protected virtual void OnGUI() { if (!SetPivot && Selection.activeGameObject) { oldpos = Selection.activeGameObject.transform.position; } GUI.BeginHorizontal(); SetPivot = (GUI.Toggle(SetPivot, "Pivot", GUI.ExpandWidth(false)) && Selection.activeGameObject != null); var old = SetCam; SetCam = (GUI.Toggle(SetCam && Camera.main != null, "Cam", GUI.ExpandHeight(false))); //camset if (SetCam != old && SetCam == false) { ResetCam(); } if (GUI.Button("Apply")) { ApplyAll(); } if (GUI.Button("Add")) { if (!instances.Contains( { instances.Add(; SaveParams(); } } GUI.EndHorizontal(); DrawObjects(); DrawSearch(); }
protected virtual void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button("Init")) { foreach (var go in Selection.gameObjects) { foreach (var scr in go.GetComponents <Base>()) { scr.Init(); } } } foreach (var a in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EditorGUI").Where(a => a != Selection.activeGameObject)) { a.GetComponent <Base>().OnEditorGui(); } if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { var bs2 = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <Base>(); if (bs2 != null) { bs2.OnEditorGui(); } } GUI.BeginHorizontal(); Base.debug = GUI.Toggle(Base.debug, "debug", GUI.ExpandWidth(false)); GUI.EndHorizontal(); DrawSearch(); }
public override void OnEditorGui() { if (GUI.Button("Link Nodes")) { Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("rtools"); Node[] nds = GetNodes(); foreach (Node a in nds) { foreach (var node in nds) { if (a != node && !a.nodes.Contains(node)) { a.nodes.Add(node); } } } } if (GUI.Button("UnLink Nodes")) { Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("rtools"); Node[] nds = GetNodes(); foreach (Node a in nds) { foreach (var node in nds) { a.nodes.Remove(node); } } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect) { searchText = searchField.OnGUI(searchText); scrollPosition = EGL.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); foreach (var type in behaviourTypes) { if (type.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower())) { EGL.BeginHorizontal(); EGL.LabelField(type, GL.Width(140)); if (GL.Button("Add", GL.Width(40))) { var instance = (StateBehaviour)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(type); = type; instance.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; list.Add(instance); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(instance, profile); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); editorWindow.Close(); } EGL.EndHorizontal(); } } EGL.EndScrollView(); }
private void DrawObjects() { List <string> toremove = new List <string>(); foreach (var inst in instances) { GUI.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUI.Button(inst)) { Object o = GameObject.Find(inst) != null?GameObject.Find(inst) : GameObject.FindObjectsOfTypeIncludingAssets(typeof(GameObject)).FirstOrDefault(a => == inst); Selection.activeObject = o; } if (GUI.Button("X", GUI.ExpandWidth(false))) { toremove.Add(inst); } GUI.EndHorizontal(); } foreach (var inst in toremove) { instances.Remove(inst); SaveParams(); } }
static bool TogglePrivate( String title, ref bool value, bool disclosureStyle = false, bool forceHorizontal = true, float width = 0, params GUILayoutOption[] options ) { bool changed = false; options = options.AddItem(width == 0 ? UI.AutoWidth() : UI.Width(width)).ToArray(); if (!disclosureStyle) { title = value ? title.bold() : title.color(RGBA.lightgrey); if (GL.Button("" + (value ? onMark : offMark) + " " + title, UI.buttonStyle, options)) { value = !value; changed = true; } } else { if (Private.UI.DisclosureToggle(title, value, options)) { value = !value; changed = true; } } return(changed); }
