Joint that allows a Rigidbody2D object to rotate around a point in space or a point on another object.
void Start () { //Get Motor Components armHinge = GameObject.Find ("GoblinBossArm").GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); armMotor = armHinge.motor; //Set Motor Configs armMotor.motorSpeed = 45.0f; armMotor.maxMotorTorque = 20.0f; armHinge.motor = armMotor; //Set Sight Configs //Initialize sight ray sightRay1Start = sight1Start.position; sightRay1End = sight1End.position; sightRay2Start = sight2Start.position; sightRay2End = sight2End.position; //Debug //Debug.Log("Motor Speed Set: "+armHinge.motor.motorSpeed); //Invoke TiltBack Invoke ("TiltArmBack", 1.5f); InvokeRepeating("PlayAudio", 1.0f, 10.0f); //hits config _hits = GameObject.Find ("GoblinBossBody").GetComponent<GoblinBody>(); }
public void Start() { // Center chain between the connected bodies transform.position = (bodyA.transform.position + bodyB.transform.position) / 2.0f; if (!isDuplicate) { // Attach to body A jointA = gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); jointA.connectedBody = bodyA; jointA.anchor = bodyA.transform.position - transform.position; jointA.connectedAnchor = offsetA; // Attach to body B jointB = gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); jointB.connectedBody = bodyB; jointB.anchor = bodyB.transform.position - transform.position; jointB.connectedAnchor = offsetB; } endA = bodyA.transform.position; endB = bodyB.transform.position; if (chainRenderer == null) { chainRenderer = GetComponent<ChainRenderer>(); } // For some reason in 4.5.2, chains are getting stuck in some kind of fake-sleep mode unless you touch something... rigidbody2D.mass = rigidbody2D.mass; }
void Start() { obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(obj); // trailSub = transform.GetChild (0).gameObject; trail = obj.GetComponent<TrailRenderer>(); player = transform.parent.transform.parent.gameObject; pMov = player.GetComponent<Player_Movement>(); obj.collider2D.enabled = false; obj.transform.parent = transform; obj.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>().anchor = new Vector2(-0.5f, 0); obj.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>().connectedBody = player.rigidbody2D; obj.collider2D.enabled = true; objMid = obj.GetComponentInChildren<GrapplingStalk>(); obj.SetActive(false); end = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(end); end.transform.parent = transform.parent; endScript = end.GetComponent<GrapplingEnd>(); endScript.setLayersToGrapple(possibleLayers); endScript.Setup(obj); endJoint = obj.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); endJoint.anchor = new Vector2(0.5f, 0); endJoint.connectedBody = end.rigidbody2D; lasCon = obj.GetComponent<laserConnector>(); lasCon.endPoint = end.transform; lasCon.startPoint = transform.parent; lasCon.player = player.transform; }
static public int set_useMotor(IntPtr l) { try { #if DEBUG var method = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); string methodName = GetMethodName(method); #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #else Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #endif #endif UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); bool v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.useMotor = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } #if DEBUG finally { #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); #else Profiler.EndSample(); #endif } #endif }
static public int get_limitState(IntPtr l) { try { #if DEBUG var method = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); string methodName = GetMethodName(method); #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #else Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #endif #endif UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushEnum(l, (int)self.limitState); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } #if DEBUG finally { #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); #else Profiler.EndSample(); #endif } #endif }
public void MakeHingeJoint(Rigidbody2D targetBody, Vector2 position, Vector2 connectedPosition) { stickHJ = gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); stickHJ.connectedBody = targetBody; stickHJ.anchor = transform.InverseTransformPoint(position); stickHJ.connectedAnchor = connectedPosition; }
public void ResetProjectile() { if (grappleJoint) { Destroy(grappleJoint); grappleJoint = null; } if (body) { body.isKinematic = true; Destroy(body); body = null; } if (parent) { transform.parent = parent; } transform.localEulerAngles =; transform.localPosition =; transform.localScale =; AttachedToPoint = false; clampSprite.sprite = collapsedSprite; }
void Start() { hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); JointMotor2D motor = hinge.motor;//.motorSpeed = MotorSpeed; motor.motorSpeed = MotorSpeed; hinge.motor = motor; }
//get transform and HingeJoint2D information from this joint's connected object void GetConnectedObject() { connectedObject = joint.connectedBody.transform; connectedJoint = connectedObject.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); jointGot = true; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { trapDoor = gameObject; transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent<PuzzleScript>().SendMessage ("addReceiverObject", trapDoor, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); joint = trapDoor.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { bool grab = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"); if (grab) { if( grabJoint ){ Destroy( grabJoint ); }else{ Collider2D[] objects = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll( transform.position, grabRadious ); foreach( Collider2D col in objects ){ if( col.transform.CompareTag("Grabable") ){ BodyPart part = col.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<BodyPart>(); if( part ){ part.SetGrabbed(); grabJoint = part.gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); Rigidbody2D r = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); grabJoint.connectedBody = r; return; } } } } } }
