public static void CreateAsset(ScriptableObject o, string name) { string path; if (o.GetType() == typeof(Quest)) { path = "Assets/Resources/Quests"; } else path = "Assets/Resources/Items"; if (Path.GetExtension(path) != "") { path = path.Replace(Path.GetFileName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeObject)), ""); } string assetPathAndName = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(path + "/" + name + ".asset"); if (!AssetDatabase.Contains(o)) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(o, assetPathAndName); Debug.Log("Asset has been created in " + assetPathAndName); } else { Debug.Log("Asset has already been in database in " + o.ToString()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow(); Selection.activeObject = o; return; } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow(); Selection.activeObject = o; }
/// <summary> // This makes it easy to create, name and place unique new ScriptableObject asset files. /// </summary> public static void CreateAssetAtPath( ScriptableObject pxObject, string pxPath, string pxFilename ) { string pxFullPath = ""; string pxAssetPath = "Assets"; string pxExtension = ".asset"; bool bPathSupplied = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( pxPath ); bool bFilenameSupplied = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( pxFilename ); // Concatenate the full path for the asset if ( bPathSupplied ) { List<string> pxPathComponents = new List<string>(); bool bAssetPathSupplied = pxPath.StartsWith( pxAssetPath ); if ( !bAssetPathSupplied ) { pxPathComponents.Add( pxAssetPath ); pxPathComponents.Add( "/" ); } pxPathComponents.Add( pxPath ); bool bPathHasTrailingSlash = pxPath.EndsWith( "/" ); if ( !bPathHasTrailingSlash ) { pxPathComponents.Add( "/" ); } if ( bFilenameSupplied ) { pxPathComponents.Add( pxFilename ); bool bExtensionSupplied = pxFilename.EndsWith( pxExtension ); if ( !bExtensionSupplied ) { pxPathComponents.Add( pxExtension ); } } else { pxPathComponents.Add( ); pxPathComponents.Add( pxExtension ); } string[] pxComponentArray = pxPathComponents.ToArray(); pxFullPath = string.Concat( pxComponentArray ); } else { string pxObjectTypeName = pxObject.GetType().Name; pxFullPath = pxAssetPath + "/" + pxObjectTypeName + pxExtension; } // Create the Asset Debug.Log( "Creating asset at: " + pxFullPath + "..." ); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( pxObject, pxFullPath ); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }
public static T GetScriptableObjectInterface <T>(this UnityEngine.ScriptableObject o) { var targetType = typeof(T); var objectType = o.GetType(); foreach (var objectInterface in objectType.GetInterfaces()) { if (objectInterface == targetType) { return(o.To <T>()); } } return(default(T)); }
public static List <T> GetScriptableObjectInterfaces <T>(this UnityEngine.ScriptableObject o) { var result = new List <T>(); var targetType = typeof(T); var objectType = o.GetType(); foreach (var objectInterface in objectType.GetInterfaces()) { if (objectInterface == targetType) { result.Add(o.To <T>()); } } return(result); }
public static void Error(this ScriptableObject scriptableObject, string debugMessage, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string methodName = default) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0}.{1}: {2}", scriptableObject.GetType().Name, methodName, debugMessage)); }
public static void Temp(this ScriptableObject scriptableObject, string debugMessage, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string methodName = default) { Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=green>{0}.{1}: {2}</color>", scriptableObject.GetType().Name, methodName, debugMessage)); }