private void DrawDatas() { var packages = BaseData["Packages"]; if (packages.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < packages.Count; i++) { var value = packages[i]; GL.BeginVertical("OL box"); GL.BeginHorizontal("box"); GL.Label(value["name"].ToString()); GL.Label(value["version"].ToString()); if (Directory.Exists(value["localpath"].ToString())) { if (GL.Button("pack", GUILayout.Width(100))) { Export(value["name"].ToString(), value["localpath"].ToString()); } } else if (ExistsLocalPackage(value["name"].ToString())) { if (GL.Button("Import", GUILayout.Width(100))) { } } GL.EndHorizontal(); GL.EndVertical(); } } }
private void CopyComponent() { if (GUI.Button("CloneComp")) { selectedGameObject = selectedGameObject == null ? Selection.activeGameObject : null; } if (selectedGameObject != null) { foreach (var c in selectedGameObject.GetComponents <Component>()) { if (GUI.Button(c.GetType().Name)) { foreach (GameObject g in Selection.gameObjects) { var c2 = g.AddComponent(c.GetType()); foreach (FieldInfo f in c.GetType().GetFields()) { f.SetValue(c2, f.GetValue(c)); } //foreach (PropertyInfo p in c.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) // if(p.CanRead && p.CanWrite) // p.SetValue(c2, p.GetValue(c,null),null); //Debug.Log(c.GetType().GetProperties().Length+"+"); } } } GUI.Space(10); } }
public static void SetKeyBinding(ref KeyCode keyCode) { string label = (keyCode == KeyCode.None) ? Strings.GetText("button_PressKey") : keyCode.ToString(); if (GL.Button(label, GL.ExpandWidth(false))) { keyCode = KeyCode.None; } if (keyCode == KeyCode.None && Event.current != null) { if (Event.current.isKey) { keyCode = Event.current.keyCode; Input.ResetInputAxes(); } else { foreach (KeyCode mouseButton in mouseButtonsValid) { if (Input.GetKey(mouseButton)) { keyCode = mouseButton; Input.ResetInputAxes(); } } } } }
public static void SetModifiedValueButtonDiceFormula <T>(int rolls, DiceType dice, string name, string guid) { if (GL.Button(Strings.GetText("button_SetTo") + $" {rolls} * {dice}", GL.ExpandWidth(false))) { ModifiedDiceFormula diceFormula = new ModifiedDiceFormula(); diceFormula.m_Rolls = rolls; diceFormula.m_Dice = dice; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Storage.modEntryPath + Storage.modifiedBlueprintsFolder + "\\" + guid + ".json"); if (File.Exists(file.FullName)) { T modifiedItem = ModifiedBlueprintTools.DeserialiseItem <T>(file); Traverse.Create(modifiedItem).Property(name).SetValue(diceFormula); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedItem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, json); } else { T modifiedItem = default(T); modifiedItem = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); Traverse.Create(modifiedItem).Property(name).SetValue(diceFormula); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedItem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, json); } ModifiedBlueprintTools.blueprintLists = false; ModifiedBlueprintTools.Patch(); } }
public static void SetModifiedValueButtonAttackType <T>(string name, string guid) { foreach (AttackType attackType in (AttackType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttackType))) { if (GL.Button(Strings.GetText("button_SetTo") + $" {attackType}", GL.ExpandWidth(false))) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Storage.modEntryPath + Storage.modifiedBlueprintsFolder + "\\" + guid + ".json"); if (File.Exists(file.FullName)) { T modifiedItem = ModifiedBlueprintTools.DeserialiseItem <T>(file); Traverse.Create(modifiedItem).Property(name).SetValue(attackType); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedItem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, json); } else { T modifiedItem = default(T); modifiedItem = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); Traverse.Create(modifiedItem).Property(name).SetValue(attackType); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedItem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, json); } ModifiedBlueprintTools.blueprintLists = false; ModifiedBlueprintTools.Patch(); } } }