void Awake() { isOpened = false; _rigidbody = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); _rigidbody.gravityScale = 0.0f; _hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); JointAngleLimits2D anglelLimits = new JointAngleLimits2D(); anglelLimits.min = initialMinAngle; anglelLimits.max = initalMaxAngle; motors = new JointMotor2D(); motors.motorSpeed = 0; motors.maxMotorTorque = 10000; if(clockwise) { openedSpeed = _absolute_speed; closeSpeed = -1f * _absolute_speed; } else { openedSpeed = -1f * _absolute_speed; closeSpeed = _absolute_speed; } _hinge.limits = anglelLimits; }
void Start() { hj = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); motor.maxMotorTorque = 1000; motor.motorSpeed = 100; hj.motor = motor; }
protected override void Start() { base.Start (); mHingeJoint = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D> (); mHalfAngleLimits = (int)((mHingeJoint.limits.max - mHingeJoint.limits.min) / 2); mHalfAngleLimits = Mathf.Abs (mHalfAngleLimits); mTrigger = GetComponent<Trigger> (); }
void Awake() { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D> (); hinge.enabled = false; hinge.anchor = new Vector2 (playerHand.localPosition.x, playerHand.localPosition.y); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { chain = new GameObject[11]; jointGroot = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D> (); terrains = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("terrain"); spider = GameObject.Find("/root/spider"); berry = GameObject.Find("/root/berry"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Nave = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); joint = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D> (); joint.connectedBody = Nave.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); int mult = Camera.main.GetComponent<Contadores>().GetNaves() / 2; joint.anchor = new Vector2 (joint.anchor.x * (mult+1), 0); Camera.main.GetComponent<Contadores>().ContaNaves(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hinge = GetComponentInChildren<HingeJoint2D>(); //motor = hinge.motor; motor.maxMotorTorque = 5000; motor.motorSpeed = 120; swingingLeft = true; pendulumCollider = GetComponentInChildren<BoxCollider2D>(); }
void ChangePart(HingeJoint2D part, bool positive) { float min = positive ? 0f : -MOTOR_SPEED; float max = positive ? MOTOR_SPEED : 0f; var motor = part.motor; motor.motorSpeed = Random.Range(min, max); part.motor = motor; }
void Start() { startPoint = transform.position; body = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); jointMotor = new JointMotor2D(); jointMotor.maxMotorTorque = 10000f; wheelJoint = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); wheelJoint.useMotor = true; //wheelJoint.motor = jointMotor; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _hinge = gameObject.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); if (_hinge == null) { enabled = false; } else { AnchorX = _hinge.connectedAnchor.x; AnchorY = _hinge.connectedAnchor.y; } }
static public int get_motor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.motor); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_limitState(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushEnum(l, (int)self.limitState); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o; o=new UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D(); pushValue(l,true); pushValue(l,o); return 2; } catch(Exception e) { return error(l,e); } }
public static int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o; o=new UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D(); pushValue(l,o); return 1; } catch(Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return 0; } }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o; o = new UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D(); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_motor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.JointMotor2D v; checkValueType(l, 2, out v); self.motor = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_useLimits(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); bool v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.useLimits = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); _jointmotors.motorSpeed = releaseSpeed; _jointmotors.maxMotorTorque = 10000.0f; _hinge.motor = _jointmotors; _hinge.useMotor = true; _hinge.useLimits = true; JointAngleLimits2D jl = new JointAngleLimits2D(); jl.min = minAngle; jl.max = maxAngle; _hinge.limits = jl; _movingUp = true; _trigger = true; }
static void HingeJoint2D_useLimits(JSVCall vc) { if (vc.bGet) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D _this = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)vc.csObj; var result = _this.useLimits; JSApi.setBooleanS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (System.Boolean)(result)); } else { System.Boolean arg0 = (System.Boolean)JSApi.getBooleanS((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg); UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D _this = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)vc.csObj; _this.useLimits = arg0; } }
static public int GetMotorTorque(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); System.Single a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); var ret = self.GetMotorTorque(a1); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, ret); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { counter = 0; counterblood =0; BoxCollider2D[] myColliders = gameObject.GetComponents<BoxCollider2D>(); foreach (BoxCollider2D bc in myColliders) { counter = counter + 1; if(counter > 1){ Destroy(bc); } } distance = 0; //get hingejoint2D and rigidbody2D components from object on which this script is assigned joint = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); }
