public override void Init(IControl parent) { parent.ContextClick += delegate(object target, Event evt, TimelineWindow.TimelineState state) { bool result; if (TimelineWindow.instance.sequenceHeaderBounds.Contains(evt.get_mousePosition())) { TimelineTrackBaseGUI[] visibleTrackGuis = TimelineWindow.instance.treeView.visibleTrackGuis; for (int i = 0; i < visibleTrackGuis.Length; i++) { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = visibleTrackGuis[i]; Rect headerBounds = timelineTrackBaseGUI.headerBounds; headerBounds.set_y(headerBounds.get_y() + TimelineWindow.instance.treeviewBounds.get_y()); if (headerBounds.Contains(evt.get_mousePosition())) { result = base.IgnoreEvent(); return(result); } } TimelineWindow.instance.ShowNewTracksContextMenu(null, null); result = base.ConsumeEvent(); } else { result = base.IgnoreEvent(); } return(result); }; }
internal override void OnHeaderIconGUI(Rect iconRect) { if (this.hasMultipleSelection) { base.OnHeaderIconGUI(iconRect); } else { if (this.m_IconCache == null) { Texture2D texture2D = this.m_DefaultIcon; if (this.m_SelectionInfo.selectedAssetTypesAreHomogeneous) { TimelineClip clip = this.m_SelectionCache.First <ClipInspector.EditorClipSelection>().clip; texture2D = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(clip.underlyingAsset); if (texture2D == this.m_DefaultIcon) { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = TimelineWindow.instance.allTracks.Find((TimelineTrackBaseGUI uiTrack) => uiTrack.track == clip.parentTrack); if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null && timelineTrackBaseGUI.drawer.GetIcon() != GUIContent.none) { this.m_IconCache = timelineTrackBaseGUI.drawer.GetIcon(); } } } if (this.m_IconCache == null) { this.m_IconCache = new GUIContent(texture2D); } } GUI.Label(iconRect, this.m_IconCache); } }
internal virtual void ConfigureUITrack(TimelineTrackBaseGUI uiTrack) { uiTrack.ClearManipulators(); uiTrack.AddManipulator(new SelectorTool()); uiTrack.AddManipulator(new TrackContextMenuManipulator()); uiTrack.AddManipulator(new TrackDoubleClick()); uiTrack.AddManipulator(new TrackShortcutManipulator()); }
public virtual void OnRowGUI(Rect rowRect, TreeViewItem item, int row, bool selected, bool focused) { Rect headerRect = rowRect; Rect trackRect = rowRect; headerRect.set_width(this.m_State.sequencerHeaderWidth); trackRect.set_xMin(trackRect.get_xMin() + this.m_State.sequencerHeaderWidth); trackRect.set_width(rowRect.get_width() - this.m_State.sequencerHeaderWidth - 1f); float foldoutIndent = this.GetFoldoutIndent(item); Rect rect = rowRect; TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = (TimelineTrackBaseGUI)item; timelineTrackBaseGUI.isExpanded = this.m_TreeView.get_data().IsExpanded(item); timelineTrackBaseGUI.Draw(headerRect, trackRect, this.m_State, foldoutIndent); if (trackRect.Contains(Event.get_current().get_mousePosition()) || Event.get_current().get_isKey()) { timelineTrackBaseGUI.OnEvent(Event.get_current(), this.m_State, false); } if (Event.get_current().get_type() == 7) { if (this.showInsertionMarker) { if (this.m_TreeView.get_dragging() != null && this.m_TreeView.get_dragging().GetRowMarkerControlID() == TreeViewController.GetItemControlID(item)) { this.m_DraggingInsertionMarkerRect = new Rect(rowRect.get_x() + foldoutIndent, rowRect.get_y(), rowRect.get_width() - foldoutIndent, rowRect.get_height()); } } } bool flag = this.m_TreeView.get_data().IsExpandable(item); if (flag) { rect.set_x(foldoutIndent - TimelineTreeView.kFoldOutOffset); rect.set_width(this.m_FoldoutWidth); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float num = (float)DirectorStyles.Instance.foldout.get_normal().get_background().get_height(); rect.set_y(rect.get_y() + num / 2f); rect.set_height(num); bool flag2 = GUI.Toggle(rect, this.m_TreeView.get_data().IsExpanded(item), GUIContent.none, TimelineTreeView.m_Styles.foldout); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (Event.get_current().get_alt()) { this.m_TreeView.get_data().SetExpandedWithChildren(item, flag2); } else { this.m_TreeView.get_data().SetExpanded(item, flag2); } } } if (headerRect.Contains(Event.get_current().get_mousePosition()) || Event.get_current().get_isKey()) { timelineTrackBaseGUI.OnEvent(Event.get_current(), this.m_State, false); } }