private void OnGUI() { scrollView = Gl.BeginScrollView(scrollView); { Gl.TextArea(log); } Gl.EndScrollView(); EditorUtil.HorizontalRule(); Gl.BeginHorizontal(); { Gl.Label("Save Log:", Gl.ExpandWidth(false)); outputPath = Gl.TextField(outputPath); } Gl.EndHorizontal(); Gl.BeginHorizontal(); { if (Gl.Button("Save")) { PrintLog(); } if (Gl.Button("Close")) { Close(); } } Gl.EndHorizontal(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var script = (BehaviourScript)target; if (script.compileOkay) { EGL.HelpBox("The script is compiled and up to date!", MessageType.Info); } if (script.notUpToDate) { EGL.HelpBox("The compiled script is not up to date.", MessageType.Warning); } if (script.notCompiled) { EGL.HelpBox("The script is not yet compiled.", MessageType.Error); } if (GL.Button("Compile")) { script.Compile(); } if (GL.Button("Print AST")) { script.PrintAST(); } }
private void OnGUIVendors(Vendors.Vendor vendor) { using (new GUISubScope()) { using (new GL.HorizontalScope()) { GL.Label(string.Format("{0}: ", vendor.DisplayName), MenuHelpers.LabelStyleFixed, falseWidth); if (GL.Button(Local["Menu_Btn_MoveVendor"], MenuHelpers.ButtonStyle, falseWidth)) { var position = Game.Instance.Player.MainCharacter.Value.Position; var rotation = Game.Instance.Player.MainCharacter.Value.OrientationDirection; SettingsWrapper.Positions[vendor.UnitGuid] = position; SettingsWrapper.Rotations[vendor.UnitGuid] = rotation; vendor.Move(position, rotation); } if (GL.Button(Local["Menu_Btn_Enable"], MenuHelpers.ButtonStyle, falseWidth)) { SettingsWrapper.VendorEnabled[vendor.UnitGuid] = true; vendor.Enable(); } if (GL.Button(Local["Menu_Btn_Disable"], MenuHelpers.ButtonStyle, falseWidth)) { SettingsWrapper.VendorEnabled[vendor.UnitGuid] = false; vendor.Disable(); } } } }
private void OnGUIThroneRoom() { using (new GUISubScope(Local["Menu_Tab_TRV"], "box")) { if (!HamHelpers.InThroneRoom()) { GL.Label(Local["Menu_Txt_NotInThrone"]); return; } GL.Label(Local["Menu_Lbl_MoveVendor"], MenuHelpers.LabelStyleWrap, falseWidth); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Vendors.Vendor> kvp in Vendors.VendorBlueprints.NewVendors.Where(n => n.Value.AreaId == Vendors.Vendor.Area.ThroneRoom)) { OnGUIVendors(kvp.Value); } GL.Label(Local["Menu_Txt_CleanOld"]); if (GL.Button(Local["Menu_Btn_CleanOld"], MenuHelpers.ButtonStyle, falseWidth)) { foreach (UnitEntityData unit in Game.Instance.State.Units) { if (oldVendors.Contains(unit.Blueprint.AssetGuid)) { unit.Destroy(); } } } GUI.enabled = true; } }
private void DrawAssurer(VAssetManager Manager) { GL.BeginVertical("OL box"); GL.Label(Manager.ManagerName); var list = Manager.GetAssurerList(); if (list.Count == 0) { EGL.HelpBox("暂无资产", MessageType.Info); } else { list.ForEach(assurer => { GL.BeginVertical("GroupBox"); GL.BeginHorizontal(); GL.Label(String.Format("{0} : Ref {1}", assurer.Value.AssetPath, assurer.Value.UseCount)); if (GL.Button("Kill", GUILayout.Width(100))) { assurer.Value.ForceRecycle(); } GL.EndHorizontal(); GL.EndVertical(); GL.Space(2); }); } GL.EndVertical(); }
public void DrawLuaScript(string filePath) { FindLuaTableInfo(filePath); // 以上是初始化环节 var luaName = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1, filePath.Length - filePath.LastIndexOf("/") - 1).Replace(".lua", ""); GL.BeginVertical("OL box"); GL.Label(luaName, EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (mExecuteFunctionDirt == null || mExecuteFunctionDirt.Count() < 1) { EGL.HelpBox("没有可以被执行的方法", MessageType.Warning); } else { foreach (var m in mExecuteFunctionDirt) { GL.BeginHorizontal("box"); var methodName = string.Format("{0}:{1}", luaName, m.Key); GL.Label(methodName); if (GL.Button("Execute", GUILayout.Width(100))) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("<color=#FFA80B>Execute {0}:{1}</color>", luaName, m.Key); m.Value.Invoke(); } GL.EndHorizontal(); GL.Space(2); } } GL.EndVertical(); }
public static void ToggleButton(Setting <bool> val, string label, GUILayoutOption[] lblOpts, GUILayoutOption[] btnOpts) { UGUI.BeginHorizontal(); UGUI.Label(label, Style.Label, lblOpts); UGUI.Space(5f); val.Value = UGUI.Button(val.Value ? GUI.LabelEnabled : GUI.LabelDisabled, Style.TextButton, btnOpts); UGUI.EndHorizontal(); }