static public int GetMotorTorque(IntPtr l) { try{ UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D self = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); System.Single a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Single ret = self.GetMotorTorque(a1); pushValue(l, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
static void HingeJoint2D_limits(JSVCall vc) { if (vc.bGet) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D _this = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)vc.csObj; var result = _this.limits; JSMgr.datax.setObject((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, result); } else { UnityEngine.JointAngleLimits2D arg0 = (UnityEngine.JointAngleLimits2D)JSMgr.datax.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg); UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D _this = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)vc.csObj; _this.limits = arg0; } }
void Start () { //GetHits _hits = GameObject.Find("GoblinBossBody").GetComponent<GoblinBody>(); //Get Component headHinge = GameObject.Find ("GoblinBossHead").GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); headMotor = headHinge.motor; headMotor.motorSpeed = 5.0f; headMotor.maxMotorTorque = 20.0f; headHinge.motor = headMotor; Debug.Log("Motor Speed Set: "+headHinge.motor.motorSpeed); Invoke ("TiltHeadBack", 1.5f); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { //Get Motor Components wingHinge = GameObject.Find ("ShaddowWingsPinkBack").GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); wingMotor = wingHinge.motor; //Set Motor Configs wingMotor.motorSpeed = 50.0f; wingMotor.maxMotorTorque = 5000.0f; wingHinge.motor = wingMotor; //Debug //Debug.Log("Motor Speed Set: "+wingHinge.motor.motorSpeed); //Invoke WingsDown Invoke ("WingsFlightDown", 1.5f); }
public void Grab(Rigidbody2D torsoRB, Rigidbody2D leftArmRB, Rigidbody2D rightArmRB,Vector2 handOffset) { LeftHinge = gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); LeftHinge.connectedBody = leftArmRB; LeftHinge.anchor = new Vector2(0f, 0f); LeftHinge.connectedAnchor = handOffset; RightHinge = gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); RightHinge.connectedBody = rightArmRB; RightHinge.anchor = new Vector2(0f, -0.3f); RightHinge.connectedAnchor = handOffset; RootHinge = Root.gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); RootHinge.connectedBody = torsoRB; float offset = 1.3f * (Root.transform.position.y - transform.position.y); RootHinge.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(1.2f, offset); }
/// <summary> /// Write the specified value using the writer. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value.</param> /// <param name="writer">Writer.</param> public override void Write(object value, ISaveGameWriter writer) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D hingeJoint2D = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)value; writer.WriteProperty("useMotor", hingeJoint2D.useMotor); writer.WriteProperty("useLimits", hingeJoint2D.useLimits); writer.WriteProperty("motor", hingeJoint2D.motor); writer.WriteProperty("limits", hingeJoint2D.limits); writer.WriteProperty("anchor", hingeJoint2D.anchor); writer.WriteProperty("connectedAnchor", hingeJoint2D.connectedAnchor); writer.WriteProperty("autoConfigureConnectedAnchor", hingeJoint2D.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor); writer.WriteProperty("connectedBody", hingeJoint2D.connectedBody); writer.WriteProperty("enableCollision", hingeJoint2D.enableCollision); writer.WriteProperty("breakForce", hingeJoint2D.breakForce); writer.WriteProperty("breakTorque", hingeJoint2D.breakTorque); writer.WriteProperty("enabled", hingeJoint2D.enabled); writer.WriteProperty("tag", hingeJoint2D.tag); writer.WriteProperty("name",; writer.WriteProperty("hideFlags", hingeJoint2D.hideFlags); }
//private bool timePauseAnimation = 0; void Start () { berry = GameObject.Find("berry"); chain = new GameObject[100]; maxDiffC = chainLength * maxChainCount; jointWeb = web.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D> (); if (pointB != null) { if ( == "berry") webStateCollisionBerry = true; if ( == "spider") gSpiderClass.websSpider.Add(gameObject.GetInstanceID()); diff = pointB.transform.position + pointBAchor - web.transform.position; float pointBDiffC = Mathf.Sqrt(diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y); diffX = maxDiffC / pointBDiffC * diff.x / maxChainCount; diffY = maxDiffC / pointBDiffC * diff.y / maxChainCount; webState = "creatingWeb"; while (webState == "creatingWeb") { createWeb(pointB.transform.position, pointBAchor, true); int i = chainCount; //chain[i].rigidbody2D.fixedAngle = true; if (pointB.GetComponent<Collider2D>().OverlapPoint(chain[1].transform.position + new Vector3(diffX, diffY, 0)) || pointB.GetComponent<Collider2D>().OverlapPoint(chain[1].transform.position + new Vector3(diffX/2, diffY/2, 0))) { chainCount = i; HingeJoint2D jointChain = chain[1].GetComponent<HingeJoint2D> (); jointChain.connectedBody = pointB.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); jointChain.connectedAnchor = pointBAchor * 1024; jointChain.enabled = true; jointChain.useLimits = false; for (int y = 1; y <= chainCount; y ++){ chain[y].GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().drag = drag; chain[y].GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().enabled = true; //chain[y].rigidbody2D.angularDrag = 2; //chain[y].rigidbody2D.centerOfMass = new Vector2(0, -0.3F); } //i = maxChainCount / 2; webState = "enableWeb"; } } } }
