public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Handles.BoneRenderer boneRenderer) { // it can happen when the avatar tool is in edit mode and the user exit the tool in an unsual way // new scene // delete GO // press play if (reference == null || actualBones == null) { return; } sPoseError = false; Bounds meshBounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] renderers = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (renderers != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) { meshBounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); meshBounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } boneRenderer.ClearInstances(); DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, meshBounds, boneRenderer); boneRenderer.Render(); Camera camera = Camera.current; if (sPoseError && camera != null) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.normal.textColor =; style.wordWrap = false; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; style.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); rect.x = 30; rect.y = 30; //camera.pixelHeight; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); } }
private static bool DrawSkeletonSubTree(Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Quaternion orientation, Transform tr, Bounds bounds, Handles.BoneRenderer boneRenderer) { // if this transform is not a valid bone if (!actualBones.ContainsKey(tr)) { return(false); } int drawnChildren = 0; foreach (Transform child in tr) { if (DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, child, bounds, boneRenderer)) { drawnChildren++; } } if (!actualBones[tr] && drawnChildren <= 1) { return(false); } int index = -1; if (bones != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { if (bones[i].bone == tr) { index = i; break; } } } // There is no need to check for a pose error if the avatar is not yet valid or tools is not the active one bool poseError = AvatarSetupTool.GetBoneAlignmentError(bones, orientation, index) > 0; sPoseError |= poseError; if (poseError) { DrawPoseError(tr, bounds); Handles.color = kErrorColor; } else if (index != -1) { Handles.color = kHumanColor; } else if (!actualBones[tr]) { Handles.color = kDummyColor; } else { Handles.color = kSkeletonColor; } // Override color if bone is selected if (Selection.activeObject == tr) { Handles.color = kSelectedColor; } Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones, boneRenderer); return(true); }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, Handles.BoneRenderer boneRenderer) { DrawSkeleton(reference, actualBones, null, boneRenderer); }