public override void init(GameObject go, System.Object customPhysics, Inputs inputs) { groundInputs = (GroundInputs)inputs; base.init (go, customPhysics, inputs); soundManager.init (go); setupAnimation (launchingAnimation, ref launchingHash); }
public override void init(GameObject go, System.Object customPhysics, Inputs inputs) { groundInputs = (GroundInputs)inputs; base.init (go, customPhysics, inputs); soundManager.init (go); setupAnimation (walkingAnimation, ref walkingHash); setupAnimation (walkingSpeed, ref walkingSpeedHash); setupAnimation (angularSpeed, ref angularSpeedHash); }
public override void init(GameObject go) { base.init (go); if (groundInputs == null) groundInputs = new GroundInputs (); if (groundModeMechanics == null) groundModeMechanics = new GroundMechanics (); name = "Ground Mode"; base.setupMechanics (groundModeMechanics, groundInputs); }
public override void autoConfig() { base.autoConfig (); if (!flightObject) { flightObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); } nullCheck ("flightObject", flightObject, "Please set it to an object with a Free Flight Component"); ffComponent = flightObject.GetComponent<FreeFlight> (); nullCheck ("", ffComponent, "This object can only display stats info for objects with a Free Flight Component."); fInputs = ffComponent.modeManager.flightMode.flightInputs; gInputs = ffComponent.modeManager.groundMode.groundInputs; }