void EnsureMinimumBuildTarget() { var userSetTargetVersion = OSVersion.Parse(PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString); if (userSetTargetVersion < new OSVersion(11)) { throw new BuildFailedException($"You have selected a minimum target iOS version of {userSetTargetVersion} and have the ARKit package installed." + "ARKit requires at least iOS version 11.0 (See Player Settings > Other Settings > Target minimum iOS Version)."); } }
void EnsureMinimumXcodeVersion() { #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX var xcodeIndex = Math.Max(0, XcodeApplications.GetPreferedXcodeIndex()); var xcodeVersion = OSVersion.Parse(XcodeApplications.GetXcodeApplicationPublicName(xcodeIndex)); if (xcodeVersion == new OSVersion(0)) { throw new BuildFailedException($"Could not determine which version of Xcode was selected in the Build Settings. Xcode app was computed as \"{XcodeApplications.GetXcodeApplicationPublicName(xcodeIndex)}\"."); } if (xcodeVersion < new OSVersion( k_TargetMinimumMajorXcodeVersion, k_TargetMinimumMinorXcodeVersion, k_TargetMinimumPatchXcodeVersion)) { throw new BuildFailedException($"The selected Xcode version: {xcodeVersion} is below the minimum Xcode required Xcode version for the Unity ARKit Plugin. Please target at least Xcode version {k_TargetMinimumMajorXcodeVersion}.{k_TargetMinimumMinorXcodeVersion}.{k_TargetMinimumPatchXcodeVersion}."); } #endif }