// Should return the row number of the first and last row thats fits in the pixel rect defined by top and height public void GetFirstAndLastRowVisible(out int firstRowVisible, out int lastRowVisible) { int rowCount =; if (rowCount == 0) { firstRowVisible = lastRowVisible = -1; return; } if (rowCount != m_ExpandedRowRects.Count) { Debug.LogError("Mismatch in state: rows vs cached rects. Did you remember to hook up: dataSource.onVisibleRowsChanged += gui.CalculateRowRects ?"); CalculateRowRects(); } float topPixel = m_TreeView.state.scrollPos.y; float heightInPixels = m_TreeView.GetTotalRect().height; int firstVisible = -1; int lastVisible = -1; Rect visibleRect = new Rect(0, topPixel, m_ExpandedRowRects[0].width, heightInPixels); for (int i = 0; i < m_ExpandedRowRects.Count; ++i) { bool visible = visibleRect.Overlaps(m_ExpandedRowRects[i]); if (visible) { if (firstVisible == -1) { firstVisible = i; } lastVisible = i; } TimelineTrackBaseGUI gui = as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; if (gui != null) { gui.visibleExpanded = visible; gui.visibleRow = visibleRect.Overlaps(m_RowRects[i]); } } if (firstVisible != -1 && lastVisible != -1) { firstRowVisible = firstVisible; lastRowVisible = lastVisible; } else { firstRowVisible = 0; lastRowVisible = rowCount - 1; } }
public override bool IsExpandable(TreeViewItem item) { bool flag = false; TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = item as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { flag = timelineTrackBaseGUI.expandable; } return(flag && item.get_hasChildren()); }
internal override void OnHeaderIconGUI(Rect iconRect) { if (!(TimelineWindow.instance == null)) { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = TimelineWindow.instance.allTracks.Find((TimelineTrackBaseGUI uiTrack) => uiTrack.track == base.get_target() as TrackAsset); if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { GUI.Label(iconRect, timelineTrackBaseGUI.drawer.GetIcon()); } } }
public override bool Execute(TimelineWindow.TimelineState state, TrackAsset[] tracks) { for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Length; i++) { TrackAsset trackAsset = tracks[i]; state.timeline.CreateTrack <GroupTrack>(trackAsset, "Track Sub-Group"); TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = TimelineTrackBaseGUI.FindGUITrack(trackAsset); if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) {, true); } } state.Refresh(); return(true); }
private static float GetSpacing(TreeViewItem item) { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = item as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; float result; if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { result = timelineTrackBaseGUI.GetVerticalSpacingBetweenTracks(); } else { result = 3f; } return(result); }
internal override void OnHeaderIconGUI(Rect iconRect) { if (TimelineWindow.instance == null) { return; } //when selecting multiple track types, the default icon will appear by default //when selecting only one track type, this will display the track type icon TimelineTrackBaseGUI trackGui = TimelineWindow.instance.allTracks.Find((uiTrack => uiTrack.track == target as TrackAsset)); if (trackGui != null) { GUI.Label(iconRect, trackGui.drawer.icon); } }
public override void Init(IControl parent) { parent.DoubleClick += delegate(object target, Event evt, TimelineWindow.TimelineState state) { bool result; if (evt.get_button() != 0) { result = base.IgnoreEvent(); } else { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = target as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; result = EditTrackInAnimationWindow.Do(state, timelineTrackBaseGUI.track); } return(result); }; }
public override bool Execute(WindowState state, TrackAsset[] tracks) { foreach (var track in tracks) { state.editSequence.asset.CreateTrack <GroupTrack>(track, "Track Sub-Group"); var uiTrack = TimelineTrackBaseGUI.FindGUITrack(track); if (uiTrack != null) {, true); } } state.Refresh(); return(true); }
public override void Init(IControl parent) { parent.KeyDown += delegate(object target, Event evt, TimelineWindow.TimelineState state) { bool result; if (state.IsEditingASubItem()) { result = base.IgnoreEvent(); } else { TimelineTrackBaseGUI trackGUI = target as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; if (trackGUI == null || trackGUI.track == null) { result = base.IgnoreEvent(); } else { bool arg_AC_0; if (!SelectionManager.SelectedTracks().Contains(trackGUI.track)) { arg_AC_0 = (from x in SelectionManager.SelectedItemGUI() select x).Any((TimelineItemGUI x) => x.parentTrackGUI == trackGUI); } else { arg_AC_0 = true; } bool flag = arg_AC_0; if (flag) { result = TrackAction.HandleShortcut(state, evt, trackGUI.track); } else { result = base.IgnoreEvent(); } } } return(result); }; }
