private void OnGUI() { GUI.enabled = !EditorApplication.isCompiling; if (FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin == null) FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin = Resources.Load("UI.Windows/Flow/Styles/Skin" + (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin == true ? "Dark" : "Light")) as GUISkin; if (this.guiDrawer == null) this.guiDrawer = new GUIDrawer(this); if (this.guiSplash == null) this.guiSplash = new FlowSplash(this); if (this.zoomDrawer == null) this.zoomDrawer = new EditorZoomArea(); if (this.guiSplash.Draw() == false) { return; } //var draw = !FlowSceneView.IsActive(); //if (draw == true) { this.contentRect = this.position; this.contentRect.x = 0f; this.contentRect.y = 0f; this.contentRect.width = 10000f; this.contentRect.height = 10000f; this.contentRect.height -= scrollSize; var hasData = FlowSystem.HasData(); if (hasData == true) { var oldEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = FlowSystem.HasData() && GUI.enabled; this.DrawToolbar(); GUI.enabled = oldEnabled; this.DrawSettings(TOOLBAR_HEIGHT); IEnumerable<FlowWindow> windows = null; IEnumerable<FlowWindow> containers = null; if (hasData == true) { windows = FlowSystem.GetWindows(); containers = FlowSystem.GetContainers(); } this.scrollRect = this.position; this.scrollRect.x = SETTINGS_WIDTH; this.scrollRect.y = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT; this.scrollRect.width -= SETTINGS_WIDTH; this.scrollRect.height -= TOOLBAR_HEIGHT; var scrollPos = FlowSystem.GetScrollPosition(); if (scrollPos.x > 0f || scrollPos.y > 0f) scrollPos = -new Vector2(this.contentRect.width * 0.5f - this.scrollRect.width * 0.5f, this.contentRect.height * 0.5f - this.scrollRect.height * 0.5f); //FlowSystem.SetScrollPosition(GUI.BeginScrollView(this.scrollRect, scrollPos, this.contentRect)); { //this.zoomDrawer.SetZoom(FlowSystem.GetZoom()); //FlowSystem.SetScrollPosition(this.zoomDrawer.SetRect(this.scrollRect, scrollPos)); //FlowSystem.SetZoom(this.zoomDrawer.GetZoom()); //FlowSystem.SetScrollPosition(this.zoomDrawer.GetOrigin()); this.zoomDrawer.SetZoom(FlowSystem.GetZoom()); FlowSystem.SetScrollPosition(this.zoomDrawer.Begin(this.scrollRect, scrollPos, this.contentRect)); FlowSystem.SetZoom(this.zoomDrawer.GetZoom()); { this.DrawBackground(); if (hasData == true && windows != null) { this.tempAttaches.Clear(); foreach (var window in windows) { var attaches = window.attachItems; foreach (var attachItem in attaches) { var attachId = attachItem.targetId; var curWindow = FlowSystem.GetWindow(attachId); if (curWindow.IsContainer() == true && curWindow.IsFunction() == false) continue; //if (this.IsVisible(window) == false) continue; if (curWindow.IsFunction() == true && curWindow.IsContainer() == true) { if (curWindow.functionRootId == { // Find entrance window var rootWindow = FlowSystem.GetWindow(curWindow.functionRootId); if (rootWindow != null) { // Draw entrance point this.guiDrawer.DrawNodeCurve(new Vector3(curWindow.rect.x + 6f, curWindow.rect.y + curWindow.rect.height * 0.5f + 25f, -10f), new Vector3(rootWindow.rect.x + rootWindow.rect.width * 0.5f, rootWindow.rect.y + rootWindow.rect.height * 0.5f, -10f), Color.yellow); } } if (curWindow.functionExitId == { // Draw exit point var exitWindow = FlowSystem.GetWindow(curWindow.functionExitId); if (exitWindow != null) { // Draw entrance point this.guiDrawer.DrawNodeCurve(new Vector3(exitWindow.rect.x + exitWindow.rect.width * 0.5f, exitWindow.rect.y + exitWindow.rect.height * 0.5f, -10f), new Vector3(curWindow.rect.x + curWindow.rect.width - 6f, curWindow.rect.y + curWindow.rect.height * 0.5f + 25f, -10f),; } } } else { var doubleSided = FlowSystem.AlreadyAttached(attachId,; if (this.tempAttaches.Contains(attachId) == true && doubleSided == true) continue; this.guiDrawer.DrawNodeCurve(window, curWindow, doubleSided); // Draw Transition Chooser this.DrawTransitionChooser(attachItem, window, curWindow, doubleSided); } } this.tempAttaches.Add(; } var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor; this.bringFront.Clear(); var selectionMain = -1; var selected = FlowSystem.GetSelected(); this.BeginWindows(); var containerPadding = new Vector4(50f, 100f, 50f, 50f); foreach (var container in containers) { if (this.IsVisible(container) == false) continue; var backColor = container.randomColor; backColor.a = 0.3f; GUI.backgroundColor = backColor; var rootContainer = container.GetContainer(); if (rootContainer != null) { // If container has other container } var attaches = container.attachItems; if (attaches.Count == 0) { container.rect.width = 200f; container.rect.height = 200f; } else { var minX = float.MaxValue; var minY = float.MaxValue; var maxX = float.MinValue; var maxY = float.MinValue; foreach (var attachItem in attaches) { var attachId = attachItem.targetId; var window = FlowSystem.GetWindow(attachId); minX = Mathf.Min(minX, window.rect.xMin); minY = Mathf.Min(minY, window.rect.yMin); maxX = Mathf.Max(maxX, window.rect.xMax); maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, window.rect.yMax); } container.rect.xMin = minX - containerPadding.x; container.rect.yMin = minY - containerPadding.y; container.rect.xMax = maxX + containerPadding.z; container.rect.yMax = maxY + containerPadding.w; } var style = container.GetEditorStyle(false); var rect = GUI.Window(, container.rect, this.DrawNodeContainer, container.title, style); this.BringBackOrFront(container, containers); if (selectionMain == -1 || selectionMain == { var isMoving = (rect != container.rect); var newRect = FlowSystem.Grid(rect); if (newRect != container.rect && isMoving == true) { if (selected.Count > 0 && selected.Contains( == false) { // nothing to do } else { var delta = new Vector2(newRect.x - container.rect.x, newRect.y - container.rect.y); if (delta != { selected.Clear(); if (selected.Contains( == false) selected.Add(; container.rect = newRect; FlowSystem.MoveContainerOrWindow(, delta); selectionMain =; } } } } } GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor; foreach (var window in windows) { if (this.IsVisible(window) == false) continue; var title = string.Empty; if (window.IsSmall() == true) { title = window.title; } else { var size = this.GetWindowSize(window); window.rect.width = size.x; window.rect.height = size.y; } var isSelected = selected.Contains( || (selected.Count == 0 && this.focusedGUIWindow ==; var style = window.GetEditorStyle(isSelected); var rect = GUI.Window(, window.rect, this.DrawNodeWindow, title, style); GUI.BringWindowToFront(; GUI.Window(, new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height, rect.width, this.GetTagsHeight(window)), (id) => { this.DrawTags(FlowSystem.GetWindow(-id), true); }, string.Empty, GUIStyle.none); GUI.BringWindowToFront(; var isMoving = (rect != window.rect); if (selectionMain == -1 || selectionMain == { var newRect = FlowSystem.Grid(rect); if (newRect != window.rect && isMoving == true) { // If selected contains if (selected.Count > 0 && selected.Contains( == false) { // nothing to do } else { var delta = new Vector2(newRect.x - window.rect.x, newRect.y - window.rect.y); if (delta != { window.rect = newRect; // Move all selected windows foreach (var selectedId in selected) { if (selectedId != { FlowSystem.GetWindow(selectedId).Move(delta); } } selectionMain =; } } } } } this.EndWindows(); var defaultColor = GUI.color; //var selectedColor = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 1f, 1f); if (selectionMain >= 0 && FlowSystem.GetWindow(selectionMain).IsContainer() == true) FlowSystem.ResetSelection(); GUI.color = defaultColor; FlowSystem.Save(); } if (FlowSystem.GetZoom() >= 0.3f) { if (FlowSystem.GetData() != null && FlowSystem.GetData().flowWindowWithLayout == true) { foreach (var window in windows) { if (this.IsVisible(window) == false) continue; var components = window.attachedComponents; for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; ++i) { var component = components[i]; this.guiDrawer.DrawComponentCurve(window, ref component, FlowSystem.GetWindow (component.targetWindowId)); components[i] = component; } } } } } this.zoomDrawer.End(); } //GUI.EndScrollView(); this.DrawWaitForConnection(); this.DrawTagsPopup(); this.HandleEvents(TOOLBAR_HEIGHT); GUI.enabled = true; if (this.scrollingMouseAnimation != null && this.scrollingMouseAnimation.isAnimating == true || this.scrollingMouse == true) this.DrawMinimap(); } }
public void ChangeFlowData() { this.guiSplash = null; FlowSystem.SetData(null); this.defaultWindows = null; this.tagsList = null; Flow.OnReset(this); }
public override void Update() { if (FlowSystemEditorWindow.loading == true) { return; } if (FlowSystemEditorWindow.loaded == false) { FlowSystemEditorWindow.loading = true; EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (this.guiDrawer == null) this.guiDrawer = new GUIDrawer(this); if (this.guiSplash == null) this.guiSplash = new FlowSplash(this); // Cache ME.EditorUtilities.GetAssetsOfType<FlowData>(); ME.EditorUtilities.GetPrefabsOfType<FlowWindowLayoutTemplate>(); ME.EditorUtilities.GetPrefabsOfType<FlowLayoutWindowTypeTemplate>(); ME.EditorUtilities.GetPrefabsOfType<WindowModule>(strongType: false); FlowSystemEditorWindow.loading = false; FlowSystemEditorWindow.loaded = true; }; return; } else { CoreUtilities.LoadAddons(); } }
public void OpenFlowData(FlowData flowData) { if (this.guiSplash == null) this.guiSplash = new FlowSplash(this); this.guiSplash.cachedData = flowData; FlowSystem.SetData(flowData); }