private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost) { float num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f; string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath; bool enterChildren = true; Color color = GUI.color; Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor; Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors; bool flag = false; float x = -1f; float num2 = -1f; float num3 = -1f; int num4 = 0; float num5 = -1f; string text = null; r.height -= 1f; GUI.BeginGroup(r); float num6 = 0f; r.y = num6; r.x = num6; bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea; float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width; float x2 = r.x; float x3 = shownArea.x; while (iter.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = true; float num7 = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset; float durationMS = iter.durationMS; float num8 = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f); float num9 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2); float num10 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7 + num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f; float num11 = num10 - num9; if (num9 > r.x + r.width || num10 < r.x) { enterChildren = false; } else { float num12 = (float)(iter.depth - 1); float num13 = r.y + num12 * 16f; if (flag) { bool flag4 = false; if (num11 >= num) { flag4 = true; } if (num3 != num13) { flag4 = true; } if (num9 - num2 > 6f) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4); flag = false; } } if (num11 < num) { enterChildren = false; if (!flag) { flag = true; num3 = num13; x = num9; num4 = 0; } num2 = num10; num4++; } else { int id =; string path = iter.path; bool flag5 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost; if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0) { flag5 &= (id == this.m_SelectedID); } flag5 &= (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread); Color white = Color.white; Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length]; color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f); if (ghost) { color2.a = 0.4f; white.a = 0.5f; } string text2 =; if (flag5) { text = text2; this.m_SelectedTime = num7; this.m_SelectedDur = durationMS; num5 = num13 + 16f; } if (num11 < 20f) { text2 = string.Empty; } else { if (num11 < 50f && !flag5) { white.a *= (num11 - 20f) / 30f; } if (num11 > 200f) { text2 += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS); } } GUI.color = color2; GUI.contentColor = white; Rect position = new Rect(num9, num13, num11, 14f); GUI.Label(position, text2,; if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.SetSelectedPropertyPath(path); this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; this.m_SelectedID = id; UnityEngine.Object @object = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId); if (@object is Component) { @object = ((Component)@object).gameObject; } if (@object != null) { if (flag2) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(@object.GetInstanceID()); } else { if (flag3) { Selection.objects = new List <UnityEngine.Object> { @object }.ToArray(); } } } Event.current.Use(); } flag = false; } } } if (flag) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4); } GUI.color = color; GUI.contentColor = contentColor; if (text != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread) { string text3 = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", text, this.m_SelectedDur); GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text3); GUIStyle tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip; Vector2 vector = tooltip.CalcSize(content); float num14 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r); if (num14 < r.x) { num14 = r.x + 20f; } if (num14 > r.xMax) { num14 = r.xMax - 20f; } Rect position2; if (num5 + 6f + vector.y < r.yMax) { position2 = new Rect(num14 - 32f, num5, 50f, 7f); GUI.Label(position2, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow); } position2 = new Rect(num14, num5 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y); if (position2.xMax > r.xMax + 20f) { position2.x = r.xMax - position2.width + 20f; } if (position2.yMax > r.yMax) { position2.y = r.yMax - position2.height; } if (position2.y < r.y) { position2.y = r.y; } GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.ClearSelectedPropertyPath(); this.m_SelectedID = -1; this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; Event.current.Use(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples) { float num1 = !ghost ? 7f : 21f; string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath; Color color1 = GUI.color; Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor; Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors; bool flag1 = false; float x1 = -1f; float x2 = -1f; float y1 = -1f; int size = 0; float y2 = -1f; string str = (string) null; float num2 = !includeSubSamples ? r.height : 16f; float num3 = !includeSubSamples ? 0.0f : 1f; float height = num2 - 2f * num3; r.height -= num3; GUI.BeginGroup(r); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rect& local = @r; float num4 = 0.0f; r.y = num4; double num5 = (double) num4; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^local).x = (float) num5; bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea; float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width; float x3 = r.x; float x4 = shownArea.x; bool enterChildren = true; while (iter.