loader = new FileLoader(directoryPath); sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter( Path.GetFileName(GLTFUri), loader, asyncCoroutineHelper ); } else { string directoryPath = URIHelper.GetDirectoryName(GLTFUri); loader = new WebRequestLoader(directoryPath, asyncCoroutineHelper); sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter( URIHelper.GetFileFromUri(new Uri(GLTFUri)), loader, asyncCoroutineHelper ); } sceneImporter.SceneParent = gameObject.transform; sceneImporter.Collider = Collider; sceneImporter.MaximumLod = MaximumLod; sceneImporter.Timeout = Timeout; sceneImporter.isMultithreaded = Multithreaded; sceneImporter.CustomShaderName = shaderOverride ? : null; await sceneImporter.LoadSceneAsync(-1); // Override the shaders on all materials if a shader is provided if (shaderOverride != null) { Renderer[] renderers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) { renderer.sharedMaterial.shader = shaderOverride; } } } finally { if (loader != null) { sceneImporter?.Dispose(); sceneImporter = null; loader = null; } } }
public async Task Load() { asyncCoroutineHelper = gameObject.GetComponent <AsyncCoroutineHelper>() ?? gameObject.AddComponent <AsyncCoroutineHelper>(); GLTFSceneImporter sceneImporter = null; ILoader loader = null; try { if (UseStream) { // Path.Combine treats paths that start with the separator character // as absolute paths, ignoring the first path passed in. This removes // that character to properly handle a filename written with it. GLTFUri = GLTFUri.TrimStart(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }); string fullPath; if (AppendStreamingAssets) { fullPath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, GLTFUri); } else { fullPath = GLTFUri; } string directoryPath = URIHelper.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); loader = new FileLoader(directoryPath); sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter( Path.GetFileName(GLTFUri), loader, asyncCoroutineHelper ); } else { string directoryPath = URIHelper.GetDirectoryName(GLTFUri); loader = new WebRequestLoader(directoryPath); sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter( URIHelper.GetFileFromUri(new Uri(GLTFUri)), loader, asyncCoroutineHelper ); } sceneImporter.SceneParent = gameObject.transform; sceneImporter.Collider = Collider; sceneImporter.MaximumLod = MaximumLod; sceneImporter.Timeout = Timeout; sceneImporter.IsMultithreaded = Multithreaded; sceneImporter.CustomShaderName = shaderOverride ? : null; if (MaterialsOnly) { var mat = await sceneImporter.LoadMaterialAsync(0); var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform); var renderer = cube.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.sharedMaterial = mat; } else { await sceneImporter.LoadSceneAsync(); } // Override the shaders on all materials if a shader is provided if (shaderOverride != null) { Renderer[] renderers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) { renderer.sharedMaterial.shader = shaderOverride; } } if (PlayAnimationOnLoad) { Animation[] animations = sceneImporter.LastLoadedScene.GetComponents <Animation>(); foreach (Animation anim in animations) { anim.Play(); } } } finally { if (loader != null) { sceneImporter?.Dispose(); sceneImporter = null; loader = null; } } }
public abstract GLTFSceneImporter CreateSceneImporter(string gltfFileName, ILoader externalDataLoader, AsyncCoroutineHelper asyncCoroutineHelper);
public IEnumerator LoadAssetCoroutine() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GLTFUri)) { if (VERBOSE) { Debug.Log("LoadAssetCoroutine() GLTFUri ->" + GLTFUri); } asyncCoroutineHelper = gameObject.GetComponent <AsyncCoroutineHelper>() ?? gameObject.AddComponent <AsyncCoroutineHelper>(); sceneImporter = null; ILoader loader = null; Destroy(loadedAssetRootGameObject); try { if (UseStream) { // Path.Combine treats paths that start with the separator character // as absolute paths, ignoring the first path passed in. This removes // that character to properly handle a filename written with it. GLTFUri = GLTFUri.TrimStart(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }); string fullPath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, GLTFUri); string directoryPath = URIHelper.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); loader = new FileLoader(directoryPath); sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter( Path.GetFileName(GLTFUri), loader, asyncCoroutineHelper ); } else { loader = new WebRequestLoader(""); if (OnWebRequestStartEvent != null) { (loader as WebRequestLoader).OnLoadStreamStart += OnWebRequestStartEvent; } sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter( GLTFUri, loader, asyncCoroutineHelper ); } if (sceneImporter.CreatedObject != null) { Destroy(sceneImporter.CreatedObject); } sceneImporter.SceneParent = gameObject.transform; sceneImporter.Collider = Collider; sceneImporter.maximumLod = MaximumLod; sceneImporter.Timeout = Timeout; sceneImporter.isMultithreaded = Multithreaded; sceneImporter.useMaterialTransition = UseVisualFeedback; sceneImporter.CustomShaderName = shaderOverride ? : null; sceneImporter.LoadingTextureMaterial = LoadingTextureMaterial; sceneImporter.initialVisibility = initialVisibility; sceneImporter.addMaterialsToPersistentCaching = addMaterialsToPersistentCaching; float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; queueCount++; state = State.QUEUED; Func <bool> funcTestDistance = () => TestDistance(); yield return(new WaitUntil(funcTestDistance)); queueCount--; totalDownloadedCount++; IncrementDownloadCount(); state = State.DOWNLOADING; yield return(sceneImporter.LoadScene(-1)); state = State.COMPLETED; DecrementDownloadCount(); // Override the shaders on all materials if a shader is provided if (shaderOverride != null) { Renderer[] renderers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) { renderer.sharedMaterial.shader = shaderOverride; } } } finally { if (loader != null) { if (sceneImporter == null) { Debug.Log("sceneImporter is null, could be due to an invalid URI.", this); } else { loadedAssetRootGameObject = sceneImporter.CreatedObject; sceneImporter?.Dispose(); sceneImporter = null; } if (OnWebRequestStartEvent != null) { (loader as WebRequestLoader).OnLoadStreamStart -= OnWebRequestStartEvent; OnWebRequestStartEvent = null; } loader = null; } alreadyLoadedAsset = true; OnFinishedLoadingAsset?.Invoke(); } } else { Debug.Log("couldn't load GLTF because url is empty"); } CoroutineStarter.Stop(loadingRoutine); loadingRoutine = null; Destroy(loadingPlaceholder); Destroy(this); }
public override GLTFSceneImporter CreateSceneImporter(string gltfFileName, ILoader externalDataLoader, AsyncCoroutineHelper asyncCoroutineHelper) { return(new GLTFSceneImporter(gltfFileName, externalDataLoader, asyncCoroutineHelper)); }