public void EditEvents(GameObject gameObject, AnimationClip clip, bool[] selectedIndices) { List <AnimationWindowEvent> awEvents = new List <AnimationWindowEvent>(); for (int index = 0; index < selectedIndices.Length; ++index) { if (selectedIndices[index]) { awEvents.Add(AnimationWindowEvent.Edit(gameObject, clip, index)); } } if (awEvents.Count > 0) { Selection.objects = awEvents.ToArray(); } else { ClearSelection(); } }
private static AnimationWindowEventData GetData(AnimationWindowEvent[] awEvents) { var data = new AnimationWindowEventData(); if (awEvents.Length == 0) { return(data); } AnimationWindowEvent firstAwEvent = awEvents[0]; data.root = firstAwEvent.root; data.clip = firstAwEvent.clip; data.clipInfo = firstAwEvent.clipInfo; if (data.clip != null) { = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(data.clip); } else if (data.clipInfo != null) { = data.clipInfo.GetEvents(); } if ( != null) { List <AnimationEvent> selectedEvents = new List <AnimationEvent>(); foreach (var awEvent in awEvents) { if (awEvent.eventIndex >= 0 && awEvent.eventIndex < { selectedEvents.Add([awEvent.eventIndex]); } } data.selectedEvents = selectedEvents.ToArray(); } return(data); }
static public AnimationWindowEvent CreateAndEdit(GameObject root, AnimationClip clip, float time) { AnimationEvent animationEvent = new AnimationEvent(); animationEvent.time = time; // Or add a new one AnimationEvent[] events = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(clip); int eventIndex = InsertAnimationEvent(ref events, clip, animationEvent); AnimationWindowEvent animationWindowEvent = CreateInstance <AnimationWindowEvent>(); animationWindowEvent.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; = "Animation Event"; animationWindowEvent.root = root; animationWindowEvent.clip = clip; animationWindowEvent.clipInfo = null; animationWindowEvent.eventIndex = eventIndex; return(animationWindowEvent); }
static void ResetValues(MenuCommand command) { AnimationWindowEvent awEvent = command.context as AnimationWindowEvent; AnimationWindowEvent[] awEvents = new AnimationWindowEvent[] { awEvent }; AnimationWindowEventData data = GetData(awEvents); if ( == null || data.selectedEvents == null || data.selectedEvents.Length == 0) { return; } foreach (var evt in data.selectedEvents) { evt.functionName = ""; evt.stringParameter = string.Empty; evt.floatParameter = 0f; evt.intParameter = 0; evt.objectReferenceParameter = null; } SetData(awEvents, data); }
public static void OnEditAnimationEvent(AnimationWindowEvent awe) { OnEditAnimationEvents(new AnimationWindowEvent[] { awe }); }
public void EditEvent(GameObject gameObject, AnimationClip clip, int index) { AnimationWindowEvent awEvent = AnimationWindowEvent.Edit(gameObject, clip, index); Selection.activeObject = awEvent; }
public void AddEvent(float time, GameObject gameObject, AnimationClip animationClip) { AnimationWindowEvent awEvent = AnimationWindowEvent.CreateAndEdit(gameObject, animationClip, time); Selection.activeObject = awEvent; }
public void EventLineGUI(Rect rect, AnimationWindowState state) { // We only display and manipulate animation events from the main // game object in selection. If we ever want to update to handle // a multiple selection, a single timeline might not be sufficient... AnimationClip clip = state.activeAnimationClip; GameObject animated = state.activeRootGameObject; GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Color backupCol = GUI.color; Rect eventLineRect = new Rect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); float mousePosTime = Mathf.Max(Mathf.RoundToInt(state.PixelToTime(Event.current.mousePosition.x, rect) * state.frameRate) / state.frameRate, 0.0f); // Draw events if (clip != null) { AnimationEvent[] events = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(clip); Texture eventMarker = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.EventMarker").image; // Calculate rects Rect[] hitRects = new Rect[events.Length]; Rect[] drawRects = new Rect[events.Length]; int shared = 1; int sharedLeft = 0; for (int i = 0; i < events.Length; i++) { AnimationEvent evt = events[i]; if (sharedLeft == 0) { shared = 1; while (i + shared < events.Length && events[i + shared].time == evt.time) { shared++; } sharedLeft = shared; } sharedLeft--; // Important to take floor of positions of GUI stuff to get pixel correct alignment of // stuff drawn with both GUI and Handles/GL. Otherwise things are off by one pixel half the time. float keypos = Mathf.Floor(state.FrameToPixel(evt.time * clip.frameRate, rect)); int sharedOffset = 0; if (shared > 1) { float spread = Mathf.Min((shared - 1) * (eventMarker.width - 1), (int)(state.FrameDeltaToPixel(rect) - eventMarker.width * 2)); sharedOffset = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Max(0, spread - (eventMarker.width - 1) * (sharedLeft))); } Rect r = new Rect( keypos + sharedOffset - eventMarker.width / 2, (rect.height - 10) * (float)(sharedLeft - shared + 1) / Mathf.Max(1, shared - 1), eventMarker.width, eventMarker.height); hitRects[i] = r; drawRects[i] = r; } // Store tooptip info if (m_DirtyTooltip) { if (m_HoverEvent >= 0 && m_HoverEvent < hitRects.Length) { m_InstantTooltipText = AnimationWindowEventInspector.FormatEvent(animated, events[m_HoverEvent]); m_InstantTooltipPoint = new Vector2(hitRects[m_HoverEvent].xMin + (int)(hitRects[m_HoverEvent].width / 2) + rect.x - 30, rect.yMax); } m_DirtyTooltip = false; } bool[] selectedEvents = new bool[events.Length]; Object[] selectedObjects = Selection.objects; foreach (Object selectedObject in selectedObjects) { AnimationWindowEvent awe = selectedObject as AnimationWindowEvent; if (awe != null) { if (awe.eventIndex >= 0 && awe.eventIndex < selectedEvents.Length) { selectedEvents[awe.eventIndex] = true; } } } Vector2 offset =; int clickedIndex; float startSelection, endSelection; // TODO: GUIStyle.none has hopping margins that need to be fixed HighLevelEvent hEvent = EditorGUIExt.MultiSelection( rect, drawRects, new GUIContent(eventMarker), hitRects, ref selectedEvents, null, out clickedIndex, out offset, out startSelection, out endSelection, GUIStyle.none ); if (hEvent != HighLevelEvent.None) { switch (hEvent) { case HighLevelEvent.BeginDrag: m_EventsAtMouseDown = events; m_EventTimes = new float[events.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < events.Length; i++) { m_EventTimes[i] = events[i].time; } break; case HighLevelEvent.SelectionChanged: state.ClearKeySelections(); EditEvents(animated, clip, selectedEvents); break; case HighLevelEvent.Delete: DeleteEvents(clip, selectedEvents); break; case HighLevelEvent.DoubleClick: if (clickedIndex != -1) { EditEvents(animated, clip, selectedEvents); } else { EventLineContextMenuAdd(new EventLineContextMenuObject(animated, clip, mousePosTime, -1, selectedEvents)); } break; case HighLevelEvent.Drag: for (int i = events.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (selectedEvents[i]) { AnimationEvent evt = m_EventsAtMouseDown[i]; evt.time = m_EventTimes[i] + offset.x * state.PixelDeltaToTime(rect); evt.time = Mathf.Max(0.0F, evt.time); evt.time = Mathf.RoundToInt(evt.time * clip.frameRate) / clip.frameRate; } } int[] order = new int[selectedEvents.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++) { order[i] = i; } System.Array.Sort(m_EventsAtMouseDown, order, new EventComparer()); bool[] selectedOld = (bool[])selectedEvents.Clone(); float[] timesOld = (float[])m_EventTimes.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++) { selectedEvents[i] = selectedOld[order[i]]; m_EventTimes[i] = timesOld[order[i]]; } // Update selection to reflect new order. EditEvents(animated, clip, selectedEvents); Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(clip, "Move Event"); AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(clip, m_EventsAtMouseDown); m_DirtyTooltip = true; break; case HighLevelEvent.ContextClick: GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); var contextData = new EventLineContextMenuObject(animated, clip, events[clickedIndex].time, clickedIndex, selectedEvents); int selectedEventsCount = selectedEvents.Count(selected => selected); menu.AddItem( EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Add Animation Event"), false, EventLineContextMenuAdd, contextData); menu.AddItem( new GUIContent(selectedEventsCount > 1 ? "Delete Animation Events" : "Delete Animation Event"), false, EventLineContextMenuDelete, contextData); menu.ShowAsContext(); // Mouse may move while context menu is open - make sure instant tooltip is handled m_InstantTooltipText = null; m_DirtyTooltip = true; state.Repaint(); break; } } CheckRectsOnMouseMove(rect, events, hitRects); // Create context menu on context click if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick && eventLineRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Event.current.Use(); // Create menu GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); var contextData = new EventLineContextMenuObject(animated, clip, mousePosTime, -1, selectedEvents); int selectedEventsCount = selectedEvents.Count(selected => selected); menu.AddItem( EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Add Animation Event"), false, EventLineContextMenuAdd, contextData); if (selectedEventsCount > 0) { menu.AddItem( new GUIContent(selectedEventsCount > 1 ? "Delete Animation Events" : "Delete Animation Event"), false, EventLineContextMenuDelete, contextData); } menu.ShowAsContext(); } } GUI.color = backupCol; GUI.EndGroup(); }