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = includeSubSamples; float time = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset; float durationMs = iter.durationMS; float num6 = Mathf.Max(durationMs, 0.0003f); float pixelCached = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3); float num7 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time + num6, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3) - 1f; float width = num7 - pixelCached; if ((double) pixelCached > (double) r.x + (double) r.width || (double) num7 < (double) r.x) { enterChildren = false; } else { float num8 = (float) (iter.depth - 1); float y3 = r.y + num8 * num2; if (flag1) { bool flag4 = false; if ((double) width >= (double) num1) flag4 = true; if ((double) y1 != (double) y3) flag4 = true; if ((double) pixelCached - (double) x2 > 6.0) flag4 = true; if (flag4) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size); flag1 = false; } } if ((double) width < (double) num1) { enterChildren = false; if (!flag1) { flag1 = true; y1 = y3; x1 = pixelCached; size = 0; } x2 = num7; ++size; } else { int id =; string path = iter.path; bool flag4 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost; if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0) flag4 &= id == this.m_SelectedID; bool flag5 = flag4 & threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread; Color white = Color.white; Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length]; color2.a = !flag5 ? 0.75f : 1f; if (ghost) { color2.a = 0.4f; white.a = 0.5f; } string text =; if (flag5) { str = text; this.m_SelectedTime = time; this.m_SelectedDur = durationMs; y2 = y3 + num2; } if ((double) width < 20.0 || !includeSubSamples) { text = string.Empty; } else { if ((double) width < 50.0 && !flag5) white.a *= (float) (((double) width - 20.0) / 30.0); if ((double) width > 200.0) text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", (object) durationMs); } GUI.color = color2; GUI.contentColor = white; Rect position = new Rect(pixelCached, y3, width, height); GUI.Label(position, text,; if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.SetSelectedPropertyPath(path); this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; this.m_SelectedID = id; UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId); if (gameObject is Component) gameObject = (UnityEngine.Object) ((Component) gameObject).gameObject; if (gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object) null) { if (flag2) EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(gameObject.GetInstanceID()); else if (flag3) Selection.objects = new List<UnityEngine.Object>() { gameObject }.ToArray(); } Event.current.Use(); } flag1 = false; } } } if (flag1) this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size); GUI.color = color1; GUI.contentColor = contentColor; if (str != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread && includeSubSamples) { GUIContent content = new GUIContent(string.Format((double) this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0 ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", (object) str, (object) this.m_SelectedDur)); GUIStyle tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip; Vector2 vector2 = tooltip.CalcSize(content); float x5 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r); if ((double) x5 < (double) r.x) x5 = r.x + 20f; if ((double) x5 > (double) r.xMax) x5 = r.xMax - 20f; Rect position; if ((double) y2 + 6.0 + (double) vector2.y < (double) r.yMax) { position = new Rect(x5 - 32f, y2, 50f, 7f); GUI.Label(position, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow); } position = new Rect(x5, y2 + 6f, vector2.x, vector2.y); if ((double) position.xMax > (double) r.xMax + 20.0) position.x = (float) ((double) r.xMax - (double) position.width + 20.0); if ((double) position.yMax > (double) r.yMax) position.y = r.yMax - position.height; if ((double) position.y < (double) r.y) position.y = r.y; GUI.Label(position, content, tooltip); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.ClearSelectedPropertyPath(); this.m_SelectedID = -1; this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; Event.current.Use(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost) { float num = !ghost ? 7f : 21f; string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath; bool enterChildren = true; Color color = GUI.color; Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor; Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors; bool flag2 = false; float num2 = -1f; float num3 = -1f; float y = -1f; int size = 0; float num6 = -1f; string str2 = null; r.height--; GUI.BeginGroup(r); float num20 = 0f; r.y = num20; r.x = num20; bool flag3 = (Event.current.clickCount == 1) && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown); bool flag4 = (Event.current.clickCount == 2) && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown); Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea; float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width; float x = r.x; float shownX = shownArea.x; while (iter.