public static void ToggleButton(Setting <bool> val, string label) { UGUI.BeginHorizontal(); UGUI.Label(label, Style.Label, DefaultOption); UGUI.Space(5f); val.Value = UGUI.Button(val.Value ? GUI.LabelEnabled : GUI.LabelDisabled, Style.TextButton, DefaultOption); UGUI.EndHorizontal(); }
protected virtual void OnGUI() { if (Camera.main == null) { return; } if (!SetPivot && Selection.activeGameObject) { oldpos = Selection.activeGameObject.transform.position; } GUI.BeginHorizontal(); SetPivot = (GUI.Toggle(SetPivot, "Pivot", GUI.ExpandWidth(false)) && Selection.activeGameObject != null); var old = SetCam; SetCam = (GUI.Toggle(SetCam && Camera.main != null, "Cam", GUI.ExpandHeight(false))); //camset Camera.main.renderingPath = (RenderingPath)gui.EnumPopup(Camera.main.renderingPath); if (SetCam != old && SetCam == false) { ResetCam(); } if (GUI.Button("Apply")) { ApplyAll(); } if (GUI.Button("Add")) { if (!instances.Contains( { instances.Add(; SaveParams(); } } if (GUI.Button("Init")) { foreach (var a in Selection.gameObjects.Select(a => a.GetComponent <MonoBehaviour>())) { a.SendMessage("Init", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } GUI.EndHorizontal(); QualitySettings.shadowDistance = gui.FloatField("LightmapDist", QualitySettings.shadowDistance); if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { LayerDistances(); var bs = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <Base>(); if (bs != null) { bs.OnInspectorGUI(); } } DrawObjects(); DrawSearch(); }
public static void SetModifiedValueStatType <T>(string name, string guid) { StatType[] statTypes = (StatType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(StatType)); for (int i = 0; i < statTypes.Count(); i++) { switch (i) { case 0: case 4: case 8: case 12: case 16: case 20: case 24: case 28: case 32: case 36: GL.BeginHorizontal(); break; } if (GL.Button(Strings.GetText("button_SetTo") + $" {statTypes[i]}", GL.Width(210f))) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Storage.modEntryPath + Storage.modifiedBlueprintsFolder + "\\" + guid + ".json"); if (File.Exists(file.FullName)) { T modifiedItem = ModifiedBlueprintTools.DeserialiseItem <T>(file); Traverse.Create(modifiedItem).Property(name).SetValue(statTypes[i]); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedItem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, json); } else { T modifiedItem = default(T); modifiedItem = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); Traverse.Create(modifiedItem).Property(name).SetValue(statTypes[i]); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedItem, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, json); } ModifiedBlueprintTools.blueprintLists = false; ModifiedBlueprintTools.Patch(); } switch (i) { case 3: case 7: case 11: case 15: case 19: case 23: case 27: case 31: case 35: case 37: GL.EndHorizontal(); break; } } }
public static bool ToggleButton(bool val, string label, GUILayoutOption[] lblOpts, GUILayoutOption[] btnOpts) { UGUI.BeginHorizontal(); UGUI.Label(label, Style.Label, lblOpts); UGUI.Space(5f); val = UGUI.Button(val ? GUI.LabelEnabled : GUI.LabelDisabled, Style.TextButton, btnOpts); UGUI.EndHorizontal(); return(val); }
public static bool ToggleButton(bool val, string label) { UGUI.BeginHorizontal(); UGUI.Label(label, Style.Label, DefaultOption); UGUI.Space(5f); val = UGUI.Button(val ? GUI.LabelEnabled : GUI.LabelDisabled, Style.TextButton, DefaultOption); UGUI.EndHorizontal(); return(val); }
static bool CenteredButton(string content) { EGL.BeginHorizontal(); GL.FlexibleSpace(); var res = GL.Button(content, GL.Width(150)); GL.FlexibleSpace(); EGL.EndHorizontal(); return res; }
private bool DrawForceGenButton() { bool clicked = GL.Button( new GUIContent("Force Generate", "Deletes the current file thus forcing the generator to create a new one."), GL.Height(20) ); return(clicked); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); var tree = (BehaviourTree)target; var script = tree.source; if (script) { if (script.notCompiled) { EGL.HelpBox("Script is not compiled.", MessageType.Error); } if (script.notUpToDate) { EGL.HelpBox("Script is not up to date.", MessageType.Warning); } if (script.compileOkay) { EGL.HelpBox("Script is compiled and up to date.", MessageType.Info); } if (GL.Button("Compile")) { script.Compile(); } } if (Application.isPlaying) { EGL.Space(); EGL.LabelField("Conditions"); GUI.enabled = false; foreach (var cond in tree.blackboard) { var k = cond.Key; var v = cond.Value; if (v is float) { EGL.FloatField(k, (float)v); } else if (v is int) { EGL.IntField(k, (int)v); } else if (v is bool) { EGL.Toggle(k, (bool)v); } else if (v is string) { EGL.TextField(k, (string)v); } } GUI.enabled = true; Repaint(); } }
void OnGUI() { if (!model.enable) { model.enable = ToggleLeft("Log", model.enable); return; } instance = this; // TODO: why do this here? BeginHorizontal(); if (GL.Button("˂", GL.ExpandWidth(false))) { model.SelectPreviousFrame(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } GL.Button(frameNo, GL.MaxWidth(48f)); if (GL.Button("˃", GL.ExpandWidth(false))) { model.SelectNextFrame(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } GL.FlexibleSpace(); EndHorizontal(); // scroll = BeginScrollView(scroll); GUI.backgroundColor =; var style =; var f = font; if (f == null) { Debug.LogError("font not available"); } style.font = f; style.fontSize = FontSize; style.normal.textColor = Color.white * 0.9f; style.focused.textColor = Color.white; style.focused.textColor = Color.white; GL.TextArea(model.output, GL.ExpandHeight(true)); EndScrollView(); // GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; // var w30 = GL.MaxWidth(30f); BeginHorizontal(); model.enable = ToggleLeft($"Log", model.enable, GL.MaxWidth(60)); model.trails = ToggleLeft("Trails", model.trails, GL.MaxWidth(50)); GL.Label("Offset: ", GL.ExpandWidth(false)); var rs = model.renderSettings; rs.offset = FloatField(model.renderSettings.offset, w30); GL.Label("Size: ", w30); rs.size = FloatField(rs.size, w30); GL.Label("Col: ", w30); rs.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(rs.color); EndHorizontal(); }
private bool DrawGenButton() { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white * 2.5f; GUI.contentColor = * 5; bool clicked = GL.Button( new GUIContent("Generate", "Generates the file by writing new updated contents or generates the file is none is present."), GL.Height(20) ); return(clicked); }
private void DrawScript(Type t) { var att = t.RTGetAttribute <QuickExecuteAttribute>(false); if (att == null) { return; } GL.BeginVertical("OL box"); GL.Label(t.Name, EditorStyles.boldLabel); var methods = t.GetMethods().Where((i) => { return(i.RTGetAttribute <ExecuteMethodAttribute>(false) != null); }); if (methods.Count() < 1) { EGL.HelpBox("没有可以被执行的方法(请检查是否添加了[ExecuteMethodAttribute])", MessageType.Warning); } else { foreach (var m in methods) { GL.Space(2); GL.BeginHorizontal(); var methodName = m.Name + ":("; var param = m.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++) { var p = param[i]; if (i != param.Length - 1) { methodName += string.Format("<b>{0}</b> , ", p.ToString()); } else { methodName += string.Format("<b>{0}</b>", p.ToString()); } } methodName += ")"; GL.Label(methodName); if (GL.Button("Execute", GUILayout.Width(100))) { var o = ReflectionTools.CreateObject(t); //TODO 扩展编辑参数 if (param.Length == 0) { m.Invoke(o, null); } Log.I(string.Format("<color=#FFA80B>Execute {0}</color>", methodName)); } GL.EndHorizontal(); GL.Space(2); } } GL.EndVertical(); }
public static void ActionButton(String title, Action action, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { if (options.Length == 0) { options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GL.Width(300f) }; } if (GL.Button(title, options)) { action(); } }