private void UpdateTexture() { // create preview RT here and keep until the next Repaint if (m_previewRT != null) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(m_previewRT); } NoiseSettings noiseSettings = m_serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings; m_previewRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.previewFormat); RenderTexture tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat); RenderTexture prevActive =; NoiseUtils.Blit2D(noiseSettings, tempRT); NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(tempRT, m_previewRT); = prevActive; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tempRT); m_image.image = m_previewRT; }
private void Export2D() { Texture2D texture = null; try { string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export Noise To Texture2D", Application.dataPath, "New Noise Texture2D.png", "png"); if (!path.StartsWith(Application.dataPath)) { Debug.LogError("You must specificy a path in your project's Assets folder to export a Noise Texture"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Exporting Noise to Texture2D", "Making some noise...", 0.1f); texture = NoiseUtils.BakeToTexture2D(m_noise, dims2D.x, dims2D.y, m_format, TextureCreationFlags.None); byte[] bytes = ImageConversion.EncodeToPNG(texture); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); Texture2D.DestroyImmediate(texture); texture = null; string assetPath = path.Remove(0, Application.dataPath.Length - "Assets".Length); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(assetPath); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(texture); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); if (texture != null) { Texture2D.DestroyImmediate(texture); } Debug.Log("Exception caught"); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }
private void Export3D() { Texture3D texture = null; var textureDims = m_exportDims3D.value; var textureFormat = m_exportFormat.value; try { string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export Noise To Texture3D", Application.dataPath, "New Noise Texture3D.asset", "asset"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } if (!path.StartsWith(Application.dataPath)) { Debug.LogError("You must specificy a path in your project's Assets folder to export a Noise Texture"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && path.StartsWith(Application.dataPath)) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Exporting Noise to Texture3D", "Making some noise...", 0.1f); texture = NoiseUtils.BakeToTexture3D(m_noiseUpdateTarget, textureDims.x, textureDims.y, textureDims.z, textureFormat, TextureCreationFlags.None); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(texture, path.Remove(0, Application.dataPath.Length - "Assets".Length)); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(texture); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); if (texture != null) { Texture2D.DestroyImmediate(texture); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }
protected override void OnEval(FilterContext fc, RenderTexture sourceRenderTexture, RenderTexture destinationRenderTexture) { if (m_noiseSettings == null) { m_noiseSettings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <NoiseSettings>(); } m_noiseSettings.useTextureForPositions = m_useHeightmap; if (m_useHeightmap) { m_noiseSettings.positionTexture = fc.rtHandleCollection[FilterContext.Keywords.Heightmap]; } Vector3 brushPosWS = fc.brushPos - m_lastBrushPosition; brushPosWS.y = 0; m_lastBrushPosition = fc.brushPos; float brushSize = fc.brushSize; float brushRotation = fc.brushRotation - m_lastRotation; m_lastRotation = fc.brushRotation; // TODO(wyatt): remove magic number and tie it into NoiseSettingsGUI preview size somehow float previewSize = 1 / 512f; // get proper noise material from current noise settings NoiseSettings noiseSettings = m_noiseSettings; Material mat = NoiseUtils.GetDefaultBlitMaterial(noiseSettings); // setup the noise material with values in noise settings noiseSettings.SetupMaterial(mat); // change pos and scale so they match the noiseSettings preview bool isWorldSpace = false == m_isLocalSpace; brushSize = isWorldSpace ? brushSize * previewSize : 1; brushPosWS = isWorldSpace ? brushPosWS * previewSize :; // compensate for the difference between the size of the rotated brush and the square noise RT var brushTransform = GetBrushTransform(fc); var scaleMultiplier = new Vector2( 1.0f / (fc.brushSize / brushTransform.GetBrushXYBounds().width), 1.0f / (fc.brushSize / brushTransform.GetBrushXYBounds().height)); Quaternion rotQ = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-brushRotation, Vector3.up); // accumulate transformation delta m_noiseToWorld *= Matrix4x4.TRS(brushPosWS, rotQ,; mat.SetMatrix(NoiseSettings.ShaderStrings.transform, noiseSettings.trs * m_noiseToWorld * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(scaleMultiplier.x, 1.0f, scaleMultiplier.y) * brushSize)); int pass = NoiseUtils.kNumBlitPasses * NoiseLib.GetNoiseIndex(noiseSettings.domainSettings.noiseTypeName); var desc = destinationRenderTexture.descriptor; desc.graphicsFormat = NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat; desc.sRGB = false; RTHandle rt = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(desc); Graphics.Blit(sourceRenderTexture, rt, mat, pass); Material blendMat = FilterUtility.blendModesMaterial; blendMat.SetTexture("_BlendTex", rt); Graphics.Blit(sourceRenderTexture, destinationRenderTexture, blendMat, 1); RTUtils.Release(rt); }
/// <summary> /// Renders an interactive Noise Preview along with tooltip icons and an optional Export button that opens a new ExportNoiseWindow. /// A background image is also rendered behind the preview that takes up the entire width of the EditorWindow currently being drawn. /// </summary> /// <param name = "minSize"> Minimum size for the Preview </param> /// <param name = "showExportButton"> Whether or not to render the Export button </param> public void DrawPreviewTexture(float minSize, bool showExportButton = true) { // Draw label with tooltip GUILayout.Label(Styles.noisePreview); float padding = 4f; float iconWidth = 40f; int size = (int)Mathf.Min(minSize, EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth); Rect totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth, size + padding * 2); // extra pixels for highlight border Color prev = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(.15f, .15f, .15f, 1f); GUI.DrawTexture(totalRect, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, false); GUI.color = Color.white; // draw info icon // if(totalRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Rect infoIconRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + padding, totalRect.y + padding, iconWidth, iconWidth); GUI.Label(infoIconRect, Styles.infoIcon); // GUI.Label( infoIconRect, Styles.noiseTooltip ); } // draw export button float buttonWidth =; float buttonHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; Rect exportRect = new Rect(totalRect.xMax - buttonWidth - padding, totalRect.yMax - buttonHeight - padding, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(exportRect, Styles.export)) { serializedNoise.ApplyModifiedProperties(); serializedNoise.Update(); ExportNoiseWindow.ShowWindow(serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings); } float safeSpace = Mathf.Max(iconWidth * 2, buttonWidth * 2) + padding * 4; float minWidth = Mathf.Min(size, totalRect.width - safeSpace); Rect previewRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + totalRect.width / 2 - minWidth / 2, totalRect.y + totalRect.height / 2 - minWidth / 2, minWidth, minWidth); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(previewRect, MouseCursor.Pan); if (previewRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { serializedNoise.Update(); HandlePreviewTextureInput(previewRect); serializedNoise.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { RenderTexture prevActive =; // create preview RT here and keep until the next Repaint var previewRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.previewFormat); NoiseSettings noiseSettings = serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings; RenderTexture tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat); NoiseUtils.Blit2D(noiseSettings, tempRT); NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(tempRT, previewRT); = prevActive; GUI.DrawTexture(previewRect, previewRT, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, false); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tempRT); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(previewRT); } GUI.color = prev; }
private void ApplyBrushInternal(Terrain terrain, PaintContext ctx, BrushTransform brushXform, Vector3 brushPosWS, float brushRotation, float brushStrength, float brushSize, Texture brushTexture) { var prevRT =; var brushPositionOffset = brushPosWS - m_lastBrushPosition; m_lastBrushPosition = brushPosWS; brushPositionOffset.y = 0; var rotationDelta = brushRotation - m_lastRotation; m_lastRotation = brushRotation; //blit steps //1. blit noise to intermediate RT, this includes all the noise transformations and filters, //using the appropriate noise material. do this with NoiseUtils.Blit2D? //2. use that noise texture and mult it with brushmask to paint height on terrain // TODO(wyatt): remove magic number and tie it into NoiseSettingsGUI preview size somehow float previewSize = 1 / 512f; // get proper noise material from current noise settings NoiseSettings noiseSettings = this.noiseSettings; Material matNoise = NoiseUtils.GetDefaultBlitMaterial(noiseSettings); // setup the noise material with values in noise settings noiseSettings.SetupMaterial(matNoise); // change pos and scale so they match the noiseSettings preview bool isWorldSpace = (m_toolSettings.coordSpace == CoordinateSpace.World); brushSize = isWorldSpace ? brushSize * previewSize : 1; brushPositionOffset = isWorldSpace ? brushPositionOffset * previewSize :; var brushTransform = NoiseFilter.GetBrushTransform(rotationDelta, brushSize); var scaleMultiplier = new Vector2( 1.0f / (brushSize / brushTransform.GetBrushXYBounds().width), 1.0f / (brushSize / brushTransform.GetBrushXYBounds().height)); // // override noise transform Quaternion rotQ = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-rotationDelta, Vector3.up); // accumulate transformation delta m_noiseToWorld *= Matrix4x4.TRS(brushPositionOffset, rotQ,; matNoise.SetMatrix(NoiseSettings.ShaderStrings.transform, noiseSettings.trs * m_noiseToWorld * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(scaleMultiplier.x, 1.0f, scaleMultiplier.y) * brushSize)); var noisePass = NoiseUtils.kNumBlitPasses * NoiseLib.GetNoiseIndex(noiseSettings.domainSettings.noiseTypeName); // render the noise field to a texture // TODO(wyatt): Handle the 3D case. Would need to blit to Volume Texture var