//called when script is enabled void OnEnable () { //reset variables broken = false; jointGot = false; breakCount = 0; //save components in variables to use them in update function, good for optimization if(tr == null) tr = transform; //save this and connected chain's HingeJoint2D component and connected chains transform too, to use in angle calculation if(joint == null) joint = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); if(!limitBreakCount) maxBreakCount = breakCount + 1; time = Time.time; }
private GameObject initRopePiece() { GameObject ropePiece = new GameObject (ROPE_PIECE_OBJECT_NAME); if (ropePieceSprite != null) { ropePieceSpriteRenderer = ropePiece.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); ropePieceRigidbody = ropePiece.AddComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); ropePieceJoint = ropePiece.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); ropePieceSpriteRenderer.sprite = ropePieceSprite; ropePieceRigidbody.mass = pieceMass; ropePieceRigidbody.gravityScale = pieceGravityScale; ropePieceRigidbody.angularDrag = pieceDrag; ropePieceJoint.anchor = new Vector2(0, (ropePieceHeight / 2) + ropePieceCenterY); } else Debug.Log ("Please add sprite object to script (it's necessary)"); return ropePiece; }
public override void OnEnter() { var go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(gameObject); if (go != null) { _joint = go.GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>(); if(_joint!=null) { _motor = _joint.motor; _limits = _joint.limits; } } SetProperties(); if(!everyFrame) { Finish(); } }
static public int get_useLimits(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, o.useLimits); return(1); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Gets the motor torque of the joint given the specified timestep.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="timeStep">The time to calculate the motor torque for.</param> public float GetMotorTorque(float timeStep) { return(HingeJoint2D.INTERNAL_CALL_GetMotorTorque(this, timeStep)); }
private static void HingeJoint2D_CUSTOM_INTERNAL_GetReactionForce(HingeJoint2D joint, float timeStep, out Vector2 value) { throw new NotImplementedException("なにこれ"); }
/// <summary> /// Read the data using the reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">Reader.</param> public override object Read(ISaveGameReader reader) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D hingeJoint2D = SaveGameType.CreateComponent <UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D> (); ReadInto(hingeJoint2D, reader); return(hingeJoint2D); }
/// <summary> /// Read the data into the specified value. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value.</param> /// <param name="reader">Reader.</param> public override void ReadInto(object value, ISaveGameReader reader) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D hingeJoint2D = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)value; foreach (string property in reader.Properties) { switch (property) { case "useMotor": hingeJoint2D.useMotor = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> (); break; case "useLimits": hingeJoint2D.useLimits = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> (); break; case "motor": hingeJoint2D.motor = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.JointMotor2D> (); break; case "limits": hingeJoint2D.limits = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.JointAngleLimits2D> (); break; case "anchor": hingeJoint2D.anchor = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.Vector2> (); break; case "connectedAnchor": hingeJoint2D.connectedAnchor = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.Vector2> (); break; case "autoConfigureConnectedAnchor": hingeJoint2D.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> (); break; case "connectedBody": if (hingeJoint2D.connectedBody == null) { hingeJoint2D.connectedBody = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D> (); } else { reader.ReadIntoProperty <UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D> (hingeJoint2D.connectedBody); } break; case "enableCollision": hingeJoint2D.enableCollision = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> (); break; case "breakForce": hingeJoint2D.breakForce = reader.ReadProperty <System.Single> (); break; case "breakTorque": hingeJoint2D.breakTorque = reader.ReadProperty <System.Single> (); break; case "enabled": hingeJoint2D.enabled = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> (); break; case "tag": hingeJoint2D.tag = reader.ReadProperty <System.String> (); break; case "name": = reader.ReadProperty <System.String> (); break; case "hideFlags": hingeJoint2D.hideFlags = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.HideFlags> (); break; } } }
private static extern float INTERNAL_CALL_GetMotorTorque(HingeJoint2D self, float timeStep);
private static extern void HingeJoint2D_CUSTOM_INTERNAL_GetReactionForce(HingeJoint2D joint, float timeStep, out Vector2 value);
static public int get_motor(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, o.motor); return(1); }
static public int get_limitState(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushEnum(l, (int)o.limitState); return(1); }
static public int get_referenceAngle(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, o.referenceAngle); return(1); }
static public int get_jointSpeed(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D o = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, o.jointSpeed); return(1); }
private static float INTERNAL_CALL_GetMotorTorque(HingeJoint2D self, float timeStep) { throw new NotImplementedException("なにこれ"); }
public override void OnEnable() => Component = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.HingeJoint2D>();