private void DrawInteractivePickButton(Rect rect)
            if (s_PickButtonIcon == null)
                s_PickButtonIcon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout("Button");

            var toggleRebind = GUI.Toggle(rect,
                                          m_RebindingOperation != null && m_RebindingOperation.started, s_PickButtonIcon, EditorStyles.miniButton);

            if (toggleRebind && (m_RebindingOperation == null || !m_RebindingOperation.started))
                // Start rebind.

                if (m_RebindingOperation == null)
                    m_RebindingOperation = new InputActionRebindingExtensions.RebindingOperation();

                ////TODO: if we have multiple candidates that we can't trivially decide between, let user choose

                // Require minimum actuation of 0.15f. This is after deadzoning has been applied.
                // After 4 seconds, cancel the operation.
                ////REVIEW: the delay makes it more robust but doesn't feel good
                // Give us a buffer of 0.25 seconds to see if a better match comes along.
                ////REVIEW: should we exclude only the system's active pointing device?
                // With the mouse operating the UI, its cursor control is too fickle a thing to
                // bind to. Ignore mouse position and delta.
                // NOTE: We go for all types of pointers here, not just mice.
                    operation =>
                    ////REVIEW: Is there a better way to do this? All we want is for the *current* UI to repaint but Unity's
                    ////        editor API seems to have no way to retrieve the current EditorWindow from inside an OnGUI callback.
                    ////        So we'd have to pass the EditorWindow in here all the way from the EditorWindow.OnGUI() callback
                    ////        itself.

                    if (m_NeedToClearProgressBar)
                    operation =>
                    if (m_NeedToClearProgressBar)
                    (operation, newPath) =>
                    pathProperty.stringValue = newPath;

                // If we have control paths to match, pass them on.
                if (m_ControlPathsToMatch.LengthSafe() > 0)
                    m_ControlPathsToMatch.Select(x => m_RebindingOperation.WithControlsHavingToMatchPath(x));

            else if (!toggleRebind && m_RebindingOperation != null && m_RebindingOperation.started)
            private void AddControlItem(InputControlLayout.ControlItem control, TreeViewItem parent, ref int id)
                var item = AddChild(parent, control.variants.IsEmpty() ? : string.Format("{0} ({1})",
                                                                                            , control.variants), ref id);

                if (!control.layout.IsEmpty())
                    item.icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(control.layout);

                ////TODO: fully merge TreeViewItems from isModifyingChildControlByPath control layouts into the control they modify

                ////TODO: allow clicking this field to jump to the layout
                if (!control.layout.IsEmpty())
                    AddChild(item, $"Layout: {control.layout}", ref id);
                if (!control.variants.IsEmpty())
                    AddChild(item, $"Variant: {control.variants}", ref id);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.displayName))
                    AddChild(item, $"Display Name: {control.displayName}", ref id);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.shortDisplayName))
                    AddChild(item, $"Short Display Name: {control.shortDisplayName}", ref id);
                if (control.format != 0)
                    AddChild(item, $"Format: {control.format}", ref id);
                if (control.offset != InputStateBlock.kInvalidOffset)
                    AddChild(item, $"Offset: {control.offset}", ref id);
                if (control.bit != InputStateBlock.kInvalidOffset)
                    AddChild(item, $"Bit: {control.bit}", ref id);
                if (control.sizeInBits != 0)
                    AddChild(item, $"Size In Bits: {control.sizeInBits}", ref id);
                if (control.isArray)
                    AddChild(item, $"Array Size: {control.arraySize}", ref id);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.useStateFrom))
                    AddChild(item, $"Use State From: {control.useStateFrom}", ref id);
                if (!control.defaultState.isEmpty)
                    AddChild(item, $"Default State: {control.defaultState.ToString()}", ref id);
                if (!control.minValue.isEmpty)
                    AddChild(item, $"Min Value: {control.minValue.ToString()}", ref id);
                if (!control.maxValue.isEmpty)
                    AddChild(item, $"Max Value: {control.maxValue.ToString()}", ref id);

                if (control.usages.Count > 0)
                    AddChild(item, "Usages: " + string.Join(", ", control.usages.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), ref id);
                if (control.aliases.Count > 0)
                    AddChild(item, "Aliases: " + string.Join(", ", control.aliases.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), ref id);

                if (control.isNoisy || control.isSynthetic)
                    var flags = "Flags: ";
                    if (control.isNoisy)
                        flags += "Noisy";
                    if (control.isSynthetic)
                        if (control.isNoisy)
                            flags += ", Synthetic";
                            flags += "Synthetic";
                    AddChild(item, flags, ref id);