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = true; float time = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset; float durationMS = iter.durationMS; float num12 = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f); float num13 = TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, shownX, x); float num14 = TimeToPixelCached(time + num12, rectWidthDivShownWidth, shownX, x) - 1f; float width = num14 - num13; if ((num13 > (r.x + r.width)) || (num14 < r.x)) { enterChildren = false; } else { float num16 = iter.depth - 1; float num17 = r.y + (num16 * 16f); if (flag2) { bool flag5 = false; if (width >= num) { flag5 = true; } if (y != num17) { flag5 = true; } if ((num13 - num3) > 6f) { flag5 = true; } if (flag5) { this.DrawSmallGroup(num2, num3, y, size); flag2 = false; } } if (width < num) { enterChildren = false; if (!flag2) { flag2 = true; y = num17; num2 = num13; size = 0; } num3 = num14; size++; continue; } int id =; string path = iter.path; bool flag6 = (path == selectedPropertyPath) && !ghost; if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0) { flag6 &= id == this.m_SelectedID; } flag6 &= threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread; Color white = Color.white; Color color4 = colors[ % colors.Length]; color4.a = !flag6 ? 0.75f : 1f; if (ghost) { color4.a = 0.4f; white.a = 0.5f; } string name =; if (flag6) { str2 = name; this.m_SelectedTime = time; this.m_SelectedDur = durationMS; num6 = num17 + 16f; } if (width < 20f) { name = string.Empty; } else { if ((width < 50f) && !flag6) { white.a *= (width - 20f) / 30f; } if (width > 200f) { name = name + string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS); } } GUI.color = color4; GUI.contentColor = white; Rect position = new Rect(num13, num17, width, 14f); GUI.Label(position, name,; if ((flag3 || flag4) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.SetSelectedPropertyPath(path); this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; this.m_SelectedID = id; UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId); if (gameObject is Component) { gameObject = ((Component) gameObject).gameObject; } if (gameObject != null) { if (flag3) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(gameObject.GetInstanceID()); } else if (flag4) { Selection.objects = new List<UnityEngine.Object> { gameObject }.ToArray(); } } Event.current.Use(); } flag2 = false; } } if (flag2) { this.DrawSmallGroup(num2, num3, y, size); } GUI.color = color; GUI.contentColor = contentColor; if ((str2 != null) && (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread)) { Rect rect3; GUIContent content = new GUIContent(string.Format((this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", str2, this.m_SelectedDur)); GUIStyle tooltip = styles.tooltip; Vector2 vector = tooltip.CalcSize(content); float num19 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + (this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f), r); if (num19 < r.x) { num19 = r.x + 20f; } if (num19 > r.xMax) { num19 = r.xMax - 20f; } if (((num6 + 6f) + vector.y) < r.yMax) { rect3 = new Rect(num19 - 32f, num6, 50f, 7f); GUI.Label(rect3, GUIContent.none, styles.tooltipArrow); } rect3 = new Rect(num19, num6 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y); if (rect3.xMax > (r.xMax + 20f)) { rect3.x = (r.xMax - rect3.width) + 20f; } if (rect3.yMax > r.yMax) { rect3.y = r.yMax - rect3.height; } if (rect3.y < r.y) { rect3.y = r.y; } GUI.Label(rect3, content, tooltip); } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.ClearSelectedPropertyPath(); this.m_SelectedID = -1; this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; Event.current.Use(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples) { float num1 = !ghost ? 7f : 21f; string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath; Color color1 = GUI.color; Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor; Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors; bool flag1 = false; float x1 = -1f; float x2 = -1f; float y1 = -1f; int size = 0; float y2 = -1f; string str = (string)null; float num2 = !includeSubSamples ? r.height : 16f; float num3 = !includeSubSamples ? 0.0f : 1f; float height = num2 - 2f * num3; r.height -= num3; GUI.BeginGroup(r); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Rect& local = @r; float num4 = 0.0f; r.y = num4; double num5 = (double)num4; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local).x = (float)num5; bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea; float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width; float x3 = r.x; float x4 = shownArea.x; bool enterChildren = true; while (iter.