static void Gizmos_Influence(ReflectionProbe p, HDAdditionalReflectionData a, HDReflectionProbeEditor e, bool isEdit) { var col = Gizmos.color; var mat = Gizmos.matrix; Gizmos.matrix = HDReflectionProbeEditorUtility.GetLocalSpace(p); switch (a.influenceShape) { case ShapeType.Box: { Gizmos.color = k_GizmoThemeColorExtentFace; e.m_UIState.alternativeBoxInfluenceHandle.DrawHull(isEdit); break; } case ShapeType.Sphere: { Gizmos.color = k_GizmoThemeColorExtentFace; if (isEdit) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(, a.influenceSphereRadius); } else { Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(, a.influenceSphereRadius); } break; } } Gizmos.matrix = mat; Gizmos.color = col; }
static void PerformOperations(HDReflectionProbeUI s, SerializedHDReflectionProbe p, HDReflectionProbeEditor o) { }
static void Gizmos_InfluenceFade(ReflectionProbe p, HDAdditionalReflectionData a, HDReflectionProbeEditor e, InfluenceType type, bool isEdit) { var col = Gizmos.color; var mat = Gizmos.matrix; Gizmo6FacesBoxContained box; Vector3 boxCenterOffset; Vector3 boxSizeOffset; float sphereRadiusOffset; Color color; switch (type) { default: case InfluenceType.Standard: { box = e != null ? e.m_UIState.alternativeBoxBlendHandle : null; boxCenterOffset = a.boxBlendCenterOffset; boxSizeOffset = a.boxBlendSizeOffset; sphereRadiusOffset = a.sphereBlendRadiusOffset; color = isEdit ? k_GizmoThemeColorInfluenceBlendFace : k_GizmoThemeColorInfluenceBlend; break; } case InfluenceType.Normal: { box = e != null ? e.m_UIState.alternativeBoxBlendNormalHandle : null; boxCenterOffset = a.boxBlendNormalCenterOffset; boxSizeOffset = a.boxBlendNormalSizeOffset; sphereRadiusOffset = a.sphereBlendNormalRadiusOffset; color = isEdit ? k_GizmoThemeColorInfluenceNormalBlendFace : k_GizmoThemeColorInfluenceNormalBlend; break; } } Gizmos.matrix = HDReflectionProbeEditorUtility.GetLocalSpace(p); switch (a.influenceShape) { case ShapeType.Box: { Gizmos.color = color; if (e != null) // e == null may occure when editor have still not been created at selection while the tool is not used for this part { box.DrawHull(isEdit); } else { if (isEdit) { Gizmos.DrawCube( + boxCenterOffset, p.size + boxSizeOffset); } else { Gizmos.DrawWireCube( + boxCenterOffset, p.size + boxSizeOffset); } } break; } case ShapeType.Sphere: { Gizmos.color = color; if (isEdit) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(, a.influenceSphereRadius + sphereRadiusOffset); } else { Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(, a.influenceSphereRadius + sphereRadiusOffset); } break; } } Gizmos.matrix = mat; Gizmos.color = col; }