                if (control.parameters.Count > 0)
                    var parameters = AddChild(item, "Parameters", ref id);
                    foreach (var parameter in control.parameters)
                        AddChild(parameters, parameter.ToString(), ref id);

                if (control.processors.Count > 0)
                    var processors = AddChild(item, "Processors", ref id);
                    foreach (var processor in control.processors)
                        var processorItem = AddChild(processors,, ref id);
                        foreach (var parameter in processor.parameters)
                            AddChild(processorItem, parameter.ToString(), ref id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Grab <see cref="InputSystem.settings"/> and set it up for editing.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeWithCurrentSettings()
            // Find the set of available assets in the project.
            m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets = FindInputSettingsInProject();

            // See which is the active one.
            m_Settings = InputSystem.settings;
            var currentSettingsPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_Settings);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentSettingsPath))
                if (m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets.Length != 0)
                    m_CurrentSelectedInputSettingsAsset = 0;
                    m_Settings           = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <InputSettings>(m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets[0]);
                    InputSystem.settings = m_Settings;
                m_CurrentSelectedInputSettingsAsset = ArrayHelpers.IndexOf(m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets, currentSettingsPath);
                if (m_CurrentSelectedInputSettingsAsset == -1)
                    // This is odd and shouldn't happen. Solve by just adding the path to the list.
                    m_CurrentSelectedInputSettingsAsset =
                        ArrayHelpers.Append(ref m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets, currentSettingsPath);

                ////REVIEW: should we store this by platform?
                EditorBuildSettings.AddConfigObject(kEditorBuildSettingsConfigKey, m_Settings, true);

            // Refresh the list of assets we display in the UI.
            m_AvailableSettingsAssetsOptions = new GUIContent[m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets.Length; ++i)
                var name = m_AvailableInputSettingsAssets[i];
                if (name.StartsWith("Assets/"))
                    name = name.Substring("Assets/".Length);
                if (name.EndsWith(".asset"))
                    name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - ".asset".Length);
                if (name.EndsWith(".inputsettings"))
                    name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - ".inputsettings".Length);

                // Ugly hack: GenericMenu iterprets "/" as a submenu path. But luckily, "/" is not the only slash we have in Unicode.
                m_AvailableSettingsAssetsOptions[i] = new GUIContent(name.Replace("/", "\u29f8"));

            // Look up properties.
            m_SettingsObject   = new SerializedObject(m_Settings);
            m_UpdateMode       = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_UpdateMode");
            m_ActionUpdateMode = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_ActionUpdateMode");
            m_TimesliceEvents  = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_TimesliceEvents");
            m_CompensateForScreenOrientation = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_CompensateForScreenOrientation");
            m_FilterNoiseOnCurrent           = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_FilterNoiseOnCurrent");
            m_DefaultDeadzoneMin             = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultDeadzoneMin");
            m_DefaultDeadzoneMax             = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultDeadzoneMax");
            m_DefaultButtonPressPoint        = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultButtonPressPoint");
            m_DefaultTapTime     = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultTapTime");
            m_DefaultSlowTapTime = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultSlowTapTime");
            m_DefaultHoldTime    = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_DefaultHoldTime");

            // Initialize ReorderableList for list of supported devices.
            var supportedDevicesProperty = m_SettingsObject.FindProperty("m_SupportedDevices");

            m_SupportedDevices = new ReorderableList(m_SettingsObject, supportedDevicesProperty)
                drawHeaderCallback =
                    rect => { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, m_SupportedDevicesText); },
                onChangedCallback =
                    list => { Apply(); },
                onAddDropdownCallback =
                    (rect, list) =>
                    var dropdown = new InputControlPickerDropdown(
                        new InputControlPickerState(),
                        path =>
                        var layoutName = InputControlPath.TryGetDeviceLayout(path) ?? path;
                        var numDevices = supportedDevicesProperty.arraySize;
                        .stringValue = layoutName;
                        mode: InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice);
                drawElementCallback =
                    (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) =>
                    var layoutName = m_Settings.supportedDevices[index];
                    var icon       = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(layoutName);
                    if (icon != null)
                        var iconRect = rect;
                        iconRect.width = 20;
                        rect.x        += 20;
                        rect.width    -= 20;

                        GUI.Label(iconRect, icon);

                    EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, m_Settings.supportedDevices[index]);
            protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
                var id = 0;

                var root = new TreeViewItem
                    id    = id++,
                    depth = -1

                ////TODO: this will need to be improved for multi-user scenarios
                // Actions.
                if (m_EnabledActions.Count > 0)
                    actionsItem = AddChild(root, $"Actions ({m_EnabledActions.Count})", ref id);
                    AddEnabledActions(actionsItem, ref id);

                // Users.
                var userCount = InputUser.all.Count;

                if (userCount > 0)
                    usersItem = AddChild(root, $"Users ({userCount})", ref id);
                    foreach (var user in InputUser.all)
                        AddUser(usersItem, user, ref id);

                // Devices.
                var devices = InputSystem.devices;

                devicesItem = AddChild(root, $"Devices ({devices.Count})", ref id);
                var          haveRemotes      = devices.Any(x => x.remote);
                TreeViewItem localDevicesNode = null;

                if (haveRemotes)
                    // Split local and remote devices into groups.

                    localDevicesNode = AddChild(devicesItem, "Local", ref id);
                    AddDevices(localDevicesNode, devices, ref id);

                    var remoteDevicesNode = AddChild(devicesItem, "Remote", ref id);
                    foreach (var player in EditorConnection.instance.ConnectedPlayers)
                        var playerNode = AddChild(remoteDevicesNode,, ref id);
                        AddDevices(playerNode, devices, ref id, player.playerId);
                    // We don't have remote devices so don't add an extra group for local devices.
                    // Put them all directly underneath the "Devices" node.
                    AddDevices(devicesItem, devices, ref id);

                ////TDO: unsupported and disconnected devices should also be shown for remotes

                if (m_UnsupportedDevices == null)
                    m_UnsupportedDevices = new List <InputDeviceDescription>();
                if (m_UnsupportedDevices.Count > 0)
                    var parent = haveRemotes ? localDevicesNode : devicesItem;
                    var unsupportedDevicesNode = AddChild(parent, $"Unsupported ({m_UnsupportedDevices.Count})", ref id);
                    foreach (var device in m_UnsupportedDevices)
                        AddChild(unsupportedDevicesNode, device.ToString(), ref id);
                    unsupportedDevicesNode.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName));

                var disconnectedDevices = InputSystem.disconnectedDevices;

                if (disconnectedDevices.Count > 0)
                    var parent = haveRemotes ? localDevicesNode : devicesItem;
                    var disconnectedDevicesNode = AddChild(parent, $"Disconnected ({disconnectedDevices.Count})", ref id);
                    foreach (var device in disconnectedDevices)
                        AddChild(disconnectedDevicesNode, device.ToString(), ref id);
                    disconnectedDevicesNode.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName));

                // Layouts.
                layoutsItem = AddChild(root, "Layouts", ref id);
                AddControlLayouts(layoutsItem, ref id);

                ////FIXME: this shows local configuration only
                // Settings.
                var settings          = InputSystem.settings;
                var settingsAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(settings);
                var settingsLabel     = "Settings";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsAssetPath))
                    settingsLabel = $"Settings ({Path.GetFileName(settingsAssetPath)})";
                settingsItem = AddChild(root, settingsLabel, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Update Mode", settings.updateMode, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Timeslice Events", settings.timesliceEvents, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Compensate For Screen Orientation", settings.compensateForScreenOrientation, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Filter Noise On .current", settings.filterNoiseOnCurrent, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Button Press Point", settings.defaultButtonPressPoint, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Deadzone Min", settings.defaultDeadzoneMin, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Deadzone Max", settings.defaultDeadzoneMax, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Tap Time", settings.defaultTapTime, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Slow Tap Time", settings.defaultSlowTapTime, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Hold Time", settings.defaultHoldTime, ref id);
                AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Lock Input To Game View", InputEditorUserSettings.lockInputToGameView, ref id);
                if (settings.supportedDevices.Count > 0)
                    var supportedDevices = AddChild(settingsItem, "Supported Devices", ref id);
                    foreach (var item in settings.supportedDevices)
                        var icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(item);
                        AddChild(supportedDevices, item, ref id, icon);
                settingsItem.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName));

                // Metrics.
                var metrics = InputSystem.GetMetrics();

                metricsItem = AddChild(root, "Metrics", ref id);
                         "Current State Size in Bytes: " + StringHelpers.NicifyMemorySize(metrics.currentStateSizeInBytes),
                         ref id);
                AddValueItem(metricsItem, "Current Control Count", metrics.currentControlCount, ref id);
                AddValueItem(metricsItem, "Current Layout Count", metrics.currentLayoutCount, ref id);
