        /// <summary>
        /// Iterate over the configured list of loaders and attempt to initialize each one. The first one
        /// that succeeds is set as the active loader and initialization immediately terminates.
        /// When complete, <see cref="isInitializationComplete"/> will be set to true. This will mark that it is safe to
        /// call other parts of the API, but does not guarantee that init successfully created a loader. To check that init successfully created a loader,
        /// you need to check that ActiveLoader is not null.
        /// **Note:** There can only be one active loader. Any attempt to initialize a new active loader with one
        /// already set will cause a warning to be logged and this function wil immeditely exit.
        /// Iteration is done asynchronously. You must call this method within the context of a Coroutine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Enumerator marking the next spot to continue execution at.</returns>
        public IEnumerator InitializeLoader()
            if (activeLoader != null)
                    "Adaptive Performance Management has already initialized an active loader in this scene." +
                    "Please make sure to stop all subsystems and deinitialize the active loader before initializing a new one.");
                yield break;

            foreach (var loader in loaders)
                if (loader != null)
                    if (loader.Initialize())
                        activeLoader             = loader;
                        m_InitializationComplete = true;
                        yield break;

                yield return(null);

            activeLoader = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// If there is an active loader, this function will deinitialize it and remove the active loader instance from
        /// management. Unity will automatically call <see cref="StopSubsystems"/> before deinitialization to make sure
        /// that things are cleaned up appropriately.
        /// You must wait for <see cref="isInitializationComplete"/> to be set to true before calling this API.
        /// On return, <see cref="isInitializationComplete"/> will be set to false.
        /// </summary>
        public void DeinitializeLoader()
            if (!m_InitializationComplete)
                    "Call to DeinitializeLoader without an initialized manager." +
                    "Please make sure to wait for initialization to complete before calling this API.");

            if (activeLoader != null)
                activeLoader = null;

            m_InitializationComplete = false;