static void AddVisibleTrackRecursive(ref List <TimelineTrackBaseGUI> list, TimelineTrackBaseGUI track) { if (track == null) { return; } list.Add(track); if (!track.isExpanded) { return; } if (track.children != null) { foreach (var c in track.children) { AddVisibleTrackRecursive(ref list, c as TimelineTrackBaseGUI); } } }
public TrackHeaderBounds(TimelineTrackBaseGUI track, Rect localRect) { m_LocalRect = localRect; this.track = track; }
TimelineTrackBaseGUI CreateItem(ScriptableObject scriptableObject, ref Dictionary <TrackAsset, TimelineTrackBaseGUI> tree, IEnumerable <TrackAsset> selectedRows, TreeViewItem parentTreeViewItem) { // if a script doesn't load correctly, the trackAsset will be NULL, but the scriptableObject __should_ be intact (but == null will be true) var trackAsset = scriptableObject as TrackAsset; if (tree == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tree"); } if (selectedRows == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("selectedRows"); } if (trackAsset != null && tree.ContainsKey(trackAsset)) { return(tree[trackAsset]); } TimelineTrackBaseGUI parentItem = parentTreeViewItem as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; // should we create the parent? TrackAsset parentTrack = trackAsset != null ? (trackAsset.parent as TrackAsset) : null; if (trackAsset != null && parentTrack != null && selectedRows.Contains(parentTrack)) { parentItem = CreateItem(parentTrack, ref tree, selectedRows, parentTreeViewItem); } int theDepth = -1; if (parentItem != null) { theDepth = parentItem.depth; } theDepth++; TimelineTrackBaseGUI newItem; if (trackAsset == null) { PlayableAsset parent = m_TimelineWindow.state.editSequence.asset; if (parentItem != null && parentItem.track != null) { parent = parentItem.track; } newItem = new TimelineTrackErrorGUI(m_TreeView, m_ParentGUI, 0, theDepth, parentItem, "ERROR", scriptableObject, parent); } else if (trackAsset.GetType() != typeof(GroupTrack)) { newItem = new TimelineTrackGUI(m_TreeView, m_ParentGUI, trackAsset.GetInstanceID(), theDepth, parentItem,, trackAsset); } else { newItem = new TimelineGroupGUI(m_TreeView, m_ParentGUI, trackAsset.GetInstanceID(), theDepth, parentItem,, trackAsset, false); } allTrackGuis.Add(newItem); if (parentItem != null) { if (parentItem.children == null) { parentItem.children = new List <TreeViewItem>(); } parentItem.children.Add(newItem); SetExpanded(newItem, trackAsset.GetCollapsed()); } else { m_RootItem = newItem; SetExpanded(m_RootItem, true); } if (trackAsset != null) { tree[trackAsset] = newItem; } var actorAsAnimTrack = newItem.track as AnimationTrack; bool isEditableInfiniteClip = actorAsAnimTrack != null && actorAsAnimTrack.ShouldShowInfiniteClipEditor(); if (isEditableInfiniteClip) { if (newItem.children == null) { newItem.children = new List <TreeViewItem>(); } } else if (trackAsset != null) { // check if clips on this track have animation, if so we inline a animationEditorTrack bool clipHasAnimatableAnimationCurves = false; for (var i = 0; i != newItem.track.clips.Length; ++i) { var curveClip = newItem.track.clips[i].curves; var animationClip = newItem.track.clips[i].animationClip; // prune out clip with zero curves if (curveClip != null && curveClip.empty) { curveClip = null; } if (animationClip != null && animationClip.empty) { animationClip = null; } // prune out clips coming from FBX if (animationClip != null && ((animationClip.hideFlags & HideFlags.NotEditable) != 0)) { animationClip = null; } if (!newItem.track.clips[i].recordable) { animationClip = null; } clipHasAnimatableAnimationCurves = (curveClip != null) || (animationClip != null); if (clipHasAnimatableAnimationCurves) { break; } } if (clipHasAnimatableAnimationCurves) { if (newItem.children == null) { newItem.children = new List <TreeViewItem>(); } } } if (trackAsset != null) { // Here we are using the internal subTrackObject so we can properly handle tracks whose script // can't load (via ScriptableObject) foreach (var subTrack in trackAsset.subTracksObjects) { CreateItem(subTrack, ref tree, selectedRows, newItem); } } return(newItem); }
private TimelineGroupGUI CreateItem(TrackAsset a, ref Dictionary <TrackAsset, TimelineGroupGUI> tree, List <TrackAsset> selectedRows, TreeViewItem parentTreeViewItem) { TimelineGroupGUI result; if (a == null) { result = null; } else { if (tree == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tree"); } if (selectedRows == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("selectedRows"); } if (tree.ContainsKey(a)) { result = tree[a]; } else { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = parentTreeViewItem as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; if (selectedRows.Contains(a.parent as TrackAsset)) { timelineTrackBaseGUI = this.CreateItem(a.parent as TrackAsset, ref tree, selectedRows, parentTreeViewItem); } int num = -1; if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { num = timelineTrackBaseGUI.get_depth(); } num++; TimelineGroupGUI timelineGroupGUI; if (a.GetType() != TimelineHelpers.GroupTrackType.trackType) { timelineGroupGUI = new TimelineTrackGUI(this.m_TreeView, this.m_ParentGUI, a.GetInstanceID(), num, timelineTrackBaseGUI, a.get_name(), a); } else { timelineGroupGUI = new TimelineGroupGUI(this.m_TreeView, this.m_ParentGUI, a.GetInstanceID(), num, timelineTrackBaseGUI, a.get_name(), a, false); } this.allTrackGuis.Add(timelineGroupGUI); if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { if (timelineTrackBaseGUI.get_children() == null) { timelineTrackBaseGUI.set_children(new List <TreeViewItem>()); } timelineTrackBaseGUI.get_children().Add(timelineGroupGUI); } else { this.m_RootItem = timelineGroupGUI; this.SetExpanded(this.m_RootItem, true); } tree[a] = timelineGroupGUI; AnimationTrack animationTrack = timelineGroupGUI.track as AnimationTrack; bool flag = animationTrack != null && animationTrack.ShouldShowInfiniteClipEditor(); if (flag) { if (timelineGroupGUI.get_children() == null) { timelineGroupGUI.set_children(new List <TreeViewItem>()); } } else { bool flag2 = false; for (int num2 = 0; num2 != timelineGroupGUI.track.clips.Length; num2++) { AnimationClip animationClip = timelineGroupGUI.track.clips[num2].curves; AnimationClip animationClip2 = timelineGroupGUI.track.clips[num2].animationClip; if (animationClip != null && animationClip.get_empty()) { animationClip = null; } if (animationClip2 != null && animationClip2.get_empty()) { animationClip2 = null; } if (animationClip2 != null && (animationClip2.get_hideFlags() & 8) != null) { animationClip2 = null; } if (!timelineGroupGUI.track.clips[num2].recordable) { animationClip2 = null; } flag2 = (animationClip != null || animationClip2 != null); if (flag2) { break; } } if (flag2) { if (timelineGroupGUI.get_children() == null) { timelineGroupGUI.set_children(new List <TreeViewItem>()); } } } if (a.subTracks != null) { for (int i = 0; i < a.subTracks.Count; i++) { this.CreateItem(a.subTracks[i], ref tree, selectedRows, timelineGroupGUI); } } result = timelineGroupGUI; } } return(result); }
public void CalculateRowRects() { if (m_TreeView.isSearching) { return; } const float startY = 6.0f; IList <TreeViewItem> rows =; m_RowRects = new List <Rect>(rows.Count); m_ExpandedRowRects = new List <Rect>(rows.Count); float curY = startY; m_MaxWidthOfRows = 1f; // first pass compute the row rects for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; ++i) { var item = rows[i]; if (i != 0) { curY += GetSpacing(item); } Vector2 rowSize = GetSizeOfRow(item); m_RowRects.Add(new Rect(0, curY, rowSize.x, rowSize.y)); m_ExpandedRowRects.Add(m_RowRects[i]); curY += rowSize.y; if (rowSize.x > m_MaxWidthOfRows) { m_MaxWidthOfRows = rowSize.x; } // updated the expanded state var groupGUI = item as TimelineGroupGUI; if (groupGUI != null) { groupGUI.SetExpanded(; } } float halfHeight = halfDropBetweenHeight; const float kGroupPad = 1.0f; const float kSkinPadding = 5.0f * 0.6f; // work bottom up and compute visible regions for groups for (int i = rows.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { float height = 0; TimelineTrackBaseGUI item = (TimelineTrackBaseGUI)rows[i]; if (item.isExpanded && item.children != null && item.children.Count > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < item.children.Count; j++) { var child = item.children[j]; int index = rows.IndexOf(child); if (index > i) { height += m_ExpandedRowRects[index].height + kSkinPadding; } } height += kGroupPad; } m_ExpandedRowRects[i] = new Rect(m_RowRects[i].x, m_RowRects[i].y, m_RowRects[i].width, m_RowRects[i].height + height); var groupGUI = item as TimelineGroupGUI; if (groupGUI != null) { var spacing = GetSpacing(item) + 1; groupGUI.expandedRect = m_ExpandedRowRects[i]; groupGUI.rowRect = m_RowRects[i]; groupGUI.dropRect = new Rect(m_RowRects[i].x, m_RowRects[i].y - spacing, m_RowRects[i].width, m_RowRects[i].height + Mathf.Max(halfHeight, spacing)); } } }