rtDesc = ctx.destinationRenderTexture.descriptor; rtDesc.graphicsFormat = NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat; rtDesc.sRGB = false; var noiseRT = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(rtDesc); = noiseRT; // keep this Graphics.Blit(noiseRT, matNoise, noisePass); // then add the result to the heightmap using the noise height tool shader Material matFinal = paintMaterial; var brushMask = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(ctx.sourceRenderTexture.width, ctx.sourceRenderTexture.height, 0, FilterUtility.defaultFormat); Utility.SetFilterRT(commonUI, ctx.sourceRenderTexture, brushMask, matFinal); TerrainPaintUtility.SetupTerrainToolMaterialProperties(ctx, brushXform, matFinal); // set brush params Vector4 brushParams = new Vector4(0.01f * brushStrength, 0.0f, brushSize, 1 / brushSize); matFinal.SetVector("_BrushParams", brushParams); matFinal.SetTexture("_BrushTex", brushTexture); matFinal.SetTexture("_NoiseTex", noiseRT); matFinal.SetVector("_WorldHeightRemap", m_toolSettings.worldHeightRemap); Graphics.Blit(ctx.sourceRenderTexture, ctx.destinationRenderTexture, matFinal, 0); RTUtils.Release(noiseRT); RTUtils.Release(brushMask); = prevRT; }
private void ApplyBrushInternal(Terrain terrain, PaintContext ctx, BrushTransform brushTransform) { Init(); m_rtCollection.ReleaseRTHandles(); m_rtCollection.GatherRTHandles(ctx.sourceRenderTexture.width, ctx.sourceRenderTexture.height, 16); Graphics.Blit(ctx.sourceRenderTexture, m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.sourceHeight]); Material mat = GetMaterial(); var brushMask = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(ctx.sourceRenderTexture.width, ctx.sourceRenderTexture.height, 0, FilterUtility.defaultFormat); Utility.SetFilterRT(commonUI, ctx.sourceRenderTexture, brushMask, mat); Matrix4x4 toolMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, toolSettings.rotation, toolSettings.scale); Bounds modelBounds = activeMesh.bounds; float maxModelScale = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(modelBounds.size.x, modelBounds.size.y), modelBounds.size.z); // maxModelScale *= Mathf.Sqrt( 2 + maxModelScale * maxModelScale / 4 ) * .5f; // mult so the mesh fits a little better within the camera / stamp texture bounds // maxModelScale /= 1.414f; float x = .5f; float y = .5f; float xy = Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); float z = .5f; float xyz = Mathf.Sqrt(xy * xy + z * z); maxModelScale *= xyz; // build the model matrix to transform the mesh with. we want to scale it to fit in the brush bounds and also center it in the brush bounds Matrix4x4 model = toolMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale( / maxModelScale) * Matrix4x4.Translate(; // get the world bounds here so we can calculate the needed offset along the up axis // Bounds worldBounds = MeshUtility.TransformBounds( model, activeMesh.bounds ); // float localHeightOffset = Mathf.Min( worldBounds.extents.y, toolSettings.stampHeight / brushUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y * .5f ); // Matrix4x4 localHeightOffsetMatrix = Matrix4x4.Translate( Vector3.up * localHeightOffset ); // apply the local height offset // model = localHeightOffsetMatrix * model; Vector3 translate = Vector3.up * (toolSettings.stampHeight) / commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y; // translate = translate / brushUI.brushStrength * .5f; model = Matrix4x4.Translate(translate) * model; // actually render the mesh to texture to be used with the tool shader MeshUtils.RenderTopdownProjection(activeMesh, model, m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStamp], MeshUtils.defaultProjectionMaterial, MeshUtils.ShaderPass.Height); // this doesn't actually apply any noise to the destination RT but will color the destination RT based on whether the fragment values are (+) or (-) NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStamp], m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStampPreview]); // generate a mask for the mesh to be used in the compositing shader MeshUtils.RenderTopdownProjection(activeMesh, model, m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStampMask], MeshUtils.defaultProjectionMaterial, MeshUtils.ShaderPass.Mask); // perform actual composite of mesh stamp and terrain source heightmap float brushStrength = Event.current.control ? -commonUI.brushStrength : commonUI.brushStrength; Vector4 brushParams = new Vector4(brushStrength, toolSettings.blendAmount, (commonUI.raycastHitUnderCursor.point.y - commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.GetPosition().y) / commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y * .5f, toolSettings.stampHeight / commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y * .5f); mat.SetVector("_BrushParams", brushParams); mat.SetTexture("_MeshStampTex", m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStamp]); mat.SetTexture("_MeshMaskTex", m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStampMask]); mat.SetFloat("_TerrainHeight", commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y); TerrainPaintUtility.SetupTerrainToolMaterialProperties(ctx, brushTransform, mat); Graphics.Blit(ctx.sourceRenderTexture, ctx.destinationRenderTexture, mat, 0); Graphics.Blit(ctx.destinationRenderTexture, m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.combinedHeight]); // restore old render target = ctx.oldRenderTexture; RTUtils.Release(brushMask); }