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = includeSubSamples; float time = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset; float durationMs = iter.durationMS; float num6 = Mathf.Max(durationMs, 0.0003f); float pixelCached = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3); float num7 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time + num6, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3) - 1f; float width = num7 - pixelCached; if ((double)pixelCached > (double)r.x + (double)r.width || (double)num7 < (double)r.x) { enterChildren = false; } else { float num8 = (float)(iter.depth - 1); float y3 = r.y + num8 * num2; if (flag1) { bool flag4 = false; if ((double)width >= (double)num1) { flag4 = true; } if ((double)y1 != (double)y3) { flag4 = true; } if ((double)pixelCached - (double)x2 > 6.0) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size); flag1 = false; } } if ((double)width < (double)num1) { enterChildren = false; if (!flag1) { flag1 = true; y1 = y3; x1 = pixelCached; size = 0; } x2 = num7; ++size; } else { int id =; string path = iter.path; bool flag4 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost; if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0) { flag4 &= id == this.m_SelectedID; } bool flag5 = flag4 & threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread; Color white = Color.white; Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length]; color2.a = !flag5 ? 0.75f : 1f; if (ghost) { color2.a = 0.4f; white.a = 0.5f; } string text =; if (flag5) { str = text; this.m_SelectedTime = time; this.m_SelectedDur = durationMs; y2 = y3 + num2; } if ((double)width < 20.0 || !includeSubSamples) { text = string.Empty; } else { if ((double)width < 50.0 && !flag5) { white.a *= (float)(((double)width - 20.0) / 30.0); } if ((double)width > 200.0) { text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", (object)durationMs); } } GUI.color = color2; GUI.contentColor = white; Rect position = new Rect(pixelCached, y3, width, height); GUI.Label(position, text,; if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.SetSelectedPropertyPath(path); this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; this.m_SelectedID = id; UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId); if (gameObject is Component) { gameObject = (UnityEngine.Object)((Component)gameObject).gameObject; } if (gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { if (flag2) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(gameObject.GetInstanceID()); } else if (flag3) { Selection.objects = new List <UnityEngine.Object>() { gameObject } }
private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost) { float num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f; string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath; bool enterChildren = true; Color color = GUI.color; Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor; Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors; bool flag = false; float x = -1f; float num2 = -1f; float num3 = -1f; int num4 = 0; float num5 = -1f; string text = null; r.height -= 1f; GUI.BeginGroup(r); float num6 = 0f; r.y = num6; r.x = num6; bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea; float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width; float x2 = r.x; float x3 = shownArea.x; while (iter.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = true; float num7 = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset; float durationMS = iter.durationMS; float num8 = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f); float num9 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2); float num10 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7 + num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f; float num11 = num10 - num9; if (num9 > r.x + r.width || num10 < r.x) { enterChildren = false; } else { float num12 = (float)(iter.depth - 1); float num13 = r.y + num12 * 16f; if (flag) { bool flag4 = false; if (num11 >= num) { flag4 = true; } if (num3 != num13) { flag4 = true; } if (num9 - num2 > 6f) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4); flag = false; } } if (num11 < num) { enterChildren = false; if (!flag) { flag = true; num3 = num13; x = num9; num4 = 0; } num2 = num10; num4++; } else { int id =; string path = iter.path; bool flag5 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost; if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0) { flag5 &= (id == this.m_SelectedID); } flag5 &= (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread); Color white = Color.white; Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length]; color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f); if (ghost) { color2.a = 0.4f; white.a = 0.5f; } string text2 =; if (flag5) { text = text2; this.m_SelectedTime = num7; this.m_SelectedDur = durationMS; num5 = num13 + 16f; } if (num11 < 20f) { text2 = string.Empty; } else { if (num11 < 50f && !flag5) { white.a *= (num11 - 20f) / 30f; } if (num11 > 200f) { text2 += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS); } } GUI.color = color2; GUI.contentColor = white; Rect position = new Rect(num9, num13, num11, 14f); GUI.Label(position, text2,; if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.SetSelectedPropertyPath(path); this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; this.m_SelectedID = id; UnityEngine.Object @object = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId); if (@object is Component) { @object = ((Component)@object).gameObject; } if (@object != null) { if (flag2) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(@object.GetInstanceID()); } else { if (flag3) { Selection.objects = new List<UnityEngine.Object> { @object }.ToArray(); } } } Event.current.Use(); } flag = false; } } } if (flag) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4); } GUI.color = color; GUI.contentColor = contentColor; if (text != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread) { string text3 = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", text, this.m_SelectedDur); GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text3); GUIStyle tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip; Vector2 vector = tooltip.CalcSize(content); float num14 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r); if (num14 < r.x) { num14 = r.x + 20f; } if (num14 > r.xMax) { num14 = r.xMax - 20f; } Rect position2; if (num5 + 6f + vector.y < r.yMax) { position2 = new Rect(num14 - 32f, num5, 50f, 7f); GUI.Label(position2, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow); } position2 = new Rect(num14, num5 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y); if (position2.xMax > r.xMax + 20f) { position2.x = r.xMax - position2.width + 20f; } if (position2.yMax > r.yMax) { position2.y = r.yMax - position2.height; } if (position2.y < r.y) { position2.y = r.y; } GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.m_Window.ClearSelectedPropertyPath(); this.m_SelectedID = -1; this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx; Event.current.Use(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int frameIndex, int threadIndex, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples) { float num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f; string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath; Color color = GUI.color; Color contentColor = GUI.contentColor; Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors; bool flag = false; float x = -1f; float num2 = -1f; float num3 = -1f; int num4 = 0; float num5 = (!includeSubSamples) ? r.height : 16f; float num6 = (float)((!includeSubSamples) ? 0 : 1); float height = num5 - 2f * num6; r.height -= num6; GUI.BeginGroup(r); float num7 = 0f; r.y = num7; r.x = num7; bool flag2 = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; bool flag3 = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; Rect shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea; float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width; float x2 = r.x; float x3 = shownArea.x; bool enterChildren = true; while (iter.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = includeSubSamples; float num8 = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset; float durationMS = iter.durationMS; float num9 = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f); float num10 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2); float num11 = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num8 + num9, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f; float num12 = num11 - num10; if (num10 > r.x + r.width || num11 < r.x) { enterChildren = false; } else { float num13 = (float)(iter.depth - 1); float num14 = r.y + num13 * num5; if (flag) { bool flag4 = false; if (num12 >= num) { flag4 = true; } if (num3 != num14) { flag4 = true; } if (num10 - num2 > 6f) { flag4 = true; } if (flag4) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, height, num4); flag = false; } } if (num12 < num) { enterChildren = false; if (!flag) { flag = true; num3 = num14; x = num10; num4 = 0; } num2 = num11; num4++; } else { int instanceId = iter.instanceId; string path = iter.path; bool flag5 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost; if (this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId >= 0) { flag5 &= (instanceId == this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId); } flag5 &= (threadIndex == this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId); Color white = Color.white; Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length]; color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f); if (ghost) { color2.a = 0.4f; white.a = 0.5f; } string text =; if (num12 < 20f || !includeSubSamples) { text = string.Empty; } else { if (num12 < 50f && !flag5) { white.a *= (num12 - 20f) / 30f; } if (num12 > 200f) { text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS); } } GUI.color = color2; GUI.contentColor = white; Rect position = new Rect(num10, num14, num12, height); GUI.Label(position, text,; if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && includeSubSamples) { this.m_Window.SetSelectedPropertyPath(path); this.m_SelectedEntry.Reset(); this.m_SelectedEntry.frameId = frameIndex; this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId = threadIndex; this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId = instanceId; =; if (iter.extraTooltipInfo != null) { this.m_SelectedEntry.metaData = iter.extraTooltipInfo; } this.m_SelectedEntry.time = num8; this.m_SelectedEntry.duration = durationMS; this.m_SelectedEntry.relativeYPos = num14 + num5; this.UpdateSelectedObject(flag2, flag3); Event.current.Use(); } flag = false; } } } if (flag) { this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, height, num4); } GUI.color = color; GUI.contentColor = contentColor; if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { this.ClearSelection(); Event.current.Use(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }